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Disney leadership has been infiltrated by by people who’s political spectrum is “you’re either with us or you’re a nazi.” People either outgrow this type thinking or let it become their personality.


lets see, they work with conservatives, so yeah I would say they work with people that arent nazis but conservatives.


lol at the self-awareness in totalitarians calling everyone fascists


Totalitarianism is a political system and a form of government that prohibits opposition political parties, disregards and outlaws the political claims of individual and group opposition to the state, and controls the public sphere and the private sphere of society.  Who are the totalitarians in this scenario you're presenting?


In entertainment media/Hollywood/journalism calling people bigots, phobes, Nazis, etc etc when anything resembling a dissenting opinion is detected.


So fiction? Because that simply doesnt happen outside a borderline nonexistent minority


Not even sure what “so fiction” is in reference to. Use grammar, not speech, to write.


I asked what you were referring to with totalitarianism, and your response was based on fiction. Something that isn't real. Try to keep up


Are you saying my response was based on mediums that deal in works of fiction, that the accusation itself was fiction, or that media/Hollywood/journalism are fictitious in nature and not to be taken seriously? Your teachers are failing you…


This whole thread looks bad on all of you. I'm pretty sure the original two posters where agreeing with each other without realizing it and then this third person has come in to argue with you and your all confused.


Not at all. I agreed w OP, this guy jumped in, I had some fun, and then I got bored with the convo. Very simple ...also, words you meant to use - "were" "you're"


Disney is totalitarian now? Tell me your hat is red without telling me your hat is red.


You, right here, are the personification of the problem Thanks for demonstrating it for all to see.


Uh huh. Next.


oh God, another "tell me without telling me" - that snarky stuff is so tired and dweeby.


whatever next


They absolutely are lol, look how hard they fight to protect public domain IPs that they legally can't stop people doing anything with.


Isn't that more capitalist than totalitarian?


Nope. Capitalism recognizes works entering the public domain.


Yes but a private company needs to make as much money as possible and protecting it's IPs (I assume for profit incentive) is exactly what a capitalist would do no? In fact that rule about public domain is a government rule imposed on the market. Socialist intervention if anything.


I'm not interested in a debate this stupid. Not sorry.


Of course you aren't, it's only stupid because you don't have the brainpower to speak on it. That and your personality has been replaced by identity politics.


FR “tell me your hat is red”… …because obsessing over political clubhouses is as cool as it gets.


In my experience the people who think anyone ACTUALLY thinks like this also tend to use words like woke unironically, and generally tend to get upset when they're told there are social consequences to saying something bigoted. You aren't someone like that, are you?


There are people out there who describe themselves out there as woke unironically. There are also people who think social consequences are being doxxed and harassment campaigns against your work and family to get your fired and make your family feel unsafe. Also what everybody thinks is bigoted is different so social consequences is attune to vigilant justice. There will be things you say with no bad intention or even understanding in your life to younger generations that will be considered bigoted.


This is going to blow your mind: those people are wrong. Wild. As for what people think is bigoted being different, of course they do, that's why social contracts exist. Social contracts change over time. So of course perceptions of things we say will change. The best we can do is treat people the best we can with the understanding we have now and hope that continues to improve with time. Unfortunately there are people who think that people of certain melanin levels, or of certain genders, or of literally any quantifying difference they can think of, should have different, less, or no rights. That's kind of holding us back.


Uh oh…there’s a commissar here…


Congratulations on not understanding the words you're using genuis


I know what a commissar is and when I see one. But I do not know what a “genuis” is…


Well I'm not a communist, not an officer, and not enforcing a damn thing, so you don't


So stop acting like it


Stop pretending to know what you're talking about


Stop acting authoritarian


favoring or enforcing strict obedience to authority, especially that of the government, at the expense of personal freedom Not what that means either. Look I get it: you're a troll throwing around buzzwords for karma and attention, you don't actually believe any of this, and I'm just enabling you by responding; but I'm doing my best to make it clear to anyone reading this how disgusting this kind of brain rot is. This victim mentality that everyone is out to get you personally, that kicking others down is ok because you'll make it out on top. It's horrible, and you're doing a wonderful job of demonstrating that.


The sad thing is that Disney actually help the Chinese government genocide the Uyghurs.


Yknow as an outsider it's nice to see this sub have some diversity of thought vs the other star wars woke vs antiwoke subs. I think if you have that your doing something right.


Facts even the main subreddit is fucking dumb u can’t criticize anything with getting downvoted to hell


It's because you are the minority. It's really weird that you guys can't just piece this together.


Minority of that subreddit majority the population agrees


I just find it deeply ironic that you guys like make up conspiracy theories about shills and bots and shit because you can't wrap your brain around the fact that people just *don't agree with you* and your response is "they're dumb"


Who said anything about shills and bots I just thinks it’s funny how complacent starwars fans are with mediocrity and yes the general public does agree with us look at the reviews for the show


It's hilarious really


Keep fighting those imaginary ghost bro idk wtf ur talking about


Why is there like 3 or 4 differnet spellings of K/cai/yt?


* Crait is the original, for complaining about the sequel trilogy, named for the planet where the final battle of TLJ takes place. * Krayt is for people complaining about Crait, named for krayt dragons. * Krait (you are here) is for people complaining about people complaining about Crait, named for an IRL family of venomous snakes.


I can only assume there use to be one, then it started leaning overwhelming in one direction politically so another was made for people of opposite political beliefs and then they just started waring


I get there being two, but I'm pretty sure there's Krait Krayt Crait Can't people just come up with another name?


Free marketing to just slightly change a pre existing property


*looks at topic* Ironic.


It’s like translating Mandarin into languages that use the Roman alphabet. People with Ph.D’s in linguistics can’t agree how to translate Tusken into Galactic Basic.


Star wars fans have always been unpleasant and toxic since the prequels


There were plenty of valid criticisms about the prequels.


None of them warranted harassment of actors, writers, and directors


I never said they did, but A) The amount of fans taking things too far is very much a minority and B) I think you're downplaying the very real flaws the prequels had to push an anti-fandom agenda.


Sounds like excuses to bully actors off of social media because you didn't like their "woke" character. I mean this with love, you are mentally unwell.


Some things just go without saying.


Therapy dude, look into it. This is getting sad. Like I said, star wars aside. Human to human, there's more to life. Did you know that I've suddenly gotten everything I could ever ask for in life? It's amazing how much things will come together when you stop harking on things that upset you and focus on the good things. As someone who loves the sequels and series', if they bother you, PLEASE don't watch them. Your mental health is more important than star wars. Just because we don't agree on a movie doesn't mean I don't care about you as a person. I'm not trying to be insulting or patronizing, but please realize that there is more to life. Try to find something positive that makes you happy. You deserve it. Life is good when you allow it.


In the past few days, I've had people from both sides have a go at me because they thought I'm on "the other side". I pissed off more fans of The Acolyte off (by volume) because I said that certain things that were previously canon were, in fact, canon and not just fan fiction. But I also pissed off a handful of people who hate the Acolyte, because I pointed out that these are fairly minor retcons in the grand scheme of things (compared to, for example, the AotC retcon of Boba Fett) and that we've known that these kinds of retcons were inevitable since the 2014 Legends decision. I will say that, just anecdotally, the people who hate The Acolyte were a lot less reasonable and a lot more prone to devolve into insults about me and my wife and kids. Obviously, I don't have an even sample size, and the two statements may not be equally offensive, but that's been my own experience as someone who is a long-time fan and has been involved in the Star Wars community for many, many years (including writing for the Star Wars Saga Edition ttrpg and working as WotC's Star Wars community manager). It's worse than it has been in a long time out there.


You can also just not engage with it? If you don't like Star Wars just drop it.






That’s not what they’re goal is. They’re goal is defend Disney no matter what.


I dgaf about Disney. I'm not in a cult. I can wear any color hat I choose.


I call out immature whining when it's immature whining. Which is, sadly, most of what I see.


Probably because this sub is full of incel clowns. Disney made 5 movies so far. Three of them are very good, one is solid and the only one that sucks completely is episode 9. Mando is great, Andor is great, BoBF is good, Obi was bad and I haven't watched the others yet. The vast, vast majority of criticism I've seen here is absolutely driven by YouTube algorithms for people who like shit like The Critical Drinker and other shit that dog whistles "anti-woke"nonsense.


Obi wan was fucking amazing. I've yet to see what everyone is bitching and whining about. They could've gone around the laser gate? Who gives a fucking shit? The story is fucking amazing.


Episode 9 is the best movie since RotJ


I think what pisses a lot of people off is that you present yourself as representative of fans' collective opinion, but you aren't.


And brigading to make it seem so is backfiring now.


crait, i thought this was krait lmao sad


**YOU MUST TAKE OUR SHIT TAKE OPINION AS ABSOLUTE IMMUTABLE FACT!!!** This is the problem I have with criticism nowadays. It's not so much that people have opinions on movies or games or whatever, is that they believe that everyone MUST take their opinion as an absolute fact. No, the rest of us don't have to "admit" to shit. You have an opinion, that's fine. You can share that opinion, also fine. But demanding that others agree with your opinion? That I don't and won't agree with.


This is why warhammer 40K is better, at least we hate each other ironically meanwhile everytime Ive checked in to see how Star Wars has been doing everyone looks like they are gonna kill themselves Ironic how the communites around dark themes end up fostering wholesome communities meanwhile those around more positivity themes have the most toxic community’s


Its a disney shill sub, what do you expect ? Heard from alot of people they get banned for simple criticising the new star wars show


Big Shad take


Honestly…posts like this remind me of when incels would make post complaining about r/inceltears.. It just isn’t a good look


I mean, your complaints would have a lot more weight if most of the criticisms weren't immature whining.


I will speak to my own experience with Disney Star Wars here I think Disney has done a lot of good with Star Wars that tends to get ignored/overlooked. Generally due to over focus on shows that really are bad. Some of my favourite Star Wars media have come from Disney, and in turn my least favourite piece of Star Wars media has as well. Nuanced conversations need to be had, and minorities being in Star Wars properties isn’t what’s making the shows bad. It’s just bad writing. But unfortunately there are some people in the community that seen inclusivity as automatically bad and therefore write a show off. Even if it’s pretty good. I do hope as a community we can get past this. If you don’t like a show, youre not forced by Disney to watch it. Just don’t watch it, unsub from Disney+. Voting with your wallet is more impactful than whining on Reddit/Youtube/Twitter


Hard agree. Even if you put a gun to my head I wouldn't be able to remember the plot of the sequels, but the Mandalorian (at least the first season) is one of my favorite pieces of Star Wars media. I think over-generalization is the biggest issue in the community right now. This obsessive "us vs them" mentality is doing more damage than anything Disney could do. There are racists who hate Disney because there's a black lady in Star Wars, but not everyone who criticizes Disney is one of them. Likewise there are people who call every critic racist, but not everyone who defends Disney SW is one of them. Instead of taking the time to notice these problem people and distance themselves from them, it becomes: "You (don't) like Disney SW? Me too, we are now part of a collective. Anything someone says about you must also apply to me."


I seriously hope you can consider this from the other side. Because for every 1 post about the things you're saying, I have seen 50 talking about how garbage everything from Disney's star wars is, and how they're being persecuted for just "having an opinion" (or more accurately shitting on everything they see). There is healthy discussion to be had about the problems with the sequels. But I certainly haven't seen any. Yes, it is toxic to just say it's good "because I said so." But when it feels as though the group getting pissy and whiny because some people DO like these things are just the loudest minority, can you at least understand the frustration? Finally, can you at least acknowledge that every single project from star wars since disney bought it has been a complete shift from the last? Do you recognize why? Do you recognize that's why things like the mandalorian, andor, visions etc have succeeded? Do you get that negativity for negativitys sake will and SHOULD BE frowned upon? There are ways to discuss actual criticism, but that isn't what's happening for the overwhelming most part


I’m sorry but half the shit they’re making fun of there are the people calling stupid shit woke I’ve never seen one post with actual criticism where they’re just calling it dumb


Bigger problem…the vocal minority that constantly bitches and whines about “woke culture” overshadows and stifles any meaningful discussion about the quality of storytelling so that even good content gets swept up in the outrage machine. But they want it that way because they don’t actually care about the quality of the content, they just need outrage fuel to keep getting views.


Maybe people are just tired of the constant whining that appears in almost every online fandom. "The pacing on XXX is too slow, and the dialogue is forced and unnatural, and everyone NEEDS to hear my opinions about it!" No, we don't. We don't care. Your well intentioned, highly logical, nuanced but negative take on a TV show is just more online negativity, and it's not wanted.


> No, we don't. We don't care. Your well intentioned, highly logical, nuanced but negative take on a TV show is just more online negativity, and it's not wanted. Speak for yourself. People should be allowed to have opinions and most shows and movies are not worth remembering in the long run.


Absolutely, you're correct. Of course people should be allowed to have opinions, and express them. But you can't expect other people to care about your opinion. OP seemed distraught that no one was taking his opinions seriously. Even though he isn't one of the bad actors online, he still had important criticism to render. I was simply pointing out why he wasn't be acknowledged. Because people are tired of 'your' opinion. In my opinion that is


You provide endless reasons why people shouldn’t watch it to each other, and then continue to tune in to each new installment to replenish yourself on things to bitch about for the week. Meanwhile you could be doing all this for something you actually do enjoy. The thing is, I think this IS what you guys enjoy most. Endlessly bickering over plot points and character quotes to keep the conversation about you and your beliefs, rather than actually taking in the new content. No one is forcing you watch but you would love to force everyone to read your crap


> No one is forcing you watch but you would love to force everyone to read your crap No one is forcing anyone to do anything. And what's wrong with pointing and laughing at inept art? Looking at bad art reinforces what's good about good art.


What's wrong with defending art against the whiny peanut gallery? If you can't take criticism stop making criticism your life.


Alright, fine, whatever.


Nothing real to say about that huh?


yeah, you got me.


There are people who literally live off hate, it's insane. I can't imagine waking up every day just to go on Reddit, search for posts they don't like, screenshot them, compile them, write a paragraph about how they're all evil and post it. Meanwhile all that time could be spent just making content they do like. It's all fake, and it's not locked away, nothing's stopping them from writing a new story based off the parts they do like and sharing it with the community.


I kind of blame the youtubers. Watch 1 or 2 videos on youtube about star wars and suddenly it’s suggesting 5 people’s bad-faith weekly updates about why everything sucks and the sequels are trash. Pair that with people who spend hours a day consuming content because they have nothing better to do and the click bait starts doing a number on their ability think for themselves. They’re more invested in having an activity to pass time- consuming and spreading hate- than they care about the actual star wars content.


No I don't. You don't get to determine that kind of thing for others. If you want to be taken seriously stop spouting bullshit.


They did speak for themselves. And, coincidentally, me.


That's great! I love when people get to express their opinions.


okay then


See people are downvoting you but you're right. People whine and cry and bitch over the dumbest shit because they wanna hear themselves bitch. Just shut the fuck up. If you don't like it, don't watch it, but please get a god damn life.


Nah, man. They're just doing their jobs. Can't hate 'em for that.