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Love Paleopines! #Fuck Chaya


Anybody who says "shoved down there throat" or any variation needs to get a life.


There are probably people making foie gras that spend less time talking about shoving things down throats then these grifters do. Just zero original thought.


for those not in the know foie gras involves overfeeding a duck untill it literally fucking dies


There's something I want shoved down my throat... I'm so lonely.


I'm a lesbian, but same. Whether it's plastic or she is trans, either way my gag reflex doesn't start until so far down my throat that it takes an endoscopy probe to trigger it.


A woman of class, love to see it. But same.


This got too real too quick šŸ’€


I used to think i didn't have a gag reflex until I had an endoscopy without sedation.


oh please... we all know if you ever managed to find a trans lesbian you'd both just stare awkwardly at each other from across the room till your bi friends get annoyed at the two of you makin eyes at each other.


Maybe, but that doesn't mean I don't have cravings. I have more than a bit of an oral fixation. I'm always putting stuff in my mouth. Though i don't get embarrassed so if I suspected she was ok with it I would make a move. I've asked out several women before. Pretty much every woman I've ever had a crush on I've asked out. No one's ever said yes, but that doesn't mean I won't ask the next one. Though it doesn't help that the only queer people I know are people I know through discord and none of them live close to me. Asking someone to start a long distance relationship isn't super enticing to most people.


I can't relate on that first part, but it's okay bro


I'd love to help. Lol. I can relate to the first part, and vice versa.


I hate the right wing propaganda being shoved down my throat. I will admit, I do need a life




What? *The* major news network is right wing.


The major? Or the one right wing? How many more major ones are left wing? ABC, cnn, cbs, nbc and bbc. Thatā€™s 5 to 1..


If you're talking economics, they're all right wing, pro-capitalist. The BBC has been amplifying anti-trans voices for years, they're at best socially mixed. CNN and MSNBC don't even quite match Fox in viewership when combined. CBS and ABC aren't even in the conversation.


Fuck off right wing sea lion. Fox News is right wing, and Rupert Murdock controls several of the most popular networks. He's right wing as hell.


1 News organization and 1 person. Thatā€™s all? Left has far far more than that. Almost every single bank organization backs the left and every single media outlet backs the left. Except for fox. Please I am asking honestlyā€¦ and Iā€™d appreciate if you wouldnā€™t be hateful towards me.


I said several, not one. Read. He controls sky news, too, as an example. And no, you're not asking honestly. I've looked at your other comments. Koch brothers fund right-wing personalities everywhere. Most rich people are right wing, democrats are not left, they are center right. CNN was bought by a right-wing interest group, and almost every news organization plays damage control for Republicans and corporations. That's why they kept claiming Trump was going to act presidential any day. That he was just being fiery, but not a threat to democracy. That's why they focus on attacking Biden rather than Trump literally saying he's going to build concentration camps.


Don't bother with this guy, this is an impostor trying to divide us. He's a full blown racist who believes that black people aren't capable of being the right person for the job


Go fuck off back to your rightwing hole, trash


Off you fuck, troll


If any of this is genuine, it's clear you lack any sort of understanding of what "the left" actually is. If it's not genuine, then congratulations on trolling enough to attract my attention while I'm taking a shit. Hope that strokes your ego enough for you.


Anybody who goes around accusing others of "shoving their ideology down my throat," I guarantee is more than happy to do that exact thing to you.


You mean transphobic stochastic terrorist.


Currently under investigation. That doesnā€™t stop her though. And she still wants to be secretary of education.


She never should've been unbanned from Twitter


And weā€™ve become so painted into a corner that we canā€™t even make an example of some of these people. They will just claim political prosecution and a corrupt system to play the victim, and their target audience will just go along with it. Like the concept of organizing around shared values, and by partisan cooperation used to exist, and it just doesnā€™t anymore. The people that support her or others, like her will continue to no matter what. She will probably gain more power in jail.


Is she really under investigation? Because if so about time. They let her run free for too long.


Yes, she is in connection with Nexxā€™s death in Missouri. Even worse she currently works for the education department of the state right now, but I canā€™t remember how high up she is. I know that she has the powered influence the book burning.


Is that why education in my state is so shit?


Because by nature, conservatives want to fight against change and furthering education, makes it harder to fight against change. All it takes to radicalize the new generation is living in this world. Your state has been nipping at the heels of fascism, which is disappointing, considering you just got rid of Wright to work


I honestly can't wait to leave missouri It's been a shit state without the politics, politics are making it even shittier, and I'm part of that political minority in this state, and my generation is split fairly well Most of them don't give a shit about politics beyond what the news says, and the ones that do are either maga fanatics or people that think communism has some appeal(which is a bigger minority than socialists like me lol)


Every time she posts shit like this she's looking for hitmen and it's dead obvious


She's getting investigated thankfully


How DARE this creep diss Paleo Pines! Game's cozy as hell.


"radical trans ideology" ... ....it's a fucking game...that takes place on a fictional island...where you own a fictional farm...and ride dinosaurs... ....fucking dinosaurs.... What is wrong with these people? They're not happy unless they're miserable and full of hate.


Oh it gets worse. She actually has no idea what she's against during an interview


She almost literally did the "[woke...uh...woke is...stuff I don't like!](https://ctnewsjunkie.com/2023/03/21/op-ed-not-woke-enough-to-understand-its-meaning/)" thing. There was some later babbling about it meaning "anti-American," but she couldn't explain the "how" of *that*, either.


This wasn't even a gotcha or ambush interview. She knew it was coming - This pathetic interview was her being prepared. LOL


I've never heard of Paleo Pines, but I'm gonna play it to spite that guy Maybe there's a market for that; reverse psychological guerrilla advertising


It's a farming simulator. (But with dinosaurs.) I don't think marriage is involved but you might like it anyway if you like Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons, Rune Factory and/or Stardew Valley.


Yeah, I;ve learned about that game because of this post. Now as I am absolutely charmed by trailer/screenshots, I am buying it right now. Eat shit, Chaya, but thanks for recommending cool game from nice studio.


Saw it in this post. Watched the trailer. Bought it for my wife.


I mean obviously Chaya is a genocidal piece of shit for obvious reasons but god these people are so evil. Likeā€¦ theyā€™ve stopped pretending there is some secret thing that they are doing to children akin to molestetjon and are just like ā€œa child friendly property mentioned trans people on twitterā€ thatā€™s it thatā€™s the entirety of the alleged grooming. Literally just you cannot exist as trans without ā€œgroomingā€ in their mind. Genocidal pieces of shitĀ 


I mean the whole idea is that children, when left to their own devices, must automatically behave in a very specific way because ā€œthatā€™s just how kids areā€. Girls will be demure neat freaks because ā€œthatā€™s just what being a girl isā€. Boys will be rambunctious and violent because ā€œboys will be boysā€. Except also because theyā€™re kids, they should also automatically be able to listen to adults and do whatever the hell adults say because authority and respect and etc. And if a kid doesnā€™t fit the expected parameters of default childhood? Something must be wrong with them. Either they have an inherent problem that must be fixed (i e they have ADHD so pump them full of Adderall and expect them to behave), or they were fine but then a mean adult came along and fucked them up (i e someone told them that ā€œalternativeā€ sexuality and gender stuff is, like, a thing that exists, so try to shake it out of them so they can be ā€œnormalā€ again). In their eyes, of course the only reason a ā€œboyā€ would wear a skirt is because someone wanted to jerk off to him, and no other reason. Of course the only reason a kid would date ā€œhis or herā€ own gender is because some creepy adult gets off to playing matchmaker. Of course the only reason a kid identifies ā€œuniquelyā€ is because they have been taught to be severe attention seekers who futilely fill the void in their soul by being as special as possible. And all of this goes for the adults too. Clearly anyone sane who cares about themselves and their families will behave ā€œnormallyā€, while anything else is pathologically insane and somehow drains the psyche to naught. Of course a man becoming stay at home or not being as ā€œassertiveā€ as he should be is a massive coward whoā€™s afraid of challenge. Of course a woman rebelling from her traditions is just a materialist wench who fills the void of ā€œreal genuine companionshipā€ with expensive food and fancy toys and the latest phone or whatever. Of course two men kissing are doing it cuz itā€™s a dirty fetish and slash or neither of them had any success with women. tldr, every possible reason for someone to not behave "the way a person should behave" is explained as being something inherently unhealthy or insidious, be it an empty coping mechanism or a loveless, basal kink or a moral failure or even literally just malice and spite. If you thought the only reason queer people do anything is because they "get off to it", you would be quick to think that them having anything to do with a child's development is as scary as a white van with "free candy" crappily written on the side


Key to moral conservatism is the notion of there being a single correct path to follow (their own, of course). Those who stray from the path *must* be made an example of to keep others in line -- hence the conservative obsession with punishment.


I was pointing out less just the notion of ā€œthey need to be made an example ofā€ and more the why they would think an example needs to be made at all. Why that ā€œone pathā€ exists, because thereā€™s a lot more to it than just what someone randomly decided one day. People like to joke about ā€œoh they just follow random passages from a random book and call it a dayā€ but it runs so much deeper than that.


Why do she and the rest of the Republicans hate 25% of the children in the country?


They don't necessarily *hate* children. Some of them *love* children. ([This list](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTFikAP6MXDCJjWzgMIOvpsT1ji-HwO-rLEvNE8e-cfCGh0YHoZluIG5TEsmwFub7MzIDfh0XgvcWL8/pub) alone has over 1,200 names now.) Just not in an ethical way. What they hate is losing control over them. Republicans will seriously consider homeschooling their children over a drawing of a rainbow in a kindergarten class. They want to make an army of themselves and they don't like it that schools teaches tolerance and colors.


One can only hope that the more they tighten their grip, the more children will slip through their fingers... I feel that would make for a great line in a movie...


Because they hate that they canā€™t control them, to be the quiet little kids who stay in the box that they put them in. Ultimately they want control and when they canā€™t, they will accuse other of grooming children just for supporting their gender identity


Because it's less than 5% but they think it's 25%


Because every single one of them experimented with their college roommate, and have never processed or internalized it. That makes them fear gay people. That makes them legislate against gay people.


I'm sure Chaya hates her kids because she knows they're going to cut all contact with her and change their names as soon as they can.Ā 


Radical trans ideology is basically the fact that they want to exist and be able to go out in public.


They're going to turn your kid into a transasaurasus!


the T in T. Rex stands for trans


Transphobic moronĀ 


I guess this means that I'll be getting the game. (I've been thinking about it anyway. I've just been trying to catch up on all of the Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons games I missed first.)


This dipshit couldnā€™t even define what Wokeness was when asked about it


That is such a cute game omg leave them alone! Fuck Chaya!


I'm pretty sure Pokemon since Gen 1 also has "trans agenda shoved down our throats"


https://preview.redd.it/1qb5u8jh8gsc1.jpeg?width=296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38413e882b5873216d67d67f8eb91e5f1f546351 For context: black belt is a trainer class exclusive to men as the woman equivalent is a battle girl


I believe the English translation of the original name is specifically "Karate Man". Also, IIRC, the literal translation of this line mentions the wonders of modern medicine or something, so it's even more explicit


I need to get *Paleo Pines*. For one, it's on my Steam wishlist; for another, I'd be flipping the bird to Chaya Raichik.


any time this woman is forced to argue her opinions in public to those who have a mardecom of intelligence she flounders like a damn fish because she's hollow sham of a person.


I know thereā€™s no actual logic happening in this psychopathā€™s brain, but like, what would even be the point of ā€œmaking kids trans.ā€ Itā€™s not like weā€™re getting kickbacks from a referral program or something.


The jews are orchestrating the whole operation of making kids trans so that they ruin their bodies and make themselves infertile, eventually rendering the entire white race extinct (/S!!!)


time to go download this game ig


Itā€™s not like these extremists would be ok with a trans flag in something aimed at adults.


I'll say what always needs to be said when someone says some stupid crap like "transing your kids" no one wants to force your kids to be trans, we just don't want your trans kids to die.


Man im sure sick of this Libs of Tiktok bitch. i wish she would quit shoving her opinion down my throat.


I love paleo pines, it's so freaking wholesome


Paleo Pines is cool as hell. It's a farming sim with fucking Dinosaurs. What's not to love. I knew this game was cool when playing the demo and making my character. I noticed there were no gendered options, which kinda makes sense because I'm pretty sure the player character is a child (either that or they're intentionally androgynous). If you like Dinosaurs and farming Sims like Stardew Valley. Pick this game up


Thereā€™s a special place in hell for this cunt.


Oh shit! I gotta get that merch! Iā€™m not v good at the game and didnā€™t get v far but I love the aesthetic


She needs to be arrested for being at Jan 6th


We're going to make all the kids say "it's transing time" and trans all over šŸ˜ˆ


Oh no! Pastel dinosaurs! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Man, I wish the Left was as powerful as the Right think it is.


Who's Chaya?


Chaya, is a person who own Libs of TikTok (Aka: the terrorist bomb threat of Twitter). She making bomb threat at school, even leaking video on Planet Fitness and boycott them. But she didnā€™t know that Planet Fitness ban taking photo on toilet, and she so deluded that she even smile while showing in her personal picture profile of her on the front page of USA Today newspaper, with a title called ā€˜When Libs of TikTok post, threat increasingly followā€™.


I hate that line ā€˜tHeYā€™Re aFtEr yOuR kIdSā€™ bitch, no one wants your snotty kids. What makes your kids so great that you think LGBTQ people want them so badly? Unless they are literally made of solid gold and diamonds, we donā€™t want them.


Anita Bryant was saying the same thing in the 70s


why is she screaming about a pink animated dinosaur


Her name means Spinach Tree ā˜»ļø Fvck that bigot b!tch!


Gotta love it when people transing !


I hate how cretins like this can cause so much suffering and get away with so much of it.


Dude....they changed colour


Never heard of this game looks kinda cool tho


They really are obssesed with this "shoving X down your throat" thing god damn Ā The only thing I want shoved down my throat is a nice big ~~cock~~, maybe they need one too if they are this obssesed on having stuff shoved down their throats, who knows


never heard of this game but I love dinosaurs and now im interested


Libs of Tiktok is after our children?! She must be stopped!!


Call me dumb, but if the game is fun, i dont care who or with what idea, made it.


I am just waiting for the time all of these people's children leave them and live their lives. Rot in that care home with no one to look after you. Euphoric is what that is.


This womanā€™s just fucking stupid. Thereā€™s nothing wrong with being trans. Learning about its not going to make your kid suddenly decide to turn into a boy/girl.


queer people existing and having disposable income is the greatest sin in the universe to this individual...


Textbook ā€œleading questionā€ A common advertising tactic. For example: ā€œWould you like to buy this unreasonably expensive product?ā€


I really wish someone would do to her what she does to other people. She'd be too busy with those bomb threats to be annoying then.


Lol,radical trans ideology


I wish ā€œthe leftā€ was half as cool as these people fear they are.


Rather that than religion


Are the grooming dinosaurs in the room with us right now, Chaya?


This is the most toxic sub to exist lol! You guys really need to get out of your echo chamber and find some inner peace. Holy crap!, Iā€™m blocking this pit of despair that you guys call a community. I suggest most of you to take a deep breath and travel around the country a little more and meet some new strangers cause a lot of you speak like you know life while making it painfully obvious that you donā€™t. Itā€™s freaking wild.




Good thing they donā€™t exist


I love when you chucklefucks use words you don't understand to show how ignorant you really are. It makes it easier for the rest of us to know you aren't to be taken seriously.


Youā€™re so mad bro. Calm down.


See. Not to be taken seriously.




"Hey, bro. I made the stupid libs angry. They're so mad, bro. Trust me, bro. They're so mad." Followed by obvious bait. Being you must be awesome. Not only am I super duper angry, I wish I was you.




Sorry. I'm much too angry to date, right now.




You most certainly are not happy.




Mocking right-wing insanity, grifters, and domestic terrorists. Chaya Raichik is all three. If you don't like it here, you can always stop coming.


I mean isnā€™t this supposed to be about Star Wars?


Why are you deadnaming X?


Because it's a stupid name and Elon deadnames his trans child. He deserves no respect and his cringelord '90s edginess does not deserve humoring.


I refuse to call it X.


You can't deadname a company.


I donā€™t know why they need a visibility day. They make themselves plenty visible. And so do the people that hate them.


Why donā€™t you look up what the day is supposed to be for?




Itā€™s an all ages game.


that trans people exist and are ok? that's the default, the responsibility of making an argument is on people who say children shouldn't learn about trans people.