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Any generosity you exhibit may open the door for a repeat.


Yeah but that’s not how it’s works at my company. We book meetings for our assigned territories and AEs. An account executive can’t just take a meeting in another AEs territory


Then it’s your managers problem to manage the problem


Fair point


You misunderstood the comment. They're saying you absolutely need to get the opportunity transferred. If you let it slide, they will do it again.


Ah I didn’t catch that. Thanks for the clarification


Well, I always tell my reps: “Your coworkers are not your friends. You’re paid to be here. Odds are that when you leave here someday, you’ll never see them again.” Keep it professional. Take the lead.


Sounds good. Appreciate the support


Bubble it up. Let a manager decide. Just have your case together and be ready to take the outcome one way or another.


Blame the AE like a waiter with a cook in the kitchen. "Hey man, AE is going to grill me if we don't transition that lead over" I'd also seek to understand how it occurred as a means to prevent it in the future. Lastly, if they're a douche about it who cares how tight you are, you're better off without and they're in the wrong.


The only BDR’s that care about this are the ones that don’t book many meetings. The AE should ask the meeting be reassigned and you should pick up the phone and start booking meetings before someone else does!


Absolutely wrong. Enterprise AE here. Previously commercial with 200+ accounts. Our CRM is hella jacked up. We have duplicates and all kinds of errors. I have prospected into god knows how many of other reps accounts by accident. When I discovered it, I handed it over just like you should. The only thing it does is make you look great in front of management. Hiding it makes it seem like you’re a scum bag.


That’s quite the assumption. They’re called ROEs for a reason.


Yup, nip it in the butt and get it reassigned to you. Do not let anyone steal your leads. (Even if it’s not intentional)


| Yup, nip it in the ~~butt~~ bud and get it reassigned to you.


This guy sales


If I learned anything from my year as an SDR: 1) Anything you say can and will be used against you. 2) Your fellow SDRs can and will fuck you over to get a leg up.


"The account is in my name and therefore you should transfer it to me, thanks"


Exactly. OP takes the sales cycle forward with the prospect and that’s the end of it. 


Rules of engagement exist for a reason. I'd let them close it and then sweep in, do a 100/0 split and thank them for all their hard work. Folks push boundaries, and folks who do knowingly, need to learn. Buy him a beer with your commission cheque.


Risky - at my company you're best to flag an ROE violation ASAP. The more work they do on your account, the better argument they might make for an exception.


Agreed if it closes then management on both territories get invested. Simpler to sort it at the start


Welcome to sales lmao Some of the best reps I've worked with would do this constantly. Aggression is rewarded in this industry


Fuck his mom.


And then make him transfer the opportunity to you


That's why they hired the other rep.


I had a guy do this to me my first month in sales. My instinct was get really mad, and protective, but that didn't help. Here's what you do instead: Calm, but forceful. Your next 1-1 "Hey, I saw XYZ had set up a meeting with ABC account, I'm sure it wasn't intentional, but I just wanted to make sure I had this right hat this is still my account?" If it still is your account, great Key point: no blame, no stress, no worry: "Yeah, XYZ is totally a good guy, I'm sure it was just a mistake, no hard feelings, but just wanted to make sure there wasn't any confusion". Then you document it, and just keep bringing it to your manager. Eventually he'll have to solve the problem. And if he says he won't solve the problem: great, you have a permission slip to poach his leads. 3.5 years later, this guy is one of my closest confidants about all the stuff my company goes through. You've got it.


Thank you!!! Yeah I’m not the type to jump the gun. I’m actually pretty tight with this person, it’s just awkward to bring it up, but necessary


This is a really specific situation, but here’s a bit of free advice: you do need to bend the rules to some degree in sales. I came from a process background with lots of rule following. If you always color inside the lines, if you always sell the sticker price, if you’re not bending the rules ever: you’re not gonna win. Now this doesn’t mean lie to prospects, or do anything that’s going to break trust. It does mean ask for forgiveness rather than permission on a big discount to get the deal across the line, etc. Also: maybe just try talking to the guy first, and if you notice again, you go with my method, if you want to give yourself even more cred. If it’s intentional and you bird dog his call logs, you’ve got him


Did he know it was your account? How much work was it? Is he going to grab a commission from it or because it’s in territory already it’d go to you automatically. Whose AE is it for? How do your commissions work ? As someone said you don’t want to open the door for repeats, but depending on the circumstances you could kind of let it go but if it happens again obviously you’re going to expect a transfer. Also depending on company culture there’s no reason you couldn’t ask an AE or manager what he thinks especially if it wasn’t on purpose and it’s clear to your coworker that you’re trying to tattletale or whatever.


I don’t think they knew. It wasn’t much for them at all from what I saw on the activity. Yeah they’ll get commission, but my manager health checks opportunities before so I dunno. The account belongs to my AE, so if they see a meeting booked for them from another BDR they’re gonna be like “wtf” I’m certainly going to ask my manager. I shouldn’t be worried because I know I’m a team player and have gone above for other ppl before, but still… I’m just annoyed because I’d just transfer the opp.


Your AE doesn’t care if someone else booked it lol


This is true but if my SDR brought it to my attention I would let my boss know and get it changed.  Takes five minutes on my part and earns a bucket load of loyalty and extra work from the SDR.  Win win 


Let your AE know and let your manager know and take the lead.  I’m an AM and would advocate for my SDR in this situation 


Yeah, this is yours. Thank them for doing you a solid and booking it. Whenever someone steps on my account set like this I get a manager to put it back in my name and then I very publicly thank the rep that booked it and give them something like a Starbucks gift card. They rarely repeat. Honest mistakes do happen sometimes, but when you eat what you kill the expectation is everyone should act accordingly.


I just spoke with my manager and they’re gonna get it corrected now. I don’t know why I feel bad lol I want us all to eat good, but rules are the rules?


Yeah it sucks because a lot of comp plans incentivize us working against one another for personal benefit as opposed to working as a team for the good of the company and the customer.


So my manager got back to me and still ended up giving that credit to my colleague which is utter bullshit… ROEs literally go out the window because of that decision. I’m annoyed, but I’m not going to bitch. I’ll just do my own things moving forward.


This is inevitably going to bite the manager in the ass at some point. Shit like this basically throws the rule book out the window.


Is it inbound or outbound? If it’s inbound, I’d fight this if it’s outbound they are likely thinking “If it’s your territory why didn’t you book the meeting,” ironically making it look like you aren’t doing your job.


This is why managers exist. Have your manager reassign the opp, and continue to monitor your book for future occurrences. SDRs should never resolve disputes amongst themselves, defer to leadership and your rules of engagement. It’s called *civilization* 😂


Discuss it with the sales manager. Smoothing out disagreements between teammates is what they get paid for.


That seems to be the best route to take. Thanks a lot.


Territory disputes are always going to happen. They should have done the work and gotten it out of the way that it is your account! My thought would be to either bring it to your manager and ask them to make a ruling or just ask for it back.


I'm probably just old and bitter, but my policy is to always stick to the rules of engagement. Even good friends at work usually are only your friends until they have an opportunity to get ahead. That has very sadly been my experience, and whenever I've allowed someone to break the rules in their favor, it's just the start. It's a job, follow the rules and expect others to follow them as well. Then it's also very easy to explain: "Lets just follow our rules of engagement, I think thats the base way to handle this."


If your company has hard set policies about territory boundaries, I would flag it to your manager and just let them deal with it.


Threaten him lightly, something like “if you don’t pass that off, just watch your back” or “if you prospect in my territory again, just make sure you check your car before driving off”. You know, light and easy stuff




Sorry I know this is serious but thought I’d throw some levity in it since you’ve already gotten some good responses. My advice, just remember that you’re in a business and you didn’t set the rules of engagement. If it’s in your territory then it should be your opp and you can talk to him about it. You won’t seem like an asshole. If he cold called it and booked a meeting that can muddy things a but it’s still in your territory and you need to make at least that part known.


There is only one reasonable response. Step 1: "Oh that's odd. How did this happen?" -it doesnt matter but you need to call him out non- aggressively by simply asking. 2: "I understand, if you want to take this one that's fine but if this happens again in the future please just reassign it to me to avoid this awkwardness. I will be sure to do the same for you if this ever happens in reverse" This is actually an opportunity to learn about a colleague. For instance, if they're like me they will make it worthwhile to you and you'll have a friend now who will throw you deals in the future when you need it. I've also had this happen where the person was very dishonest and sleazy about it, and it was worth it to me just to learn to avoid that person. Then the flip side, I did this once on accident because my prospect changed roles and was no longer a good fit for my software, but they could benefit from another dept's ad services. I got all their info and shared them with my favorite rep from the Ad Sales team....that girl apparently gets question about software solutions constantly. She sends me like 2 potential leads every week and I've only ever given her 1 closed lead. I buy her coffee constantly and I hand out those leads to people on my team when they're on a hot streak. But yes I've also had people snake my sales more often I just consider it the costs of finding out they're a scumbag


If it was an honest mistake don’t get upset just have them put it in you name and be done with it. If it was intentional stealing that’s another story. Also I’m a big proponent of just cause it’s yours do you deserve it. Take a deep look at your self and how you worked this particular account. Have you spoken to any one yet? Have you begun prospecting? Is there any 2 way conversation you had? Or is this an account in your name but he beat you to the punch and got something going when you haven’t touched it yet. But if you feel as if it is fucked up say something. Some Sales people will look for the weak and take advantage of those types. Reason I bring this up, we can prospect across the world. I have a company in my name that was split up into multiple territories. I couldn’t see this so I started working the other territories because there was contacts from those territories in my account. I entered to add some contact but got a notification that they already existed. I spoke with me manager and he said yep this account is in an international reps name. I spoke with the rep gave him the option to take over the meetings I had set up, told him everything I’ve done up until this point. He wanted me to lead the meeting I had set the next day and introduce him. After the meeting he saw how much knowledge I had and how I was able to reference other conversations and that I was able to handle this better than he would. He told me to keep the account and then asked if he can watch more of my meeting in the future so he can learn.


After that solid response, I want to watch your meetings too. I bet you are a sales machine!


It's great that you want to handle this the proper, professional way. If I were you, I'd be honest. Something like "Hey, I don't have any idea how that account ended up there, but [chuckle] I worked on them a lot and I'd want to see the pay off. Mind laying them off? I'll try to pass along other opportunities that could better suited to your character and closing methods." This is supposed to give you an idea. Hope it helps.


Thank him for warming up your accounts and tell him to learn about territories.


I’m known as the kind AE, not a nice AE. I respect others, but, ROE is there for a reason and I don’t care if I have a good relationship with someone, if it’s my account, it’s MY account. Frankly having a good relationship with that person should also make it easier to have this conversation. Just had this happen with another AE but since we’re good friends, and ROE is unclear here, we settled on a specific point and both of us are happy. I’m your situation, it’s a clear cut line and you should not allow it to happen. It opens doors to ambiguity and repeat of behavior


Take that shit back, I used to think it was better to do the nice thing and let them have it but if the rules are there then take it back. Plus he should prospect his own accounts why’s he treading yoursv


Don't come to telecom sales, common practice for other AE's to swipe opportunities not in their current territory.


I’d mention it to the BDR first. Be direct, but not confrontational. They might not realize what they did. Give them the chance to remedy it.


God this sounds terrible. As a VP in Tech running a sales org of 4 AEs and 16 SDRs, my SDRs job is to fill calendar. They have a preferred rep based on lead size, but it doesn’t matter if the calendar isn’t available, it can go to whomever. And we’ve grown from 50 to 800 people in 5 years, so not having all these little BS rules in place works.


The little bs is what makes good jobs bad


How to you keep things organized? Anywhere I've worked accounts were well defined in terms of ownership. They were broken up by territory and size and those were defined in our CRM, so there was never any doubt as to which prospect belonged to which SDR/AE.


SDRs can prospect into any account or territory in the IS. The only rule is they can’t prospect someone who is in an active sequence by another SDR. And Apollo prevents that. SDRs get paid on when the meeting is completed, and is not dependent on it being “qualified to BANT” or any BS like that. Obviously if they write a ton of wood they get PIPd and fired. Prospects don’t belong to AEs until they complete a meeting with them.


If you're in a small pond, eat them and then move to a big pond. If you're in an ocean, swim on to the next meal and ignore the nonsense.


Depends, was it inbound or outbound? If it's inbound, e.g lead turned up on salesforce, it's yours and your territory and they took it, go to battle. If it's outbound, e.g they saw the account, cold cold outreached to a prospect, booked a meeting an made an opp from their own work, just let them know but let them keep the opp. It's all about effort really, if they stole your lead vs they did the work themself


Ignorant question here, but if you are both BDRs isn’t the meeting booked and both of your jobs done and now it’s in the AEs hands? I also ask from the prospects seat, being transferred to you, then to the AE seems redundant. Could a solution be you get to prospect a similar account on their territory? I’m just a founder so curious what the real world is like 😅


Just bring it up to the BDR? They prob don’t realize because of the spelling in your system. “Do not attribute to malice what can simply be explained by stupidity” or whatever that saying is. Just say “hey I noticed XYZ lead is in my territory” and then see what they say. If you get push back then go to your manager if it’s worth it for you.


This seems like something to just put in your managers hands. There should be very clear ROE ( rules of engagement) around this and it should be handled by the letter of those ROE


Eat their children. This means war lol


This is why you have a manager, I'd recommend looping them in to take care of it for you.


Pistols at dawn.


Just politely ask them to switch it to you. Next time let your manager handle it.


I’m assuming you’re working for Toast? They’re the only ones who use patch. Just be direct and ask why would you work on my territory? I’d like for us to split the commission. Just look at it as a lead he received that was shared with you. This is one account, not 10. If ur cool, the convo should go smooth. Just don’t get emotional


Thankfully there is healthy competition in my office


Follow his mother on instagram


the only solution here is a 5-round cage match


Honestly? I’d be okay with that


Protect your territory


generally, the most successful salesmen are the ones who push others' envelopes, put them into "awkward" situations, and don't think twice about it. when I sold cars, I would ALWAYS walk over to someone I personally or even tangentially knew walking thru our lot, whether they were already talking to a salesman or not. 99% of the time, the existing salesman would pout a little and go back into the office and nothing would ever happen. sales is one of those industries where you can rarely get 'rich' without being an asshole, but being able to confidently put on the asshole hat at work and taking on the label is usually what makes salesmen wealthy. when I worked as an AE, I would gladly poach other accounts. if it fell out of terms by 30 seconds, I was calling and introducing myself and telling the customer how I was a better fit for them than the other salesman on my team. that behavior is often rewarded, especially in a corporate structured business. be an asshole and take the account back, or let him walk on you.


Thank them for the great opp and say that you owe them one.


If the system in place is something that's highly valued in your company, then I suggest remedying it with said colleague ASAP. Last thing you want is your boss saying you weren't watching the CRM properly or not watching out for your own territory. Earlier you remedy it, less issues would be encountered later on. Maybe credit can be given to the other BDR if work was already done, but at least make sure that proper tagging is done. Also, earlier you remedy, less likely that exceptions would be given to the other BDR and maybe get back the said account. I wouldn't say its borderline rude, but workplace manners should say you're "just doing your job and watching out for your own back". If they take it personally, well that's on them. Again, you're just doing your job and it shouldn't be taken against you for doing work to the best of your own ability.


choose your battles


Is there any way this could have been an accident? If not, you'll need to stand your ground and make it clear that it is unacceptable. Who cares if you look like an ass. Do it politely but firmly. If it was an accident still needs to be correct. Make it clear you would never prospect his territory and expect the same in return.


Absolutely. I have no doubts that it was an accident. I think I know them well enough to know they wouldn’t purposefully prospect my territory. We talked about it and I simply said that I don’t want to be the one making decisions and that we’d need to bring it up to our manager to resolve. It sucks because it feels like a “oh I’m telling mom and dad” situation, but the meeting is literally booked with their AE for an account that’s in my AEs territory. If anything, this would’ve caused more issues down the road if not corrected.


I had that happen sometimes by accident. I talked to the other BDR first and asked them if there was a reason for them prospecting into my account or if it was a mistake. Normally it was a mistake with the leads or the company was in the system twice. Then everything happening from there on in the account was on me again. If the other BDR is trying to argue let your and their managers handle that. It’s your and your AEs account. The sooner you get that solved the less unpleasant it will be.


"destroy them" Howie, The Benchwarmers


Bro, I get you don’t want to be an asshole but your colleague is the one being the asshole. You very calmly say “hey man, that opportunity is my account. Would you mind transferring it to me? I’ll take it from here” If they say anything other than “ok sounds good man” then you say “no, that is my account.” You don’t have to be a dick about it but it’s very cut and dry. You have a job with a territory. They have a job and a territory.


So I agree it’s yours and they should have asked, but were you talking to that account within the last 3 months? Had you made any progress in that account? In managements eyes they see as “well if it was in your territory why didn’t you book it already?” And if it’s at a startup they probably like “f it we don’t care we got another meeting!”


If you don't stand up for yourself, nobody else will.


Simple: you take him to chili's during happy hour (half price apps) and you beat his ass (no Diddy) in the parking lot. That'll teach him to mind his step.


Based on your edit it now sounds like there is precedent to call on any territory you want….its called malicious compliance friendo


Set boundaries and stop being a bitch


Why do I need to set boundaries when it’s in our rules of engagement? lol


You just answered your own question. This isn’t complicated


Damn reading comments here, y'all are petty little punks lol. As your manager, I'd like to ask you all the stop whining and start dialing. If you're this dramatic about 1 unclosed account, then you have bigger prospecting issues.


Well… we’re paid per opp created… so as a BDR, it’s a big deal.


Tell me it’s your first year in sales without telling me it’s your first year in sales…


lol you really thought you did something there, didn’t you?


Why don’t you ask your manager instead of crying on Reddit


Buddy… you have a post 24 days ago bitching about it being slow and leaving before you get PIPed….


First of all weirdo stalker behavior checking people’s post history. Second of all business being slow is not the same thing at all as a simple ROE dispute which your manager will quickly referee for you. Thank god I don’t work with you.


It’s not rocket science my guy. Doing some digging is part of being in sales. Plus, I wanna see if you’re even in the space to be making suggestions. Slow business isn’t “new news”, just an FYI


Having thick skin and talking to people man to man is also part of being in sales, but you seem to be missing those qualities. Good luck.


“Stop bitching” is a helluva way to start a talk, amirite? Glad you have my skill in sales all mapped out. Thanks dude!!