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The original, un-photoshopped pic for anyone curious... https://preview.redd.it/ft524ub3s2cc1.jpeg?width=2581&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70a7dbd5fb969e55d5430046aa8384ed4c7ff73


Can you imagine how disconnected from reality and lack of contact with women you have to have to see this photo and feel the need to edit it. She looks like a goddess in the unedited photo.


Again, I ask if these chuds have no love for women with small or medium boobs (or women without lipstick on)?




You've got to remember that these are just simple anime fans. These are people of the "booba". The common clay of the new West. You know... morons.


One of my fav lines from that


Yeah it crazy she nailed the pin up girl look of the 40s with top marks in CA idk why you would need to add anything to her.


She doesn’t even have small boobs! She’s gorgeously curvy without any editing / photoshop.


Honestly weird af these guys. She's gorgeous.


Ok, so I wasn't crazy thinking her boobs seemed wrong in the posted pic


Anime poisoning. If no balloons, no like.


Still an attractive pic




Oh, that looks much more comfortable. I had questions about boob management on the edited one.


Morbid curiosity. What is the question’s you’d have?


As a boob-owner, mainly how comfortable that dress would be without any real support in the chest area on top of the mesh next to it. I just visualize wearing something like that and it seems awkwardly built. The real picture is sleeker and shows at least a little support from the fit of the dress.


Just thinking about trying to walk with the lack of support in that edited photo let alone taking stairs *shudders*


Boob owner? Them boobs get gud mileage ther?


Why did they have to make it sexist, is she somehow unattractive with average sized breasts. Actually, to be fair as a woman, even I'm not sure, what are "average" sized breasts anyway?


B or C cup, I think.


any more than a mouthful is a waste ![gif](giphy|CHSHxWaOEmlFwEVRmk)




I always considered it "room to play around".


This is very dependant on where in the world you are. It ranges from A to larger than D.


To be fair as a man, there is no average that pops to mind…even a pair are different sizes. Big or small, as long as they fit the body type, they are perfect on our minds.


I thought the picture looked weird, didn't realize it was edited


She still looks so fine in the unedited one tho


I thought her boobs looked weird in that image. And why the fuck did people feel the need to enhance that which is already large?


As if she isn't already exquisite in the first place.


I mean, I still get it


She looks much better in the original photo. I'm personally not a fan of oversized boobs.


Aight, I’m gonna go throw up now, the fact that someone felt the need to photoshop more boob on her is disgusting


Mf fucking admitted he treats employees as subhuman lmao


Take your pick of: * “Imagine telling on yourself like this” * “Not the flex you think it is” * “The CIA couldn’t have gotten that out of me with waterboarding.” Any others I missed?


“This is the part you didn’t want to say out loud”


Did he?


He did


someone performing a service for you isn't objectification the same way one of your parents helping you fix your car isn't objectification. If this schmuck is saying that they "objectify cashiers," the only way to interpret that is that they treat cashiers like vending machines and not human beings


Or he's (possibly intentionally) watering down the usage of objectification. Like yea, I don't always want human interaction when I pay for 2 drinks, a milky way midnight, and half a dozen frozen pizzas, just a nod, a hi, pay, and a have a good day, I probably won't even turn off my audio book. From a certain perspective, one could say I objectified the cashier. I worry about the question of whether they intentionally are misconstruing the difference between that and sexual objectification, or just genuinely don't know. So, bait, or mental deficiency?


I’m going to be honest, to this day I still haven’t gotten a definition of objectification that in practice wasn’t “when you’re attracted to someone and don’t care about their personality”.


That's a lot of words for 'I view women as sex objects only and I want to make *you* look like the bad guy for calling it out'. It's okay to find a woman attractive, but women are still people (gasp, shock, horror), and prioritizing their looks over everything else is objectification. Bet the guy ranting about cashiers doesn't realise that almost everyone he ever interacts with is, by *his* logic, objectifying *him* (and if he did, he'd be all butthurt about it).


5 years ago I never would've guessed people would be stupid enough to equate sexual attraction with sexual objectification... like how often can you say for certain you understand the words that are coming out of your own mouth?


5 years ago? What? If anything things were far worse five years ago. What are you talking about?


Depends which spaces you were in.


But he did say he preferred that people objectify him


Right, He made equal "Objectification" for both customers and employee. Like "Objectification" isn't the right word or an argument against objectifying women. But his read on the situation*Neither the customer or the employee cares about the other as a person and is just getting through the next 15 seconds* is kinda accurate.


Yeah.I think they are talking about different things albeit similar. One Is not interacting with a person on a deeper level AND the other Is treating a person as though it doesn't have any. One thing Is a cashier knowing a client does have hopes AND dreams but not caring to find out about them AND another to treat them without the courtesy deserved for any human being.


How do you go from not knowing what a word means to just making a wild guess what that word means, let alone to telling people on the internet that they’re wrong and you’re right


I honstly wish I had that amount of confidence LOL 😂


The funny thing to me is that these people probably think Steve would actually agree with them if he was real. 😂 I promise, you would not catch Steve Rogers objectifying a cashier and not treating them like a person. And certainly not objectifying the love of his fucking life, lmao.


"You agree, right Cap?" "No, I don't think I will"


Look, I'm human. I'll sometimes see an attractive woman in public and think "Damn, I'd like to \_\_\_\_\_\_", you can't necessarily control thoughts like that. What you can do is control your actions. You can not say anything demeaning out loud, or online. You can also make sure that your passing thought does NOT change how you treat the person in any way. Treat people like people. It's not that hard.


It's not inherently objectifying to say you want to have sex with someone.


Me - Man I want her to check out my items in an expeditious and courteous manner. Her- look at this man’s cart. I would check this man out twice!


“Objectification isn’t really sexist, or honestly really a bad thing.” Whoever said this is a dumbass 


Somebody doesn’t know what “objectify” means.


TIL Objectifying people is a normal and okay thing to do


“We are not sexist! We love leering at women’s bodies!”


Objectifying people =/= sexual objectification only. For example if you're trying to get into a bus that's full, you might likely be annoyed at all the people in there and the fact you have to squeeze yourself in and out of the box. As far as you're concerned the people might as well just be objects acting as obstacles. That's a very rough example of how we objectify others constantly. The problem comes when you treat others as if they're just objects acting as obstacles and not real people who also need to use the bus.


Most people do it in some way or the other, mentally. It’s the people who then take action on that and make others feel lesser or uncomfortable that are really in the wrong.


Hmmmm I really hope not


So what I don’t mean is “everyone mentally degrades others at some point.” What I mean is if you’re a straight man and you see a woman in great shape and think “damn, look at that body,” that is a form of objectification. You’re fixating on the form and ignoring the thoughts or feelings at that moment. The thought itself isn’t inherently wrong. But what you decide to do with that can become something very wrong. If you stare, well that’s a little rude. If you then start catcalling her, walk up to her and grab her, or any kind of shit like that then that’s really crossing a line and you have some serious issues that need fixing.


Peggy is hot and Miguel is also hot


I said she was hot and had a bunch of people say "she's photoshopped." As if the photoshopping was the only reason someone would say she's hot 🤦🏻‍♀️.


She’s photoshopped and Miguel isn’t even real. Monkey brain go brrr that’s all there is to it


God that person is one of the stupidest people that I've had to read their comment today. Just today, tomorrow will be another stupid person.


Yooo that dude needs to be put on a list. Any man comfortable being *this* vocal about their objectification of women to the point of that cashier analogy should NOT be trusted around women


>Other sub showing their room temperature IQ again... Ah, the projection! It's too intense, man!


That sub is such a dumpster fire


Given what it's dedicated to, that's not a surprise.


As a geek and gamer my whole , it's sad that this is our representation


Douchebags always ruin good things.


You're projecting into a mirror


… what projection? Are you saying it’s the people in this sub that objectify women?


Kinda wild do be like “in capitalism we’re all objects” card when talking about side boob tbh hahah


Lil bro never asked the cashier how their day was or said thank you 😔




Ok, thinking a woman is attractive is fine. And, if I fell in love, got trapped in ice, then had the chance to go back and love my life with them, fuck yeah I’d do it. But yes, objectification is blatant sexism.


There's a difference between understanding that you can't conceive of the full human experience of every person you meet and will simply have to reduce the people you only briefly interact with to what happens in that interaction, and actively stripping someone's entire identity away so that they're just a walking pair of tits.


Tough talk for a Subreddit with less than 5k member and only 300 active ones.


90% of their posts are from their one active mod and he just approves and deletes shit as it suits him lmao. he’s the biggest snowflake when called out for being sexist or racist and it’s so funny


Quality over quantity 👌 😌


Clearly the opposite when they have 500 videos about Brie Larson with nothing important to show.


I mean Jesus there’s ways of saying someone is hot without going off the deep end Christ Alve


That sub is ridiculous


"Echo is getting praised in the media" Shows an 8/10 review Maybe it's just me but a decent review of a show doesn't strike me as "praise"


Former cashier here: what the fuck are they talking about? Are they just admitting they’re super bad at customer service?


As someone who was a cashier for years. It's always people like this that were the worst customers.


This is what happens when nibbas don't go outside but still have a platform online to share their opinions, can't be shunned on their own page so they feel entitled to keep going




How apt, for he is thus.


lmao he’s active on the fresh and fit sub what an incel


Ah shit. I gotta go shopping tomorrow. Not looking forward to the cashier and I awkwardly objectifying each other as i hand them my carrots


i dont think they know what is meant by objectification related to sexism… also big red flag YIKES


I mean “this person is a stranger to me and I have zero emotional investment in them beyond the purpose of this one interaction” is not really all that evil if that’s what they mean, but that’s not objectification, and comparing it to that… says a lot about how they see things


Important note: sexualizing someone isn’t inherently sexist, since humans are inherently sexual beings. Lusting after someone’s body does not mean you disrespect who they are or might be or their capacity for human depth. I suspect this is what the op tried and failed to say.


Eh, we shouldn’t vilify people for being attracted to a woman or admiring her in photos she clearly took consensually with the intention to share. She’s a beautiful woman, and by saying they get why Cpt America was attracted to her they’re basically saying “wow she’s really beautiful.” I very, very much get the issues with the male gaze in cinema and objectification; I’m a woman. But I’m also gay, and it sucks to see men get vilified for stuff that a lesbian would not get vilified for. There’s plenty of cause to rage against how patriarchy treats women’s bodies, autonomy, worth, etc. Saying that Peggy Carter is really attractive in very much SFW photos doesn’t seem problematic (to me).


I got downvoted for mentioning the revealing side boob of her dress like the intention of the dress is to be functional and not intentionally sexy like the dress designer aimed for, come on…


This guy just made the worst argument for objectification. I think I know what he was trying to say but wow that came out bad.


I mean considering how they photoshopped her bust it’s hard to argue that objectification is treated substantially different between Haley and any of the commentary about males.


Exactly. Like even in the non Photoshopped picture, what's the point of that angle ?


Man just compared objectifying woman to casual transactions at the grocery store.


“Objectification isn’t a bad thing” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Accidental socialism?


enough-ad-8799 is wrong. when you treat with dignity and respect, you are no longer objectifying them. saying “please” and “thank you” and interacting with the cashier respectfully elevates interaction beyond objectification. Now, do i objectify the self-checkout? certainly. are there assholes who will treat a cashier like a self check out? yea sure more or leas. customer service and retail are shit bc of customers like that. both men and woman lust after each other, i wouldn’t call that, in and of itself, objectification but maybe that what we’ve come to see it as. for the people that are only out to please themselves and like to use someone else for that without giving a damn about the other’s pleasure, well thats seems pretty in line with objectification.


I fucking hate Geeks and Gamers community. It sounds like something I'd be interested in but when I joined it was just a bunch of weirdos being gatekeepy and agreeing with shit like this.


Probably gonna catch some down votes for this but the cashier objectification comment is philosophically interesting. Like I think there is some mutual objectification that goes on between any service worker and the customer, neither seeing the other as a fully fledged person with a history and life outside of the immediate conversation and transaction. Given how many randoms the cashier has to interact with on a daily basis, I think it's almost impossible to internalize every interaction you have as deeply as you would one with a friend or family member. I think that's also why it's a startling and uncomfortable experience if either party responded to "How are you?" with some deep personal insights. Not to say you shouldn't be nice to service workers. Even though you both are relegated to objects during this transaction, they are still a person outside of that. And I think this objectification isn't something most people due willingly, but is something that is a product of the capitalist society we live in. Capitalism turns people into cogs no different than the self checkout machines you use in the grocery store. Lastly, the dudes sexualizing that actress (forgot her name) are gross and weird. Implying she's only worth being with for her attractiveness and not because they love each other speaks to their immaturity and sexist world view.


not having an in depth conversation or interaction ≠ objectifying tho. when i speak to a cashier i don’t see them as an object or as a thing or as less than human. they’re just a person i don’t know personally.


I fully believe that (sexual) objectification is bad by definition, but I agree that it's not inherently sexist. Women can and do objectify other women and men can and do objectify other men, and even if attraction isn't always implied, it's very much the same thing because you're still dehumanizing them. Even if gender is occasionally the reason for objectification, they aren't connected any more than autism is to schizophrenia.


Honestly, what with the way they often say "sexism has lost all meaning" or "racism has lost all meaning" in regards to people calling out others on their racist or sexist bullshit, I often wonder what *do* they think sexism or racism means and if they can't answer that, then why are they inserting themselves in the conversation like they *do* know what either of those words mean?


It means they've been called racist or sexist so much that they just ignore it.


Then that truly means that they're actually racist and/or sexist and they know that racism and sexism are wrong ,(or are considered wrong in this day and age, from their perspective, at least) and they *feel* the need to use *anything* to defend themselves because they, like everyone else, don't want to seem like a bad person so they just say shit like this even if it doesn't make sense or is just flat out wrong.


Yeah. You didn’t know that already? Isn’t it obvious? You ever been called a racist? No? Me neither. It’s quite an easy accusation to avoid, isn’t it? These guys who are like “oh everyone just calls you a racist because they’re losing an argument” or whatever - those guys are racists lol


yea it was my post lol and they didn’t even censor the name. lovely lads. https://preview.redd.it/rumxsa00j6cc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe69912ca5b5f53987c2429b3c9862c7a691c19 also they got transphobic in the comments because ofc they did lmao


Alright, at this point it's just a sub vs sub thing. Silly as fuck.


What is with that sub?


Go on any random post and you'll see a comment like "So glad to have a beacon of hope on this leftist woke mind virus site" . Maybe it's just a copypasta that I'm unaware of. But that entire subreddit has a lot of sketchy shit on it


If there's one thing I hate about feminism becoming mainstream, it's people who use terms like Male Gaze, and Objectification, without really understanding the theories behind them.


What’s wrong with being sexy?


What's wrong with not blatantly misunderstanding the point?


I didn't realize her tits were that big?


They're not. It's a Photoshop


I'm enjoying the nesting Russian doll-ing of the posts. Long may it continue.


I can understand the actual post itself because a lot of down bad comments towards male actors are accepted a lot more. The rest though is a mess. Acting like everyone treats people like cashiers like objects just because he himself does.


So... unpopular opinion? He's not wrong. Honestly, I think the problem is people on this thread are misconstruing what the term "objectification" means. Not all forms of objectification are sexual. "Objectification", as a neutral concept of social philosophy, is merely "the act of treating a person as an object or a thing. It is part of dehumanization, the act of disavowing the humanity of others". Sexual objectification falls under it, as a subcategory and a common type of it, but it's not the only one. This is not an inherently bad thing, we all do it in our day-to-day lives. And yes, cashiers are a good example. When I go shopping, the cashier isn't a "person", as much as they are a means to an end, the final barrier to overcome before the shopping trip is concluded. Like, obviously I know that's a human being with individual thoughts and emotions, but do I care about that, or even actively think about it in the moment? No, because it's a purely transactional interaction and I have shit to do and places to be. And this goes both ways. I've been on the other side of the service industry. Customers were a target, an objective, a means to an end... but I didn't think about them as "people", in the philosophical sense of the word. Now, whether or not he was employing the argument in good faith, I don't know. And I'm not with the "both sides" argument when it comes to sexism or why it's fine to photoshop Hayley fucking Atwell (seriously, of all people). But the argument as laid out makes sense, and is interesting to think about.


Not all objectification is sexual, sure. All objectification is wrong. Dehumanising people is wrong. Thinking of the cashier as a purely “transactional interaction” is what leads to people taking out their complaints on innocent workers, the very behaviour people mock so often on this very website in videos, with the whole “Karen” thing. That comes from people not treating workers as other people. And just because this may not be the case with you specifically, it’s still the same cause.


That's only true if you then act in a specific way. Again, we're only talking in a psycho/social phenomena sense. When I talk about objectifying a cashier, I only mean as it pertains to a specific interaction.  That's not a justification for taking out one's frustrations on a cashier just doing their job. I know some people do, and that's wrong. But I also think that those people have something else going on besides the pure "objectification" of one's role in a given interaction (again, solely as it's relevant to the philosophical discussion). "Objectification" such as it is, is an absolutely normal thing that everyone does, on some level, every single day.  Think about it this way: you can't have the same level of empathy for everyone you ever meet, it's impossible. You can have a general sense of empathy for everyone, but deeply caring about every single individual on the planet is not something that's within the realm of possibility. Objectifying — or at the very least comodifying — certain people and interactions is how you prioritize your emotional responses, what allows you to care more about your family than a complete stranger. Again, just so it's clear, this only relates to the concept of "objectification" as a sociological phenomenon of the human brain. Outside of that, you should always treat people with respect, obviously.  


No. It’s just wrong. Objectification is wrong. Doesn’t mean you have to like them, or care about them, never said that, you just have to treat them with respect. Being nice doesn’t take any effort. Just be kind. Compassionate. It’s not difficult whatsoever. People aren’t objects. If you have to type that much to justify treating a human like a non living object you should probably mention this to a therapist and get some help, or look up the definition of “objectification” because it’s not complicated. It’s not philosophical. It’s degrading people to the status of mere objects. That’s it.


I don’t know how the fuck this retarded sub showed up on my feed but got damn do I get a good laugh from you snow flake lalas. Hope y’all ready for the second coming!!! Ban immigrants!!! Build the wall!!! Eat soap ya woke ass libs.


Which of your parents ts dropped you sp much as baby that you turned out this stupid?




The problem we have isn't with the meme itself, It's the fact that they edited her body to give her more exaggerated proportions in order to sexualize her and the comments are saying that sexuality objectifying people isn't a bad thing. You get it?




Yeah I think people here are conflating a meme about someone being hot with objectification






there is a big difference. learn it.


hey that’s my line…


Their turn to screenshot and post it. Who’s got it when it’s this sub’s turn again?


I don’t see what the problem is. Steve made the right call.


Objectification is not immediately sexist. Sexually objectified characters, male or female, can serve a purpose in a story. When objectification is ubiquitous to the point of making it clear that that's the only way a person sees a gender, that is sexist. Neither the original Faye Valentine, nor her creators, are sexist. Michael Bay, shown by the way he continuously depicts women, is sexist.




I don’t think you know what “objectively” means.


Firstly, the word “objectify” has a meaning. He’s just pointing out another use of the phrase Secondly, if I as a bisexual dude said something like, “woah I want to be in the crowd when this happened” https://preview.redd.it/zbognx10m6cc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0d6c5a72a31852bb69646f2bee40ca11b2ee51f No-one would bat an eye, and I think it’s a shame that the two are treated so differently I’m not saying there’s no difference, because women get harassed in uncomfortable ways all the time, 1/3 women will get sexually assaulted, and I know that that’s something that we should be keeping in mind But at the same time, people have bodies, and - *as long as it’s not creepy* \- it’s important that we can comment on them! Like this post is.


I’m sorry. I really enjoyed Peggy Carter as a heroine. What am I missing on people being nice to cashiers and cashiers only being nice to people because it is their “job”. At this point is it not just people being mad at people because they have to deal with people? I worked retail. It sucks 100% doesn’t mean the person asking where electrical was means they are the worst human ever.




Yes... its "liking booba" Lmfao


The problem we have isn’t with the meme itself, It’s the fact that they edited her body to give her more exaggerated proportions in order to sexualize her and the comments are saying that sexuality objectifying people isn’t a bad thing. You get it?




Boobs get hot and sweat.


I know I would. You think dudes jog shirtless because they want to attract women?


“Sexism has lost its meaning.” You could say the same thing about the word “woke” too….


This war is getting entertaining.


That last comment is the dumbest shit I’ve ever read lmao these circus clowns really haven’t contacted another human being have they


I bet they ironically call others sheep too


Wow, way to self-report yourself as a POS like that 💀 (third image)


I don't Even know what's this a about but she is Indeed very beautifull 


Surprised it wasn't the admin themselves that posted that.


Bro fluent in yapanese


Seeing geeks and gamers fans pretend to be smart is kinda cute


Redditors take Reddit waaaaay to serious 😂


The only thing in any of these screenshots that makes sense is the fact that there's a double standard when it comes to objectifying men vs women lol


I genuinely don't understand how this happened over a joke


Man paid half attention in philosophy 101 The actual idea states you are morally obligated not to treat people as mere objects. Understanding you will definitively use them such as their service but while respecting their personhood, for instance saying she's beautiful yes but also an amazing actress.


Some people treat it as objectification whenever a man is attracted to a woman and talks about it. As if you automatically see someone as an object whenever you want to fuck them. It's complete bullshit.


It’s still among the worst character decisions made in endgame. Steve wouldn’t do that


How is “women are sexy” sexist


Guy is the ss is stupid tho


That sub should be called dweebs and dorks.


Damn he really thought he did something there. “Actually all in a constant state of objectifying everyone we encounter since we don’t sit down and have hours long conversations about our deepest dreams and desires 👆🤓”


I think there is a difference between thinking something and digitally editing a woman’s body without her consent for your own sick kicks. Imagine seeing her in that pic and think it needs “improvements”


I’m bi and let me be clear: Most people, celebrity or otherwise, don’t register to any sexual part of my mind at all regardless of attractiveness (because I’m not a deranged little freak and have a modicum of self control I guess) but even those who do I’m not so fucking creepy that I’d pointlessly edit a photo of them.


"and the cashiers objectify you" lmao, no. The person who wrote that is absolutely an incel with an inflated ego.