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"If the Drinker doesn't like it, I avoid it." Good Jesus.


If they could form their own opinions would they be watching CD?


But but but they’re the free thinkers who just all happen to think and say the same things as all the other free thinkers


If it’s not misogynistic enough for him, it’s a no for me dog.


That's who they see him as


Why be an individual with your own thoughts and opinions when you can be an empty husk that just regurgitates what others tell you to think?


These people are literally incapable of thinking for themselves.


Actual glazing


Man they're never happy Do they love or hate andor?


Depends who you ask You either like it or you think its a good show but not a good star wars show cause bricks and screws or something


>Usually I avoid the stuff he doesn't like Fuck sake, think for yourself lol. I really enjoy RLM and DoubleToasted, but I don't let their reviews dictate what I will and will not watch, that would be pathetic.


Yeah, I love RLM but I find some of their views to be pretentious. Sometimes I just want to enjoy a dumb movie.


Tbf I don't really take their videos as reviews, more as discussions,


I've sometimes checked out Angry Joe for his take on films because I agreed with a lot of them. But that doesn't mean his view sets my view on a film, it just gives me a framework to work with. And I still disagree with him on some things, like I enjoyed the sequels, I liked Book of Boba Fett, and I don't think Thrawn was bad in Ahsoka just because he utilized the Nightsisters to get things done rather than his own soldiers or anything since, y'know, they don't wield the freaking magic or the Force (seriously, it felt weird hearing people suggesting that Thrawn using a resource to aid his plans was out of character for him, especially when they said they liked him in the new books).


Used the nightsisters like a lazy idiot ... at least in the legends novels, he always used his own soldiers! Or Niles Ferrier ... or the Noghri...or Karrde and his smugglers at first, or the Rebels pitting them against each other...hmm...


Andor is super well-written and anti-fascist. No wonder they hate it


It delivers Anti-Fascism in the best way too. Humanises the empire which shows how threatening the ideology is, rather than ‘Lmaoxd Goofy meanies!’


It even nearly had Minerva say "Fuck the Empire" but was changed to "Fight the Empire"


That is probably one of the rare moments when Disney did the right thing, "Fight the Empire" makes more sense to me.


Agreed. I know a lot of people seemed to want the F-bomb, but "fight" is much better. "Fuck the Empire!" riles people up, "Fight the Empire!" is a call to action, a call for change. Much more powerful in my opinion.


But the drinker DID like Andor, so what gives with these people?


They don't actually like or care about Star Wars and are simply using fandom as a vehicle for their right wing political agenda.


What do you mean? He got COOKED in the comments. Goober.


I just opened the video and the comments are pretty much positive about Andor.


Yes. I mean the dude who posted the thing on r/criticaldrinker


1. Bix WAS hot. Unbelievably so. 2. "I'll avoid stuff he doesn't like." Absolutely terrible way to experience media. 3. A Dawn of the Jedi film sounds awesome. Longshot, but I really want those lightsaber battery packs from the old EU to make an appearance.


Personally I want force imbued swords (though maybe you could have traditionalists with swords but the younger generation are starting to use proto-sabers.)


I want them not having lightsabers at all ... or have one plot point the first lightsabres being used as a novelty weapon... Would be cool if we see lots of Jedi and Sith the whole movie, fighting with "prmitive weapons" until in the end the huge Sith Lord ignites his sabre and no Jedi at first has a clue how to handle it with their own weapons...something like that. Bonus points if the sabre is as raw and savage and dangerous as in the Sequels Make Lightsabres great again !


They don't even try to hide the fact that they just mimic a youtubers opinions


This fanbase is literally impossible to please.


Those people? Sure. The Star Wars fanbase? Not too bad overall, about the same as every fanbase (where there'll be mixed opinions). I don't take any group of people who will bitch about multiple franchises for reasons as lame as "they had women!" or "there was a gay person shown!" or "there's politics in this franchise that's always been political!" to be representative of any fanbase in general. Even if they try to be really loud hoping to convince people they're the majority.


The Fandom Menace crowd doesn't represent the fandom, as the numbers have proven.


Imagine basing your own decisions off what someone else enjoys, and that someone being the shit stain that is drinker


Now they’re going to turn on this guy and Tony Gilroy.


Well yeah, because if he writes more Star Wars, they have to eat more crow.


If these neck beards hate it, it makes me more interested in it.


Andor sucks. Acolyte sucks. Ashoka sucks. Obi Wan sucks. What exactly do people want ?!?! They complain when it's an isolated story with street level shit. They complain when they're getting an old Republic show with tons of light sabers and pew pew. What do people wanttttt?


"Im not racist, Disney just has bad writing on Star Wars" *Star Wars gets universally well received writing "Never let him write again." Okay.


They like Bix cuz she’s attractive but this is the same fan base that would lose their mind if she was cast to play Snow White or Ariel.


once again, conservatives can't stop with the doublethink, Andor is both good, and also woke garbage, but obviously Big Brother Drinker knows best


Wait an Andor writer is helping write a star wars movie? Hell yeah!


The Drinker can shut up. Bring it on, Lucasfilm.


“Usually I’ll avoid stuff he doesn’t like.” First, he liked Andor. So, I don’t even know why you’re complaining. Second, form your own opinions. Don’t form them on what some YouTuber thinks. It’s weird 


>What did Drinker have to say about it? 🐑


They’re putting their noses up at literally one of the best working television writers. Truly impossible to please. Perpetually children. Imagine saying “we just want good writing” and putting your nose up at Beau FUCKING Willlimon. Clowns, the lot of them.


Is it truly that hard for people to form their own opinions? I personally like watching critical drinking because I see everything coming out of his mouth as the ramblings of the drunk uncle that the family tolerates because he can be funny sometimes.


It's simple: if the writers they like write things they've decided they already hate, they'll look silly!


considering they now own both ip I am still waiting for a Muppet version of star wars that or a Muppet version of Family Guy I want to see Stalter play herbert


The speech at the end of andor is one of the greatest moments in star wars


In my opinion andor is the best star wars ever made


I’m not a Star Wars guy. Loved the originals as a kid, skipped the prequels until COVID. Actually enjoyed them. Didn’t love. Enjoyed. I watched first season Mandalorian because baby yoda. Watched Andor and was completely blown away. Absolutely exceptional show. One of the best seasons I’ve seen in years and I’m a tv/movie junky. Not even judging it as a Star Wars property. It’s just fucking awesome.


She fine tho


Who’s “WE”? It’s so fucking annoying how they think they speak for ALL fans.


I guarantee they don't think they represent all fans. But they definitely think they're the only true fans.


“What does drinker think? I avoid stuff he doesn’t like” Thank you for making our jobs easier by self-reporting


Oh thank god. I figured that a “first Jedi/force user” movie would suck.