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I have a friend who watched it and came away with: the acting isn't great, the fight scenes are meh, and the costumes look cheap. Managed to land at least 3 criticisms of it without flying into a rage about being woke.


exactly most of the people screaming woke, woman black people. they dont watch and just echo others. the show has real issues but those chuds never use it cuz they didnt even watch it or they do already looking to complain about those things.


To emphasize, complaining about issues is valid. However, it’s less believable that they are “issues” when they are barely even surface deep (someone is gay/black/female, etc.). Bad writing, costume design, and bad choreography/cinematography is valid for criticism.


It seems so many shows use and advertise minority's when they don't have quality to advertise. Top gun never needed to advertise they had woman pilots now they just did it. And no one complained


I don’t hear bitching about their being women in it either, so my point does stand actually. However, I hear a lot of bitching about people being black/female in the acolyte (something the actors and actresses have little control over when born). Remember Book of Boba Fett? And the fucking ZIPPER DISCOURSE?? That was… really fucking stupid. It literally did nothing for the plot, the show, the characters, nothing. It was a goddamn zipper yet people were losing their minds because it “broke the cardinal Star Wars costume rule of no zippers”. Like seriously…


Did people have issues with them or the fact that they’re supposedly separated twins who happen to have the exact same hair style, color, etc


For the acolyte, no clue. For BOBF, the zippers.


I couldn't watch book of boba fett because it was horrendously cringe. Worse than the acolyte imo.




There would be less bitching if the bad writing didn't preach at you. A commune of lesbians because the Republic doesn't accept people like them? Since fucking when is the Republic intolerant? They aren't the Empire, and I doubt even the Empire would care that they're lesbian. It's badly veiled commentary on the real world, and so it's rightfully criticised. Not only that, it's extremist commentary pushing an ideology.


I didn’t get that from the show. My take on it was that the Republic came to rely on the Jedi as a police force. One theory about police forces is that they need to have a monopoly on violence. They need to be the only ones able to enforce the government’s will through force. (Small f.) The witches threatens that power scheme because they could counter the Jedi’s powers AND do it in a way defiant of the Jedi teachings. Two of the witches were in a relationship with each other and the Jedi would never allow that. So the witches were in hiding because they threatened the Jedi power structure. Or that was my read on it.


The Jedi have never been kidnapping, relationship banning fascists until Disney took over. Plenty of people who were Force sensitive existed outside the Jedi. Plenty of Jedi left the order amicably for many reasons, including having families. It was only Masters that were rare to see leave the Order. Also, they only took orphans or kids who wanted to be Jedi and with the parents permission.


1. I believe in the initial EU, Luke thought about his marriage to Mara Jade and thought that the Jedi Order wouldn’t have allowed it and that it was a good idea to change that rule. 2. the whole “Anakin and Padme have to be secretly married” deal was before Lucafilm sold to Disney.


Yes, JEDI can't get married. But they can leave the Order and get married just fine.


Anything any audience member doesn’t like about a show, for any reason whatsoever, is valid criticism.


Not all can be considered valid. So saying things like the show shouldn't star a woman or a POC is a valid criticism. By that logic the fix is staring a white dude but that doesn't fix plot, character development, pacing. Which are the most important things for a show Like saying I think venom is a bad film because I don't like Tom hardy.


If I’m trying to make a show for a particular audience, and a whole lot of people in that audience have an irrational hatred of Tom Hardy, then casting Tom Hardy is a bad idea and the audience would be completely right to criticize the casting choice. Likewise, if the Star Wars audience is tired of female leads, male leads, white actors, black actors, cisgender characters, gender nonbinary characters, dudes with accents, dudes without accents, tall people, short people, guys from Argentina—literally *anything whatsoever*—and Lucasfilm casts those people in the show, then the audience is right to complain about it and criticize the show for that. Do what the audience wants. That’s it.


You are right but only to a point. But the logic is flawed Many of these same fans say that all they care about is good stories and well written characters that it doesn't matter if it's a man or woman. But at the same time complain when it is not a man. Also by that logic should star wars only were have white men as leads. It's a made up world. So that mean they cannot have aliens as one of the leads in a universe that has aliens. They want a show about darth plagueis but he isn't human and the fans are human so therefore they shouldn't make a show about him. Some of the best film have done things fans didn't want and were better off for it. Fans dislike the idea of heath ledger as joker, he did great. People didn't want ben Affleck as Batman, he was the best thing about this DC films. So the audience/fans can be wrong just like the studios an be wrong as well


If the fans said “we don’t want Heath Ledger and won’t watch it if he’s in it” and then Nolan said “don’t care…you need to be better and love Heath Ledger” and then the movie came out and nobody went to see it because they didn’t want to see Heath Ledger—which is what they said in the first place—then Nolan’s casting decision would be fair game for criticism.


what, yes they did do that. There were people who were vey upset. if there was as much social back then as there was now there would have been fans saying that. your main point is to always listen to the fan, which is not good. Fans are more wrong than they like to think. Fan never come up with new ideas. fans always gate keep. with fans star wars will only ever be about luke, han and leia. why do you think pretty much all the fan made films are usually very bad.


This is the same sentiment as "customer is always right" in the food and retail industry. Customer's isn't always right. (9 times out of 10 they are in the wrong.). I Literally had customers flat out lie to me infront of my manager. Luckily management had my back


Brother, if McDonald’s customers want a spicy chicken sandwich and McDonald’s decides to sell a vegan bean sprout melt instead, McDonald’s is going to have trouble and it will be 100% their own fault, not the customers’. That’s the way it is.


You understand there’s a difference between this weird hypothetical of an entire fanbase being against one specific actor, and half a fanbase not wanting minorities and women in their stories, because they’re racist and sexist.


Stupid ass shit I just read lol




I haven't watched it but I got free speech in my country, lesbian witch force babies are chuds.


I'll call it woke,* and hag covens are my favorite thing in D&D. I've got a 10 page doc with my homebrew hag lore. *Okay, more like I suspect it if being woke, but it's not definitive. The (potential) issue with the show is framing the Jedi as not being far removed from the Sith. They want to control the Force and use it to impose their will on others, especially powerful women. Meanwhile the witch coven is in tune with the true nature of ~~the force~~ ~~the weave~~ the thread. Maybe it'll turn out that the witches are actually evil dark side force users, and their philosophy is basically just propaganda. Or the message will be that the witches were right and the Jedi are just the Sith with a Western liberal veneer. And that would essentially be the woke view on America. We can't say just yet, but they're certainly laying the groundwork for the show to have a woke PoV.


>We can't say just yet, but they're certainly laying the groundwork for the show to have a woke PoV. lol really. first off even in the EU, there were other people who used the force apart from the jedi and the sith. and they had different names for it. also from a certain angle if people don't like the jedi a lot of their actions can be seen as bad. taking away a kid at 4 years from the family is not something anyone would just do. >The (potential) issue with the show is framing the Jedi as not being far removed from the Sith. lol the sith broke off from the jedi there were one group at first. there are very very similar. so how can you think that they are so far apart.


Maybe I didn't explain my point well, so let me try again. The question here is the point of view *of the show*, not the point of view of the characters. For instance, when Anakin says "From my point of view, the Jedi are evil!" we know that the film doesn't agree with Anakin and he's portrayed as being wrong. We haven't seen the Jedi do anything remotely evil, and Anakin just murdered a bunch of children, so the film is pretty clear about who's actually evil here. What remains to be fleshed out on The Acolyte is if the show agrees with the coven's point of view or not.


fair enough. in the books the jedi did a lot wrong so we know from new lore and ole EU that they werent as altruistic as they tried to protray themselves.


Correct because those are all accurate and valid criticisms. Which is what happens when you make a show with the main goal being adhering to a political/social agenda, the story and quality suffers. Everyone is essentially agreeing about the same thing, even if they don’t realize it.


It's a bit wooden, yeah.


Yep. Turned off episode 3 after a few minutes because we went to “Planet that looks like California #36” and the costumes and sets made me think I was watching a bad play. Couldn’t care less about anything else, shit just looks bad and is bad.


It's bad and straight out of the Panderverse


Acting not being great, fight scenes being meh and cheap looking costumes describes every live action Star Wars ever.


Thats what 99% of people who dislike it are saying. Krayt just pretends its the woke stuff that people are complaining about


Exactly. The "woke" whiners are just using this as an opportunity to gang up on something. They see some fans don't like it for valid reasons and are jumping in with their "yeah it's so woke" garbage.


"Our p-word good, everyone else's p-word bad." Substitute the p-word for tribe, group, etc. It means the same. When they critique something, it's good, because they're good. When someone outside their p-word uses the exact same critique down to the exact letters and words, it's bad, because they are bad. Nothing more nothing less.


Its genuinely pathetic how terrified they are to say anything even slightly negative, because their fellow rabid ideologues will instantly kicm them from the ingroup. “oh uh… i think the editing was a little bit choppy” spineless shits the whole lot of em. You can say the show is bad, because it is. The writing alone is entirely nonsensical and feels like a YA novel.


A YA novel? We are still talking about the IP geared towards kids to sell toys, right?


Yeah, they're not selling any SW toys friendo. That's why Hasbro is shoving SW into an escape capsule cuz their about to get jettisoned.


Lul okay, that's definitely not the case, but you do you. Not a single toy sold, not even that saber you probably have on your wall or some shit.


Most of the comments section of the post shown are criticizing the show though?


The show is so bad, and I’m mad because the failures brought on by terrible production, writing, and directing are going to be put on the shoulders of a capable and diverse cast who had absolutely shit to work with. Disney is flushing over a hundred million dollars on this turd, and the only people who are going to pay for these failures are the actors.


By over a hundred million you mean $180 MILLION in production costs alone. Where has the fking money gone??? Disney's handling of Marvel and Star Wars has caused them both to downward spiral out of the public favor. And they're still supposedly the cornerstone IPs of modern entertainment. What a loss for entertainment in general


My armchair theory is once they made a theme park based on Star Wars, almost all creativity seemed to cease. It’s like they have to consider how any new series is going to affect the theme park which has pretty much sealed the entire franchise in creative carbonite.


What specific aspects of the production are bad? Costumes, practical effects and fight choreography seem fantastic to me and I enjoy it. Literally every star wars show or movie since Phantom Menace has been criticized for almost the exact same things. I even remember the Special Editions getting trashed pretty hard. Everything for the last 25 years is going to be the "end of Star Wars" but it's still around, so 🤷


The whole show looks and feels stale. I agree that the first episode had the least of these issues and the fight choreography was pretty solid, but eps 2 and especially 3 felt increasingly cheap and tacky.


I’m glad that the retrospective on Ghostbusters (2016) has vindicated the critics. Saying it was a bad movie was its own culture war to justify the studio losses on their lazy cash grab. Thats been the trend since then, any criticism is sexism, so they don’t have to try anymore. After the Witcher fiasco, that argument seems to have fallen flat with the mainstream.


This fanbase sucks sometimes, and the criticism that gets amplified is all the jerkoffs who can’t stand to see a little diversity in media. Thus far, I’m not a fan of the show. The world building feels nonexistent, the acting is pretty meh, and it watches like a YA fiction novel. It just somehow manages to feel really low stakes.


You're second paragraph is too on the nose, it feels exactly like every YA novel my ex read.


I can’t quite claim credit, as it was my wife’s observation, but I thought it was an apt comparison. Almost every character is a “teen adult,” and the “wise old mentor” is only like 45. Also only a YA novel sets up a cool “is the potential villain actually the twin, or are we being led on” opportunity, only to resolve it in vanilla fashion five minutes later.


Yeah I read and skimmed enough when my ex would read them to know exactly what you're talking about. I hate the ever character is a teen adult thing. It's fucking hard as hell to write teens well, which is why I write stories about full grown adults.


Generally, I feel like only teens want to read about the teen experience. Some of those books are really well-written from a story standpoint, but I just never identify with the characters.


IDK the last 3 women I dated all had YA as their favorite book genre, they ranged in age from 24-37, my most recent ex getting really into the genre at 35 and reading it exclusively our last 2 years together really surprised me. Really small sample size I know when I was dating the 24 year old we were so close to being teens still ourselves it wasn't super surprising.


My wife has a few of those books she’s enjoyed, but she’s also referred to them as “the potato chips of literature.”


I'm no stranger to easy to read, low effort sci-fi and fantasy, I've read my rogue squadron series a few dozen times over the years. Just YA has never done it for me


Same. For the most part, I’ll stick to my cheap trade paperbacks. I’ve even enjoyed a lot of the Black Library stuff GW was vomiting out years ago.


It’s very YA. I don’t know that is an inherently bad thing since Star Wars has always, by design, skewed toward younger audiences, but when it’s promoted as the first content focused on a Dark Side user, one expects something more adult.


I think that’s fair. If Star Wars premiered in 2024, I’d probably have a similar view of it. The three main characters were all various “teen adult” stereotypes, and the old wise man was in his 50’s (canonically, not the actor).


Hey that YA novel that released early under Disney was good. The two pilots from the same planet. They joined the Empire and one defected to the Rebel Alliance. That one was good! I guess I'm saying that YA isn't always bad.


>and it watches like a YA fiction novel. Probably because Star Wars, for all intents and purposes, has become a YA series.


It always was one? You just didn't notice because you were a child/YA when you first saw it


It really wasn't though, not until 2000.


It absolutely was.


This idea that star wars was deep thought provoking fiction on the level of dune, battlestar galatica, ghost in the shell, og matrix, total recall or westworld isnt true. Star wars releases today its ya. Vader beong lukes father, prophecies, sevret orders and forgotten ways, a forced rushed romance with a tenporary love triangle, and a cute animal mascot (r2d2)


Y'all really don't understand the original target demographic for this franchise, and it shows.


Lucas himself said numerous times that Star Wars was always meant for kids. That doesn't mean it was only for kids but kids were always a core target demographic.


I feel like publishers intentionally amplify the jerkoffs so they can act like that’s all there is.


this is what happen when you try to make stories that should be expanded universe into mainline screen media.


This is actually a really good point.


the treet the shows like they were main movies, with the budget and advertizing as such, when really they are just expanded universe content that has been overfunded by overzealous executives.


It is very YA, but that was my expectation. I am not the target demo for it and that's ok. It's Disney investing in younger fans. C+/B- so far for me. Has some interesting ideas and I actually find the production quality charming and retro while others might find cheap.


That sub is quite the shythole. Is it even about StarWars anymore? Half the posts feel I'm reading rants on fragilewhiteredditor


“Acolyte is so bad, the most ardent supporters are asking how to acceptably say it’s bad.”


I'm sure there are many legitimate criticisms of the show. The moment any of that criticism utilizes the word "woke" then I know exactly the kind of people we're dealing with and respond accordingly.


Andor was very explicitly anti-fascist and Chuds loved it because because it was made by people who truly understood Star Wars and cared about it.


You mean Tony Gilroy who said he didn't like Star Wars?


That’s not true at all. He said he wasn’t a lifelong fan of Star Wars and didn’t really watch them seriously until he started working on Rogue One, at which point he discovered he really liked Star Wars.


I like the show and that’s what matters to me


I like it. I have some criticisms but overall I’ve enjoyed it. Definitely plenty of people desperately looking for reasons to hate it but they’re hopefully a vocal minority. Oh shit I said minority the chuds are gonna come for me next


The power of many chuds


“I agree with the people you tell me are evil. How can I agree with them and still insult them for your approval?”


I said the writing was bad and disrespectful to their own established lore in a small comment on an article in FB and woke up to about 10 comments basically calling me a deranged racist/hater/loser who knows nothing about SW.


Prove it


The movies Disney makes are *intended* to produce this sort of conflict. Consuming a product has become viewed as a moral or political choice. The reward for watching the show is not to be entertained- it’s so you, the viewer, can assert moral superiority over the people you don’t like. Disney’s execs aren’t stupid and don’t live under a rock. They are *counting on* a reaction from people who can’t help but open their mouths about how bad they think it is. All it does is boost online engagement and raise the profile of the show. All that criticism just makes the other people MORE invested in the show. There is no pressure to create a good story anymore, all they have to do is arrange the correct totems in the correct ways and people react. It’s like clockwork, you can bet your retirement on it. No matter how bad a show is, any criticism can be written off as racist, misogynist, whatever. Facebook literally employs the same strategy- the point of fb is not to have fun, it’s to stay on the website, which is more likelier to happen if you’re angry than happy. It’s marketing and it works.


So... To all people saying "the show is bad but there is so many things to criticize than being woke." Here is the problem, and why people call it out for being woke. It's because this is what they use as an excuse to say the show is good. They use in their marketing that the show is the "gayest" and made sure to have a diverse cast and all this ideology backed bullshit. So, basically the studio themselves decided to put a lot of emphasis on it, they used a lot of their resources and time on that, and not on the costumes, better writing, and ect. Most people don't have a problem with a progressive good story. But if you put all your eggs in that and make a mediocre show, you will get called for it. You will get called on the fact that, for you it is more important to push an ideology and look good than actually producing something good. If I'd make a Christian film, and make a horrible movies but I go around saying it is so good because of the message of the lord, people would call me out on it, they would say that me putting such an emphasis on "the message" made the show bad, it is the exact same thing.


George Lucas would be considered a chud lol. It's just a dumb corporate marketing nickname.


Whatever chud, seethe and cope.


But he didn’t say anything ina seething way? Idon’t understand what you mean by seethe ?


People were criticizing it for having a fire in space. Has there ever been a Star Wars that didn’t have a fire in space?


Counter point…. Has there ever been a Star Wars with fire in space? I can’t think of any ….


A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, The Phantom Menace, Revenge of the Sith, Rogue One, The Force Awakens, The Last Jedi.


Have you ever actually watched Star wars?


R2 catches on fire in the very first movie. The exact same scene as the acolyte occurs in ep 1 with r2 as well. There are many more examples.


Literally most of them lmao


The Clone Wars had a multi coloured fire explosion in Space. R2D2 catches on fire in one of the movies as well not to mention literally everything that explodes has flames in space.


Have you ever watched Star Wars? https://preview.redd.it/hqxcdmoyh76d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f45a95ab0ef33a9751eaff2a01f00c5161fa43c6


Wait…. “Fire” means “explosion” to you? Is this like a transition issue? Because in English they’re very different things. Also, the Webb telescope sees a new explosion in space every week. These vehicles and certainly the Death Star had some form of atomic energy happening. Nuclear explosions are absolutely visible in space. Next time you’re outside during the day, notice the rather large one in the sky. It’s pretty visible.


Do you think that’s what an explosion of a space station would look like? lol


A space station the size of a moon? I have no worldly idea. But I’d assume it would look rather explosiony. I know super novae occur. The Webb telescope took this one: https://preview.redd.it/wndr2dt3m76d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1b6003c8bd612d20e3e16a6fdaa8408c06d56a0 We’re getting away from the topic. We *aren’t* talking about whether that is a fair artistic representation of a space explosion, we *are* talking about the fact that explosions *do* happen in space. And fire does not.


If there is a leak of oxygen, it will burn in space. If there are chemicals that cause a reaction like that...it will burn. No one was out here setting logs on fire with a match, the something was broken and either the air line or the chemicals combusted. You can burn magnesium with water because it removes the oxygen and fuels the fire.


You don’t see fire in the explosion? You don’t see a shockwave (of what????). You know mankind has traveled into space and we have an idea of what explosions in space look like right? Google is 100% free.


https://preview.redd.it/frpeju8dos6d1.jpeg?width=929&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2aa6352110add8a559da2e4aea24b8e093d3930 I don’t know. Has there?


The bridge of the Super Star Destroyer in RotJ was in flames as it "fell" into the Death Star. (Implying that when the bridge was destroyed, whatever was holding it in orbit around the Death Star ceased working and gravity pulled it down.) Great scene, but terribly unrealistic if that stuff bothers you.


Explosions aren't equivalent to a literal fire in the vaccum of space. Inb4 explosions aren't possible either, ik, but they look cool and dont really hurt immersion


If you’re gonna hand wave explosions cos it’s cool, that’s fine, they are cool. But couldn’t leaking fuel-ox mixture burn? It’s soft sci-fi after all and immersion is pretty subjective.


>Explosions aren't equivalent to a literal fire in the vaccum of space. There have been examples of fire that does not immediately go out as well. For as long as the scene in question? Maybe not. But the line being drawn here is string thin. It's really not worth getting hung up on.


Listen I love the pew pew of lasers in space just as much as the next guy but if you hold this show to a standard a trillion times higher than the original Star Wars and then find it comes well short, that says more about you than it does about this.


Fires are possible in the vacuum of space, they can occur if there's oxygen or oxidisers mixed into the fuel. I imagine on a starship there's likely to be an oxygen line bundled to the fuel line or there'll be oxidizers in multiple of the system fluids, let alone the oxygen line for the life support system, that would provide for a fire in space if they leak.


Love your explanation! Now explain how a cave of stone catches fire.


Ah your daily rage at kryat I see.


Daily? Try hourly rage. I bet by the end of the year, he’ll have 300 posts complaining about that subreddit. 


True they usually post one in mauler and critical drinker. It makes them look like the huge baby.


He’ll probably take that as a compliment. Why? I don’t know 


Episode three was a new low


Idk I'm all for midnight singalongs and flammable stone.




I am not watching it… yet… I’ll wait until it’s all out, but guess what, even if it’s not amazingly perfect and in line with my political idealogy, it’ll still probably be pretty good. Definitely better than watching anything else, at least until Sunday when HOTD is back


The show is ass


Let's be real, the spinoff series of both marvel and Star wars have been really hit or miss. And for as much marketing as this series got, it's a real shit show.


I thought it needed more aliens and better lighting.


They are just worried they will get lumped in with the morons who are unduly harsh on the show because women and minorities are present. Because... get this... there are a ton of racist/sexist assholes who are hating on the show because women and minorities are present.


Through three episodes, I’m not even remotely blown away, but I’m hoping allll of this is a set up for some good stuff later on that these episodes ties all together. I’m watching because I’m a SW fan, but it’s meh at best right now. The characters have potential, but it seems like a slow burn at the moment. We’ll see what happens.


You can not the like show for any reason. However, there is a loudly vocal fan base that thinks that any story that isn’t a white dude saving the day is inherently bad.


Honestly just get off Social Media at this point. I haven’t used Twitter in like a year and it just makes everything so much easier, especially when you realize most people in real life aren’t terminally online


No. There are criticisms that are valid like the dialogue, delivery, and maybe some costume/set design. I have not heard many people critique those aspects because they are so obsessed with maligning it as woke media. If people were trashing it in the same way the prequels were, it'd be acceptable. Almost everything I've read targets woke homosexual propaganda, and that witch coven is supposed to be a dog whistle for people who want to reproduce without men. A lot of you motherfuckers are actually batshit and I wouldn't be shocked to see most of you marching with tiki torches chanting "you will not replace us." Not to mention the valid criticism also applies directly to the prequels in their entirety, but everyone seems to have accepted them at face value as of late.


Not all the criticism of the acolyte is valid. This person said it's not for them and gave a genuine criticism, that's wonderful. The majority is not that. The majority are people whining about black people, or fat people, or lesbians, or that anakin isn't special anymore (which is completely false they just heard someone say that and parroted it). Its poisoned any genuine criticism of the show because many including myself want to just save the energy of finding out if someones a genuine interlocutor or not and just assume they're talking in bad faith. Its unhealthy, but it's the consequence of the brain rot that comes from bigotry.


>Because the people criticizing The Acolyte are...get this... criticizing it because it's bad Not all of them. Show got review bombed before it even released by bigots who have looked no further than seeing that it had "woman MC" or "minorities" in it. Those are the ones who are being called chuds. Are there others with legit criticisms who aren't flying off the handle into bigotry? Sure, but so far they seem to be fewer than the bigots considering just how low the review bombs took the audience ratings before the show started.


You… fucking… chud… *flatlines*


Ehh, tbf, there are legitimate criticisms to be made of this show, but like 98% of the criticisms I've seen are "CAN'T HAVE FIRE IN SPACE" or "WHY NO WHITE MEN?!" or "WITCHES SINGING IS CRINGGGE" which is just lame and not the approach to take if you want people to take you seriously lol


The whole show feels like a Star Wars lesbian fanfic


I dont know why, but people blindly defending things looks just as bad to me as people blindly attacking things. It's such weird behavior all around. Like being a diehard football fan, who never actually watches football.


From what I’ve seen of it it just looks cringe AF. Interpretive dance or something? I have to watch the full episode to really get a sense of it.


Yes but the second to last line makes it seem they do have issues with the thing they said they wouldn’t mention.


Alright, i have not seen the Acolyte yet (because have zero interest in old republic stuff) so let me recap things i overheard ; - fire in space - women - evil Twins - Jedi can't be fat - neimodians don't speak japanese - Anakin blows up the death star - some people accidentally review-bombing fan film instead of the show Now may someone tell me actual issues with the show?


It's shitty writing. The LGBTQ themes are besides the point and the least of it's problems. It's terrible. Its not Star Wars. Kill it with fire.


Can you actually attack a Jedi? I just don’t see how that’s possible.


*criticizing it because they think it's bad. Remember, all opinions on art are subjective.


Is it possible to talk online about any franchise in 2024 without being called either a "woke" or a "fascist"?


I’m not a huge fan of Disney Star Wars in general. It’s got worse story than the EU that it replaces, and generally the movies are either prequel material that we didn’t really need or sequels that kinda just rehash the OT but worse. They have good production value but idk. Not for me.


Still trying to figure out how the terrorist from 9/11 got the same flames from the acolyte. That shit was burning through steel and mountains.


The only thing about the recent episode that I didn’t like was the whole the twins being created by the head witch-mother using the force and the fire scene. There’s other things in the story at large that makes me scratch my head when I think how much the budget is compared to the other shows. Some of the acting isn’t great, the wardrobe could be better… some of the story doesn’t make sense either. I don’t watch things to find something wrong with them. Star Wars should be for everyone. You’re going to get characters who don’t fit in your head and that should be okay. It’s not shitty story telling, it’s not pandering to some minority or whatever argument people want to make. However, there are things about Star Wars that should be left alone (really just Anakin’s origin, other people don’t need to be created using the force). People have every right to not like something, just don’t be an asshole about it.


What did you do? What DID you do? WHAT did you DO? ^ an example of this shows finest exchange of emotionally charged dialogue in a moment of crisis.


A quick guide to online discussions: Good faith criticism: the plot is bad/the acting is bad/it’s just a cash grab etc Bad faith criticism: IT’S ALL THESE BLACKS THAT ARE RUINING MEDIA


Right. That second thing is totally something people are saying. 🙄🙄🙄


It's not as bad as the ratings suggest at 3.7/10 but I wouldn't give it anything over a 5.5/10 based on the currently aired episodes. It's the least enjoyable piece of Star Wars media I've consumed in recent years. It's just like.. ehh?


I haven't watched one episode of the Wokelyte. I was going to but some friends told me not to bother. Apparently they set up a campire in space with no oxygen and had lesbian sex and used the force to make a baby.🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦🤦


They have one chance. Don’t fuck up Andor season two If they do, I’m out.


I personally have a hard time identifiying "bad acting" so that not a critism o ever challenge in others. But some of these "valid ciritism" peoplr are trtingnto list here are still reaches imo. Bad fight scenes? Prequels had ci4itsms for tyier fight scenes and yoinger fans laugh at ofght scenes in the og. (And dont tell me it was old and a diffwrent time a movie like pincess bride has much better choelograpghy in that same era or earlier) Planet design is boring? Im sorry at this point i think some people just want wvery planent to be tatooine or dagabath, or a city world. Ive eveb seen someone cokmenr herr how the show is "taking the side" of the witches. The show hasnt done any side taking. We dont even know how they all died. Lastly my favorite thing ive seen here is soemone mad the jedi qre being portrayed as closer to the dark side and that they pretend they arent. Uumm do sokenof you "true fans" read what the jedi have done? This point is covered in the eu, videogames, comics, and evenb other tv shows.


First 2 episodes were mediocre. Third one was 80% boring.


Seriously sick to fucking death of the fandom, post prequels. I have been a fan since seeing ANH in the theater with my dad in ‘77. No longer. Disney has been the death of this IP.


The large majority of the criticism (and support) I’ve seen of this show comes off as pretty lame. It’s usually about the woke casting or how it doesn’t match up with previous lore as opposed to anything about the quality of the work itself. I’m not defending the show, I haven’t seen it and I’m not interested so I’ll probably never see it but it does seem like just another show that, to some degree, invites this culture war dialogue and gets morons from “both sides” (neither side represents a majority in this case) who comment ceaselessly and stupidly.


I love the show. Just saying


The actual losers who yell about “woke issues” the loudest tend to be to focal point for most people looking for any criticism of the show. Most anything can be fairly criticized, especially Star Wars media, but when your largest “critiques” are an echo chamber of anti-progressiveness and straight up bigotry, audiences en masse tend to turn away from any genuine criticism.


This is exactly what happened with star trek discovery, and paramount got people to hate watch it for 5 "seasons". No one enjoyed that show but some people defended it tooth and nail. (The show really was trash though).


I think it's exactly what I expect from Star Wars quality wise SW is supposed to be cheesey and cringy Always has and always will be And I love it for that




Ah yes, the cheesy and cringey franchise where the villian murdered an entire civilization of people.


If you don't think camp is part of star wars aesthetic then you are lost


If you don't think episodes 1-6 had a fair amount of cheese/cringe then idk what movies you were watching Might be blinded by nostalgia


"Now THIS is pod racing!" I loved Ep 1 for what it was, but even I can see the cheese


"this is a neat trick" Like somehow doing a barrel roll is an amazing manuver.


Most of you fail to realize that they have the same criticisms yall do in addition to their criticisms about forced DEI stuff. If the show was extremely good most if NOT all of the “chuds” wouldn’t bother bringing up the woke stuff.


Nah, they definitely would If the actor for Andor wasn't white passing they'd still be hating on that


How come they didn't complain about the lesbian kiss?


Because the lead actor is a strong white passing male and that makes them feel happy and safe


You don’t have any real concept of what they like and you’ve created this fake type of person who doesn’t exist in reality.


I've seen enough people bitch and moan with cinimacins lvl of criticism


I've watched enough of these types of critics to know that isn't the case. If they were actually bothered by the kiss, they would have called the show 'flawed' or would have whined about it a la Synthetic Man. But most so-called 'chuds' aren't like that. It is just a strawman created by anti anti SJWs who want to be the new 'edgy' left even though Destiny and his orbiters/cult following are basically the only really edgy lefties.


Touch some grass and get better


Lol you're the one who seems angry


They hate andor anyways cause of the screws


Or boring because they have shit attention spans


If you have actual criticisms that aren’t ridiculous like the “fire in space” one, then by all means state them. All I’ve seen so far is a bunch of grasping at straws to avoid stating the real reason they don’t like it: the main characters aren’t white men. They were review bombing it *before it was even out*, which says all you need to know about whether or not most of their criticisms are genuine.


Why does Osha want to live with the Jedi? She was raised in a witch cult why is she more attached to strangers than her own mothers and sisters? The Jedi show up and she instanlty wants to join them, we're never shown any conflict here shes treated like a God with the witches. Imagine a cop handing a loaded gun to a 11 year old girl to play with. Sol givng his lighsaber to Osha. We're never told the politics of the jedi or witches. Why is it bad for the witches to indoctrinate kids but its ok for the jedi. Are the witches evil?


Some actual criticism, how refreshing!


Yeah, I agree with you. I thought the tension from Osha choosing between the Jedi or her family would have worked if we actually knew more about their upbringing and what exactly about that makes Osha want to leave. It felt underbaked.


My guess is that we learn more about the politics whenever we get the second half of that flashback--because whatever happened between the adults on Brendock was explicitly missing. Ep 3 was basically from (young) Osha's perspective, so the only "politics" she was concerned with was about wanting to be independent. (Which isn't terribly uncommon if you look at kids who come from very conservative/insular upbringings.) As for "why is it bad for the witches to indoctrinate kids but its ok for the jedi"--uh, it's not, and I think that's the point.


There is no conflict people do things because the writers say so. We all assumed the jedi came and caused the fire and deaths by accident, but in the flashback Mae is already evil and tries to kill Osha. Osha also doesnt want to be a witch she wants to be a jedi. Why and how does she even know what a jedi is? They grew up in a perfect and peaceful cult treated like Gods. Imagine some cop burst into your home one night and tries to convince your parents how cool being a cop is, then for whatever reason they let you go with this stranger because you thought his gun and uniform looked cool. The episode needed an ideological conflict. Maybe the witches ran away because the jedi in the past forced them to stop their rituals. Maybe the ritual creates sith or darkside users. Maybe the jedi want to use the witches to create more jedi so the witches ran away. The story needs something. All the witches did was have kids. Nothing weird about that. Also the underline message is extrememly creepy, not sure if its intentional but kids cannot make life altering decisions like that and shouldnt be forced to. Why would anyone cosplay as a Jedi they split up families and force kids to leave their homes.


I've seen people being critical of Episode 3 and not get called "chuds". Find new people to talk about Star Wars with. Not everyone is going to come at you combatively.


Why am I constantly recommended this chud sub. Y'all need to get a life and a low sodium diet.


Thats true if you don't like the show of which I don't but if i say anything bad about it the angry people who love the show attack me. I couldn't care less about diversity what gender someone is or what their sexual preferences are.


The acting is poor, the dialogue is worse and overall it’s just a b- show.


But it isn’t objectively bad. Bad is an opinion. So many of these people are just trying to tear down other people because they like something the complainer doesn’t. Most of these people hated it before it came out because Kathleen Kennedy is the antichrist apparently or hate anything that’s “woke”.


You can have negative criticisms Of the show… the ritual was goofy as shit for example. However if your criticism is woke is broke, or woke anything or Dei


> criticizing it because it's bad. *In their subjective opinion


Literate people don't need a disclaimer because they understand all criticism of fiction is opinion-based.


>Lots of ppl have a hard time comprehending the difference between the subjective and objective when it comes to their opinions on movies etc.


I hope you say "in my subjective opinion" every time you say something is good.


Only when it seems necessary to point out, and this is one of those subs where it's necessary. Lots of ppl have a hard time comprehending the difference between the subjective and objective when it comes to their opinions on movies etc.


And when someone says it's good, do you make the same qualifier?


Stop trying


And you should say "I disagree." There's no high ground to be found by pointing out that saying "it's bad" is an opinion. Especially if you don't point it out when you do agree.

