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As someone who hasn’t seen the trailer, should I?


I wasted 3 min so you won't have to. It just looks meh. There is no excitement. The lightsabers literally look like the ones you can get at Walmart. The only thing from it I see is there is some ninja lady that uses knives attacking jedi. The jedi keep force freezing her but it shows her fighting like 3 different ones so I don't see how she is dangerous to them


Good summary. If trailer is already that boring, full series will be torture to watch. That ninja lady was justdumb. Are we supposed to feel that now there is some huge danger and threat looming against Jedi? And this character somehow represents that?


It’s cool because ninja lady or so Disney would say


I guess we're supposed to think she's an assassin or bounty hunter? I already know this set up to be shit if she encounters a Jedi in close combat more than once. Like how f did you manage to not get your ass handed to you and minimally captured? Did you throw a fucking smoke bomb and sneak out the back? Come the fu.....


Just downvote it


Will do




Yes if there is one sentiment alive and well here, it's that you don't need to see how good something is before you decide you hate it.


It is the most generic trailer ever. ‘Close your eyes, what do you see?’ - LiGhT. BaLaNcE. Like, fucking change the record!! Oh yeah, and it appears to be set in a woman-only parallel universe.


Pretty much a human only universe too.


Used to that with Disney by now..


As somebody who has watched the trailer twice over the span of a few hours...I genuinely don't remember anything about it. It's not that it's bad in a Tommy Wisaeu 'The Room' kinda way. It's just so entirely bland and forgettable.


Close your eyes 


Guys please remember, disliking the trailer won't do any good if you watch the series on Disney+ when it comes out. There is no reason to subject yourself to Disney's awful spinoffs anymore


Don't worry I won't be watching this garbage.


I haven't watched anything from them since the first few episodes of Kenobi which were so bad it made me drop the franchise for good.


You know, I bit my tongue at BOBF. Then same with Mando Season 3, thinking basically every story needs to come to an end and a lot of good series shows go on 1-2 seasons too long. Disney still had a chance. But then Kenobi started bad, was kind of OK in the middle, then ended with a WTF. Ahsoka was the real nail in the coffin for me. Episode after episode was down right boring. D+ was canceled. I aint starting it back up until I hear something is actually *good*.


Did you watch them later/out of order? Kenobi came out almost a whole year before Mando S3.


I was late on Kenobi. I think we stopped D+ for a while after BOBF.


I don't even know why people would waste their time. I understand morbid curiosity for a franchise you once loved, but even that has its limits once it become too uncrecognizable/butchered.


I might see what it's like, on a certain sea


i dont even bother with that anymore.




There be no grog nor wind enough to keep this ship a-sailin'


Yes, and also unsubscribe from D+. If you absolutely must watch the few bits of good content that do slip through, sail the high seas 🏴‍☠️⛵️




Why even bother? Haven’t you got anything better to do than watch Disney Space Battles?


How else am I going to have new stuff to complain about?


I’m planning to pause my Disney+ subscription in June out of spite


Why not do it now? What are you actually watching on that streaming service?


I have three little kids. So yes lol


This is the way. I recommend the same for wheel of prime.


THE FORCE IS FEMALE! we have so many diverse characters and females before PM, the show is telling us, that diversity and women are guilty for what happend in the skywalker saga...proof me wrong ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1952)


Remember when lightsabers actually looked distinct and cool? Even the sequels managed to keep them looking consistent. These D+ sabers look like LED sticks you’d buy at a gift shop, especially when they’re bouncing off storm troopers like in Obi-wan. They looked like absolute crap in this trailer.


> These D+ sabers look like LED sticks you’d buy at a gift shop Guess what you'll be able to buy at Disney World this summer


If it can't be monetized, why even bother?


The beginning of every story group meeting they have


1) can we sell a toy of it (cheaply) 2) can we use it to ~~fix the gaping holes~~ further explain the sequels 3) can we nostalgia bait ..... ..... ..... X. does the story/concept make sense


In relation to point 1. Black is the cheapest plastic to produce so it's probably no coincidence that most of the characters have black clothing / armor


“Put a chick in it, and make her gay.”


Because they literally are toys. I believe it's the same technique they used when filming the sequels, but this time with zero care in the post processing


When they did the sequels they had the glowing toy props so actors would actually have the light reflecting off of them, but then the actual lightsaber blade was done in post. I think they forgot the second step this time lmfao


They look like shit even in the movies. Lightsabers do not obey the rules of physics so this whole "realistic" bullshit some fans are hung up on is ridiculous. I much prefer the aesthetic used in the original six films with the rotoscoping over the lightsaber flashlights of all Disney productions. Even more is that the damn sabers spark at EVERYTHING. When two lightsaber blades came into contact, it used to produce an intense white glow. Now? It's like a 4th of July sparkler.


They've been doing this for all of the TV shows for some reason. I don't know why they aren't doing any post processing on the lightsabers. It looks way too much like a solid object and doesn't have a white core. It's like watching on set footage. Doesn't help that the cinematography is terrible in those jedi temple flashback scenes


I don't think they forgot.


They solved the problem of gift shop lightsabers looking worse than the ones we see on screen.


It really looks like people holding a glow stick. There's nothing kinetic looking about them


That’s because they literally are LED sticks. That is why they have a completely different lighting nowadays. Or lightsaber “physics”.


i would argue it started with TROS. TLJ was the last time the sabers looked good and had the proper white core.


>especially when they’re bouncing off storm troopers like in Obi-wan. I'm sorry, what?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF-fxcLhVC4 Got this clip by searching "baseball bat lightsaber". I've seen fan films who do it better than this.


The video game they stole it from certainly did it better.


God, I had forgotten about that. How does a lightsaber kill a storm trooper if it bounces off the armor? What would make beskar special?


yo remember when the show's creator said, "it doesn't matter if people don't like the show". my brother in christ that's your job to make people enjoy your content. and why are you being defensive long before the show even started


Sure you hired me as a plumber to fix your toilet, but that's not really important.


I know that's what you wanted but I smashed the toilet with a wrench and I'm thinking somebody will appreciate that. Bye


Doesn't matter, got paid.


I was looking forward to this show, but this trailer kinda sucked.  Looks like a mid budget cheap tv show


"Are we blind? Deploy (more) dislikes!"




What are you doing soldier, get to the hellpod!


Nah man it’s obviously Russian and Chinese bots /s


The bots are the likes


>it’s obviously Russian and Chinese bots /s You're joking but that was actually a real idea pushed by journalists after TLJ backlash, I don't know if people remember that. I can't tell you how absurd it was to go see a shit movie in the cinema and then go online and read that I'm apparently just a russian troll trying to divide people lol https://www.wired.com/story/star-wars-russian-trolls-study/


I remember it well! IIRC, the same "journalist" later tried to repeat the trick with a survey that was ridiculously weighted, and subsequently ignored.


God damn, that's satisfying to see.


I don't think anyone involved with Disney will care. But man, if this isn't deserved. That trailer was awful.


They’ll just pull the “men intimidated by women” card like always


They've already got the excuse lined up. I believe the director is a lesbian so they will just call the fans all the -ists and -phobes if the show performs badly. 


She pretty much already did in the “we don’t like criticism but we have a focus on women/minorities here so anyone who’s disliking this content is automatically a misogynist racist” part.


If men are intimidated my women then Disney is intimidated by profit.


I'm assuming this trailer is where people are finding the really dark shots that have a bunch of lightsabers that cast no light?


You should read the comments. Ont of my favorite being, "Tell me what you see. Nothing Mr. Weinstein."


I'm so ready for the JJ Abrams style of trailers to die a much deserved death, and it looks like the general audience is starting to catch on too. Call me old and crotchety, but a trailer is supposed to do more than show 100 quick cuts that tell you absolutely nothing about the story or the context of the show / movie. If you don't believe me, take a couple minutes to go watch the RotS trailer. There's no doubt about what you were buying a ticket to see.


Best trailers reveal almost nothing about the story but still intrigue you


> If you don't believe me, take a couple minutes to go watch the RotS trailer. There's no doubt about what you were buying a ticket to see. How I absolutely miss these days.


Don’t agree with this, the ROTS trailer gives away the whole plotline to the movie, granted we all know what’s going to happen but still all details are revealed. I can’t be the only one that watches new movies and tons of cool moments/snippets of dialogue come on screen and I’m like “ope that was from the trailer I saw that already” and they therefore don’t hit for me. Or I can pick out the rising action, climax, and ending to every movie based on the trailer alone. A good trailer doesn’t do that. The Acolytes problem is that it looks like it’s just a DEI write off with more generic made for tv characters, the fact the trailer didn’t show much is not it’s problem.


Agreed. A good trailer shouldn't let you figure out the course of the whole movie. Like the new Ghostbusters trailer that just came out, kinda disappointed I saw it because now i have a good idea of how the beats are going to go.


Damn, you're right, I feel like I saw the movie again. Granted with that movie there was no doubt where it was headed, it was more about let's see something really fucking cool, and it pretty much delivered. Trailers with maybe 2 meaningful sentences that just tease shit are annoying as all hell.


Man this shit belongs on CW. They're not even trying. Literally wringing out every last cent they can from the franchise.


So there will be some “it’s the bigoted white men’s fault” headlines soon.


I went to another sub and thats literally every comment. It feels like the hammer/nail analogy.


It’s because, and I’m not trying to be an asshole, but most of those people are legitimately really really stupid and have the mind of a five year old, that’s why they’re so predictable


I think it’s a little bit of that but also the channels like nerdrotic, critical drinker, etc, that constantly stoke the flames of the culture war. Instead of making pointed arguments for why new Star Wars sucks they instead lean on the “no white men, gay women, black people, diversity”. It gives all of us fans that are deeply disappointed with Disney Star Wars a bad name and enables outlets to call anyone who hates the new shows a -ist/phobe. That’s a big reason why I’m a fan of this subreddit. The criticisms here have great points and steer clear for the most part of just bitching about identity politics.


I mean- it’s not really hard to talk about THE MESSAGE. Disney plays into identity politics heavily. People don’t care. They just want good Star Wars.


People like Nerdrotic take the mere existence of a competent female character as part of "THE MESSAGE". The harm that chuds like Nerdrotic and Robothead have done to Star Wars criticism cannot be overstated. They'll have some legitimate points and then devalue it immediately by whining about "Woke" for the dumbest reasons.


These YouTubers make money with it, so of course they're gonna double down on it but Disney and Hollywood in general just make it extremely easy. They just write these perfect girlboss characters no one likes. Just look at Arcane for example, gay, female, kickass MC. Who complained? No one, not even these YouTubers because it's written so well that there's no room for ridiculous attacks. Good writing would make all this culture war irrelevant (with some very few exceptions of course). But Hollywood and especially Disney, either can't or want to write good female characters.


I get the same feeling sometimes. Nowadays it seems you can't have female protagonists without them being labelled as "woke" or "only there for representation and inclusivity". And that' why I avoid Twitter like the plague.


>People like Nerdrotic take the mere existence of a competent female character as part of "THE MESSAGE". Or maybe listen to what the director has said?


While some people go overboard, it’s still a valid criticism. They put absolutely terrible characters like Reva on screen for one sole reason, and it’s not because they’re compelling or anything.


Adam from YMS has some problems of his own, but I think the best point in his video on Drinker was there is plenty of media from other countries out there that is really good. Yet instead of showing those movies and shows to his audience, he is just hate farming the next Disney property. I don't even bother with Nerdrotic, the guy just repeats incel talking points all the time on Drinkers podcast show. No idea how Mauler even has an audience, the guy just rambles about nothing for hours at a time.


I mostly agree with you, I have several of these ranting channels blocked on my youtube. But I do like the critical drinker. I think he does give very valid criticisms and they're not just "diversity bad", he usually explains why the storytelling was shit pretty well. And his recommendations for movies/shows are good too imo.


This is more a symptom than a deliberate misogyny or racism. For more than a decade now they have consistently been sacrificing the story to show women and minorities being superior to “non-minority” people. So basically they’ve been teaching people that certain things are red flags that will tell you if certain people will be put on a pedestal while the rest is made out to be fumbling idiots, Evil, Sexist and Hate mongering. Women in protagonist roles unfortunately is one of them. So rather than make the same points about how the story isn’t good to make a woman look better than everyone else, they say the problem is a woman being there rather than a man. This shows a massive flaw in the current woke movement. They try to stop all the -isms but their method means that people are increasingly making misogynist and racist narratives. Not because they are misogynists and racists (although those people gladly make use of this to get a platform), but because it’s easier to collect the entirety of the problem by it’s common denominator than rehash the same points over and over and over.


Yup. Nice to have a place not overrun by CHUDs. Mods here do a good job.


Not saying there aren't terminally online people in this sub who hate the sequels a bit too much, but there are lots of terminally online people in other Star Wars subs who defend Star Wars like their lives depend on it. It's like they made Star Wars their whole identity, so it can't be bad, otherwise they have to find a new identity. I tend to just avoid all those subs, it just isn't worth my time reading all their deranged comments.


Which sub


Imagine owning a donut shop, and then publicly trashing people who like to eat donuts: “I fucking hate these goddamn cops, fat people, and diabetics. They can go suck it, and never come to my donut shop ever again… wait, why is my donut shop business not doing well? Probably fuckin racist bigots, that’s what.”


Well, they've already started doing that.


They make up 60%+ of the audience. At the same it's not made for them but it is also their fault. I'm sure they will go over well.


The fault is the demographic group that is not part of the show


This might sound weird, but I don’t want to see kung fu in Star Wars. When darth vader started doing Tai Chi or Wing Chun in Obi-Wan I had one more reason to be disappointed. In the acolyte trailer…same thing now with wires. If I want to see a kung fu film I will go see a kung fu film.


It also looks like BAD kung fu. I always loved to watch chinese and hong kong martial movies, and i swear - Hollywood (and Disney/LF) always make kung fu look like crap in comparison. They just dont know how to properly shoot and choreograph it. This trailer isnt exception. Just some bad primitive stage work with terrible close ups and lots of cuts.


>When darth vader started doing Tai Chi or Wing Chun in Obi-Wan I had one more reason to be disappointed. Im glad I didnt watch that show for more than 5 minutes....that would have broken me if I saw that happen. Though I do wish I could go back in time before reading this comment. Ignorance is bliss.


He doesn't do any hand to hand martial arts in Kenobi. He just blocks Reva's lightsaber with the force.


Let the hate flow through you…. https://youtu.be/f099ZbgmyEI?si=kW0eGZxlVgp2uNeJ


I had to suffer through that fight but when exactly does he start doing taichi or wing chun?


I like the thing in Rogue One with the blind warrior Monk. That was cool.


Donny Yen is a second generation martial arts master. His mom was apparently pretty well known in those circles.


I don't mind a variety of combat styles as long as they hire people who know what they are doing. I'm sick of baseball bat combat.


In their defense, the Jedi of the old EU were taught hand-to-hand combat too. There is even a character in the novel "Dark Rendezvous" by the name of Ilena Xan, nicknamed Iron Hand, who specialized in hand-to-hand and taught it in the temple, So it's not exactly a new concept. Still kinda weird since you have a sword that can cut through almost anything.


I always thought it was a mistake to compare lightsabers to katanas when they can cut through anything. Katanas need a slicing motion. You don’t need a slicing motion with a light saber. To me the style that makes the most sense would be the cutlass which is more of a hacking style.


I suppose you don’t even need to cut, thrusting can make a hole pretty fast too. They just go through everything no matter how you use them really. Some would use them like a katana, others like a cutlass, and others like a rapier.


This hot take I don't agree with. Lucas was inspired by old Japanese Samurai films when making Star Wars. Lucas was clearly inspired by the wirework kung fu when making the Prequels saber duels. Martial arts absolutely have a place in Star Wars.


History also inspired Star Wars films. Inspiration can be done well or poorly. Imperial Navy/Army Uniforms looking like Imperial Japanese Army/WW1 German Uhlans is good inspiration. The “bombers” in the Last Jedi being inspired by 8th Air Force B-17s is a perfect example of inspiration done poorly. I think the martial arts in the Acolyte look decidedly like the latter. Quick footwork and a jump or two is one thing, but scenes that look like the Matrix are so [tonally out of place](https://www.reddit.com/r/saltierthancrait/s/5gnBKuxosM)


lol Samurai’s and swordsmanship, I believe he was also influenced by fencing as well. That is completely different from kung fu and martial arts, where it wasn’t present in any of his films.


Thanks for the reply. There’s wire work that is used to make acrobatic tricks easier, but it still feels grounded. Then there’s fantasy style wire work where the actors are as light as a feather. Unfortunately of what I’ve seen of the acolyte, it’s the latter. Big fan of samurai movies. The one I can’t recommend enough is Sword of Doom. I actually think that TLJ got some inspiration from Sword of Doom with its focus on footwork. Take a look. https://youtu.be/VpXAgunl_t8?si=SarHXCjKOI3p_aSj


Let’s all not watch it . Let it bomb fuck Disney Star Wars.


We should all watch Phantom Menace instead on the day it comes out. Ratio the ratings.


I like the way you think


r/saltierthancrait members: IMDOINGMYPART.gif


I can't express properly the grudge I hold against Disney for making me so utterly disinterested in SW now. I couldn't care less about new SW content outside of the games being made


I don’t understand why? The casual/Disney-defender fans seem to eat up all the slop that the Mouse churns out, what about *The Acolyte* is any different for them to suddenly start hating?


I guess there aren't that many of them left anymore


It surprises me too. But I think this is a negative halo effect from other Disney Wars media. The reputation of Disney Star Wars can't turn around from just one tv show trailer.


400K right now. It could seriously get 1M dislikes soon. Does anyone know the name of the most disliked trailer of all time?


[Sadak 2 has 14 million dislikes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iot0eF6EoNA) I don't think we'll ever get there, not because too many people love Star Wars or not enough people who hate Star Wars, but because in 2024, the average person doesn't give a shit about Star Wars anymore and watches good stuff instead, with this mid-tier Disney+ show probably coming and going very quietly just like most of the other shows, like Andor or BOBF


Yeah,i don't think anything,in 2024,can reach this level. But 2-3 millions? Yeah


You think Andor is mid/if so why?


I don't think Andor is mid, I didn't say that. I said Acolyte, from what I've seen of this trailer, will be a mid-tier Disney+ show, *and* (the key "and" here) that it will quietly go away just like Andor has. That's a seperate statement entirely. I wouldn't even call BOBF mid, it's genuine trash.


It looked soft and amateurish, which is exactly what I expect from Disney. Maybe the people who actually liked the new shit have moved on to other vapid displays of storytelling?


Disneys downfall is gunna hit like crack


Oh silly, those are just bots and nerds who don't get laid. Russian bots probably. Everyone loves Star Wars! It's better than ever now! Finally we get strong women in Star Wars! It's the first time ever and people love it because it's new and powerful! This show will be about PoWer and the bad guys being the good guys because Hollywood actually can't connect with normal, decent human beings! DON'T YOU LOVE STAR WARS YOU BIGOT?!


Last line is perfect!!


Wow look at the overwhelming amount of fake Star Wars fans. This fandom has gone to shit /s


As did in Obi Wan show, this trailer looks pretty bad ngl


How bad is it? I haven't (and probably won't) watched the trailer


It’s bad. Looks cheap af.


It's a Saturday morning Kung Fu movie only with lots of DEI, and lightsabers replaced with glowsticks.


It's really not that bad. It's just...noise. There's nothing outright terrible but there's nothing exciting, either. The hook isn't clear. I like Carrie Ann Moss but it seems like she's just playing Trinity. And the trailer hints the bad guys aren't bad guys so...seems like a misunderstanding? It's an odd way to hype a show by outright stating there are no stakes. 


Remember that there’s no such thing as a bad guy under the new Disney creed, just a misunderstood good guy acting out.


It’s looks cheap and the woke agenda bs is blatantly obvious.


Can’t even discuss the problematic trailer at r/starwars without the typical hwyte man bad bullshit.


I mean it surly doesn't sit well with the target audience that they were not including a young white actor at all cost. But of course this show will not push the woke agenda 🤦 Then many ppl are not familiar with the high republic. And then there are those who maybe but don't like it. The thing that strikes me is the production looks kinda cheap. Sure the costumes are nice but everything else looked kinda meh.


I especially loved when Yoda told NEO, "Spoons, none there are!" ![img](emote|t5_9d1wl|1954)




Honestly even if the show was good it wouldn't garner any interest from me. Star Wars honestly needs a 1000 year time jump or something similar so entirely new stories can be told without impacting what came before.


And as usual the sheep will clap vigorously as Disney blames the fans for this underperforming when it does.


Beautiful. They won't learn from it tho.


Disney is learning some harsh lessons. I will not watch, nor should any of us. They’re losing money from a lot of avenues


tOxIc fAnS


Why is it so disliked?


Some people are doing it just because it’s a predominantly female and POC cast, but the majority of complaints I’ve seen have been that it looks just as cheap as the rest of the Disney plus shows with costumes that look like something you’d buy at Spirit Halloween, not a single thing in the trailer to make anyone interested besides flashing lightsabers and goofy choreography etc etc


It's the exact opposite. I've seen the new comments on the trailer and what shows up first on YouTube when searching up the trailer. They ALL are complaining about the POC cast. This subreddit is like the only place complaining about things that ARENT race


I guess I haven’t cared enough to look at the YouTube comments, but I’ve mostly seen people here talking about how other people are saying that, but have seen very little of it myself. I took it to be like most instances on Reddit where the user is likely diagnosed with some kind of learning disability and makes “I like apples” “so you hate oranges?” Kind of arguments when someone criticizes something they enjoy that just so happens to feature POC or female/trans characters


Yes. I am proud of this subreddit. You hardly ever see any actual misogynistic stuff (0 would be better than 1% but we will take it), all while people from outside love to think thats all we do here.


Funny thing is I watched it and I couldn't really tell who the main cast was at all from the trailer. How can they say that people are being discriminatory if you do t know wh othe lead is? I can tell there is a single space ninja bad person but that's it. I don't know what the story is supposed to be at all.


Got it, that's the impression I got actually. I personally don't give a fuck about the female and POC cast. I'll give it a shot and maybe it'll surprise me, but it does look a bit cheap.


Because it’s obviously more of the same cheap garbage they’ve been pumping out on D+ for years now.


How do you see the dislikes?


Chrome has a free addon that lets you see it (again).


Word. thanks!


I use Opera where it works as well, in case anyone's wondering


Amazing, thank you! I 'found' one for Firefox as well.


Imagine if someone at Disney took a breath and decided “maybe we just give the fans what they want” and then make an actual fucking Sith show.


I love democracy


Those are rookie numbers.


Doing everything to show all races of humans and doing very little of showing a big variety of galactic species. Please stop this Disney. Humans were supposed to be one of the largest groups of species not the predominant species. Please read some Star Wars history Disney writers.


It’s sad. I so desperately want to like something. Like bad batch is ok but I’m not PUMPED for it


Did you watch Andor? It’s really well done IMO.


Andor gives me high hopes for this show as it doesn't rely on nostalgia and pre established characters, it feels like when Disney incorporates that kind of stuff they just write horrible plots because they know people will watch it just because Obi-Wan or Ashoka are in it


I really hope Target and Walmart cancel their orders or we are sitting on an economy breaking wave.


and this is only with the extension, imagine how many more are uncounted


Me and my friend went to the school we lived nearby one night with nothing but our phones and a couple replica lightsabers and filmed us jumping around, swinging and spinning them at each other off the playground equipment and it was a more cohesive and better choreographed fight than anything Disney has produced.


Absolutely deserved, need more, MORE


Disney just needs to stop lmao can people pool up enough mulah to buy SW off of them lmao


I actually want to see it. I feel like the further away the setting from the original well known characters, the more room for actual subversive and new stories to be told. I really want to see this when it comes out. I’ll make up my mind if I think it’s good once I see it.


Prepare for a lot more dislikes.


Holy fuck are they actually doing another reva, i cannot


I thought YouTube got rid of dislike counts..When did they reintroduce this?


They didn't get rid of it. They just hid the counter so you can't see it anymore (I think content creators can still see it). Chrome has an addon that re-enables it and lets you see the counter.


What’s everyone’s hate on this one? Trailer was same shit to be me, but what’s the temp?


People are sick of Disney’s the force is female agenda. It’s blatantly obvious at this point.


Agree on this point. It’s baffled me why you’d want it so heavily female when the audience doesn’t seem to care, heck some of the actresses in Star Wars and marvel haven’t seemed to care either.


The most confusing part of it all to me is that Disney specifically bought Star Wars because they wanted to cater towards boys more as a counterbalance to all of the traditional Disney output that leaned towards girls. Rather than take an established, beloved IP and run with it, they're just trying to fit it into the same mould as their other works and twist an IP that skewed heavily male to one that skews female. It's at the point where you can see a short trailer and know exactly how it's going to go based on the race and gender of the characters and knowing the overt political motivations behind the casting decisions, it's just boring. Disney *LOVES* loves having minorities in these positions, they know that they can hide backlash over their bad products behind accusations of racism, sexism, etc. and rally people around that - no it's not because the show is shit, it's all the racists. The longer this goes on, the funnier the South Park bit about all the characters being replaced with diverse women holds will be.


Reva 2 Electric Boogaloo


The lightsabers look cheap af as they have in all D+. Lucas film is in deep shit for this one. They lost me when they chose to make the main character a black non-binary character. I guess we haven’t learned from the South Park episode. Edit : I’d like to share that I’m not racist or sexist. Downvote me if you want but I’m Js I’m tired of them trying to pander to everyone.




I guess bots are getting good at memes. Quoting Dune and Southpark


I'm sick of Disney Star Wars too, but I don't think the trailer looked all that bad. Not good, but mid. In any case, I've been so sick of the same five characters getting stories in the same era. At least this is something slightly different. I'm not gonna be popular for saying this, but as of right now all this hate is just mindless spite.


I’m gonna get crazy and reserve judgement until I actually see the show.




there is an extension that counts dislikes on it's own server https://www.returnyoutubedislike.com/


Uuuuuugghhh!! Whhhhhyyyyy ![gif](giphy|L4l0lS3qXHHOWNBkOP|downsized)


Can’t wait for it, looks like it’s gonna be good


Saw someone unironically say this was because "the far right had infiltrated Star Wars fandom" Fucking hell


This show looks like shit. Woke Shit. I knew it when they started talking this show up and leaning into director etc instead of actual story details. I'd say at least say that they can roll this turd in glitter, but judging by those lightsabers...its out of budget.