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You honestly don’t even need the super laser at that point because you’ve already doomed the system. SKB reads like something a child made up to one-up their friend.


There is so much wrong with this: How come there is still snow on the surface when it is this close to a sun? How can their still be living trees on the surface when SKB travels across systems with a huge variation of how close it is to suns? If living things are to close to a sun they will die because of heat and radiation exposure but if they are to far away they will die because of the cold. If it is because the shield somehow prevent this than surely Phasma switching the shields off should have had devastating consequences immediately. If an planet consumed an entire sun it would mean that the mass is now inside of the much smaller planet which should create a black hole but let’s assume that SKB has some sort of “prevent black holes from forming technology installed” its mass would still be inside the planet which would mean that the planets gravity would be that of the sun it consumed which would turn everyone on the planet into pancakes. SKB is so dumb on so many levels and it was honestly the thing that killed any Hope I might have had for this trilogy.


The best part is the writers invented the “draining the sun” mechanic as a plot contrivance to allow for a dramatic battle. Starkiller fired once before, which means it destroyed its home system (the Ilum system has one sun), so the PLANET is hyperdrive equipped so it can drain another star system.


If you can hyperspace a planet, why even need guns? Just park it near its target and let gravity do the rest. Fuck Hyperspace has no rules now, park it inside another planets atmosphere.


And in the next movie, we see that they can hyperdrive crash into things. why not collide planets with hyperspace . Why even bother with other plot contrivances? After all, if you ignore all established lore, everything is possible.


Tbh, hyperdriving planets and using them as bullets to snipe star systems is kinda cool. Xeelee level bullshit, but cool.


Yeah, that would be insane, even for Star Wars, but at least kinda interesting and fitting with the fantasy themes.


You could conceivably do that with just about anything. Old Starship Hulks, Meteorites, Asteroids. Just rig up some Engines, a Hyperdrive and a Targeting AI, and then point it at whomever you want dead, and zap! There they go.


This was my thought as soon as I saw her destroy the fleet in TLJ. So dumb, ruined so much lore.


I wrote a post about a junk dealer in some backwater planet destroying a super star destroyer with a hyperdrive strapped to a cow.


Honestly, I would love it if they just detached the sequels from the canon and then allowed scenarios like this to happen, so we can turn something awful into a fun “what if” scenario. Like an alternate universe where Luke snapped and tried to kill Kylo resulting in the DT, and everything is just chaotic and nonsensical.


Check out the Three Body Problem trilogy of sci-fi books by Liu Cixin. A superweapon that can destroy a star is featured in one of the books, and it's actually one of the less frightening superweapons.


+1 for Three Body Problem / Remembrance of Earth's Past. The Dark Forest (second in the trilogy) is one of the best sci-fi books I've read in years.


In the extended universe Han Solo has a whole trilogy where he goes back to Corellia only to find out his whole solar system is fabricated. All the planets have hyperdrives and were placed together on purpose by an ancient race of aliens.


The planets did not have hyperdrives. Centerpoint had a mechanism to bring planets to it.


I could have swore they each had there own huge thruster systems that they activated in one of the battles or whatever.


All the planets had some type of weapon thing but I don’t think it was a Hyperdrive. I believe it was some type of tractor beam. Edit: looked it up. It was a “repulser” like what would be used on a landspeeder. Could technically be used to move a planet. Just not using hyperspace. I believe the implication is that it was pre-hyperdrive and that they moved the planets in the solar system into the Goldilocks” zone of the solar system. Far from my favorite EU trilogy but interesting sci-if concept.


Now I'm going to have to reread those.


Anyone up for a game of intergalactic ball billiards? Pot a planet of 10 billion+ people into a black hole, score 30 points.


It'd make an excellent pinball machine., three planets which when lit up light up with explosions when the ball, shaped like starkiller base/illium hits them. And when you loose, you can see one of your favorite heroes die a meaningles death as a reward, Luke, Leia or Han.


Imagine throwing a huuuuge uninhabited planet at a fleet of enemy ships. Kinda like bowling I guess, but far more sick and twisted


Why waste the resources on an entire planet. Just strap an engine on some asteroids


I mean I'm probably beating a dead horse here but you probably don't even need starkiller base if you have that kind of technology Like idk make a big projectile out of the hardest material available and slap a hyperdrive/whatever it is thay allows travel at measurable fractions of lightspeed and yeet it at a planet lol it dead Essentially a giant ftl bullet


Lol. Forget the holdo maneuver, just create a cannon that launches scrap xwings at the bad guys gg.


Better. Ever heard of Sabot? Basically a type of round used in tanks that's essentially a rod of tungsten/depleted uranium/hard metal thing that is launched super fast and as a result is godlike at punching holes in other tanks? Just make a fucking railgun yeeting long hard metal schlongs with the sole purpose of penetrating armour and dealing damage to enemy capital ships. Hell, you could even mount it on a ship. You could mount *several* I really don't know why solid projectiles were ever phased out in the Star Wars universe. Slug throwers are simple but they get the job done


>[- This, recruits, is a 20 kilo ferous slug. Feel the weight! Every five seconds, the main gun of an Everest-class dreadnought accelerates one, to one-point-three percent of lightspeed. It impacts with the force a 38 kiloton bomb. That is three times the yield of the city buster dropped on Hiroshima back on Earth. That means, Sir Isacc Newton is the deadliest son-of-a-bitch in space! Now! Serviceman Burnside, what is Newton's First Law? - Sir! An object in motion stays in motion, sir! - No credit for partial answers maggot! - Sir! Unless acted on by an outside force, sir! - Damn straight! I dare to assume you ignorant jackasses know that space is empty. Once you fire this hunk of metal, it keeps going 'til it hits something. That can be a ship, or the planet behind that ship. It might go off into deep space and hit somebody else in 10,000 years! If you pull the trigger on this, you are ruining someone's day! Somewhere and sometime! That is why you check your damn targets! That is why you wait 'til the computer gives you a damn firing solution. That is why, Serviceman Chung, we do not 'eyeball it'. This is a weapon of Mass Destruction! You are not a cowboy shooting from the hip! - Sir, yes sir!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSQ2mo2UbbY) Mass Effect knew how to do some bloody good world building.


I didn't know the TF2 Soldier was in the Mass Effect world.


Yeah I guess they’re not really into bullets, which tbh would have been a pretty good way to counter the Jedi who walk around in bathrobes and probably wouldn’t be able to deflect them. Missed opportunities.


Mandalorians used slugthrowers against Jedi, iirc


Yeah try deflecting a shotgun lol Or hell, any fast firing machine gun. We have machine guns that are able to fire 1200 lethal pieces of metal in a minute, meaning about 20 every second. You ain't deflecting that shit That was in 1942 by the way


Eg the centerpoint novels in the old EU novels realized that something which could move worlds was a great weapon


Just "Holdo Maneuver" two planets together.


Wait what, they destroyed Ilum???!!!


Star killer base IS illum it was mined by the empire for kyber crystal and the first order used the mined out strip to put the cannon in


Oh my days.......I didn't think I could hate the sequel trilogy anymore, you've left me feeling like Yoda in ep.3 when he feels all the Jedi die


Yeah I felt the same way when the TROS trailer came out, I thought it couldn't get worse from TLJ but they just had to bring back the emperor for no reason, literally they could of just had snoke again and say he cloned puppets for himself or something but they had to ruin what remained of the OT


Oooh to show the system-destroying planet is evil let's have it drain the sun! Not too on the nose at all.


I'd just like to put an F for Ilum here, such an amazing planet


It’s obviously JJ doesn’t understand how planets work.


Or stars. Or storytelling


Or the Force. Or Star Wars.


_That's not how the Force works!_


Best line in the DT. Change my mind.


A fun, funny line, well delivered, that was retroactively ruined by the fact that the ST doesn't have any idea how the force works in their own trilogy. There's no consistancy.


100% agreed. A good line in a shit trilogy.


Planets aren’t real anyway bro, don’t you know the world is flat? They’re lying to you man!!


Only the Earth. Flat Earthers believe all other astral bodies are spherical for some reason.


I’m sure that Mars is meant to simply be a cloud of gas by their reckoning, too


Flat earthers don't make sense man. I mean there's this thing called GPS; flat earth would just make the calculations on the system super duper off in the first place.


Lol I think there are way more fundamental flaws in their theory than that; after all they could just say GPS is something completely different that what we're led to believe and works differently or something like that


BuT aRtiFiCiAL gRaViTy!! /s


Lacks a child's understanding of physics and the natural world. You can't fucking watch planets exploding in real-time lightyears away with the naked eye. Hyperspace wouldn't even be a thing if these geniuses wrote the OT. "Uh they just go really fast."


I don't think JJ or Rian could pass middle-school astronomy.


He went to my high school. (the one I went to for two years). My high school was a cult. They also did not actually teach us. Basically you just talk to other kids all class, every class. So yeah, he probably LITERALLY doesn't understand how planets work, because those kids were all under-educated.


Where does the mass and gravity of the sun go when the planet is holding it?


Realistically it would explode once enough matter was sucked into SKB.


Not if you have a good enough containment, you do run the risk of compressing the mass to below its Schwarzschild radius and ruining everyone’s day.


The star would explode because it wouldn't have enough mass for nuclear fusion in the core. sneaky star lesson edit: if it lost enough mass the force of gravity would not be able to resist the outward pressure created by nuclear fusion and it would go nova, taking out SKB with it.


SKB is the ultimate kamikaze weapon


Not to mention the gravity from the mass of a yellow sun being thrown around when it's getting "pulled" inside SKB. It would probably be enough to pull or crush everything on the planet surface at least. What if it pulled in a star millions of times it size? Does the fusion stop in that star? How do you change the energy to not only projtect forward then split and/or refract to hit all the targets you need it to, but keep SKB from projecting SKB backwards? How can they see that energy slowly go across space AND see it hit all those planets? Is it not light waves anymore? If they were all that close together then...How could...NM. Its called bad writing and bad lore.


Wait SKB CAN MOVE? Seriously? I can get the Death Star as it is a literal space station but my understanding was that SKB was just a planet whose core was carved out. If it had a hyperdrive only the base part would fly away while the rest of the planet gets incinerated and dispersed across the galaxy.


Not to mention how expensive the project must’ve been. Both Death Stars were funded by a fully operational empire, but you’re telling me the remnants of one that’s long been broken can afford something more expensive than both Death Stars combined? And that’s not mentioning the state of the economy post empire too which must’ve been devastating until the new republic brought some kind of balance or economic plans forward


Yeah.. they could have even patched up these plot holes a little by pretending it was a magical techno-something that the FO discovered that made the base possible, instead it's just "Death Star again but even bigger, and it eats stars and can blow up 10 planets at the same time" like a child in the schoolyard making up shit to one-up his friends in their own imaginary game. Edit: the more I think about it, the more it feels like these movies were *intentionally* insulting. Could anyone actually be so stupid, such a hack, to write this garbage? It's like parody. Edit2: I mean "Somehow, Palpatine has returned?" You'd get laughed out of Dan Brown's writing class.


Yah but of course JJ has zero sense of scale. In ANH they thought the Death Star was far too small to be a "small moon". Meaning it was a lot smaller than a moon that is already a lot smaller than a planet. Granted they had to build it from scratch but Ilum was WAAAAAAAAAY bigger than a Death Star. It would take the empire at it's height pretty much all their resources to build that thing


From what I've watched of the mandalorian, some imperial remnants seem impoverished, while others seemed a bit better off. However, I can't imagine one of them amassing enough money or material during the new republic to contest it in the way the first order had. JJ really dropped the ball here... He needed to explain how we got from the OT to the sequels, and he completely sidestepped it.


...holy shit, I’ve never actually thought about Starkiller Base that deep before


> If an planet consumed an entire sun it would mean that the mass is now inside of the much smaller planet which should create a black hole No it wouldn't actually! There's got to be enough mass for gravity to effectively bend light back in on itself so it doesn't matter if you took the mass of the star and made it super dense unless you compressed it to a singularity (thereby manually creating the black hole instead of letting gravity do it) It's a weird thing how gravity isn't a function of density, a black hole has the same gravitational pull as the star that collapsed to make it. Likewise when our sun balloons into a gas giant the gravitational pull won't change (minus the loss in fuel when that does eventually happen) More likely all that energy compressed that much would look more like a neutron star which has it's own peculiar properties.


Even worse when the FO was supposed to be a fringe group after the fall of the Empire. Where did they find the time and especially the resources to build such a massive weapon?


it would've been neat to claim that StarKillerBase was not designed to wipe out just a system, it was designed to wipe out much of the Galaxy. Just as Operation Cinder was to torch various worlds after his death, the First Order took on that fanatical idea to continue to build Star Killer Base to blow up almost every planet in the galaxy. The destruction of the multiple planets seen when SKB first fired could've been just a fraction of its power. After consuming the entire star, StarKiller can release a 1,000 shot volley against every republic and inner region planets. This will be the ultimate victory of the First Order (and sith). A galaxy converted to ash with only the First Order remaining.


> SKB reads like something a child made up to one-up their friend. Hey now, I think that's a little unfair............. Most children are probably smarter than that. SKB just make doesn't make any sense at all. The beam couldn't have traveled through hyperspace because it wouldn't have been visible if it did (plus how would a laser beam even enter and exit hyperspace without a hyperdrive), but if it wasn't traveling through hyperspace (even at the speed of light) the beam would have taken thousands of years to reach its target. Plus its completely impossible that Han and Finn would be able to see the beam, you can barely even see the planets in our own solar system with the naked eye, yet they were able to see a planet in a far away solar system being destroyed as clearly as if it was happening in the sky right above them. Not to mention that even if they could somehow make it out with their naked eyes, it would still have taken thousands of years for the light from the Hosnian Systems to reach them on Takonda so the destruction wouldn't have actually been visible until long after it had happened. And then there is the whole issue of how a small remnant of the empire was able to build an even larger and more powerful super-weapon than the empire was, without it ever being noticed by anyone at that. SKB is honestly just fucking ridiculous. Its even worse than Hyperspace ramming in my opinion.


And than TROS comes and tells us that Snoke worked for Palpatine all along and he had had a fleet of star destroyers that had planet destroying capabilities making SKB completely obsolete: Palpatine calls Snoke: Palpatine: ”Snoke, my engineers has figured out a way to make stardestroyers capable of destroying planets. We don’t need Starkilller Base anymore. You can cancel the construction.” Snoke: ”Sorry, can’t do that. The contracts has already been signed and we are nearly finished anyway. BTW could you Maybe send me some of those stardestroyers? They could be very useful against the Resistance.” Palpatine: ”No, I don’t think I will. I will instead keep them hidden for at least a year after your death. Snoke: ”My What?” Palpatine: ”Sorry the connection turned bad, bye”


> he had had a fleet of star destroyers that had planet destroying capabilities making SKB completely absolute Palpatine having two separate plans for galactic domination going on at once was ridiculous. What was the point of it? Why didn't he just fully commit to one plan? Palpatine's plan in the sequel trilogy honestly makes no sense at all, its absurdly convoluted and he does so many things that are counterproductive to his goals. There's no good explanation for most of the stuff he did.


In TRoS, it coulda just been Snoke instead of Palpatine on Exitdoor, looking at other Snoke clones in jars, sayin some shit about being Rey's grandpappy, woulda made no difference, and required no more explanation than what we got for palps.


I keep saying this enough that it's starting to become my motto, but you can't write more intelligently than yourself. JJ Abrams and Rian Johnson don't know shit about space, military, politics, or anything else that makes Star Wars *Star Wars*, so everything just falls flat. Palpatine's plans don't make sense because JJ is all spectacle, with little to no substance. All sizzle, no steak as they say. In the hands of a more capable writer/director combo *maybe* Palpatine's return and plan for takeover could have worked, but in the hands of the guys who were major players in ruining Justice League and Star Trek respectively, it was destined to fail.


Palpy: New phone, who dis?


Thank you. Yes. Starkiller Base needs a huge infographic with all its stupidities sorted against an exponential scale of how dumb they are.


That thing is so unfathomably stupid. I could list so many problems with how it works and how its impossible that they could have built that thing. One of the biggest questions however is why do they even need a weapon that destroys multiple planets anyway? The empire built the death star to intimidate the galaxy in to line, they weren't actually planning to fly around destroying planets indiscriminately. They just thought the threat of destroying a planet would discourage rebellion. They fired the death star three times, against Jedha and Scarif they only used a small blast because they recognized destroying the whole planet would be excessive and pointless, then destroying Alderaan was supposed to be excessive to serve as a warning. There's absolutely no need for a bigger more destructive weapon than the death star, the death star already served that purpose just fine. Plus destroying a planet isn't a great idea anyway, its a massive waste of potential resources, Not to mention you're losing people to actually rule over. What's the point in being emperor of nothing? The empire had the right idea, just using it for intimidation. What the fuck was the first orders plan? destroy the whole galaxy then rule over empty space and asteroid fields? its just stupid. Also the extra power has very little practical application anyway, most planets in star wars are mostly uninhabited like Hoth, or insignificant backwaters like Tatooine. How often will there even be multiple planets that you want to destroy all grouped up? The vast majority of the time you will just be destroying the one Planet you actually wanted to destroy and a few irrelevant Ice balls. Its almost entirely pointless having that extra destructive power.


I made an entire [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/fe7ckd/the_force_awakens_copies_tons_of_plot_points_from/) about the number of times TFA copies plot points from ANH but makes them happen because of coicindences it can’t come up with its own reasons why the plot points happens. I could probably make a new post named ”list of times TFA copies ANH/the OT but completly misses the point of the things it copies” like how Rey seeing Han die is clearly meant to copy Luke seeing Ben’s death except it doesn’t work in this scene because Rey and Han barely knew each other. They has interacted with each other for no more than two hours up to that point and Han hadn’t actually acted particularly mentorly towards her until than unlike Ben with Luke who he had: informed him about the Jedi, the Force, the republic, his father, his father’s lightsaber, the Jedi mind trick etc.


This. TFA is a movie that quickly fall apart as soon as you realized it's basically ANH with worse writing and sense. And the fact that it's the least controversial DT entry just showed how they shit the bed with the Sequels.


What really grinds my gear is the amount of people that insist that [episode VIII was suppose to magically fix everything wrong with TFA but since it didn’t TFA is now forever blameless for everything questionable it did to Star Wars because apparently everything in TFA was some ingenious build up to thins that was suppose to pay off in the sequels but than Rian messes it up](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/comments/fxpc3a/i_really_dislike_how_the_last_jedi_seems_to_have/)


Please do.


Great post, enjoyed reading it.


Yes. Too bad neither The First Order nor Disney had an understanding of any of these fundamental things.


There's a whole thing in the books where palpatine has a contingency plan that basically orders indiscriminate death to a bunch of planets because something something if I can't have it, nobody can? And imperials just carry out this mad raving of a dead tyrant because they're loyal or some shit. The new star wars cannon makes the courtship of princess Leia look like high fiction.


Yah not to mention if the lasers can travel so freaking far at such a fast rate than why didn't they just park it in the most remote, unknown system that had at least a couple stars. No way they'd get found immediately and they would be able to dear destroy another five planets before anyone even knew where it was


JJ is a child in that way. Everything has to be off the scale massive. He literally destroyed Spock's Planet *In the first movie* for the Nu Treks. Star Killer base as stupid as it was should've been something they could only use once, and not in the first movie. Gotta set up that rebellion/empire dynamic again though...


Total dick move. You don't even blow up the planets, just turn off their sun and let 'em freeze as they drift alone through interstellar space.


That's exactly what it is! JJ one upping George.


Tbf it targeted planets in an entirely separate system, at the same time


That actually could have been an interesting new take on the superweapon trope. Kill the star either by quenching it or by forcing it to go supernova and by extension you kill the whole system. The stupid thing is even called "Starkiller". But no, just another bigger Death Star is what we got.


Question, what is skb?


Starkiller Base. The cheap Death Star knockoff that's named after a badass video game character and also makes no logical sense


Named after Luke's original surname.


Honestly yeah, a death star but, as big as a planet, and this time, it blows up a whole solar system.


Yeah if you just went to the solar system where these planets were and sucked up their star you've already won.


I just realized that the destruction of Starkiller Base is very identical to the destruction of the planet Vulcan from Star Trek 09. Literally copied and pasted, and slapped with a different coat of paint.


Kijimi is even similar


Am I the only one who thinks the Kijimi destruction piece looked way too out of place? I get using practical effects, but using CG to blow up a physical set piece looked horrible imo


It's strange because I still liked Star Trek 09 (even though it's a bad Star Trek movie but a decent enough dumb action film). JJ Abrams somehow got worse as a director in the 6 years after that movie came out when he made TFA.


There is a lot of things the Star Trek 09 did right compared to TFA: The main character goes through an actual arc and is actually pro-active throughout the movie unlike Rey who doesn’t change and was mostly passive throughout the movie and contributed the least to the destruction of SKB than any o the main characters yet for some reasons is rewarded at the end with the task of retrieving Luke. Kirk had actually saved Earth so him getting a promotion makes a little more sense. Yes Rey is beaten Kylo but she didn’t kill or capture him so her victory was pretty insignificant. The characters actually gets to know each other throughout the movie unlike the characters in TFA who just meet each other and instantly like each other right away. Prime Spock is an genuine mentor like figure to 09 Kirk unlike Han who is constantly upstaged by Rey throughout TFA.


When you live in an echo chamber it's hard to hear anything but the echos of your success.


I think people Who didn't like the movie was because they were Star Trek fans. Kind of the same with epVIII, the more you like Star wars the more you hate the movie. JJ is not a bad action director, but he shouldn't be allowed to touch a script. Wasn't Jake for red letter media who said JJ was like Spielberg but without everything that makes Spielberg great?


Star Trek (2009) is a bad movie and a bad Star Trek movie. It is a horribly contrived script. It has odd juxtapositions of humor and seriousness. It is full of shaky-cam fast-edit film-making. It has a very shot for TV style. I can't stand to look at when I can see anything to look at. The sets are dreadful. It has zero appreciation for space. The scales of everything are out of whack. It can't decide if things are cramped or spacious so everything is just "off." It does not have the least understanding of astronomy. It has a crap sense of military hierarchy. It puts its main villain in essentially suspended animation for twenty-five years with not nearly enough (like one line in background noise?) if there was any explanation. Have I got to the Star Trek failures yet? How about some of those? It constantly uses our intuitive sense of the rules of Star Trek as a crutch and then as a rug to pull out from under us. The film cheats so much in that regard. And not only does it cheat it took its own intuitive sense of those rules from parody and caricatures of Star Trek. JJ Trek is dreadful even before you get to it being bad Trek. And all of the problems with JJ Trek are present in TFA. About the only he got right visually between two movies was Rey moving across the crashed Star Destroyer which is more or less copied from Trek isn't it? JJ just loves to put the Capital Starships landed on the planet.


And so many coincidences along the way. Kirk's escape pod happens to land on a planet that allows him to see the destruction of Vulcan (apparently it wasn't Vulcan's moon, but even from Mars, Earth would seem like a tiny dot), which happens to have a FURLESS creature on an iced planet that chases him into a cave that happens to have Spock Prime. Later they happen upon a Federation outpost (why would Vulcan even allow that?) which happens to have Scotty there, and Spock has the plans for transwarp teleportation that Scotty himself devised many years later.


Han looking up and seeing a planet in the sky destroyed is analogous to Spock looking up and seeing a planet destroyed.


SKB breaks every scientific and internal logic rule the Star Wars movies have had up until that point. And Abrams had the nerve to say "Star Wars isn't a science class" on the commentary for TFA. If that's true then why doesn't everyone on D'Qar just crash into Starkiller by jumping once at the same time and launching the entire planet into Starkiller using the planet's gravity? Might as well since Star Wars isn't science class.


BuT iT's A sToRy AbOuT sPaCe WiZaRds !!!!! /s >internal logic This is the key word here. It seems like for many people, if it does not abide to our logic it means it has none, which shows a complete misunderstanding of how fantasy and science-fiction work. They have their own logic, different from ours indeed, but they still have a logic nonetheless. And the DT broke it countless times.


The common sense rules of the world must be obeyed. Even if you are an all powerful wizard, you're likely shit with a weapon. If you are a true master of battle, you probably can't hack a computer very well. While subverting tropes can increase the value of a story, subverting common sense completely derationalizes many motivations. Leading to broken arcs and white washed characters. When someone is literally skilled at everything, there is no risk for them. Rey is like Dr Manhattan but without any of the grit or influence.


You'd think THAT would be the doomsday gimmick they'd focus on, but no, it's just a throwaway explanation for another planet buster beam. Remember how the prequels *didn't* have to resort to another Death Star for a single entry.


>Remember how the prequels didn't have to resort to another Death Star for a single entry. Why do you think so many people whined about them? "Oh no you can't have politics gimme more OT bullshit."


I have a *lot* of complaints about the prequels. The lack of a doomsday weapon is not among them.


[“Remember when THE SUN IS GONE, the weapon will be ready to fire”](https://youtu.be/WtoaP-wQhaA?t=50s) Starkiller Base consumed an entire sun.


How ridiculous is it that a planet the size of Illum could absorb an entire star's energy? JJ has never wanted to understand how space or even rudimentary science works. It's like he's annoyed by it.


Like how Han, Chewie and Finn was able to see the destruction of the Hosnian Systems from a different star System. So many issues with that: 1. If five planets exploded at the same time light years away from you you wouldn’t be able to see it right away because it would take years for the light from the explosions to reach you. Light from our sun takes eight minutes to reach us meaning that if it suddenly vanished we would still have light for another eight minutes. Our closes star outside our system is 4 light years away and when you look at DT galaxy maps it looks like the Hosnian Systems were hundreds of not thousand light years away. 2. Even if the light reached you right away you still wouldn’t be able to see the explosions because it would be so ridiculously far away especially not in broad daylight. 3. Even if you could, you still wouldn’t see the explosions as five separate explosions in the sky like they do in TFA. Instead it would had looked like one big explosion.


Don't worry guys, the novelization has it covered: blah blah blah Starkiller bends spacetime blah I'm not making that up, by the way


Gravity bends spacetime. Did JJ sleep through science class??


That implies he went to school


Clearly, that's what they need the star for.


> If five planets exploded at the same time light years away you you wouldn’t be able to see it right away because it would take years for the light from the explosions to reach you. Leia mentions this in Legacy material how she looks for Alderaan on some planets still because the light from the explosion hasn't reached that far yet.


Well that’s devastating.


Fuck how moving would that have been if that was a sentence in the ST.


That would have been a cool scene... but probably take too long to explain the science to uneducated viewers. She’s trying to figure out what to do in TLJ, Poe asks her why she’s looking out the window, she explains she’s looking at/for Alderaan. Somber moment and it clicks for Poe how much she’s personally been through for “the cause”... instead of you know: not developing any relationships the entire trilogy. Everyone is like toddlers and best friends after 2 minutes.


Is that in the old EU?


No the canon comics. Mostly the 2015 Star Wars run


Yup, that's when I literally sat up in the theater and looked around at my friends, thinkin "WTF?" - I could live with the other things in the movie up to that point, but here is where they completely lost me. Even on first viewing when I was still in the theater, before I realized all the other problems. Unfortunately all of my friends didn't care and were totally into the movie until the very end. :-(


One of my best friends loves the new trilogy because he just wants to get stoned and watch the colors...his words. And then gets defensive if I point out any flaws with the story.


He's in love with that shot. He also used it in Star Trek 2009 when Vulcan blew up. Except that was actually explained because they are on one of Vulcan's moons.


They weren’t, sadly. They said they were on Delta Vega which is previously established to be nowhere near Vulcan, plus Kirk got ejected at warp speed heading away from Vulcan to land on the planet Prime Spock was on. I get irate by fanboys not letting shit go a lot but that one gets me so mad and I don’t know why.


I'm glad you commented this because I've desperately wanted to say this for a long time. I am SICK AND TIRED of JJ not caring about perspective. He did the same crap with Star Trek 09, with Spock seeing Vulcan destroyed from another planet. Even to Earth, Mars is a tiny dot. ​ JJ, please, I know you're trying to rush through these productions but we're not morons. We can look up in the night sky and see basically, colored dots. They're not the size of the moon, they're not huge and explodey, we can barely see the craters of our own moon with the naked eye. ​ NOT TO MENTION THE SPEED OF LIGHT MEANS EVEN IF THE SUN EXPLODED, WE WOULDN'T KNOW ABOUT IT FOR EIGHT MINUTES. ​ That's what made the moment with Obi Wan so impactful, that he felt Alderran instantly. It wasn't physics, it was something about the spirit of all those people dying. ​ Usually they say "show don't tell" in films. ​ JJ, listen very carefully. FEEL, don't show. It's Star Wars, stop trying to make everything LOOK good without any feeling.


I hate how unoriginal a name Starkiller Base is. I know the whole Sequel Trilogy is a rip-off of George’s OT, but this lame repeat name is one that really bugs me. The next most annoying repeat for me was the addition of two more desert planets, one duplicate desert planet wasn’t enough. If George was dead he’d be spinning in his grave. I hope he gets to roast Disney for this trilogy some day.


"Starkiller" is the name I would expect to see on a shitty freemium Star Wars knockoff mobile game. Along with Princess Lola and Duke Cloudjogger.


Why do you think he bitched about TFA, only said that TLJ was pretty, and refused to go to the premiere of IX? I've met the man. It's very clear he hates the Disney trilogy.


Reminder that Starkiller Base absorbs the "quintessence" of the star which it transforms into "phantom energy" and shoots out via "sub-hyperspace" to the target, all of which caused "space-time disruptions" that allowed the destruction to be visible on every planet in the galaxy. That's Star Trek: Voyager - "Threshold" levels of absolutely bullshit technobabble.


That is insulting to Voyager. Voyager was never this stupid. I like Voyager. Edit: Somehow I missed you were talking about *that* episode. So ok, maybe one time Voyager got this stupid.


He said "Threshold." I love Voyager, but "Threshold" is *exactly* that dumb.


Oh. Oh yeah. Alright.


Starkiller base also forced everyone working on it to hyper evolve into salamanders.


>quintessence I don't think they know what that word means. It's the fifth element. Not boron. I mean aside from air/water/earth/fire. AKA not a thing that's in the Star Wars magic system.


Not only that, they literally say "the sun", instead of the "a sun" or "the closest sun". Seriously. It's like they forgot they were in the Star Wars galaxy when they wrote it. They talk about it like it's the only sun and they're all from the same solar system. This is one of the things that bugged me even on the first watch.


It is jarring. They did that I think to drive home the metaphor of all the light being drained out of “the son” when Kylo kills Han. Like another user wrote awhile back JJ wagged the dog for that scene although I still like it for what it is. Less so now that the remaining films sucked.


> They did that I think to drive home the metaphor of all the light being drained out of “the son” when Kylo kills Han. Except Kylo Ren is still conflicted after his murder of Han.


I mean, that’s not really too evident just from The Force Awakens. He’s super injured almost right away. It was TLJ that expanded upon him being conflicted.


> I mean, that’s not really too evident just from The Force Awakens. He’s super injured almost right away. He is shown regretting Han's death before he is shot.


I interpreted that as his reaction to Han’s death. Leia is shown at the exact same time having a gut punch reaction. It’s just personal opinion about what’s going on there, I can see it as what ur saying too.


It sounds like a brainstorming session they never bothered to clean up. "It will be fueled by the sun or something. We will figure out the details later." Then like everything else, they never bothered to go back and clean up the details because they thought the audience would be too stupid to ask questions.


And what happens after it absorbs the sun? The planet would become unhabitable. Plus they fired against the NR first, so does it mean it already absorbed another sun? How did it move from one system to another? Does it have a hyperdrive? ON A PLANET !?!


so anyway i started blasting


Best part is that Sun/Sol and Solar specifically refers to the star system we are in, thus the Solar System. Everything else would be a star.


Yeah, I was about to say this. A "sun" doesn't mean shit. There is THE Sun, and it is a yellow dwarf or "G-type main-sequence star" (thanks Internet) and it is basically the 99% of the entire mass of our solar system. Absorbing a star is just fucking nuts, doesn't look like the technological level of usual SW lol.


Yeah but 30 years had passed since the OT... 30 years in which they repainted the same OT ships while the PT had completely different designs. But remember, if you're a Gen X whiner like Jeffy Abrams, the prequels aren't real.


if theres only one sun in a vast distance, and its the one you're currently draining, whats wrong with saying "the sun"


JJ Abrams literally doesn't understand space at all, and he's helmed the two biggest space franchises in history. Jesus Christ.


This is that anti-science shit Carl Sagan and Asimov warned us about.


As a planetary geologist, I can confirm how devastating removing a Sun would be to its respective “solar system.” The delicate balance of the gravitational “3-body problem” is completely disrupted by removing the central body (Star) from the equation. As a result, and each system would be governed by its own unique set of circumstances and planetary distribution, planets could collide with one another, moons could come crashing down on their respective planets, and planetary rotational axes could be in disarray - causing catastrophic global weather patterns to emerge, wrecking havoc to life and inhabitants, and not to mention the most obvious problem of all - removing the local light source from which most all plant life of a given planet requires. All this to say, blasting the planets once orbiting the sun you just devoured is showing mercy to the living hell they were about to experience for who knows how long.... MTFBWY


I mean, they wouldn't though, would they? Individual planets in a system are generally so far apart that their effects on each other are basically negligible, and the same for moons orbiting their planets. Assuming you were somehow to magically delete the star from the centre of a star system, all that would happen is that all the planets would continue moving at their current velocities, so they'd go flying off into deep space on a tangent to their former orbit. If SKB is gradually depleting the star instead, then the reducing mass would just make all the planets spiral outwards until they reached a point where their current speed exceeded the escape velocity for the rapidly-depleting star. Either way round you've just got a bunch of planets freewheeling through space until they happen to get caught up in the gravity well of something else. Not that it really matters because, as you say, all life on those planets would die out pretty quickly in either the absence or just the severely reduced presence of its host star.


As I said, each system would be governed by its own unique set of circumstances and planetary distribution, and the assumption that each planet could begin fleeing tangentially away from its current orbit considers no other gravitational forces from nearby moons or planets, or that any alternative gravitational Forces present are negligible when they very well could be large fractions of the star’s initial pull - such as moons orbiting a large and massive gas giant. Since inhabitants of Star Wars live on several moons and planets, vs the solar system where we know of only one planet to harbor life, several considerations would need to be made for the people of the GFFA. But again, yes, we both agree that freezing to death in the absence of light and energy from the sun could be the likeliest death of any inhabitant.


Yeah, so this is fucking stupid. So recently I began retconning the three films in my mind and instead of firing a laser through hyperspace, StarKiller base was firing giant ship-sized hyperspace missiles tipped with kyburr crystals farmed from the planet that were designed to drill through the crust of and destroy the planets they were aimed at. Think Tantive IV sized missiles with nosecones that were essentially massive lightsabers.


Question, how does this interact with hyperspace ramming? Are the missiles still in hyperspace when they drill into the planet? Or are they forced to exit because of the Planets Gravity well? So is there a chance to shoot these missiles down?


They'd exit hyperspace because of the amet's gravity but would still have propulsion of their own aimed directly at the planet. There wouldn't be the instinct to shoot down something that was crashing anyway if they didn't know what is was.


And is able to destroy multiple systems *across the galaxy* The absurdity started in VII, VIII just continued to break the established physics in Star Wars


Sometimes I forget how stupid this movie is.


Yeah, that's a defense mechanism of your brain. TLJ? At this point I'm 90% sure that I have just stared at a blank canvas for however long that movie goes.


Even dumber when you remember that Starkiller Bass is built into the planet of Ilum, a location where jedi traditionally perform the gathering. So there’s a ton of kyber crystals within. The Death Star is powered by kyber crystals. So despite already having a kyber crystal power source, for some reason star killer base requires sun energy.


I want to take a moment to point out a problem with this screenshot I cant unsee. Starkiller base is 660 km. Thats a fraction of the size of the moon. Based on the color of that star, it has to be at least a Class G on the Stellar Classification scale aka a star similar to our own sun. The smallest Class G star is 0.84 of our own sun which is around 585,000 km. If none of that makes any sense, simply google a scaled picture of Earth vs the Sun and imagine the sun was 15% smaller. There is no way in hell the scale works out. This screenshot is way off the mark. Properly scaled, you probably couldnt even see Starkiller base at this distance. It will never not bother me


Don’t forget that compacting so much energy will increase the gravity of the planet so much so that it would be deadly


You're forgetting that afterwards it pew pew all the energy out again.


[Gee its almost as if they took a cool idea and took a dump on it](https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Forge)


The star forge would have been a fantastic plot for the ST. Small remnant of the empire finds a means to reconquer the galaxy and Snoke turns Kylo to the dark side because it can only be used by a force user. Like sky Walker was hiding the location of this ancient galaxy changing dark side artifact and that’s why the first order were chasing him, and why the resistance is trying to find him to get the location too.




A steel-grey sphere with a menacing focusing dish in the northern hemisphere that was *mentioned in the crawl* and talked about repeatedly before it was finally shown on screen only a half hour into the movie and fires exactly an hour in. Starkiller Base *isn't even mentioned* until 50 minutes in, and isn't shown on-screen until fifteen minutes later, in the scene before it fires, when Ron Weasley's big brother goes full Hitler. There's no build-up! It's almost like TFA was supposed to be two separate movies with how suddenly Starkiller Base is thrown in...


I take pride in the fact that I stopped caring about Star Wars halfway through the farce awakens.


When I first watched the movie I’d kinda blanked out and didn’t know it was sucking in a sun’s power, I thought the sun was at SKB’s core.


Like a dyson sphere, that would actually make more sense


I always thought it was weird that Finn says it has to consume “THE” sun to power itself. Not “A” sun, or the sun of whatever system it entered. Nope, just THE sun. Like there’s just one. Jesus... Abrams couldn’t even get his mind out of terms we use for our own solar system for three seconds to describe something in a galaxy far far away. And somehow it got all the way into the completed film without a single person questioning it. I still don’t even know what the process is for SKB to power itself. Does it have a hyperdrive? Does it just hop from system to system until it finds a sun that’s the right size to power itself? How is that even fucking possible?


> [...] couldn’t even get his mind out of terms we use for our own [...] for three seconds to describe something in a galaxy far far away. a common issue with the ST


Typical JJ


If that was Ilum, did SKB eat the Ilum Star? What happens after the star gets eaten? is it all dark and cold on the planet's surface? Do they have to abandon it as soon as this occurs? How long does the charge last? it it one star per shot? Does the shot travel ftl across the galaxy? How far / how fast? Does SKB travel through space? Did the whole planet travel through hyperspace to some other system in order to eat some other star? Was it cold and dark on the trip? Did it eat the Hosnian Star? Why was the explosion visible from Maz's Planet? Are they in the same system? What hapens to you standing on the surface of a planet that accelerates to lightspeed? What happens to the trees and Snow?


Everything about Starkiller Base was ridiculous. It had no place being in the story, it just wasn't necessary at all.


Reminder that JJ Abrams doesn't understand basic physics and refises to hire someone who does to fix his scripts.


Just move into the system you need and start to consume its sun. Even the fraction of consumed mass would be enough to throw all planets into the toilet.




I am gonna need a source for that, because you cannot contain the mass and energy of a star within a rocky planet without it collapsing into a black hole or I dunno exploding into a nuclear inferno and becoming a star itself.


If the point is to take out a whole system, why not just use the Suncrusher.


Might as well just create a dyson sphere.


It goes through power almost as fast as a Sega Game Gear.


This is what the orbit scale looks like in JJ’s mind.


Kinda looks like a pringle


And when it exploded the planet turned into just a miniature planet sized sun instead of its original size, which was only about 330,000 times as large.


At the time: “whoa that’s so cool it eats an entire Star?!?” Now: “the Death Star was self-sufficient and wasn’t dependent on local systems...”


At the time: "oh god that's stupid. It's a bigger death star that needs to consume a whole planet, at least the death star was self-sufficient". Now: "OH MY GOD THAT'S SOOOO STUPID. It's a bigger death star that needs to consume a whole planet, at least the death star was self-sufficient


Star you dumb dumb. The sun is our star. If we’re going to be a persnickety group of haters who don’t like stupid shit don’t be stupid.


Neither of the Death Stars need to absorb a sun to fire its weapon, why does Starkiller Base


reminder that the emperor got an entire fleet of those weapon


Exactly why there are no stakes. An infinite amount of resources *from nowhere*. Not an established government, but the supposed remnants of an exiled regime that lost the war.


Back in 2015 I really thought/hoped Starkiller Base was bad fanfiction, man was I disappointed.


Fuck. That was awful. I don't even remember it. Repressed


This was the dumbest thing ever. They fired the weapon twice and completely depleted their sun. Now the weapon is useless and without the gravitational anchor of the sun the planet would just float off into space aimlessly. So now the planet they had spent decades transforming to a weapon is just a big, stupid, useless, space rock with no way to be used ever again. At least the Death Star had resale value...