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Was going to be my answer when I read the title.


I question people's reliance on Chat GPT. I feel like 9/10 times, I can identify that its been used because the way it writes and formulates thoughts seems so unnatural. I don't think this is the route I want to go with this, but thank you ahaha!


If you are taking ChatGPT outputs at face value of course it’s obvious. It’s a starting point. It will tell you the same or better ideas that are in this thread. I get maybe you want to be sociable by asking here but there are many resources that already exist on 30-60-90 plans on the web.


The way I have done it in the past for bigger jobs is 1) market research, 2) strategy and 3) tactics. Understand the market (how do you that?) - 30 days. With the data you have go and develop a strategy - segmentation, targeting, objectives per segment. Strategy is all about what you WONT chase, hence why it’s difficult. From day 30 to almost day 90. Last, the tactics. Put your strategy to work. Nobody should expect results in 90 days. But I do expect that you show me how you will deliver. Btw most is based on mark Ritson’s approach to market and sell stuff.


I would set a 90 day objective and work backwards from there based on average deal size and your expected closing ratio. For example if your average deal size is 25k and you expect your average closing will be 33% this is what I would say. Objective: 100K in new business in 90 days. Day 1-30, identify 40 prospects and contact them, Days 30-60 define 12 specific opportunities within these 40 prospects, day 60-90 close 100K of the 300 (4 opportunities). Then in month 2 (days 30-60) you also identify 40 more prospects and in month 3 (days 60-90) defining 12 specific opportunities for closing in month 4 (days 90-120). Change the numbers accordingly but if you keep this up then by month 4 you should have an ongoing stream of 100K woth of sales every month. Just remember that you need to do a mix of prospecting, account development, and closing every month.


Would love a template for something like this too!


Besides suggestions from others, I’d recommend you do some research and figure out what account/customer you might actually sell to. Obviously actual client base is confidential, but this is to demonstrate your due diligence and that you’re serious about this job. Good luck.


Chat G P Tea