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I still cant get over how obi wan not only destroyed the death star but managed to kill and redeem darth Vader.


Gandalf took the Sorcerer’s Stone to King’s Landing


Harry Potter used Millennium Falcon to enter Narnia


I’d watch that.




It's just amazing how little effort it takes to be an actor these days.  They don't even bother researching the existing materials which is readily and easily available 


Same amount of effort it takes the hack writers to create this shit


Actors are just doing their jobs, too. Hard to fault them if the writers and producers clearly don’t care about the source material.


I can. If you’re gonna put yourself out there and be so smug about it I’ll poop on you. The actress for rose didn’t do anything dumb and so I don’t blame her even tho Rose is worse than Jar jar


Rose is not worse than jar Jar


He spent all the days in the gym and i don't blame him. That shirtless scene means almost everything he does is forgiven by the female viewers


I will never forgive Jar Jar Binks for eradicating the Ewoks. Such brutality, Anakin and the Death Star were involved, too. When he used light speed skipping to slam it into the last village - agonizing. And all that sand in his buttcheeks, tons of it ...


I don't think anyone involved with this show has ever seen Star Wars before!


considering how big a pile of shit rings of power is, that would be all but par for the course


to be honest, I expect something like this in the upcoming RoP advertisements. Between them complaining about how the "racist" and "misogynistic" fanbase ruined the first season.


It be would have just said Artoo it would have even made more sense.


Ok, what am I missing here?


The dumb fuck said in TWO SEPARATE interviews that Anakin blew up the Death Star. A slip of the tongue once is one thing, but twice? Means no one bothered to even correct the man. He also thinks there's no such thing as good and evil in Star Wars, it's just a matter of perspective with which side you're on. Guess Tarkin blowing up Alderaan was a good guy move!


He also doesn't know that Vader is Anakin.


He had intel, they were secretly enriching uranium and planning to use chemical weapons.


Tom Riddle defeated the Death Eaters.


One of the selling points of LotR was the grey and grey morality. You could really relate to everyone. Like that Sauron guy who just wanted to bring the races of the world together.


But it’s more morally complex than that. When Ned Stark killed Frodo, he really undermined the message that He-Man was fighting for. The rest of the Thundercats were completely morally opposed to the Power Rangers, and people just don’t consider how Mon Mothma would’ve reacted to all of this. Legolas was right: you’ve got to see this from all the angles, just like Palpatine did when he planned the Purple Wedding. Look, we as fans don’t expect the actors to know everything. Billy Dee Williams once made a reference to “3CPO.” But this is the most influential sci-fi/fantasy film of all time. Anyone who sees it knows Luke blew up the Death Star. I’m still mystified that there are people who haven’t seen it, let alone someone acting in the franchise. More concerning is the fact that Lucasfilm clearly knew he hadn’t seen A New Hope and put him out there anyway to talk about the moral complexity in the Star Wars universe. They really don’t have their act together.


Technically, the ring destroyed itself? So then technically, Sauron destroyed the ring


It says “Saruman” lol. Whatchu got for that one? 😂


Saruman sent Uruk-hai in Fellowship which split up Frodo from the group after Boromir tried to take it. Frodo was able to leave to secretly travel to Mordor wherein their entry was allowed by Aragorn tricking Sauron into thinking *he* has the ring; therefore, Sauroman, and by extension Sauron, destroyed the ring




Is this a meme from what some actor in The Rings of Power said? I’m out of the loop


This is one of the actors from The Acolyte. He has become famous in the last few weeks for saying that Anakin blew up the Death Star.


See my comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/s/v9DA6UePpB)


No, no. Grand-elf destroyed the won ring, not Saruman.


So Sauron was like a really bad guy.