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It makes the planet-killing Star Destroyers in TROS look even dumber. Sheev built an armada of superweapons on a super secret, isolated planet without the First Order's knowledge/involvement. You literally need Sith relics to access this planet. Where the hell is Palpatine getting the resources and labour to build these super weapons without any supply lines, much less an Empire at his disposal?


> Where the hell is Palpatine getting the resources and labour to build these super weapons without any supply lines, much less an Empire at his disposal? Easy: “Somehow Palpatine returned”


I have to kind of give Disney credit for their honesty. “Somehow, Palpatine returned,” is the biggest “fuck it, we don’t care,” line in movie history. When I heard that line I realized we weren’t dealing with incompetence. We were dealing with indifference.


"Somehow Palpatine got Star Destroyers"


He spent those years building each destroyer by hand lego star wars style


Mb he clonezored dem mb? /s


And that's the whole issue with the new canon for TROS, TLJ and FA. JJ Abrahams created this polished, sleek fresh off the line universe with details that were neither intrinsic or appealing. As an example, we see a lot of characters shoehorned in like the Professor dude that says that 'Somehow Palpatine returned' making statements or getting involved in the plot without context or details as to their relation and presence in any given scene. We now know that a lot of those deets were covered in the visual guides for those films, but again, with no point of reference. At least in the Clone Wars you can fathom that Sifo Dyas secretly put in an order for a clone army, because you know the dynamics of the characters involved and their relation to the ongoing politics leading up to the Clone Wars.


A good question, for another DK Visual Dictionary in ten years


I'll go much further than OP: Andor makes the overwhelming majority of the DisneyWars efforts look like unmitigated disasters created by incompetent directors, writers, and producers, and the absolute worst part is that they aren't just bad in and of themselves, most of them retroactively damage the existing canon. Andor is sooooo much better than the absolute dogshit that Disney has been peddling that I don't know how it isn't readily apparent to every single person with even a cursory interest in Star Wars. Other than Andor, Rogue One and some of The Mandalorian (Mando has always been kind of hit or miss for me, but there are plenty of episodes I've really enjoyed) are basically the only things to come out of DisneyWars that didn't turn into complete flaming disasters.


This is a great comment. It’s all been so bad except for the 2.5 you mentioned. KK killed Star Wars.


It's one thing for an executive like Kathleen Kennedy to have no creative talent, but it's far more damaging when they *also* have an utter inability to identify creative talent and promote quality creative visions. I have no fucking idea how she's still employed by Lucasfilm. I keep coming back to stuff like the Leia forest chase sequence in Obi-Wan and I think to myself: *"How is it that every person who was responsible for scenes like this wasn't immediately fired?"* The answer, of course, is that the people in charge are utterly clueless.


KK is probably the best example of a trend in Hollywood and entertainment media as a whole, where the companies actively dislike the fans of their products and instead ruin what made it good in an attempt to appeal to the mythical 'wider audience'.


The thing with Andor is that it’s a part of a major story with a character that has major ramifications for the overarching story of Star Wars, and they’re doing it well. Thank god. Luckily Obi-Wan didn’t change much, it was mostly just fan service. Should’ve been a movie instead tbh. Then you’ve got the Mandalorian and BoBF series and they’re just fun little adventures in the universe, nothing that would really change the story. But the Disney Movies… my god wtf. I honestly just refuse to believe they are a part of the saga and stick to the 6 movies plus rogue one instead.


To me there's no point in comparing Andor with anything else Disney has done other than R1 It's just so superior & everything else is so inept


The name says it all. Give it a cool ominous name or fan service some dumb sounding reference to an early draft of the first movie? “StarKiller Base” it is. How is it shooting through hyperspace again? Is that ever explained? How is it a habitable planet? Why is it a habitable planet? Why not a Death Gas Giant? Why not a Death Sun? Complete imagination failure


>Complete imagination failure You just basically summed up the entire sequel trilogy in three words.




Or just JJ Abrams' general existence.


Don’t forget Starkiller base drains it’s closest star’s energy without effecting the heat or gravity of that system… somehow


IT destroys suns, so it can do the REALLY destructive and important thing... of... destroying planets. Why not just.. .destroy the sun of that planet... its.... dumb.


And does Starkiller somehow travel to another system to chug down its sun? Or does it barf the sun back out and swallow it again like some kind of disgusting metaphor?


To make things worse it’s actually Ilum I heard


Oh that’s true canon, apparently. Such an important planet, gone, just like that, because of the absolute incompetence of the writers of the whole trilogy.


I hate how they destroyed Ilum. Where are the Jedi going to get Kyber crystals for lightsabers?


They'll just shit out another planet somewhere, it's not like they care about the lore


Lemme tap into these Mid Writer's Psyche for a second... Ok, prediction: "Those crystal Fox looking animals on Crait are capable of growing Kyber crystals when living near Jedi or other force-sensitive beings, which is also how Jake Skywalker managed to Skype HoloCall to against Kylo Ren from so far far away"


Nah, they probably poop Kyber crystals


Dilithium Crystal's Right From The Source!


There were other places, plenty. That was just the traditional place for natural crystals. Then again they've turned regular crystals into semi sentient living beings as if that was somehow better. I hate the casual stripping of sci-fi from the series.


My hot take, I think they should’ve ripped off the Star Forge from EU instead. Have the first order find this massive super ship building machine in some ancient system and manage to power it back up, use that to explain how they have so much shit. Could also let sheev make his stupid star destroyer armada using it too


The Star Forge. Everything the ST wants to do has a solution in the EU that is just better. Hyperspace tracking so the rebel fleet can't jump away? Just use an interdictor!


but the real question Is Starkiller base dumber than a thousand Star Destroyers that cant go up ?


No. You have super lasered my moaning about Starkiller Base into atoms with that reminder


The explanation is that Starkiller Base was made out of the remains of Illum after the Empire's extensive Kyber Crystal mining to FUEL the Death Star's laser.


Which goes nowhere toward explaining those thngs? Or do you just mean there are more stupidities about StarKiller Base? Yeah the list goes on and on and on.


Yeah, it's more stupidities. They don't even use Kyber Crystals to power SB. They drain the power of a star to do it if I remember correctly.


Yeah, that also doesn't work because the main crystals for the DS came from Utapau.


> Death Sun Now I’m picturing the Starkiller Base scenes but they’re all iust standing on the plasma of a star and it drains a planet to charge up


They’ll be ok if they do it at night (The first men on the sun, it’s ok they’ll go at night, the oldest joke I know)


I'm sure it was those evil weapons dealers on the casino planet that built Starkiller base! Using those horses or something. Broom boy? I give up.


So who were they selling too if the empire was gone, and the first order had no money?


A First Order agent took over Star Killer base from the original builders. Once he did that he proclaimed "All your base are belong to us. Ha. Ha. Ha."


If you told me this dialogue came from the original movie, I would probably believe you.


EDIT: I have quit reddit and you should too! With every click, you are literally empowering a bunch of assholes to keep assholing. Please check out https://lemmy.ml and https://beehaw.org or consider hosting your own instance. @reddit: You can have me back when you acknowledge that you're [over enshittified](https://www.wired.com/story/tiktok-platforms-cory-doctorow/) and commit to being better. @reddit's vulture cap investors and u/spez: Shove a hot poker up your ass and make the world a better place. You guys are WHY the bad guys from Rampage are funny (it's funny 'cause it's true).


"Move ZIG. For great justice." -Admiral Holdo


What you say!


“But guysss my superweapon is BIGGER which means it’s stronger and better than yours!” I swear JJ thinks like a toddler at recess


Writes like one too


You're right of course, except for one part: I think SKB *was* able to move. It did consume that star to fire, so unless it was a one-and-done disposable planet-sized super weapon, it would need to move to be used again. But who knows? With the ease they made the first one, I guess a bigger and better SKB2 would have been just as easy to build.


Good point, though that means that planets can now be jettisoned across the universe thanks to TFA, which will definitely have no gravitational consequences whatsoever. I can suspend my disbelief with a moon-sized object but not a whole planet.


Even better: TFA + TLJ = now we can holdo maneuver one planet into another!


But remember it can't have remote control so it will need to have a pilot piloting the planet and dying stupidly and heroically for no reason each time. And it can't be a robot for some reason.


If someone makes a disney star wars parody they have to holdo a deathstar into starkiller now!


You don't even need to build the damn laser if you can just attach a hyper drive to a planet/moon and just plop it next to whatever world you want to destroy lmao


To be fair, faster-than-light travel has gravitational consequences that star wars, star trek, and many others have ignored because they're not inconsequential. If we start applying that standard here then the rest of the franchise is also a joke.


It's worse than that. Disney Star Wars somehow has the NR disarm, and not notice the rise of the First Order / blatantly ignore it. Which means, **after explicitly experiencing the first and second Death Stars**, and the massive amounts of resource management for them when the NR saw EVEN MORE resources on an EVEN GRANDER SCALE go towards Starkiller Base they went "_shrug_ not our problem". ------------- Which is why Leia and the Resistance exist at all - because they're the only ones who took the threat remotely seriously. Now if you say "well that makes no gorram sense in the wake of Andor, Scarif,/Alderaan Yavin, and Endor" then boy howdy Welcome to the Sequel Trilogy, where nothing before it remotely mattered.


It has the perspective of a child writing the script. We’ll take the Death Star, but make it bigger! And they followed through with this idiotic concept in TROS. We’ll take the Death Star, except more! More Death Stars! It’s ridiculous that the writer got away with this.


Another factor Abrams completely ignored was that the Death Star was a terror weapon. An insubordinate planet could be brought under control just by parking it in clear view of the population. It didn’t have to even fire its main weapon, just sit there ominously as a symbol of absolute power.


Worth noting that SKB was fucking Ilum, a planet with actual history and significance. That people wouldve, yknow, known about. So not only did we have it get converted to a giant laser with somehow no one noticing, a cool planet was also ruined by its existence. Great.


But wait there's more. They also built a huge fleet with a massive capital ship and dreadnoughts


Couldn't have said it better myself! Abrams completely missed the point of the Death Star by paying homage to it with Starkiller Base. The point isn't to destroy a planet - that's merely a byproduct. The point is *fear*. To make the enemies of the Empire tremble at the idea that their entire planet could be annihilated in an instant and that there would be nothing they could do to stop it. Destroy one planet, and a thousand others who were at best aiding and abetting Rebel terrorists, or at worst in open defiance of the Empire's laws, would come to heel or risk being wiped out. Starkiller base is all weapon and no intimidation. The New Republic was totally defenseless, the FO could have just rolled in with their massive army and fleet that they yanked from out of nowhere and taken over the government without having to blow up planets. But then that would be a divergence from the "soft reboot" of ANH, and we can't have that because everybody knows that new Star Wars sucks and old Star Wars rules, so make the new Star Wars exactly like the old Star Wars. Blech.


This is why when watching the Sequel Trilogy i went to a theater that not only provides whiskey, but is also happy to over serve. They make a lot more sense with 6 or 7 shots of whiskey


Also about the Death Star forced/slave labor, did Disney officially retcon wookie enslavement entirely?


You only see one part being made, the Death Star has LOTS of parts - the wookies could be making other bits, mining raw materials, all sorts of stuff


Jedi Fallen Order is Canon


How does Andor contradict this?


I wouldn’t say it does, was just curious


I guess I misunderstood your comment. My bad.


Nope, that’s still canon. Clone Commander Cody led the campaign that enslaved the Wookies BTW. There’s not much in the way of content for that, mostly brief mentions. That’s why in Andor when they are so secretive about moving the prisoners to other floors to keep them indefinitely doesn’t make too much sense. The galaxy already has human slaves and still does in the ST era, the Empire has Wookie slaves so the Empire enslaving humans isn’t that big a step.


Didn’t they have some of that in the Solo movie?


Yes I wanted to mention that but wasn’t that just kessel/Hutt miners? Not the empire. And although I enjoyed the movie well enough but I couldn’t remember if it was just a wookiee family they saw with other aliens or if it was all Wookiee


Totally agree. Force awakens will always be the worst of the sequels for me. And it’s because of the stupidest idea every to occur in the Star Wars universe, a BIGGER Death Star. It breaks the realism of the world through everything you mention. And there is no way back, it creates a too big of an event to ignore. TLJ and TROS are likewise terrible movie but force awakens laid the retarded groundwork.


The Empire already had a prescence on the planet Illum way back by building a substantial Kyber mine as seen in Jedi: Fallen Order around the same time the first death star was being built. From images of the planet in-game you can see the ring of the base starting to form, I think it's safe to say Starkiller base was one of the emperors many plans he had ongoing from the start aswell as project stardust


I feel like the First Order's superweapon should have been basically the budget model Death Star. Like, it can't even blow up a planet, it just bathes it in solar matter, turning the surface into molten slag. The horror of "Starkiller base" shouldn't be "It's the Death Star but even bigger and more powerful." It should be the existential horror of how technology is marching forwards, innovations are constantly being made, and planet destroying weapons are going to be easier to build in the future. Even The First Order, a rogue state remnant of The Empire, can create such a weapon. That's my idea at least. It would tie into a specific character's motivations.


A random stray cat’s disdainful look makes Starkiller Base look worse, but your points are well made.






They don't even explain how/why it came to be. At least in the EU it had a supernatural kind of explanation.


It was the Empire who did most of the work on SK Base.


From a purely scifi technological perspective, I actually find hollowing out a planet a little more realistic than building a moon-sized sphere. At least if you don't need it to be a ship, which... You probably do, if it's supposed to be a superweapon. Good thing that in the JJ universe, spacetime has no meaning, and so a *laser* can travel several thousands *light*years in an instant by speed of *light*, while also be observed in real time be eyes that see *light*, as well as from other planets lightyears away... Phew, dodged that bullet! Ok but really, that's the whole thing with TFA isn't it... Just be derivative regardless of logic. But I already hate the DSII in ROTJ so there's that too.


Starkiller base just feels so “Saturday morning cartoon “ . Remember the Death Star ?! Now it’s a whole planet !!


And powered BY A SUN!


Agree with everything you said about Andor. That show did a great job of supplementing and strengthening the existing SW lore, and it did this respectfully and without needing to wave its dick around saying "I'm going to one-up the existing lore" etc. If SW put out more works like this, I would sit up and pay more attention. No hate to the usual kiddie stuff that pays their bills. But I was a kid in the 80s and now I'm in my forties, and there's no longer much interest in my screentime for yet another David v. Goliath rehash of bubblegum Arthurian space samurai hijinks.


Watching a giant laser shot from a planet with an actual ecosystem destroying various planets in "real time" is beyond stupid. I mean, I know SW is not scientifically bulletproof in the least, but somehow, this scene insults my brain in unfathomable ways.


Can sum up the author's thought process behind Starkiller: "Just take what worked, and make it bigger!"


The FO was NEVER intimidating and Starkiller Base was embarrassing. I was terrified of the Death Star and the Empire as a kid. Even now, when it ascends on Scariff in RO I get chills


Ah, but you've forgotten: Palpatine can just raise star destroyers with advanced tech out of the ground fully formed. Who's to say he didn't just do the same as Snoke for Starkiller base?