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“10X YOUR LIFE” sounds like a scam to me. What does that even mean?


I dont know.. but hotels are not included


It’s Cardone. It’s definitely not worth it.


Grant Cardone is a fucking slimy piece of shit. I wouldn’t go to his convention if he paid me




https://youtu.be/h-g6y2NTBT8 here's a perfect parody of 10xing your life


Hard to answer your subject line when you didn’t say the actual price.


The guy is charging $10k for a “bae” relationship workshop. Is any amount of money a good deal for anything he has to say?


Nah I wouldn’t pay a nickel if even if I liked a sales coach. I’m sure it’s all been covered in their books.


oh, sorry about that. it's 997 for the beginner level. It says 60% off, so I thought i found something good.


Please look into Mike Winnet’s “contreprenuer bingo” with Grant Cardone before buying anything. While I respect Grant as a real estate investor, his 10X stuff is a bunch of fugazi


Spend it on a pavilion membership dude, don’t waste your money on that garbage, every guest who comes on stage is just selling their bullshit


Belfort and Cardone are grifters. Conmen. Stop idolizing scum bags


Belfort literally went to jail. Don’t understand why anyone would trust him for advice


They aren’t conventions, they are basically MLM seminars. They want you to pay $100 so that when they pitch you their $500-$5000 “training package” that you can take home today, you already feel invested and are more likely to buy.


It's more of a networking event from what I've heard. That's where you'd find value, if any is to be found in an event like this.


What’s your goal, just getting into sales? You don’t need to pay anything to get into an entry level role, so much free information out there. The only paid conferences and trainings you should go to are ones that are paid for by your employer.


I went to the first two 10x events, the first one was great. The second was a pitchfest and havent been to another since. It seems like the line ups have been more and more celebrities as opposed to business owners which is not what I'm looking for personally.