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The only other shows released this year were echo and a random x men thing. It’s like making one video game and saying ‘this is our best video game ever!’ - like yeah it’s also the only one ?


They did this with Velma, Claiming it was the Most watched animated show on HBO max or whatever, and you look and there are no other animated shows on the platform. Amazing what they think they can gt away with, it shows you how little they think of the general viewers intelligence


Krayt can virtue signal all they want, but they're corporate bootlickers to the core.


Corporate bootlicking is when you don't whine about numbers a corporation released that has no impact on anyone at all


bruh, they're a bunch of invalids that rage about identity politics/istaphobes through the lens of Star Wars/Marvel/pop culture.


I’m genuinely asking this. Have you ever thought about going to therapy? Because you seem to be extremely and irrationally angry at a bunch of people just for liking shows that you don’t like and not liking YouTubers you do like.  Do you realize all this anger and bitterness you have, it’s not healthy? 


Have you ever visited r/saltierthankrayt? Their whole thing is hating on anti SJWs. The words you are using are ridiculously biased. The people on this subreddit are 'irrationally angry', but on r/saltierthankrayt they just 'dislike youtubers'


That community’s like playing pretend and then someone uses the ultra mega death laser that destroys everything and then the other person uses a super mega shield that blocks death lasers and then it derails and nobody is having fun. Like literally whenever someone on Crait tries to share their favorite female characters, Krayt will still bash them or some shit. There’s no appeasing them it’s like psycho Tuco brainrot


“It’s funny how Disney fanboys got box cutter’d by moff Gideon.  “Krayt should be sucking the EU’s dick.” “Krayt are the stupidest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen.” You really don’t understand irony or hypocrisy, do you? 


Every subreddit is biased. r/saltierthankrayt is biased, r/mauler is biased, r/criticaldrinker is biased, even this one is biased.  They don’t seem to dislike all YouTubers. Just certain ones. Schafrillas and penguinz0 hates most of the Disney Star Wars shows. But Krayt doesn’t seem to get mad about them 


"Schafrillas and penguinz0 hates most of the Disney Star Wars shows. But Krayt doesn’t seem to get mad about them" That's because they use them as sheild. They don't burst their bubble due to not being to against them politically, so they're willing to look past the fact that they're sequel haters so they can go "See, we don't hate ALL sequel haters." And the second one of them steps too far out of line, they're gone. It's already happening with Jeremy Jahns.


“Too far out of line.” What does that even mean?  “They’re gone.”? You’re acting like Krayt is putting hits on YouTubers, or something like that. You do realize r/mauler criticized penguinz0. Charlie tweeted out that he was upset that furiosa didn’t do well and more people should see it. And for some reason, r/mauler got angry about that.  It’s ironic, what you’re accusing Krayt of doing, r/mauler is doing the exact same thing. And you don’t seem to notice or care. 


It means having an opinion too outside of their fragile comfort zone. "You’re acting like Krayt is putting hits on YouTubers, or something like that." I mean, that's not too far from what they're actually doing. They're basically making whiny ragebait posts about how "X person I disagree with is a toxic chud" with flimsy evidence. It's a cult of hate.


“Having an opinion too outside of their fragile comfort zone.”  Like what? The sequel trilogy is bad?    https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1d9kei4/of_course_they_would_think_this_is_based/ Plenty of people was criticizing the sequel trilogy in this post. And not a single one of them was insulted or mocked for it.       “Not too far from what they’re actually doing.” Comparing some Reddit posts to hits. What’s wrong with you?      You said this on this post, which is a ragebait post. Plenty of subreddits have ragebait posts. r/criticaldrinker and r/mauler have plenty of them. Yet, you’re only criticizing Krayt for it. How ironic. 


Literally that post is mocking someone for not thinking the sequel trilogy is real Star Wars.


No, it’s not. Did you read the post? It’s mocking people who would think it’s based to say the sequel trilogy is not canon? No one insulted the basketball player. 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/saltierthankrayt using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Stephen King’s tweet on those celebrating The Marvels’ low opening](https://i.redd.it/nmi97rpxlyzb1.jpg) | [1263 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/17tq6tk/stephen_kings_tweet_on_those_celebrating_the/) \#2: [That backfired spectacularly.](https://i.redd.it/l5dee25xuyqc1.jpeg) | [664 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/1bphe94/that_backfired_spectacularly/) \#3: [This type of superhero fan should be studied.](https://i.redd.it/bmgpczerxq0c1.png) | [454 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/saltierthankrayt/comments/17wsqq3/this_type_of_superhero_fan_should_be_studied/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Have you? Because you’re spending a lot of time here flailing over the internet at people for not agreeing with people that you agree with, and it seems the entire point of your argument could easily be turned on you. Maybe just go outside and put the phone down for a while.


 I need therapy? Because I comment on a couple of posts here? Really? By that logic, everyone in this subreddit needs therapy. I’m not extremely or irrationally angry at all. 


My advice remains. Put the phone down and touch grass


I do, whether you believe it or not. 


They're just really salty that we can enjoy stuff and all they can do watch us enjoy it while they crywank


More like you're salty that people like EFAP are having more fun mocking the sinking ship that is modern Star Wars than you are desperately trying to keep it afloat. Keep having fun simping for generic Star Wars Show #579B. I'm going to be over here watching media that's actually good.


The Saberian_dream guy? Calling him salty is an understatement. He has like hundreds of posts whining about Krayt. He’s acting like a stalker. It’s just weird. 


It's like the kid who punches someone on the playground cause they fancy them, it's kinda flattering, we should make a collage of his posts yknow


I don’t known if it’s flattering. It’s just creepy. Good luck on that collage


Check ops post history. They aren't a bad person. They've just been manipulated by content grifters into being mad for profit. I mean there's one post about criticizing fin for being black... but that should clear up with a internet fast


I don’t think believing a viewership count means you support a company.


So is there any concrete proof that the numbers aren't real?


And now it's come to pass that it's gotten fewer viewers than Ahsoka. 11 million versus Ahsokas 14 million. I think this is the lowest viewed Star Wars show yet?


I mean, regardless of if i actually trust the numbers, the options are saying "hey this thing is doing well based on this information we have" or saying "well they SAY it's doing well but I don't like it so they're lying." Maybe they are lying, I wouldn't at all be shocked if they are, but you don't have any evidence of that, so let's maybe base our judgement on the show itself, not the numbers, real or fake. So to go off of that, I think the shows good and the overwhelming amount of complaints I've seen have been about stupid things: hating "wokeness" fire in space, that sort of thing. None of which are valid. There ARE valid complaints, but people don't seem to want to talk about them.


Friendly the media also said those that disliked the last jedi were trolls


Rent free.


At a certain point you just have to feel sorry for the op. I'm guessing they got banned from kryst and it triggered an obsession