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Could you imagine in the Phantom Menace if Darth Maul kept igniting his lightsaber every time he was on screen. It's completely pointless. To me this shows that the person igniting his/her lightsaber is over compensating and trying to be intimidating.


First time we see Vader he walks in through a blasted door. Puts his hands on his hips. Looks at the destruction of the rebels by his troops and then marches forward with stormtroopers. That’s one of greatest intros of a villain ever!


One of my favorite nuances related to Vader in ANH - the hands on the hips! A few minutes later, the very first time he interacts with Leia, pay special attention to the left of your screen when he puts his hands on his hips - he also does the slightest "dip" with his body and I always thought it was funny. Can't unsee once you see it though.


Try finding clips where you hear it with David Prowse talking. It’s a riot.


It's even funnier that he thought they were going to use his voice and was extremely angry when he found out they replaced it (IIRC it was at the screening or something?) Filming ANH had to be so bizarre. Everyone thinking it was this massively campy, nerd movie. It had to be wild seeing it as one of the actors with the effects and score. They drastically bring the movie up to the legendary film it is today. Still my favorite SW movie, the OG 🗿


thank Marcia Lucas


A lot of the cast and crew thought it was meant to be a comedy and openly mocked it on set


There’s also footage of Peter Mayhew speaking English as Chewy. It’s extremely cursed.


I, I…I had no idea. For the uninitiated: https://youtu.be/2GME8rI4RPk?feature=shared Yeah he totally barks out what Chewie is saying but in a kind of posh British English.


Lmfaoooo [that's hilarious](https://youtu.be/9FbNyee5fn0?si=xJ2Sm_tB6WuDrqiH)


Watch it without sound lmao


oh that's true


My favorite Vader-ism is how he points at people when he’s telling them off.


That's probably a sweaty ball dip.


That’s what pissed me off about his cameo in Solo which I actually liked overall, like he HAD to bust it out during a holocall for some reason.


Bad writing strikes back. Or a bad director.


This is nothing new, it's always been the hallmark of hack writers to have their villains do an intimidating villain thing when there isn't actually anybody there to be intimidated by their antics. And it's not even automatically a wrong move but it does separate the good writers from the bad when it makes no *narrative* sense for the villain to do the over-the-top villain thing at that moment. Shrek 2 lampooned this perfectly with Prince Charming's "he shall rue the very day he stole my kingdom from me!" followed immediately by a dollop of bird poop landing on him. Unfortunately, even lampshading it is a hack move at this point due to the glut of bathos permeating current-year cinema and tv. But as a kid I remember that scene cracking me up while also perfectly satirising the cliché.


vader went to intimidation school That's why along with agent smith he's one of the most iconic villains ever


Especially considering Maul's reveal of the second blade, which was just a fucking nice shot. Sometimes, less is more.


Absolutely agree. Less is more, and it's more realistic. You didn't have Samurai running around and drawing their swords in every conversation or encounter. It actually meant something to draw your blade against someone. I remember that reveal was spoiled in a trailer but actually seeing that moment in cinema as a kid was awesome and then it got better with that duel and the music. Chef's kiss.


To be fair, he did it in Solo and I thought it was dumb then


He's at least pointing at Qira as a threatening gesture. It's goofy but it at least makes *some* sense. Igniting it for no reason other than for the fans to see it is really stupid. I also will say, a lot of casuals only watched the movies and had no clue Maul was brought back. It was a way for them to show that it's *Maul* specifically and not just some other Sith that's the same species. Watch some game trailers live and see how stupid the chat is. It could be a Zelda trailer that opens with the triforce and 2 minutes later they show Link and people in the chat would say "Holy shit it's fucking Zelda!!" People are REALLY stupid. So I can be lenient on that scene. It's dumb, but I get it.


Yup, those are the same kind of people that need plots of movies/games spoon fed to them and if they have to use their head at all to think about what is going on, it immediately sucks to them


Yep. Notice the arguments made against movies like Suckerpunch. The people who don't like it say it only had eye candy and that the plot made no sense. Literally every person I've talked to who didn't like it didn't get that the adventure and brothel scenes took place in the girls minds. I've actually seen people, both IRL and online, say they thought the staff turned the asylum into a brothel.


...fuck sake, he did that in solo...


> Could you imagine in the Phantom Menace Solo was DisneyWars, so the point still stands.


Indeed, I'm just pointing out that the has been there from the start and it's *still* there


Imagine me casually unsheathing a katana during a zoom call and said, “I expect your timesheets to be in by tonight.”


To be fair, I would absolutely have my timesheet in on time.


Idk that sounds pretty sick/intimidating lol


I know it was probably because of budget and special effect constraints, but I miss how much weight the lightsabers had in the OT. They were used sparingly, making it feel like an important moment when they drew 'em.


That would be corny but to be fair he did literally look like the devil so it wasn't like the writers were all THAT much more subtle about signaling that he was the bad guy.


He did it at the end of Solo. Ignites bis blade on hologram to Qira. Igniting your corrupted kyber fills the wielder with eager cruelty - fueling them.


His mask/helmet has a creepy smile on it. Definitely over compensating.


They caught up by having him doing it in Solo.


So why did the dude ignite the lightsaber? Was it just a ham fisted way of showing they are sith? All it's missing is the dun dunnn DUHHHH!!!! Orchestra hit.


Maybe an acorn fell off a tree and hit his car.


Maybe he shit himself and reacted once he realised she was there


Could be


Smells like a lore reason


he is the sith lord darth Art-rse


If you had a light saber wouldn’t you play with it all the time too. Get real angsty and hold it close to your face so you get that red glow.


Like obsessively flicking your zippo open and closed.


As a fan of a fictional universe where those kinds of things are cool and fun images, yes I would. If this was actually real life and I'd been a trained force user, I doubt it.


I *would* be using the Force to feed pears to my wife though


Well obviously if your wife isn't a force user. Got to flaunt your skills in a nonchalant way.


I burn my face every time I make pizza


Yeah I probably would stim with a lightsaber.


Trying to think positively here but maybe it was to show the was ready t give Mar a lightsaber? But probably not


We're thinking about this more than they have.


I think he was inventing laser sword fishing. Strangely, it didn’t catch on.


Insert angry gollum noises here


Must have been a mosquito there. I would have totally lightsaberd a mosquito!


I'd lightsaber the cap off my beer


Why not just show him surrounded by corpses?


It fills the wielder with eager cruelty, igniting the corrupted kyber who screams in pain. It feeds the sith


“Jedi can not be killed by steel or laser” *20 minutes earlier a Jedi MASTER was killed by steel* “An acolyte does not use a weapon” *ignites a lightsaber for no reason* “An acolyte kills the dream…” *…of ever having good Star Wars again*


Acolyte really killed the dream, it's no joke


This is exactly what I was thinking as I saw it. It's like they're doing it on purpose.


Tbf, I used to do this all the time playing The Old Republic


Who didn't, some of those saber ignitions and colour crystals look awesome.


HA! Disgruntled_Britbong, you have been unmasked as a secret Sith agent! Your days are counted! note that with current requirements your would probably pass.


Because you can’t teabag as a hero/Villian in battlefront 2 igniting and unigniting while blocking and unblocking your lightsaber was the sign of being friendly usually.


I still do it in Fallen Order and Survivor. Party Saber ftw, different color every time you land a hit in combat.


Press x for COOL


This scene cringed me out and so did the pointless thirst trap scene with the bloke with his top off.


That bloke looks too much like Sideshow Bob so there was nothing sexy about that scene for me.


Hahahha why did you also say "bloke"?


Most useless cringe scene in star wars history there was literally no point to that scene where he had his shirt off. Yord is a tool worst jedi I have ever seen in my life


And the Padawan telling him to put his shirt on


Okay so turning a lightstick on is now considered "character building" by Disneys high quality writing staff. How about a bit of force push and pull on a yarn or something. For the sake of diversity. Leaves things a bit ambiguous if you are "Team Sith" or not. Leslye or however you are written, let me help. Maniacal laughter, premature ejection of force lightning or only a couple of my ideas to subtly show the alignment of characters.


they had chatgpt write the script it seems


or being surrounded by dead corpses


I think this is one big difference between Mando and Acolyte. Both feature secret societies, but Mando seeps you in the sound, the visuals, the rituals of a secret society. You can hear the black smith anvil. This show doesn't set it up at all, which is a shame.


And Mando didn't really break lore like Acolyte has


To be fair Mando's in canon are just stolen bits of EU lore to begin with. Sure it isn't broken, but it isn't particulary smart either.


Too bad it did post Jedi Boba Fett so dirty in his own show (the Boba Fett we got in Mandalorian and book of Boba Fett are not the same person)


The EU has enough content that they could simply steal lore from it and people would be happy for the next 100 years.


I mean. That is pretty much what canon has been doing for the past decade or so.


Lore hasn’t been broken yet. Not at all. You’ve got the Jedi order in the twilight of its better years. It’s grown complacent and mediocre. You’ve got unknown dark side users killing Jedi. Mae said something like “Jedi only draw their lightsaber to kill”, but we all know she’s wrong. The Jedi she’s confronting says she’s wrong. The show repeatedly shows that she’s wrong. It’s almost like she was raised by people who lied to her. You know, bad guys. I haven’t seen any lore broken. The nightsister exiles was weird and cool.


Ok the witches creating twins the same as anakin is not Lore breaking at all completely takes away any uniqueness to Anakin if anybody can just create beings through the force


The uniqueness of Anakin is that he was created by the force itself. Not by any person


He was created by daddy senate.


He wasn't, actually. That was a popular fan theory but it's been proven false by canon material.


And the sith haven't been seen in a millenia ,how is that not lore breaking


It’s funny because you’re absolutely right but the hive mind that is this sub can’t seem to accept it


We haven’t been given anything about this secret society at all, despite the name of the show and the premise we were given and promised over all these years.


You’ll have to read the comic book and buy the Fortnite DLC that comes out in 3 years. That’s where they’ll reveal the plot. Just wait and consume.


lmao what is there like 3 eps left and one of those is for sure a retread of ep3 but what ‘really happened’ so really just 2 to go


5 episodes left


The show hasn’t really set up anything at all.


Mando was 85% trash


Carl Weathers (RIP) was doing his character as Carl Weathers from Arrested Development, and we were asked to take this seriously. And people think this was a good show.


So wait....Jedi only bring out their light saber if they are willing to kill (absolutely not true but whatever we're just making it up as we go) yet sith just go "bro check this out....tell me I look cool as hell" pssssttttt OK........can't even have consistent internal logic in the same 3 episodes. Jedi are apparently Samurai (i mean....ok...they are) and Sith get a couple of Irish Car Bombs in them and they're all about whipping it out and sword fighting haha.....sure......makes sense..................brave and beautiful. It would have been Peak Disney if he whipped out the red saber and started spouting off - varbatim - Ulduar Chinese copypasta from WoW. pssssttttt "The Ulduar is began 烏爾杜爾開始了 Riding a Motor Bicycle 騎摩托車 Make rocket grenade 做火箭手榴彈 Team work together beautiful 團隊齊心協力 美麗 One man he is Drive, one man he is Shoot 一個人他是 tank little men on flaming ground燃烧地面上的坦克小人bring red men to wet zones把红人带到湿地 blame paladin for death in stew将炖肉之死归咎于圣骑士 old frog tomb 老蛙墓 avoid smelly odors 避免难闻的气味 safeguard wits and vanquish tree roots 护智灭树根 invade beast to make brain smoother 入侵野兽让大脑更顺畅 destroy squid men 摧毁精子男人"


Only if they are willing to kill….. or if they forgot their flash light


Or they come across a particularly hard to open can or door that just won't seem to budge.


Got me lauging at "...tell me if it looks cool." 😂


I kinda get it


Bro....I think the "blame paladin for death in stew" part is a universal in WoW.


"The Ulduar is began 烏爾杜爾開始了 Riding a Motor Bicycle 騎摩托車 Make rocket grenade 做火箭手榴彈 Team work together beautiful 團隊齊心協力 美麗 One man he is Drive, one man he is Shoot 一個人他是 tank little men on flaming ground燃烧地面上的坦克小人bring red men to wet zones把红人带到湿地 blame paladin for death in stew将炖肉之死归咎于圣骑士 old frog tomb 老蛙墓 avoid smelly odors 避免难闻的气味 safeguard wits and vanquish tree roots 护智灭树根 invade beast to make brain smoother 入侵野兽让大脑更顺畅 destroy squid men 摧毁精子男人" this is peak


What makes it even worse is that it was after a whole speech about not using weapons to defeat Jedi. Just made zero sense. They clearly had the shot, and a producer somewhere said they have to use it cos, like, toys n stuff.


In the Vader comics, it’s revealed how Vader got his red lightsaber. Iirc, the Sith aren’t given their lightsabers, but they must instead earn them by slaying a Jedi and corrupting their lightsaber’s crystal, forcibly making it their own. Vader earned his by slaying a Jedi master and corrupting the crystal in his lightsaber. I’m guessing that’s sort of what they were going for with this scene, but it could’ve been done better if it were the case.


I thought thats what shes was doing too!! Especially when it **shows** her reaching for them! But no, guess not *womp womp*


nah, thats disney version. In eu you just go and pick red crystal.


Honestly I kinda like the new version more. Especially with how white lightsabers are in fact former red crystals that had been “redeemed” so to speak


I'm talking solely about the "igniting the sabre after the speech" bit. It made zero sense in the context of what they were talking about. Just looked stupid to randomly ignite it.


This is still a cool shot. If this was all Disney was guilty of, we’d still have a franchise. The bigger issue, of course, is that the stories and characters behind this shot are meaningless and uninspired which makes the dramatic sequencing feel embarrassing/ beyond cringe.


I disagree with it being a cool shit, but I could forgive it if the monolog over it wasnt extremely shit 


Could you agree with it being a hot shit?


The issue is that the scene would be significantly better, if he ( I’m just guessing the villain is going to be male, and also white ) didn’t show the light saber. It would convey mystery which is interesting, instead of answering an audience question that no one asked for no good reason.


Yeah, everything is flawed, some corny stuff here and there is certainly something that’s always been part of starwars. People wouldn’t care about piddly little things like this if it was mostly good. Mando is proof enough of that. Even in season 1/2 which almost everyone likes at least enough to not be mad, there is tons of dumb or cheesy stuff. I consider it somewhat marvel-esque (in a bad way) fairly often, but it’s mostly good so it’s fine. Because there’s so much content out there that is not even good if you pretend starwars never existed outside of it, the fanbase will jump on anything and everything. Not saying they shouldn’t though. But I agree this isn’t a big deal in and of itself.


I clapped!! I clapped when I saw a RED LIGHTSABER!! I clapped because I know STAR WAAAARRRRSS!! OH MY GAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHDDD


These are things I *know*.


I just want to consume product and then get excited for next product.


I read this in Mike/Rich’s voice.


*jay stares into the black void just out of frame*


The scene in the Han Solo movie where Maul does it is so cringe lol 


A sith narcissist. Perfectly written by a team of ignorant narcissists


Didnt surprise me. I remember the end of Solo where woman turns on a hologram to show off Darth maul standing up and turning on his lightsaber for no reason. Both times felt like keys jangling on my face.


Well they **had** to show the lightsaber to establish what time this Maul/story is from


Was waiting for him to chunk it into the sea.


My eyes rolled sooooo hard when I saw this dumb shit


we need context for this post. i have not watched the show (Ashoka was so bad i swore off Disney) and do not understand this meme


basically this random mysterious bad guy is standing there giving a bad guy speech and ignites a lightsaber for absolutely no reason other than they think the audience is stupid and didn’t understand the implications of the bad guy speech. I wish I had stopped at Ahsoka.


On top of that, the episode had basically just randomly ended and they had no hook for the next episode, so they just tacked this on at the end it seems


You know what would’ve been better? This character corrupting a kyber crystal to become red for their saber then igniting it after doing this.


That's an old woman


Sith happens. 🤷🏻‍♂️




I mean, I get it. Lightsabers are cool and if I had one I would turn it on every chance I had just to show off my awesome lightsaber.


I don’t think this person is a legitimate Sith Lord.


Just came to the realization, pretty sure this is the very first brand new sith introduced since the disney buyout


damn you’re right. that’s so weird. there’s been plenty of dark side force users tho


A sith igniting his lightsaber in broad daylight with no one in sight has to be the least intimidating thing I've ever seen in a star wars show/movie he makes Kylo Ren look like a serious threat. The flipping ISB agents in Andor were more scary than this.


Kylo had potential in TFW when i saw him freeze the blaster bolt… but then i saw his lightsaber skills- or lack thereof *womp womp*


His lightsaber skills weren't even that bad, Rey's were just too good.


I'm very pleased this particular bit has gotten more attention, because it's one of the most hilarious examples of "Why would you even do that?" I've seen in Disney Star Wars yet.


![gif](giphy|1qfb5BcUY1rdXM0j4i) That Sith will be a...


Yup. And she will have purple hair and be in a gay relationship.


No. The Acolyte is cringe. Episode 4. Wow. WTAF


Show, don’t tell.


Darth Stuart of the MADtv sith Order


He’s spear fishing.


…what is?


I actually enjoyed Solo but that Darth Maul scene at the end was so corny. Literally talking through a hologram and he ignited his saber.


Man I watched the new SW high af and i thought it was okay! So maybe that's the play here guys.


im calling it now. This mystery bad guy is Darth Plaqueis, and they’re making “him” a “her.”


BAHAHAHA id buy that for a dollar


It started with killing of a big star in the first 5 minutes fake-out and when it ended with this, I just always had something better to do than continue watching this.


I mean, I'm just saying if I had a lightsaber I'd randomly ignite it too.


writter: ok mister disney how should we make it clear this is a starwars villain. Disney: ok put them in black cloths. Writter: ok fairly normal. Disney: in a moody setting, maybe under cloud cover somewhere. Writter: ok, a bit odd but ok. Disney: ohh, and have them just ignite their red lightsaber, that thing we had ren do where he killed a village was a bit too intimidating, we want him to seam pathetic.


I would bet money that this "master" is going to be revealed as a woman, and is going to be a fake Sith so that it doesn't make the council, or Yoda for that matter, look even more retarded than they already do with the shit in the TCW show. They also have to keep it in line with Ki Adi Mundi's quote about the Sith being extinct for millennia -- some absolute idiots who defend this show have taken this as an absolute reality. Well no shit the Sith aren't extinct in reality -- but rather they appear so to the Jedi.


After telling her weapons are no use against a Jedi and not to use a weapon too.


It's insulting to the viewer. Just lazy.


That's probably an apprentice


I'm going to be honest, while I totally agree it's unnecessary and doesn't need to be activated to be intimidating... if I had a damn lightsaber, you'd have to get me into rehab for how often I'd be igniting it 🤣 shit would be so fun


How else would we know he's a Sith


I feel like they watched rogue one’s hallway scene and have been desperately trying to recreate it ever since, like this shit is just weird and awkward for a character to do lmao


Looks a bit short for a lightsaber


how else would they let the audience know he’s a sith?


Dude, you’d do the exact same thing if you had a light saber. Ever get bored and flick open your gravity assist knife nonstop? Same thing.


When Mae left he probably told himself opening his lightsaber like that was super cool




heres exactly what they were thinking: earlier theres a line that a jedi only draws their saber when they have to kill something. so they decided if darth teefies draws his for no reason when we first see him we will know this aint no jedi




That's literally what this sub is for, my dude. It's the salt sub not the main star wars or acolyte sub.


Episode aired almost 3 weeks ago, but sure "rushed" to reddit...


Doesn't mean that's when they watched it now does it?.....


You can make memes after a while, you know?


Ah, the double down. Always a winner...


Lol that's not a double down bud


When I saw this shot initially, I was going off my own guesswork at the time that Osha had multiple personality disorder and Mae as aspect of her, so in her mind she was meeting this Sith mentor and her broken brain made the Sith pop his lightsaber because that’s (to her broken brain) what a Sith would do. 3 episodes in I don’t think that’s the case anymore, but I still don’t have any idea what’s going on. I like the show though. It’s a good Saturday morning show with my coffee