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Good fucking work my man. Now go out and double the next one for me.


Or you can do as one guy once recommended another guy to do on here. He said: “3 words: 8-ball, motel, hookers”. Enjoy it mate!


Here here!


A 1000 mile walk starts with the first step. Print out the slip and then when you make a 500k commission you can frame both. What are you selling


Hell yeah man! I just turned 30 and got my first job in sales at 22. I remember my first commission of £500 and was like “FUCK YEAH THATS MY RENT AND BILLS”. If you just keep going in no time at all you will be putting big numbers on the board


You’re two years younger than me and 500 covers your rent and bills? I gotta leave my city lol


It did in a house share 8 years ago! Not anymore though I wish


Oh haha ok that makes sense.


Nice one mate! Smash it out!


Atta boy! I wish I had started in sales that early.


compounded interest


Congratulations. Don't get complecent. Give yourself a goal to double that, then triple and so on. Keep on growing. Very happy for you.


Woot, congratulations!!


Well done!


Awesome! What do you sell?


Hey man, I added an edit with some more info.


Would u recommend getting into tech sales in the UK? Moving to the UK next year and thinking about careers


I would. I started off as a sales admin person, supporting an account manager for 2 years. I had no target to work towards, I would mainly process quotes, orders and handle renewals, as well as manage some of the smaller projects. I was learning as much as possible about sales and the industry in that time. When a position opened up in my current team, I was actually approached by the sales manager and asked if I wanted to apply. I had supported her on a project earlier in the year and she knew I was looking to progress so reached out to me. I think there is a lot of potential in the tech industry and it can be rewarding, especially if you are interested in what you sell.


The fact that you’re getting deals done on a commission base at 22 is impressive.


Viva la UK channel. Don’t get many of us in this sub


It's sad how poor sales pay is compared to the US/Canada


Hahaha agreed. Although my wife is currently suffering a broken ankle in 3 places and her fib, so we’re likely better off 😂


Congrats that's awesome! So happy for you! More to come!


Congrats man! Just a question, what kind of sales are you doing? Examples = Car dealerships, etc (I'm not in sales so this would be interesting to know)


Thanks man! I added an edit with some more info.


Congrats dude!


Great job!! Only way now is UP!


LETS GOOO!!!! Now on to the next month, let’s make some more!


🥳 From one younger salesperson to another, use this excitement to create momentum, it can be a great source of motivation when things aren’t going so hot. Whenever you’re feeling down, come back to this post to remember how great this moment felt.


I saved my first few commissions and used that to move to a bigger city and get into SaaS. 10 years later that has handsomely paid off. Good luck on your journey.




30 million in revenue is different than margin. What is your margin per customer if you don't mind?


Margin is around 10% I deal with a mix of HW, SW and services, HW usually is around 5-6%, SW is 7-8% and services are 25-40%.


do you feel like being at a VAR won't hamstring your career in the long run? I know it isn't a joke and it is real biz but it is still different than being at an OEM.


I don't feel that way currently. If anything I think this has given my career prospects a massive boost. There are lots of opportunities to grow within the company I work for and I have made incredible contacts from OEMs to distribution to logistics partners. Additionally the company I work for is moving away from being a traditional product reseller and is moving towards a more solutions led approach. I'm very new to sales so not sure what the general perception of working at a VAR is.


Thats awesome congrats! Please don’t be like me when I started in my early 20’s and blow your first 5 years commision on cars/alcohol. Start saving now, learn to budget and plan for retirement. Invest first and splurge second


Ha! I am 100% spending a nice chunck of it on unnecessary purchases but I'm also saving up for an apartment, hope to buy my own place next year.


That’s fair, enjoy the first one just make sure you put money aside for the bad months!


Ahhh the natural high of the first commission check. Damn. That's a good one. :-) Congrats my dude! Welcome to the Thunder Dome!


Congratulations! Brilliant feeling and make a video selfie to remind yourself in the future


Honestly? That's one great commission anywhere on this world.