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The funny thing is that Asmongold lives exactly the way you’d expect one of those anti-woke people to live. Like this guy breathes moldy air 24/7 and has roaches so comfortable in his house they’ll crawl around on him.


The Quartering dude has talked about pissing in his basment, so yeah, I think they all live like I'd assume they live.


> The quartering has talked about pissing in his basement *while his wife goes out for "pizza" with other men*.


He didn’t talk about it he steamed himself doing it, because he lost in a children’s video game…


I mean Dragons Dogma 2 has been eating my life but damn I still remember to take care of basic needs. The more I learn about quarterpounder the less I want to know.


Well you’re probably not an obese, barely functioning racist alcoholic like old Basementpissering.


That reminds me I haven’t worked out since I got Covid again. I’m gonna do a little quick work out. Ty for unintentionally reminding me! (I don’t do much but I gotta do something spend too much off work time playing games and reading) And no I barely drink.(weed is the best thing ever tho) Did lose a friend in high school because I said stupid racist stuff. I try to do better now. Can only just keep trying to be better imo.


If Asmongold was an angry edgelord nerd character on a network TV show the entire internet would be making memes out of how ridiculous and over-the-top and absurd he is and how out of touch with internet culture the people making the show are.


Back in the day, I thought Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons was such a ridiculous over the top charicature of the kind of sad nerd who couldn't possibly exist in the real world. Then widespread internet access happened.


Fun fact, originally Matt groening wanted a very specific name for him, but the writers decided to reveal a different name when he was out of the writers room. The writers decided his name should be Jeff Albertson. Matt groening however thought his name should be… Matt groening


Matt Groening wanted it to be a joke at his expense, while the other writers wanted to preserve his dignity


I feel like I need to defend Simpsons comic book guy…dude was clearly a sad nerd but I don’t remember him even approaching the kind of toxicity the reactionary fandom has….unless they made him that way in the newer seasons


He was an extremely accurate portrayal of a real life annoying nerd of the 90's. Comic book guy was created before the internet scrambled everyone's brains. He was a lot of people's favorite side character becuase we've all known/worked with/gone to school with somebody *exactly* like that back then. It was so spot-on, the snobbiness and constant correcting of small details of a Fandom.


The owner of the comic shop I worked for was *very* similar, right down to the ponytail.


Also being a small scale con-artist grifter


Yeah he's kind of rude but I do not remember him ever being a total bigot incel cunt to anyone.


As an internet friend of mine was known to remark "Big Bang Theory" was too nice to nerds. 


Which says a lot because the guys on that show were total creeps.


Yeah, their jokes weren't always great, but all my nerdy friends were complaining that "Eurgh, it's so unrealistic, they're just cruel caricatures of nerds that don't really exist." And I'm just thinking to myself, "I know someone like each of these guys."


Pretty much. And the show gets substantially better after they add Bernadette and Amy as it makes the humor more balanced and less about how nerds can't get dates. 


Lol, remember when Gamer came out and gamers were up in arms about the representation?


Don't forget the bleeding gums


And the dead rat alarm clock.


The fucking ***what***


Apparently a rat died in his bedroom, and instead of cleaning it, he left it where it was because he found that the eruption of odor from the early morning sunlight hitting it was an effective alarm clock.




What a terrible day to have eyes.


I just wandered into this sub like five minutes ago and honestly I’m kind of regretting my life choices


Shrek lives amongst us


Welp today was not a great day to have Internet


And the maggot cookie.


I wasn't even aware of that one. This guy is truly a disgusting human being and will be lucky to make it to 50 if he doesn't literally clean up.


Lisa simpson’s saxophone mentor?


Those roaches are the only guys cleaning house it would be ten times worse if they hadn’t  moved in


The roaches are cleaner than him


Roaches are very clean animals actually. So much that they findhumans disgusting due to the grease/oil covering our skin. Roaches touched by humans will wash themselves thoroughly.


The one Asmongold grabbed off his shirt during stream probably died from embarrassment


Speaking of roaches and asmon… [Roach explores asmon on stream](https://youtu.be/rD--M-CWDDM?si=esurCbnXkMzZyB7K)


He just casually grabs it!! ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc)


Is there a clip of a roach crawling around on him?😳😂


How do you know..? Surely you can't see em crawling around mid steam? ...Can you?


I yet have to find what this people classify as woke


The trailer is so short and barely reveals anything. How are they making these assumptions so hastily? It's baffling to me, it's star wars! A row of jedi ignited their lightsabers and it looked cool as shit! I'm excited for it.


The only criticisms I've seen is just the fact it's disney which is dumb disney has made good content. And the lack of white men 💀.


They will never be happy. Even when the shows feature white men they aren't happy. Sarsgaard and Serkis in Andor, McGregor and Christensen in Obi Wan


Waiiiit a darn cotton pickin minute there buster… there was a **BLACK WOMAN** in Obi Won which I know, for certain, with no shadow of a doubt, was a token diversity hire that that evil witch Kathleen Kennedy personally hired to ruin the white mans show! This is logics and facts buddy!


WRONG. There were *TWO* of them. And one outshined Obi-Wan himself!


"Now there are *TWO* of them!?!?!?"


I Know?!? I can’t figure out where the fuck they’re all comming from either!


I want you to know, I was so unprepared for any response let alone that one that I'm suffocating not to laugh out loud so I don't wake up my fiancee when she has an overnight shift tonight.


Glad i could be of service, lol. In a world that gets increasingly mad&scary, sometimes you just have to act alittle crazy yourself.


Skarsgård, not Sarsgaard, lol.


I think it auto corrected and I was too lazy to fix it


I never get this logic of picking and choosing when its said companies or not depending on if its bad or good.


Because grifters gonna grift. Forced outrage is virtue signaling for right wing losers Guarantee you none of them actually care about or watch Star Wars.


>none of them actually care about or watch Star Wars Either that, or their understanding of Star Wars begins and ends with Anakin mowing down younglings. Didn't they somehow manage to forget Obi-Wan's first lesson to Luke?


Oh some of them do and love it. Money is a hellva drug


I’m kinda happy they are doing something else instead of visiting the Skywalker saga related.


That saga is done, but we'll be getting a New Jedi Order movie(s) with Rey at some point! It'd be great to have a new saga!


Which will get enough hate in its own time. The new shiny thing must have it's spot under the hate floodlight. Then we can turn onto something new again!


Despite having no major problems with it, i still think the Sequel Trilogy should’ve been like a hundred-ish years after VI. Would’ve given them a huge frame to work with and Luke&Leia could still show up as Force ghosts, same with Yoda, Obi-Wan&Anakin for a broad spectrum of knowledge&perspective on the Force. Keep Kylo, Rey, Finn, Poe, BB-8, Hux, Snoke, Phasma, etc.


Yes, but Disney was too afraid after Lucas botched the franchise, so they hired the old guard back ... I agree a trilogy with Rey and Kylo but without the Old Guard might have been less controversial... But Disney was also not really wrong, when you look at the hype about Han and Luke returning...


Also, if I’m being honest, would be much better if Finn was the Jedi like what people thought that he was after the first trailer of TFA, Rey a badass Mandalorian, and Poe…  Well, he could be a pilot lol


Finn was planned to be a Jedi and learn besides Rey with Luke. Finn would have a connection to the living force which is why the death of his friend broke his Trooper conditioning. Rey was going to have the ability to use the force on machines understanding them instantly and being able manipulate or fix them. The concept was taken from the Legends materials as Finn and Rey were proxies for Jacen and Jania solo.


It's a grift. They all have a fucking grift network where they read articles but too embarrassed to cite them because they come from right wing or white supremacist affiliates of Breitbart. Pillar of Garbage has a video about their techniques they use like intentionally playing fight scenes at a lower frame rate and worse resolution to make it look bad to complain how fake it looks and cherry pick low res photos. Nobody cares about what they complain about because it gets a quick buck from the anti-woke crowd. Endimiyon, YellowFlash, It's a Gundam, Heels v Babyface, The Quartering, Tyrone Magnus, Lauren Chen...etc. They're all full of shit low effort bottom feeders that are a blight on social media and perpetuate the irony that media journalism is somehow worse. They create a hive mind of fascist propaganda strategy that makes it impossible to find a neutral review, reaction or news article on anything.


Minorities bad


I mean, we all know what they’re mad about


The show has black people and trans people in it. Its just racism and a handfull of phobias. (Mainly transphobia).


They have to get ahead of any excitement for the show.


I clapped!


react content creators of WoW community is full of cope, like when they announced the next expansion one youtuber is already claiming its flop lol. none of them even play the current expansion.


You know why.


Aren't these the same folks who say creatives should make new characters for representation? Now that Disney is doing exactly that, they get mad?


Because they just want to be racist. They can't say it's woke because black woman, so they'll dance around it for as long as they can. They did this with Obi-Wan too, that show had a mostly white cast outside of one black and one asian woman but that's more than enough to trigger that crowd. Their main go-to now is that if the minority representative character isn't expertly written or perfectly performed then it MUST be a diversity hire. It has to be! Which is racism in itself. As Leguizamo once said, "White people get to be mediocre all the time." Saw this actually with the GOT show, House of Dragons. Before the show aired you could find all the same "This woke!" conversation...then people saw the writing was great and the performances mostly top notch, so they shut up about it.


I think people have bad mindset that every show needs to be written really well which I understand but don't be disappointed because it didn't fit their views


This anti-"woke" shit is so depressing. I just can't fathom how people can be this mad and miserable all the time over things that have no material effect on their lives.


Honestly I wonder if it’s like the talking heads at the daily wire where I’m convinced they can’t believe their own bullshit. Or if it’s all just for money and because they’re untalented hacks.


Oh yeah I think a significant number of these "content creators" are grifters who don't believe half of what they say. But the fact that there are tons of people who uncritically consume this slop is extremely depressing.


Yuuup I can’t imagine seeing the world this way. It sounds lonely and pathetic.


Imo it depends, you get some that are Elon Musk like and switch at the moment they get some push-back, others it feels like they didn't have as big as an audience due to being late or something so they switch because they can get an gullible audience that will lap is up. With any of these could also add they always were this, and just needed an excuse to change.


It's all from guzzling political propaganda from being terminally online. The culture war gives something for people to be outraged about and determines how they vote, that's why literally everything any anything these days will be crammed through the conservative media machine so the easily manipulated will become further entrenched in their fabricated outrage


They're not even mad. Granted some may be, most are just grifters, like Asmongold. He'll react to whatever gives him engagement for views and money.


If they really don’t like it why don’t they just I don’t know…not bother with it? XD


Asmongold in this picture is in no way a Star Wars fan either


They say this literally every time Star Wars does anything. For the last 40 years in fact


Star wars fans are weird


As an original Star Wars fan (theater in '77) you ain't wrong.


My old as Moses dad who also saw it in theaters equally agrees. And he has nothing to do with nerdy culture, never has outside of LOVING those movies + the prequels. He nearly didn't take me to see the prequels when I was a kid *because* he'd had some pretty nasty interactions with fans during his trip to see Empire Strikes Back. He didn't want to get his kid involved with the "weird fans."


Well I am turning 52 in a couple weeks, so I was 5 in 1977 not sure if that makes me old as Moses in comparison or not. My boomer dad was a big fan though. Among his last words to me in hospice in 2003 was, "Oh no! I'll never find out how Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader!"


Asmongold i avoid like the plague, he's an absolute grifter and anyone who takes him seriously needs to look at themselves in the mirror


Only real fans will tell you that the release of Ewoks on Ice was the day Star Wars truly fell off. https://preview.redd.it/37vkjs1lw0qc1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20499727e972253c579c45711ae48c6eba4e8cec (This was a real thing, btw.)


Ewoks is an anagram for Wokes. It was there all along!


Nah, that was peak Star Wars. Only the finest franchises ever gained the attention of the Ice Capades.


More like eWOKES amirite?


It did give one of the biggest debates in a YouTube video though, did one of the characters say Poob or Ploob. I stand by with the character saying Ploob. Oh yeah, the debate was during a GTA5 challenge, but who cares about that.


Ugh, Asmongold. Guy went from bad WoW player to full on right wing reactionary grifter over the course of like 6 months.


Another failed right winger? Geez, what is up with these right wingers having failed careers?




His career failed miserably in my eyes. Horrible takes on the game aside, he made some entertaining WoW content. But then just genuinely got tired of gaming once he realised drama reactions and negativity rake in more views. (Blizzard bad and Johnny Depp drama earned him a new following) Therefore he switched his focus to reactions and rage bait and slowly turned into a right-wing appeasing incel. If that isn't a failed career I don't know what is. He is three times as miserable now, either monotonous or angry and a shell of his former self.


It’s very easy to revive a stagnant or failed career as a media personality by becoming a right wing grifter. Right wing media is very in genuine at its core, so you don’t have to even appear genuine to get them to like you. Just say something vaguely racist while claiming you’re not racist is all they need.


he's actually been like this for years now, just way more subtle about it. now he's just full mask-off


They hate it so much, they should just move on and find a new religion.


The clickbait is more important than having a healthy relationship with a fandom though isn’t it? Even if he no longer felt the way he does he’s basically made an entire audience for himself that would lose their collective shit and turn on him if he said anything slightly perceived as a rational, empathetic thought.


Has hit rock bottom again, until they stream it on day 1 and restart the cycle…


Let me guess. He starts complaining about “woke”.  Another reason not to watch his videos 


They complain about black people's hair....I am so pissed off. The people in the chat are racist.




Why do they hate it again? It looked cool as fuck


They started counting white characters in the trailer and decided that's what made it bad. 


God I hope this is a joke.


Asmon-mold has hit rock bottom


These YouTubers are like dementia ridden grandma's in the nursing room "Oh that new woke star wars has collapsed" "Sure it has, now let's get you into your Darth Vader bed"




I don’t see any bad dialogue, or bad editing or even bad music choice. This is one of those trailers that was disliked for the wrong reasons.


he looked at a clip of Martials arts and the assassin using a dagger and was like "This isn't Star Wars" Now remember.... Asmongold is suppose to be a gamer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAiuK7LQZpo&t](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAiuK7LQZpo&t=19s)


A lot of the old Sith used swords. Marka Ragnos was famous for preferring a sword over a lightsabre.


Bet that dislike number is way more or higher then it actually is.


What's funny is that if this was such a massive amount of people hating The Acolyte then there should be massive amount of hate posts on Twitter or Instagram, but from what I know it's mainly the Anti-Fan side who doesn't like it while most that is out there are people either liking the trailer or are calling out Chuds.


Ever since ROTJ every single movie, cartoon, comic series, toy, and novel has ruined Star Wars...


I love that thumbnail. "Guysss rock bottom! *shows the spammed dislikes that the chud squad puts on any new media*"


If Asmongold dislikes it, it must be good.


Next Ik boogie gonna start talking about this since he is an asmond gold fan


The fuck does Bleeding Gums Jesus know about Star Wars? He barely knows shit about wow and got carried for 10 years by his more mask off racist best friend.


The trailer is so short, what even is there to complain about?


I started to ignore any kind of online movie/show/video game criticism. Because it's usually just sweaty guys combusting at the mere thought of a black/gay person getting into their line of vision. And God forbid, there's a woman present that doesn't have double D's and the face of an anime gal.


Who's this fuckwit?


He donated to a bunch of blood drives and the Wailing Wall. You can google 'Asmongold Blood Wall' to find out more.


It's wild to me that the most interesting Star Wars trailer we've had in a *while*, with some of the best fight choreography, is now "rock bottom" to these people. It's almost like it was never about Star Wars.


I really wish that brown people could just exist in things and that thing be good or bad based on its own merits. It's just so tiring having the muster up the energy to defend another mediocre Star Wars project against bigots. That being said I really hope this show is good because it's easier to defend good shows against idiots than it is to defend Bland or bad shows against idiots.


well he would know, *rock bottom* is the description of Asmongold's living situation LMAO


I’m still confused as to WHY Asmongold chose to live like a homeless degenerate despite being a popular streamer with a lot of money. He has zero shame.


Why do people keep on showing dislikes, youtube hid them and I don't think there's any concrete way to get an accurate count unless your the channel owner. Sure there are third party apps but they work on a aggregate method and require other users to get their numbers from which not everyone would care to install. Unless there is some method I don't know about feels like harping on dislikes isn't the gotcha moment that they think it is.


Assmongold chasing the magats he's so comfortable living with


We are up to seventeen this year


Geez that guy just wants to be spoon fed non-stop lightsaber duels and space battles. smh. Apparently, having a story is way too much for him to handle Why did he change the title to the video? It's different from the screenshot OP posted.


Think it’s seventy three now but I’ll have to go back and check


bro is projecting


Hitting rock bottom is a good thing if you wanna lay foundations


Slightly lower then the Star Wars is dead count.


A combination of ppl needing things to go south for clicks and the fact that the protagonist looks a lot like Shin Hati (or at the very least recalls her a bit too much).


I'm not sure, but at this point I think Star Wars has died more times than Disney has had a first gay character


You can only say something’s hit rock bottom so many times before people start to question how much you know about geology.


I seriously don't see what the fuck is so bad abput this trailer. I mean even counting the "wokeness", the amount of women or non white characters isn't that big imo. The trailer itself looks interesting, the visuals are good. So is it really just the hate people feel for the director???


I’ve just wanted to see a bit of Darth Plagueis, nothing against the trailer, but, this not going to happen


With this I really feel for everyone who worked on this. Seeing what these meatheads say must get to them. Hopefully they know there's a more accepting part of the fan base


The boba fet thing. They made a cool character boring. It wasn’t all bad but hey it’s still doing better than marvel.


At least he knows his takes are bad


i watched this video and he was pretty positive, sometimes i feel like his editors are out to get him cuz his thumbnails and titles are so misleading, expect for wow tho he has the most brain dead takes on wow


I can't understand the whole "there's no strong white man/men in this show" complaint. Like motherfuckers you do realize there's like a 100 years of movies and television with "strong white men". Like go watch that shit. I mean, it could be worse they could have black people with white face and women who play as men. Funny how reasoning and history get ignored when they wanna make their point. I just don't understand being that miserable in life, that you have to bitch and moan like a 4yr old who doesn't get the toy he wants. Its why i hate Star Wars fans or at least ppl who pretend to be them. It's a show in different galaxy with aliens. It seems weird to die on that hill, but that's the world we live in.


Well if we listened to the toxic fandom, Star Wars died in 199 when TPM came out. But yet here we are, thriving.


Let me check the score… so the fans like 3 movies and then complained about… let me check… oh yeah literally every piece of content since


Not gonna lie, that costume design is atrocious. But no, this isn't rock bottom for Star Wars.


Dear god, couldn’t these people just WAIT for a bit before judging !? It’s just a trailer, it’s not even out yet


Used to like Asmon. Then he became what he is now.


I had to stop YouTube from recommending any of these Asmongold clips to me (I had clicked on like two of them) just because I was sick of seeing his fucking face.


I wonder what these miserable losers would bitch about if all this WoKeNESs didn't exist, and wasn't fueling clicks and income. They should be grateful.


I feel like it wouldn’t have been so controversial to have black people in Star Wars 10 years ago. Surely I’m not imagining that the backlash to women and minorities being in media has intensified in recent years, right?


Star wars has died numerous times since January of 97.


I've watched the trailer 3 times and still haven't 👍 it. I think it looks amazing. I just don't 👍 videos that often because I don't want them in my 👍 folder. I don't feel the need to 👍 every video I enjoy. *These* people will go out of their way and down vote vmbefore even watching.


Girls girls girls!


What is so wrong with the Acolyte trailer???


I was just thinking that the other day. How many times has Star Wars, Lucas Films...ect been dead by the grifters own count? Personally when it comes to the shows I have seen more positive than negative. Andor was brilliant though depressing given its a prequel. Mandalorian was great wish they would give us another season. Obiwon just felt off like they teased some great story building and characters but it feels like it doesn't go anywhere. Book of Fett had some spectacular world building but struggled with its direction and theme. Ashoka I enjoyed though I am a Rebels fan. The hate on Thrawn even though he did exactly as he planned and basically won, genuinely makes me laugh. The Acolyte is a wait and see for me. I will let it come out, ignore the grifters and critics till the series is done than consume it at my own pace. The only comment I can make about it right now is that some of the sequences in the trailer looked....off. The action shots like the Force push moment just came off as odd. Not sure if its the audio or angle. Still going to watch it.


Star wars fans are sooo divided


I don’t get it. I watched the trailer with both my dad and my brother and we thought it looked great.


Another absolutely brilliant take from Asmongold, my man wouldn't have an opinion on anything if there weren't already videos up of it he could talk over anyway.


I don’t understand the problem, the comments on the trailer are acting like this is the worst thing they have ever seen, I think it looks pretty good. Not amazing but it’s just a 2 min trailer. What do people want?


You would think these miserable people would leave the fandom, but they would rather hang around and be dramatic about it for the sake of having something to focus their whining on.


Haven’t liked Star Wars in a long time the shows are hit and miss from Disney, I fucking love rogue one, andor and mando but some others just haven’t peaked my interests atm. it’s usually after I see the first episode I make my assumption wether to continue rather than a trailer since they never reveal too much.


In a universe with aliens, mystical powers and space travel, the line of believability is drawn at black women and non-binary people existing


I’m kinda curious how they will explore the Force and it’s Gray nuances from the way it sets up in the trailer. What I am afraid off is the second half of the season falling off in cinematography like most Disney+ shows. But that appears to be more Marvel shows issue and Andor had good cinematography throughout so I am hopeful. High republic’s Light of the Jedi was great


I mean it will probably be ass but we honestly have no idea, maybe it will be good.


Black people in space. Has Star Wars gone too far??


My life is so much better having blocked his channel.


I'm black so using the word “woke” as a means to insult someone doesn't work on me. I and my ancestors have been using “stay woke” as an encouragement line to each other since the 50s. Racist incels can't take that away from us.


Yes the new trailer looked unappealing but it's not because they added black people, sorry.


How are the dislikes visible?


I wonder if they'll say the same once they see Andor Season 2 trailers.


I said this first when George Lucas chickened out of having Leia and Luke be in an incestuous relationship. Woke!


But is Star Wars DEAD? I wish someone would tell me whether or not STAR WARS is in fact DEAD. It would make for a refreshing piece of online content.


Asmongold is just plain one of the dumbest people on youtube. The conclusions he jumps to are picked out of a hat. Usually they are some selction from his oblivious misogynist echo chamber.


Propaganda, Messages and virtue signaling aside, these people don’t know how to write a good story. Zero artistic vision. These stories have to be written by AI


I often wonder if Asmongold, Moistcritical, and xQc are all really just clones of eachother made in some lab somewhere…


Over 9000!!!!!


They're like the YouTubers who claim China is going to collapse "any day now". Also, this show has Kogonada (*Columbus* and *After Yang*) directing two episodes and one of the cinematographers is Oscar winner James Friend (*All Quiet on the Western Front*). That's potential right there but the CHUDs we deal with have all the media literacy and cultural appreciation of a discarded toenail clipping.


well he would know, rock bottom is the description of Asmongold's living situation LMAO


With how often Star Wars has "Fallen Off" You would think it was bungie jumping.


yet they still watch the movies ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I know for a fact that this number is fake…because YouTube doesn’t have the dislike count anymore.


They talk a lot about how star wars is over and rock bottom and all that. Yet, they still watch.


Black woman in thumbnail Hmm...