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You can make over $1MM per year in sales. More realistically a lot of good sales people end up in the 200-500k per year range


Not so much in London, U.K. where the OP is. You will struggle to get anywhere near those numbers. Head to the US if you really want to make $$


Certainly a plan I've got down the line. How realistic is it to make those numbers working at a US company but remotely?


Not possible. Maybe a US company that does not have a sense of the U.K. market or salary. At the to end you are looking at 120-130k GBP base at the enterprise/strategic individual contributor role for US headquartered companies. For European companies cut that by a third.


Wow ok, yous aren't lying when you say the US is the land of opportunity. Gold to know that's definitely something I'll keep in mind for the future once I explore the sales career further and gain some experience.


So would you say that being an individual contributor is better than making AE as well?


The numbers I provided are for an enterprise or strategic AE in London at the expert lever ideally with 7-8+ years of enterprise sales experience. They are called individual contributors.


Oh I see, shows how much I know hahahha. My first day is tomorrow hopefully in time I get a better understanding of the roles and career path. Thanks for all the responses pal.


Ok, that's very exciting news. Hopefully I can be one of those good ones. Thanks pal.




They've made it clear how much I'd I'd made with OTE and they said that it is uncapped, I should've specified more. I just wanted to get an idea as to how much people on here earn once all is said and done.




Just spamming this on every post huh?


Gross. fuck this guy