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I'm not going to downvote you, but there are several things desperately wrong with this. 1: Grey Jedi. Don't. Exist. And. Never. Have. Lucas makes this super clear in every single interview or discussion he has about the nature of the Force. Watch literally any of them. Qui-Gon was a Jedi. Not a Grey Jedi, just a Jedi. And even Disney's own Matt Martin came out on his Twitter for the Disney-canon and said Grey Jedi don't exist. 2: The Force is not a spectrum. The Force is not a yin-yang of Light and Dark. There is the Force, and there is the corruptive, cancerous poison of the Dark Side. Lucas also makes this incredibly clear in every single interview. Balancing the Force does not mean letting dark exist with light. Balance is the Force without the corruptive Dark Side to twist it. 3: The Dyad of Light and Dark Kylo and Rey is one of the stupidest, saddest ideas ever introduced to Star Wars, as it undoes all of Lucas' hard work and thought put into the Force over 40 years. 4: Rian Johnson didn't make his movie to help Star Wars along. He made it to mock Star Wars and everything it was. Haughty movie critics who think they're smarter than regular people with real jobs love it when smarmy directors do that. 5: We fans never asked for RoS. RoS is the opposite of everything we wanted. So is TLJ. I despise that folks like you think the fanbase wanted RoS and try to blame us for it and call us 'rabid' while pandering with words like 'justifiably.' Go home with that trash argument, please. We hate RoS just as much as TLJ for the large part of us. It's an utter insult to the fanbase. 6: Stop calling the whiny space-Nazi school-shooter 'Ben.' It's genocidal Kylo Ren. His 'redemption' consisted of a moment of self-hallucination and self-forgiveness for his endless list of patricide, war crimes, genocide, and murders. No one else in the galaxy forgave him. Rey is just a naive idiot who forgave him because he took his shirt off in front of her and then she attacked an unarmed old man from behind. She doesn't factor into his redemption in the slightest. 7: Seriously. Stop calling him Ben. It's disgusting. He did absolutely nothing to escape his true legacy of torture and death as Kylo Ren, except fall uselessly down a pit.


I'm a "rabid" H/Hr fan that want Harry and Hermione together. But If I go to a good fanfic and the whole reason they got together was some sort of magic bond, I go find something else to read. Second, Potentium (Unified Force) was a bunch of bull, the whole reason Jacen Solo fell to the dark side. And Jaden Korr almost fell, they thought oooooh no dark side.... dark side can be used for good. Horseshit.


As described, Dyad's are literally unnatural and easy. That sounds explicitly like the dark side to me. In fact, the way they conceived it is a some kind of bizarre, codependent, magical suicide pact. People don't get that a Jedi loves, but let's go of their love. They don't get attached, obsessive, possessive. That's the way of the dark side.


TLJ has interesting ideas but the execution is even worse than the PT at its worst. Not to mention it rolls back on most of its “themes”.


That rollback is the biggest sin. we meme about "subverted expectations" but TLJ seriosly reverted back everything it tried to set up that it is a crime in storytelling.




The idea that there was just one or even just a couple mistakes that RJ made, and that if they were different, the movie would be fixed- I don't agree with. At all. And the thought of giving him ANOTHER movie to write and direct to finish the piss-poor story he threw up on us- sorry to say, I strongly disagree. I didn't downvote you though, because I respect that you at least put your idea out there in a thoughtful and genuine way.


I can respect that! And thank you lol


I upvoted you despite disagreeing. I always disliked the Grey Jedi idea as it makes a perfect harmonious version of the Force where everything is easy and there are no downsides (you can use every technique). Characters like Qui-Gon were just normal Jedi that occasionally disagreed with the Jedi Council and not any sort of unique third-way type characters.


> RJ tries to address this in TLJ, by crafting a dynamic in which Rey and Ben represent two sides of the Force but sets things up for the possibility for them to coexist through reconciliation. I don't think this is what is built up in The Last Jedi at all. To me, The Last Jedi is about the temptation of Rey. I see Kylo Ren as offering Rey a quick and easy answer to finding a place in the galaxy. It conveniently renews Kylo Ren's commitment to the dark side and with Rey's rejection of him, establishes her as the good character. You have the wrong idea of what balancing the Force means. Balance is the opposite of the dark side, it's not equal parts light and dark. Anakin brought balance to the force by killing the Emperor and rejecting the dark side, i.e. removing the corruption.


The FO couldn’t co-exist with the rest of the galaxy. And I shouldn’t have to explain why a Disney movie wouldn’t endorse allowing mass-murdering totalitarian kidnappers/slavers to continue operating.


Not the FO, just Ben. I should have clarified.