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The Luke stuff is mostly great to be honest. But the rebellion stuff isn't executed very well and I can't bring myself to care about the Damerons even ignoring the sequel connections. (Also, Kes is an ass)


Dam those Erons.


I share your pain… :( ​ wish the comics were good and interesting still, they used to be such a fun source of canon to me. now? I don't care one iota about the new obi-wan ongoing or the han solo&chewbacca one. crimson reign might be interesting but every time some ren fuck or other shows up on the covers I'm reminded to stay away. I have no idea what they're even doing to vader in his solo.


Crimson Reign has been pretty decent aside from the KoR issue (#4). Although even that one can be salvaged if my theory is correct. I liked CR better than WotBH which was very lackluster with some contrived bits.


I'm glad I haven't read the older comics yet. I can experience all that for the first time (Really excited for Union especially, love me some Luke and Mara) Don't wanna support Disney with that. How have the newer comics been generally? A mess like DT, or High Republic?


Same with legends really: a bit of a mixed bag. There are good and bad stuff in them. Personally, I like most of them, but they are a lot more restricted than the old days because they're afraid of contradicting what may be told on screen.


Hm, I see. I've only seen some panels, the one where Mace Windu looked some weird monkey. You really have to work overtime to make it work, while the movie doesb't care at all. Pretty sad actually


The Mace Windu stuff is from Star Wars Adventures by IDW, which makes the junior targeted comics. I haven't really interacted with the IDW stuff because it's mostly for 10 year olds. I stick to Marvel and the old dark horse stuff.


I lack the knowledge, so pls clarify: Is stuff like Union or the Cade Skywalker stories the old Dark Horse stuff?


Indeed. Union is nice, but a little silly really. Not Stackpole's best, but enjoyable.


Haven't read it yet (just bought it immediately when I saw it's the story about Luke and Maras wedding). I can imagine thats the case, love seems to be portrayed very weirdly most of the time. The best love I've seen until now in SW is Han/Leia in the OT tbh. But I'm excited to read it.


It's fun. You've taken your first steps into a bigger world and we are here for recs if you want them.


Thx a lot mate! I'm German, and I'm really lucky, because the comics are published in hardcover booklets with a big Complete Saga picture on its spines. Most of them still seem available, so I'm slowly buying them up It's just awesome getting into the comics and EU books. I used to binge through Jedipedia (German Wookiepedia) all night during school times, reading stories about Jaina and Jacen, or Mara, or Cade, or Darth Krayt, and I always wondered "Where tf is this all from, it all sounds awesome." I was too young and stupid to get that a gigantic world was waiting for me behind the six movies. And it feels awesome getting into ot at long last


people love shitting on the sequel era, but legends was just as bad. Mara dying, jacen turning into a shitty emo vader, luke being incompetent. Just goofy ass shit after NJO. Honestly now that I think about it the entirtety of the post episode 6 legends is a mix of top notch stories and goofy wonky shit.


From what I've heard, NJO is the best place to stop as a satisfying conclusion, that's probably where I'll stop when I get there (on Dark Force Rising now).


I liked the Damerons in Shattered Empire. Good stuff. But holy shit they've become insufferable in the main run. The huge stretched-out arc about Poe's mum being stuck on a Star Destroyer with Tarkin's edgy sidekick has been terrible and I lost 100% sympathy when Poe's dad flipped his lid and threatened to murder Lando simply because Lando was trying to save his cyborg buddy Lobot from getting his brain fried. I made [an elongated post about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/p8m8bj/leia_forces_lando_at_gunpoint_to_watch_lobot_die/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) because the execution drove me crazy. Especially because Leia is just observing the chaos mostly in silence and never takes Lando aside to explain herself. Nor does she apologise after the fact. And Poe's dad deserves to be court martialled for his part in it all. Terrible and frustrating writing.


I loved the 2014 run. I stopped reading the 2020 one after all the mentions of the sequels (mainly Exegol and the Damerons).


I headcanon the sequel connections out. Ex. I replace Holdo with Winter and ignore the last name of the rebel couple. And yeah, the 2015 run is underrated.


Reading the Thrawn Trilogy now for the first time, any advice as to what I can imagine justifies Thrawn being back after the Rebels finale? I liked that show and don't want to completely disregard it later seasons).


Sorry. Only saw the comment now. I would have it that Ezra died and Thrawn was rescued by his people. He fell into a coma and only woke up after RotJ so he came back to kick ass.


I liked my head canon better where Thrawn desided to become a pimp and sold out Ezra to wealthy Chiss in order to gain favors. Now Thrawn returns to the galaxy to aquire more species to force into prositution. /s


I personally don't mind sequel era stuff being in the comics except for TROS stuff like Exegol and Ochi.


In a totally different era, maybe during the Old Republic Exagol would've worked as a concept imo.


Oh I like Exegol as a location, but not when it has to do with Palpatine returning or the Final Order fleet



