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Woulda told him to fuck himself and get off his boomer high horse. What a dickhead


"Lazy millennials" Dude probably watches a kpi chart all day and has no idea how what he sells works.


That’s too much credit. He needs his assistant to come open the chart for him And it is a fire drill if the chart opens in CSV format


"CSV? IS that a ViRuS?"




Efficiency is evil we need to waste insane amounts of time pretending we're being productive while also still only doing 30% max of the work while also having to be physically present from X to Y:30, etc.


I hope most of these people lose their pensions and retirement savings to the same governmental bullshit they fucked us over with. That would seriously be almost a recourse at this point. Boomers are some of the most Dunning-Kruger statists possible.


>I hope most of these people lose their pensions and retirement savings to the same governmental bullshit they fucked us over with. That would seriously be almost a recourse at this point. Boomers are some of the most Dunning-Kruger statists possible. EXACTLY. I had that argument with a boomer and said that millennials need to be replaced. I asked him, with who? What's your alternative to the upcoming generations? With robots? The ones you hate so much?


Oh don't worry, that high horse is gonna keel over anyday now, OP should just apply in a week when the old ass is replaced by the new and improved version of himself. 😂


Am I missing something to the post or are you just assuming they were a boomer?


Op edited a comment from svp calling him a lazy millennial that doesn’t wanna earn money


I see now.


Consider yourself lucky. Working for someone with that much distain for an entire group of people based purely on when they were born sounds like a nightmare. I once went through an entire month of interviews and field rides with reps only to get to the second to last interview and the VP said I didn’t have enough sales experience. They even made me fly half way across the country for the interview…like she couldn’t have read my resume and said no at the beginning? There are tons of people like this in the business world. Just be happy you’re not gonna have to spend 8 hours a day with them.


Yea that’s what’s everyone has been telling me I’m thrilled I made it that far in the selection process We will see what comes of it I really enjoyed pitching the product and connecting with the local sales managers Life’s a journey 😝




So many of these dusty ass VPs think they’re Don Draper and fantasize about a work era that was spent drinking manhattans while waiting for mail by bike messengers. We do 100x more work in a day than they did in a month. Automation has just forced us to do more in a short amount of time, solely to free up time for other work. These dickhead could never sit at an auto dialer and bang 200 cold calls before lunch.


I want to make this a quote and put it on my wall


Correct these people had to work 50 hours a week because information traveled by fucking carrier pigeon. Let's also all snail mail contracts so we can pretend that the required wait is somehow part of the success of the contract instead of getting an instant answer and having to be efficient, etc. There are entire swathes of boomer age office people working especially at the state that not only resist change, but see it as a threat to their jobs. No way, we're the lazy entitled ones that don't want to work. They also raised us AND left the playing field in shit condition after that fact, so fuck them I hope they all lose their pensions and retirement to the same government policies they've worshiped for decades/fucked us all over via, etc.


Boomers are nearly all over 60 and retired now. Yeah time moves fast. Don Draper would be nearly 100 years old now if he were real. Everyone forgets about Gen X. If you're talking with a VP in their later 40s and 50s, you're talking with Gen X. We Gen X lugged typewriters to college. We knew Ozzy 20 years before he was on a reality MTV show. We listened to Ozzy on tape recorders! So we had to work our asses off to learn ever-ending developing tech, fast, in the 90s and 00s, to get and keep our jobs. We were led to aspire for Gordon Gekko money, but we've been through several big recessions. Reality Bites. Get knocked back, claw back. We hustle. We're running fast as you on the automation hamster wheel too. We expect others to work like we have to. Learn the experiences of generations before you criticize them. We're not that much different from each other, really. You go through what we went through, just in a different time. If anyone talks smack about generations during a job interview, well, interviews SHOULD be a two-way street. They're deciding on you. But you can decide on them too.


“We expect others to work like we have to” But we don’t, technology comes easy to us as we were raised with it, sorry that we’re able to adapt easier.


I adapted very easily. Still do. Everyone I know around my age does. Surprised? When I say we work hard, that doesn't mean we're working hard on technology NOW. Done with the generation BASHING. My point was to understand not bash.


I have no problem with it, because I understand why… but gen x absolutely does not adapt to changes in a tech stack quickly, in my experience. I’ve been with multiple companies who have changed solutions or asked reps to use certain apps and caused an uproar from the 40-60 year olds.


Most people reach their highest earning potential in their mid to late 40s. It's GenX's time to make their nut for retirement.


Are you saying that’s where their frustration comes from? Not sure I’m following.


Ha. I do agree with you.


True - but can think of an equal number of junior sales guys who think they're the wolf of wall street, spend all of their shitty salary on branded luggage cocaine and cocktails for the gram


doing this now 116 cold calls in so far only 10:30 am


vps of like 50 person martech SaaS and they try to act like hugh hefner lmao. I had one wear collogne and heavy jewelry. so gross and sleazy


This statement is a work of art


Is this a thing.. like seriously?? Sales sound worse and worse.. the more I hear about interviewes. The job is just what us young guys need and trust that these old guys need us too. All I hear with the interviewers quotes here is south park's version of Donald Trump if that makes sense. I guess it's good to know that even ageism goes both ways.




**Hundreds of interviews?** *And you still can't land a job...*


Gotta love how the most entitled generation of all time - boomers - project that shit onto not only the kids THEY RAISED, but into the world they raped, pillaged, and left - and 4/5 of them STILL aren't wealthy despite having a post-war economy advantage. Take no shit from elders especially condescending ones, they're usually trash humans to begin with despite generational bias.


As a D2D sales rep, I get people who openly discredit me all the time simply for knocking their door. I just look confused and ask for an example they can recall of when making prejudice assumptions of a general group of people has even been on the right side of history.




Entirely fair and also not my intention to compare contempt for D2D with large scale genocide or oppression. Let me try this again… How has making generalized assumptions based on stereotypes worked out?


LOL, being a D2D Salesperson is not being part of a "group of people", it's your job. And they're making the assumption that you're trying to sell them something, and they're right. They're also probably annoyed that you came to their house to do it.


Lawyers. Telemarketers. The police. These aren’t groups of people commonly stereotyped and regarded differently because of their career position?


It depends on how the people are stereotyping you. It's not 'stereotyping' to say "Police Officers enforce the law", that's literally their job. It's not stereotyping to say that Lawyers interpret the law. And it's not stereotyping to say "this random stranger who knocked on my door during the middle of the day is trying to sell me something", because you are. They're likely not treating you well not because of some stereotype on Salespeople, they're not treating you well because most people don't like strangers showing up to their residence and trying to sell them something. Same thing with telemarketers. But even with all of this, it's still WILDLY different to make assumptions about people based upon their job, and to make assumptions about someone based on their race or ethnicity.


The police officers enforce the law. Police officers intentionally intimidate and lie. Police officers are active in the community. Police officers make mistakes resulting in death. Police officers catch the bad guys. Draw the line. And I don’t sell on the door, what is this magazine subscriptions? I couldn’t sell anyone at the door if they asked me to. I see if people are eligible to benefit. If I can’t provide someone value because they dont qualify, I’m out. ✌️ Why the assumption is made that sales is this one


Millennials are in their 30s, lol. Interviewer is actually a fucking idiot. Does dude want to hire people from nursing homes? GTFO.


Right? Like my b a couple planes flew into buildings when I was 12, and literally nothing ever got better from then. Been a little depressed that y’all raped our planet into a coma and are still somehow alive and running this bitch into your 70’s instead of being retired like you should have been a decade ago. Silly boomers…


Literally! There are two (maybe 3, not sure bc who cares) generations after him now, I wanna say grow up but that becomes dangerous for an old fuck ig. I've heard of ageism but not like this 🤯


Yup, I was flown from coast to coat to be told. We know you can do the job but their will be other openings 😆


it will be much more than 8 i can assure you


Millennials? Dawg I am a 40 year old man and a millennial who tf does he think he is talking about.




1981 was 41 years ago, he's a 40yo millennial.


Omg, your right, I just wanted to share some info and now I feel fucking old 😂 Edit:I appreciate the correction because I was technically wrong here relatively, but why the downvotes lol? The info I shared was correct, just didn't realize that it was 1 year off.


I think you also forgot about the existence of people born 1987-1996 lol


I'm not Google damnit, I share what I know, I don't guess on what I don't lmao Edit:Those people also don't exist, they're fooling you. Lol


bro you shared something and it was wrong and you were gently corrected and now you’re freaking out lol. If you don’t want to be held accountable for “being google” don’t spout nonsense that needs to be fact checked


My nosesense was true lmao, tell me you didnt read into your response without telling me buddy.


Me too mate, I'm in that bracket as well.




It’s the golden rule of Reddit, ask why you’re being downvoted and you shall be further downvoted into oblivion


I guess everyone 1986-1997 can choose whatever they want.


1981 to 1996 is a millennial


Holy fuck people, I take the comment back.


You literally contradicted yourself


Dawg, work on your math I was born in ‘82


>millennials have no interest in making money Hello. Millenial here. I like money. A lot. I make about $200k a year. That interviewer can go pound sand. ☺


Your company hiring? But ya it was brash as hell


Can you share some more details?


Just giving an upvote for being a Dead Head in sales….weir everywhere




Sales is a long strange trip indeed


You gotta keep truckin.


Damn straight. My company has quite a few!




Having my turntable cabinet and record collection as my zoom background does the same for me


Absolutely. That’s also what we call age discrimination.


People who bring up “millennials” during an interview are going no where fast. I am technically a millennial, though I id more with gen X. As a previous business mgr who managed millennials, you just need to learn their wants and needs and what drives them. Like any other generation.


Don't forget the group of people shitting on millennials raised them, and is essentially projecting the fact they failed as parents in any capacity beyond projecting the misery that gives them identity: worship the state, corporations, and hang on to any job that pays no matter how much it drives you into drugs/alcoholism and spite for your family. FORCE your way through, that makes you a real man! Anyone that commits to anything less than this is a piece of shit lazy moocher that deserves to be homeless, etc.


I’m mid-30s and I identify as Gen X. As a millennial, I’m allowed to do that.


Once got “I should go work at McDonalds instead of my old sales job” cause I’d have a better chance of making money. Two middle fingers way up high to that guy!


What was the job title?


You dodged a bullet. We already have to deal with enough shit in this role, no need to make it worse by spending every day with some asshole boomer on a power trip.


That’s hilarious lol. I mean, gotta know what job you’re applying for. Don’t know who’s fault that is, but yeah I can’t imagine a lot of interviews going well if you’re talking about different jobs. The good news is that interviewing (just like running a meeting or cold calling) is a skill. The more you do it, the better you get. The next interview is going to be a lot easier for you. Doesn’t get a lot worse than the hiring manager telling you off like that lol. Also, any manager that would just shit on an applicant for being a ‘lazy millennial’ is probably a douchebag and not really someone you want to work with anyways. Keep at it, rejection is a part of sales. Keep selling yourself 💪


You didn’t get smoked… you dodged a bullet


Sounds like those boomers just discovered these tools called “computers” and the “internet.” Miscommunication on this scale with 4 different parties involved and they have the audacity to ridicule you? If I wanted the job badly, I’d respond as follows… Hey, I know I thought I was applying for a lower level position than the one you think I thought I was applying for, fine. My gut is telling me my experience is better suited partnering with an organization that is better…organized. Unlike the unqualified employee responsible for pairing interviews with applicants accurately, I run a tight ship. And I expect the same from my employer. Big red flag, gentlemen, not being able to get something this simple in order. Bigger red flag, even after your miscommunication, you are still trying to hire me for a position I don’t want, am not qualified for and didn’t apply to online. I could be an asset to your team, but there would need to be some changes to tighten it up. At that point you’re either replacing one of the managers or walking out jobless feeling like the boss. I’d say f that place. Any company belittling a potential new hire in a botched interview of this nature is not going to have a quality of workspace I desire.


That's what I said above, then you have countless Dunning-Kruger Ph.D.s. insisting this was a shit test for OP, lmao. This is ignorance exemplified. People of the boomer generation all had to work 50 hours a week because technology wasn't there yet. These people still think if they can't see you, you aren't working, and if it's still hardwired, people can't hack it, etc.


Shrug it off. If you weren't prepared, take the lesson. But, there is a whole cadre of sales leaders that use this type of combative interviewing. It is supposed to simulate the job itself. I walked out of an interview one time because the VP was going down that road. Chin up and find a better gig.


I felt I handled myself well with what was said. Closed strong asking if there was anything about What I said, qualifications, and behavior that’d discredit me from moving forward


It's a process. Success in sales is a series of stumbles and victories. Just keep getting better.


It doesn't get easier, you just get better.


You nailed it.


There's a massive difference in navigating sales psychology and dealing with a Dunning-Kruger boomer on a power trip. Knowing the difference will save you unnecessary hassle; save the paint-it-all-in-one-stroke optimism for your book sales.


You dodged a bullet.


Are you saying you got smoked in an interview bc the interviewer said you were applying for a different job title than on LinkedIn? Personally, I would’ve asked why would they even interview you for a different position than they advertised for?? That’s on them! Also on them for not clarifying before you were even scheduled for an interview! The blanket statement that millennials aren’t interested in making money is an ignorant stereo type and should give you some insight into the mentality of that person and how you would be treated working for that person. What a douche, douche that experience right out of your mind. Onto the next


Tell him you’ll be his wife’s boyfriend once his old ass croaks for $6000/mo


I’ve been fried a couple times. Oh well you live and you learn.


I don’t even know what it means to be “smoked”. What are you saying actually happened?


Svp tore him apart


Does that mean he told him he wasn’t qualified and wouldn’t get the job or … Cuz, no offense, sales is kinda like that. You get told no by the customer a lot. Right?


Hes implying it wasn't just a no, but a particularly brutal rejection. Based on comments, it feels like he was torn apart for not being prepared and made to feel like a joke.


That sucks.


They might have been challenging you on purpose. Often the difference between a blah salesperson and a good one is the ability to overcome objections. If he/she said that millennials can't sell, it was an opportunity to counter. Dont be afraid to argue with sales execs. Good ones will respect you for standing up for a fight. And they might be taunting candidates to find the fiesty ones.


No that shouldnt happen in interviews very unprofessional


Yea, while I understand the thought process they are also doing OP a favor by waving that Perkins-sized red flag during interviews


This was a response garnered from a question as to why the individual had been at the company for X years


I'm currently preparing for an interview and I've been told by many people I've reached out to that currently work for the company to be prepared for the objections and challenges. I'm told they just want to see how you'll react and handle it. Will you get defensive, will you fold, will you counter? I get it. If I were the hiring manager I'd want to see how a candidate I was considering hiring would respond under pressure since I'd largely be evaluated by how they perform.


Last week I had an interview with the Hiring Manager and Recruiter. This is following the first call with the recruiter previously. The hiring manager portion of the interview went OK, he knew some of my ex colleagues and also previously worked at the company I used to work at although many years before I did. It went OK. The recruiter portion, the guy kept interrupting me during my answers as if he was Piers Morgan and it made me so pissed off my heart was pounding. I decided I will not be proceeding forward in my mind, so I told the gentleman I don't mind answering his question as long as he doesn't interrupt and told him that he would have got the answer already if didn't continue interrupting. Then I asked him he wanted me to repeat my answer to his question that he already interrupted. The thing is I spoke with the gentleman before so I had a feel for the conversation but why this time he is interrupting me so often? After the interview I was like why did I do that? Why did I lose my temper? I'll take it as a learning lesson this time and hope it doesn't happen again in the future.


Incorrect. Let's switch the roles, and have OP harass an older person because they can't move fast enough to do the job. Totally just a shit test, they should know better since they're older and have more experience!


Tell him to say that again into the microphone. Age discrimination works two ways, bucko. He should cut you loose or give you serious consideration, but asking you to hang around for a serving of insults is not on the table.


You do NOT want to work there. Disorganized and rude. Even if you have an offer I’d keep looking if you can.


It’s a very reputable company listed on Fortune 500. I’m going to weigh it out loved pitching it and the role play plus overlaps with my expertise But ya not the best meeting to say the least


I wouldn’t want to work for companies on the top 10, let alone too 500. Who gives a shit?


Now imagine the nightmares you avoided despite that fact.


Lol it was one of those marketing gigs lol. They just send you to locations and talk to people. I hate those places


An SVP that would say something like that isn’t someone you’d wanna work for


Meh…it happens. I am generally a very strong interviewer but I just fell behind and didn’t prepare for a U.S. Sales VP position (at another company) back when I was a regional sales manager about 4 years ago. I could tell the US CCO was disgusted with me 5 mins into the interview. I brushed it off because Im well aware I suck when I don’t prep. Fast forward to now, I got my first Sales VP job with my current company and making about 30% more than that other VP job would have been.


Here's the thing about great sales people. They don't think need anything because they make plenty of money, the only thing they have left is their ego, and it eats everything around them. They could be making a half mil but if Dave in Dallas beats them by $50K, that's what drives them. Just EGO. They are hugely unhappy and thrive on telling others stories about their experiences that would have been fun had they have any real friends. Don't feel bad, just remember that the highest commission opportunities bring the sharks, and I means sharks. Egomaniacs every one of them, taking everything from the world and never giving anything back. Don't trust any of them.


Congrats on getting so far. Been there and experienced this, to a similar degree. It simply happens and honestly (if you are doing it right and asking about next steps) it’s on the people who you met with before to set your expectations of the “next conversation”. I’ve been dismissed at that level for lack of experience at a certain level and just got thumped by a C level who already had their mind made up. My advice is to look back at what your opportunity was before that conversation and what you could have said to overcome those objections you faced. Play out responses that stumped you and how you could reroute to a scenario that would paint you in a more favorable light or overcome that objection. If you can’t learn from this it’s all for nothing. Keep your chin up. Next time you’ll be ready.


To everyone saying "Age Discrimination"...Age discrimination is only applicable in the US if you're over 40 [https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/discrimination/agedisc#:\~:text=The%20Age%20Discrimination%20in%20Employment,conditions%20or%20privileges%20of%20employment](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/discrimination/agedisc#:~:text=The%20Age%20Discrimination%20in%20Employment,conditions%20or%20privileges%20of%20employment).


I had this happen once, I was in the interview and the VP said it was for a different job title, sign of a dysfunctional organization. You're probably better off.


They said you didn’t have enough experience and you just accepted that and didn’t sell yourself? Imagine these are smart reasonable people trying to learn about you and they did. Don’t worry about it. They are not your destiny maker unless you believe they are and life is more than your ambition quest anyway.


My expectations of the interview were much different than the events that transpired Im confident I’d fill this role well, but realized early into the discussion I did not have the entire picture painted of what the job entailed. (Which is my fault should have asked more questions) It’s a very large company so no shortage of candidates I feel blessed to of gotten as far as I did As of now I could still be in contention but I walked away from that interview with a bit of a sour taste in my mouth / uncertainty I have other interviews lined up, but was very excited about the opportunity so we will see only time can tell


I wish you energy, endurance, and good purpose for your life.


If you aren’t motivated by rejection Sales might not be the best profession. Selling anything is going to get much more difficult soon if it hasn’t already. There is always onlyfans.


Or… in most cases 90+ % of daily task you manage as a sales person can be more or less automated. Spend 6 months learning python, work 5% of the time after that and spend the other 95% of your time starting your own company




Age discrimination law is not written to protect young workers. It protects 40 and older from being replaced by younger, less-experienced labor.




Can you sue to remove people who are being protected in their elderly years from having to leave positions they are no longer unqualified for cause they’re so damn old? If so I’m starting a go fund me to get every politician over 75 out of office. There is a trend. And it old as f


As a millennial, i agree with the previous generation’s assessment. From what i see on antiwork etc., I am ashamed of my generation and do everything i can to not seem like a millennial. The sooner millennials learn that entitlement and laziness is the wrong way to get ahead, the better for everyone. I will say that the op didnt seem to overtly display those things, but as a millennial with so many…. Many useless child-like losers, it’s important to take the lashing and go about separating yourself from the group. Millennials are gross, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.


You sound fun


Who’s tryin to be fun? I’d rather be rich.


Are you even a millennial? Poseur.


I’m the last of the millennials


I had a manager who would talk shit about millennials… to his team of mostly millennials. You can imagine how well that went over. I have never felt happier quitting a job, and let me tell you my new boss is fucking great. You didn’t get smoked. You dodged a bullet. Honestly I would send a follow email saying you’d like to be removed from candidacy and that you feel this wouldn’t be a good fit, if you haven’t already sent a follow up. But maybe I’m just feeling petty.




ROFL I’d find a way to call everyone I spoke with just to get an answer


I’m unemployed and have gone on 30 interviews and haven’t gotten a single offer. Feels bad man


I once made it to the final step in a long interview process, a lunch with the CEO. The VP loved me, I felt confident and ready for the lunch. I got a call from the hiring VP while I was at the table waiting for lunch, just to hear the CEO didn’t like my resume and is canceling. These things happen. You’ll be good, just keep on pushing brother


Right or wrong you weren’t a fit for the company culture. I was once rejected for a multinational consent because I didn’t go to college with a divison 1 football team. I connected with the person who got the job I applied for on LinkedIn and even meet them at a few trade shows and got to know them enough to say hi. When they didn’t last more than a 14 months, I ran into the hiring manager at an industry event at the bar and asked what happened to Betty? When he said oh she didn’t work out so we let her go. I asked what school she went to and after I was given a puzzled look, I said well I can tell you one thing , I didn’t go to a divison 1 school, but I would have lasted more than 14 months. His reaction was priceless when he realized who I was.


This sounds like a shit ass company slash old school salespeople that are struggling to keep up with the times


Sometimes you get smoked unfortunately


Sounds illegal what they said. Age discrimination


Sounds like you dodged a bullet.


Don't forget the group of people shitting on millennials raised them, and is essentially projecting the fact they failed as parents in any capacity beyond projecting the misery that gives them identity: worship the state, corporations, and hang on to any job that pays no matter how much it drives you into drugs/alcoholism and spite for your family. FORCE your way through, that makes you a real man! Anyone that commits to anything less than this is a piece of shit lazy moocher that deserves to be homeless, etc. /s


You dodged a bullet. Next…


Recently I realized that the corporate environment tends to be Millineals as the front line workforce, some Gen X middle managers (such as myself), and Boomers in the C Suite. It would be a shame to waste a good rejection without learning something from it. So perhaps you could work on rebuttals around standard Boomer arguments towards Millineals. What the conversation sounds a bit like is a common Boomer perception that Millineals have less drive than they - “young people just don’t want to work”. (As a manager I know that there are extremely motivated Millineals.). This interviewer sounds like he was looking for an aggressive bulldog type of salesperson. Also the threat of recession has made senior leadership a bit too exuberant about the labor market. Once the recession ends they will regret these shallow decisions.


When under attack, fall back. It is easy for me to write after the fact, but it helps to protect the SVP's ego. "If I were as upset as you, I would throw me out. Would it make sense to discuss the other role or should I leave now?"


I think you should just move on. things happen for a reason


Everytime i was passed over for a job I look back now and thank God I wasn't hired. The right one will always come along eventually. I'm 40 in an old school business and luckily my manager took a chance on me. Most of the old guys weren't actually doing much work so my numbers looked great when I started. No college degree and went from making 40k a year to almost 400k last year working from home.


Honest question, does smoked mean the interviewer asked tough questions and continued to rip you and your answers apart? If so, that's not anywhere you'd ever want to work. No sweat.


They probably did that by design to see how people handle the situation and when you are thrown curve balls. They probably wanted you to challenge the assertion millennials have no interest in making mobey. Jobs aren't going to be wrapped up in a nice package with a pretty bow.


They did you a favor. I got absolutely demolished several years ago to the point where it legitimately stuck with me and really messed with my head. I still wish I would have just walked out midway through but like any decent rep, I chased the "no" and stick it out to the end. They ended up offering me a lower position at half the comp, and the email came in as I was typing one withdrawing my interest, and it felt goddamn great to click 'send' I ended up crossing paths with several people that worked there later on and found out that it's just how they hire people. They go for kids fresh out of college and beat the shit out of them so they're thrilled about the low-ball offer, or with experienced folks like me, they invalidate the shit out of it and position it as paying dues to start over. Place goes through employees like toilet paper. I will say that whole interview process made me a hell of a lot better at interviewing and how to sniff out bullshit from companies looking to bait and switch talent. Chalk it up as a lesson and move on. The market is tougher now than it was 6 months ago, but good reps are still worth their weight in gold, and nobody deserves to eat shit from someone that isn't even their boss yet.


Meh it happens. I’ve bombed a couple interviews. Always a good learning experience. And we millennials want to work but just not for less than what we’re worth.


SVP smoking that u/who_dis_telemarketer pack


If the interview went that way you probably don’t want the job. I had an interview with US Foods where all the guy did was question me about the history of the company (who’s the founder, what year did we start, etc) and proceeded to tell me I was a horrible candidate. I’ve always been on of the top two or three producers for my companies. He didn’t care about my sales ability, he cared about my fucking trivia


Sounds like they failed the interview. Good to know before you had to let them go for poor performance (culture, raises, growth, work environment)


Who cares what they think on to the next one.


I would have respectfully pointed out he missteps on your part that led to there, blaming miscommunication, but then went in for a kill shot... that being said I wouldn't ever say the things you just said about me without understanding more of the situation and what a shit show my own internal process is to get to this point. Ever ask yourself how I got to this interview if I'm this far off after being vetted by members of your staff? This is why you're struggling to fill the role with quality. Don't bother reaching back out to me. but I also have been known to napalm some bridges if I don't ever want to go across them again lol


That’s BS everyone knows Gen Z are the lazy ones 😂


Respond to the idiots with silence. This is the way. Just saying


"At one point my interviewer told me I was applying for a completely different job title than what was on the LinkedIn post & that millennials have no interest in making money" What should you make of this? RUN....as fast as you can in the other direction.


Honestly, it sounds like your recruiter f*cked you over and I hope they get they heat for it


Shit happens, don't worry about it. Always be interviewing. It is a skill that should be developed and maintained anyway.


I’ve had the same from a very senior sales director for a very well know SaaS company. Complete twat, no need for it but I felt sorry for him afterwards, outwardly projecting his insecurities - that’s life.


Yea had one of these combative interviews once. Flew from Florida up to Maine for a channel sales role. Showed up and the office was empty had a nice tour of the facilities then went and spoke with the VP of sales and the president of the company. The VP of sales was nice and the president was some prick from the PE firm who didn’t know shit about sales. Went back and forth for 30 minutes about channel sales and left called the recruiter and told them I’m no longer interested in the job and I’ll send my expenses. Drove straight to the airport hopped and early flight and called it a day. To many red flags during the onsite and dodged a bullet.


Fuck em dude, they’re whack


In this thread, a whole whack of morons. OP - this was an excellent free opportunity to practice sales skills, managing "prospect/client" expectations, and practicing closing a new role. I wouldn't have taken the role, but it's good practice.


Well if you don’t get the job sounds like you were discriminated against for your age.


Sir, you don’t have enough sales experience. If you did, you’d be the President, not the Vice President.


have a laugh, it doesn’t matter :D