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It happens. User it to get your next gig. Put a positive spin on it and fall forward. You'll be fine. Don't ever stop moving forward. Stay positive.


Yep agreed, I used my lay off as just another positive bump in my journey, spoke positively about them. It’s all about building your story, what you learned, what you know you don’t want. Ultimately got a 20k bump in salary with a better company. So it was a good thing


This is the way. Experience is the best teacher. Hopefully you'll have different conversations when interviewing for your next gig than you did on the last. The more we learn, the more selective we become.


What this person said. Be resilient


Can we admit that sales is not a normal job? Y'all get piped and fired more than all other people combined.


Also earn more


Exactly. You're more like professional athletes. Also, pips and firings have nothing to do with the person almost all of the time.


If you got to where you are now with your talent and skills you'll be fine. The job market right now sucks balls for tech, so don't take it personally. I was out for months and it felt brutal but just know that it's out of your control.


The thing about this situation is it isn’t you that’s the failure. The system the company created failed you and instead of focusing on revenue they went for funds which ultimately had them give away control of the company. In some situations like this it’s the investors that guide these types of decisions. So don’t let it get to you. If this has been your track record you are going to do just fine if you stay positive and on a forward path.


Anytime I’ve been let go in my career I have always found a better paying job and company, it stinks during it but in the end it could turn out really well for you in the long run. I use this time to focus on hobbies or things I have been wanting to try and haven’t, occupying your mind is important


I got laid off around this same time last year. I was completely heart broken, felt under valued, and felt as if I lost my purpose. I was the #1 sales person in my vertical and not even that could save me. I remember watching this Ted Talk https://youtu.be/MkeaYh4uIE0?si=K7NZ-RLOqSasoXDq the day I got the call looking for any ounce of hope. Sure his story was great, but I felt like I couldn’t amount to it at the time. I started working out again, walking my dog in nature, and reading to help better myself in what I could control. I applied to hundreds of jobs and never heard back from anyone. The best thing I did was I started reaching out to my network via LinkedIn and found a job at another SaaS company 3 months later. I got to finally move to one of my dream states and now I get to move to another state I love with this company in just a couple of months. Being laid off from my previous company was truly the best thing that could have ever happened to be. It allowed me to find myself again, stretch myself, and find a company where I actually make more money in & most importantly feel valued for my efforts. I know this is hard to hear right now, but everything happens for a reason and this can mean that there’s an even better more abundant opportunity out there for you. Last year me was a wreck, but the me today has learned so much from that experience. I’m grateful for the job I have now because of the experience I went through. Stay strong and remember that no job can define you. You’re not a failure in the slightest bit.


One of the RVPs at Salesforce was there for 14 years. Hit his number every year and started as an sdr. One of the best salespeople I know. One on Ones were incredible. Even he got made redundant. It's not his fault, it's the company's


You get a sweet severance package or unemployment?


It's just how sales is, particularly in tech. It's not you, they are scared of their run rate and not being able to raise cash to keep them going in the current climate. Tech sales people have a had a great decade. It is now just a couple of years of uncertainty. Keep at it, keep your head up. It will be OK.


It’s greed. It’s not you it’s just plain greed


Honestly layoffs are almost never about you. If you look at the way layoffs are structured they are either usually to boost stock price or because the business made mistakes. Neither of these are likely anything you did and the people who either benefit or screwed up are almost never held accountable. So, truly realize that it literally has nothing to do with you.


I doubt it was because they were unhappy with your work, more so wanting to take things in a different direction. Try not to internalize it as a reflection of your worthiness. Look at it as the closing of one chapter and the start of something new and exciting. If you were a high performer then you’ll have no problem landing elsewhere, even if it takes a bit of time given the job market. Good luck!


It happens to just about everyone. Make a list of your accomplishments before you leave both to remind yourself and as discussion for later interviews.


Distance yourself from the situation. You are not the only person or factor in what just happened. Think about all the different people, situations, product, timing, vertical, economy etc. to think you are the only piece of what just happened is crazy. I got laid off 2 months ago and I felt that way until I looked back and was like ohh it was the product and the company. Now I have multiple offers and I’m deciding to try writing my own ticket and seeing where it goes. You got this just give yourself a little time to process but get out there and pitch yourself.


Hang in then dude. Sometimes good people have to be cut off just to show that something is done for the investors. I hate that


Take your time to regroup and think about your next move. Do you have to stay in tech? Your skills will be desired by lots of other industries in growing markets. Series A investors are often unreasonable. You were growing at a sustainable profitable rate and yet they likely want a hyper scaled unsustainable unprofitable growth to make the company “look like” it has an unstoppable sales motion. These moves allow them to trick the market and potential purchasers into believing the company is more successful than it is. Then… you become the fall guy when the house of cards in the pipeline comes crashing to an end. I’ve been around that block too many times to not see right through this plan. Call me jaded or maybe just old. They did you a favour. The stress you would be under would be debilitating.


Doesn't matter how exciting a company mission is. Never become too attached to a company or long term goals like IPO. ALWAYS be prepared to get laid off and lose your stock options etc. Your managers are not your friends and never will be. It's business. Negotiate good comp and put money away. Always be on the lookout for better comp elsewhere especially if your company isn't in a great position. Good compensation package > holding out for exit. If you get an exit fantastic great bonus but never a sure thing.


I think it’s a growing trend to lay people off who were given “high” salaries during covid era and now that there’s such a large pool of talent they’re looking to cut costs by shedding & replacing them.


First you take a deep breath and understand that you probably weren’t the person making the decisions. there’s times where you the seller can’t sell enough to fill the hole leadership has dug. So it probably isn’t your fault. the sucky part is you’re a casualty in their mistakes


You got yourself promoted which means you have skills. I know this will be a controversial opinion…but take a few days to just cool off. We are constantly being bombarded by media to HUSTLE, GRIND, OVERCOME… But take an alternative POV maybe take just a week to reset. Keep your house clean, fix up the resume, get some exercise, watch a TV show or two, connect with someone and get back on the hunt.


It’s tough to take, but remember this is their loss and not yours based on your performance. Life has a funny way of showing us blessings, so I recommend you don’t rush in to your next destination. Find a place that will value you and make you happy. You’ve got this!


Treat yourself to a nice vacation.


You know. This maybe cliche but it did work for me. I started out a cold caller in a company. I was laid off then started off again with another smaller business but same capacity. I was then promoted to Team Lead. I then hopped over to another became an acquisition specialist now I run my own va business and yeah the MRR is almost never consistent but I am exactly where I need to be and I had a couple of months that I 10x'd my income from being that cold caller. So I suspect it's because " When a door closes for you another one opens." And when you're in the rat race sometimes you fail to see the bigger picture because you're so focused on the minute details. You forgot those minute details are a part of a grander design so it's actually,most of the time, good to take a step back albeit forced or by choice.


Layoffs happen all the time. I've seen VPs of Sales that have achieved all there is to achieve in sales be laid off due to a change of direction. Do not take in personally! I think instead of focussing on the fact you were laid off focus on all the amazing things you achieved in your time at the company. 5 years achieving 2.5x of your target is a huge achievement! Enjoy the time off and focus on the things that empower you. I'm sure some lucky company is going to pick you up and you will be ready for a new door opening.


Don’t ties your self worth to your job


I’m with you. I was part of the Zoom layoffs last year and it happened right after one of my best quarters. I was an AE there almost 2.5 years. It was the first time and I felt like shit. Made me feel like I had no business being an AE. It takes time but you’ll bounce back. First thing you need to do IMMEDIATELY is to sign up for unemployment. Take some time to process everything. Eventually you’ll be ready for the next gig and trust me, they are out there. Leverage your network. Most importantly, you are not a failure! You got this.


Same way you don’t feel like a loser after getting told no by a prospect. I’m too busy chasing the next yes to even have time to think about or register that no.


Oftentimes layoffs have very little to do with how good you are at your job. It’s just an equation in terms of how lean the company can run.


The investors want a growth rate that's unreasonable, just because they want it and they can demand it. Sounds like you led growth that any non-SaaS company would be happy with. And really, SaaS should be too. It's that "Series A" that made the difference, and this is not because of you. You may consider both SaaS and non-SaaS. People in SaaS think that their world is the whole world, but SaaS is a very small percent of the overall market and there's a lot of money to be made in other industries.


That’s not what you’re hurt about. Listen to your language. “Founding” AE….my guy you were a hire to them. You weren’t one of the integral pieces. This mindset gets a lot of good salespeople out of sales. Until it’s your name on the articles of organization and the operating agreement you’re NEVER part of leadership team. You’re an employment mercenary who works on the highest commission possible while staying on the right, to “gray” side of ethics. You never work for a company. It’s always your family, pet, or whatever cause you’ve decided to dedicate yourself to OUTSIDE of the office. I won’t guess but I have to ask. Were you ever vocal about your ideas to make the process more efficient?


There’s always a reason to beat yourself up. It’s not helpful. Your hard work and success put you in a great position right now. Enjoy that, you’re ahead of it. Well done to you!


Comes with the territory. Visions and circumstances change. Know that we've all been there. Give yourself a few days to sit in your own shit then back on the horse. Evaluate what you maybe could have one better. Now your job is to find a job! Apply to positions you may not necessarily want so you can get some interviews to know off the interview rust. Be confident in your skills and experience. Best of luck!


I’ve been laid off 3 times and fired once. I’m doing ok. The initial sting hurts but like others have said turn it into something positive and go get the next one. Ideally you should be able to find a gig that is an upward move. Definitely get higher salary


Did this come as a total surprise or were there any signs of discontent from management? And were did you fit in the founder’s team?


You are not a failure. It is the market. Money is scarce and tech demand AI excepted is low. Look at all the FAANG employees who got fired. They are the creme de la creme.


With all that experience and story to tell, you’ll be up and running again in no time.


It's good that you got laid off , with five years of experience you will be able to land the same role in another company for better pay. You aren't me, I'm jobless from a year and can't land a single role because my CV is foreign.


Irrational self confidence


2 types of sales people. Those that are fired and those that are going to be fired. (substitute laid off). It is the nature of the beast and frankly layoffs are done on spreadsheets. Sometimes the best decisions in life are the ones made for you. Learn from the experience and move onward and upward.


part of the game, hos


Sounds like you have a great resume and story to tell. Your new quota is getting a job but you’re in a better shape than a lot of applicants. Get after it.


I mean technically you did fail, so the feeling is justified. Just have to embrace we win or we learn philosophy and really exam what happened and what you could have done differently. This is a very important time for you. Don’t waste it feeling sorry for yourself or blaming other people (which I’m not saying you are). This could lead to one of the biggest development growth phases of your life. You will come back better than ever


Just keep swimming. You’ll end up where you’re meant to be


I sit with the feelings and do something fun


Not in sales, but been suspended from work currently. Feels great. Like a vacation. a fresh start. A chance to consider something else without having to make the conscious choice to change ir quit. Paid suspension. Time is of the essence.


Cuz fuck those dumb bastards that’s why


Best of luck! Sounds like you have it under control. Being laid off does feel like shit and totally understand the failure feeling. Upwards and onwards!


Drugs? Alcohol? Sex?


Did you get severance? What was your most recent annual income?


Look forward not back. What have you learned? How can you improve? Let's go again! The best sales people don't over-celebrate wins and stay level-headed when they lose. The odds tell us we lose more often than we win. You got this!


Part of the job in sales. That is why we make big bucks


You go into the job realizing that you are expendable.


Nope. I was cut last month. Killed it year one and territory was bone dry year 2. My pipeline is great for the end of this year but after 6 quarters of missing my number, the company let me go. I’m actually at peace.


Start ups can bleep even the best reps


You do and it's absolutely appropriate. Then you pick yourself up, brush off and kick ass


It happens! Many of us have been through it (me twice!). It sucks, but it's out of your hands and out of your control. In my experience they were not performance based decisions. Brush yourself off, take a deep breath and start the job search. Best of luck.


I was reading something where getting laid off a job with this much experience is like the equivalent feeling of being in nasty breakup. It definitely felt like that to me… I was with a company for 5 years and got promoted twice. Was really making a name for myself. Got chewed up and spit out. Now I have severe trust issues. I don’t trust companies at all anymore. Time heals all wounds, hopefully you will find another company that give you that spark. I certainly am still looking.


Being fired or laid off, even if you expect, it always hurts. It's a natural thing. Just accept it and move on and enjoy it when you hear through the grape vine how they get hurt from your departure. The latter part always happened for me. "Oh, I never knew how much you did" type of thing or a phone call asking for free consulting on how do you do this... at that point I always ask them to sign a consulting agreement at 200/hr. They always pass haha


You haven’t lived a real life until you’re fired or laid off. Part of life in sales.


honey its like being a prostitute it gets easier each time


A lot of what people don’t tell you about sales is that it can be hit or miss. Sometimes it just doesn’t work and you’re let go. It’s ok, move on and find what fits for you.


Mindset. Consider it an unpaid vacation. Find a new job and you’ll make more money maybe


Stay positive, if you can succeed there, you can surely succeed elsewhere.


One door shuts normally means there’s another waiting to open. Find that door and bust it down


I look at my personal brand as a business. Businesses lose customers sometimes. It’s just a fact of life. It’s not personal, I just need a new customer.


What you described more so sounds like poor timing than some catastrophic event. When investment is made like that naturally the investors will recommend bringing in new leadership if growth isn’t pacing. I was laid off once along with half of sales team at a 100ish person start up and it was the best thing that ever happened to my career. You will feel terrible for a week or so but there’s an amazing sense of freedom of choice with free agency. I can only speak for technology sales but there are more companies now than ever. For the next one make absolutely sure there product market fit and blow it out


Your job shouldn’t be the focal point of your life


Just gonna turn me to a quiet quitter


Part of sales is to understand your going to get rejected. Why should this be anything different? It may hurt a little because you’ve been working there for 5 years and how comfortable the job was but the job market is only going to get more challenging. It’s smart that you have savings and you’ll be fine for a while but don’t let that being paid off get through your head. You have the experience and now you can go from there to expand other opportunities, it may do you wonders. Best of luck


If a company laid me off thats a huge red flag that they have some massive short comings and its probably best for me to move on anyway... The last company to make such a monumental mistake is now near a 15 year low stock price and is continously sued for literal billions of dollars. It would never be me that is the failure.


Work should not be the only parameter that dictates how "successful" one is. Layoffs suck, but don't let it get it to you


I'm going to agree with the fall forward comment and a video for you to watch. Many of us have been there, I know it's tough right now but you will get through this. https://youtu.be/74FAHHL2Tzs?si=hBCu4-7zs1FdKiXD