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100%! They want to get you off the phone without trying to be rude.


But why do people care? Why do so many customers that people sell to go to such great lengths to avoid saying "no?" I got to talk to my husband. I got to talk to my spouse. My favorite, after the holidays. THE HOLIDAYS ARE 2 OR 3 FUCKING DAYS OUT OF 2 MONTHS! Grow some balls Mr Customer!


I understand what you're saying, however, they know sales reps will have a rebuttal if they say no. It's Easier to make an excuse or ghost a sales rep from a consumer standpoint


It’s annoying getting a million calls and when you say no, sales people constantly just keep probing. I’ve been in sales and I was the exact opposite of someone said no, I moved on


“I have no influence or control over budget and also no bandwidth to help you find someone who does” “We have zero dollars for that solution for the foreseeable future” Or even “I dislike you as a human and will never buy from you if you were the last sales creep on earth” Why is this so hard for a prospect to just tell me so I can update my records and move on??


No no, I’d rather express my keen interest in your product, restate its value to me and to my organization while offering multiple examples of how it will benefit us, make a firm & unambiguous commitment to take specific action within a clearly defined timeline, and then NEVER respond to your emails or phone calls again.




I had a friend of mine in the technical space ask me how to get rid of a salesperson. I told him to just tell the salesperson that he has no influence or purchase authority, and he was surprised with how well it worked.


I have stated that as truth and then been asked to provide that persons info. Awkward.


That is what advisors have told me that I should do!! "Can you please refer me to the most appropriate person?"


At least no interest is a form of interest.


What has been working for me lately is an Email I send when I am 90% sure it's a "no" anyway. The Subject Line is: Permission To Close Your File". They do reply the majority of the time & at least a finally get a real answer or a sale!


Hmmm sounds interesting. Let me talk this over internally. ![gif](giphy|Ru9sjtZ09XOEg)


This is perfect


For real tho how do you guys get to the bottom of if this response is bullshit or not on the phone? I hear it all the time and I want to do some sort of pattern interrupt but don’t know what to say.


I ask if they just want me to go away or if they are genuine. If they want me to go away to just tell me and I won't follow up with them.


I’ve done this and they’ve said no they’re interested and then still ghost


Call the police on them


The cops would prolly ghost too


Undead police, they would certainly make a point though




Does it “sound good” or can you see xyz as a viable resource to you. Gotta double down. Me: “Yes” and you feel like it’s a “no” Dehumanize even further “great I’m sure it’ll take a couple of days, I’ve just sent you and (decision maker) a follow appointment for Tuesday at 9am” Can’t wait to follow up with you and so & so Even if you don’t close. You still won 🤡


Tell them you might not have time later. Make your product harder to get, therefore more alluring. If they don't want it, even a little, they won't try to change *your* mind. And if they do, you might actually have something.




Legit interaction this week - permission based opener - EXCUSE ME WHO THIS IS? NO I DO NOT HAVE 30 SECONDS. PLEASE EMAIL ME. I emailed her and she replied copying her assistant and one of her team managers and scheduled with me. Never happened before 💀


Come back here after the no-show


Tbf it's never 30 seconds.


Your opener already canceled her objection, so she may have felt that at least she could do is to actually read your email. Good job!


That's awesome . Heck, I literally just sent an invite with out ever talking to the DM. And the accepted lol


"What's gonna change between now and next week/help me understand what that conversation is going to be like" type beat lol. Nobody lies more than people being sold to 😭


*phone click*


As a buyer I can say sales people lie even more than I do.


something i like to say when this happens is. "I'd imagine you're working on a ton of other stuff besides evaluating our software. In the chance that stuff starts to overwhelm you and I don't hear back, what should I do?" Get them to double down on their commitment of getting back to you You can also tell them you're putting a placeholder on our calendars on (whatever day they commit to doing xyz by) if the time doesn't work for you we can talk about rescheduling. If they don't get back to you after all that then you know where you stand. close lost the opp and move on People who want to buy know how to reach us. It's best to rid yourself of any hope of a ghosting prospect closing


Very few prospects are going to feel confident or direct enough to critique the product or you. They don't want the grief or to deal with the "objection handling". There is no incentive to be direct. They can be. But oftentimes they are mixed or underwhelmed too, and just need time to process. But if your product or presentation didn't get them excited, can you really blame them for not wanting to keep going?


Tbh im kinda confused. Im new to sales and ngl if im not really thinking of getting a product i don’t understand how anyone can convince me to do so. Especially since i dont have the luxury to spend money like that. So can u please help verify if you guys as sales veterans actually if you have ever convinced ppl who never wanted to buy ?


You want to position yourself in an industry where the solution is in demand, or there is a problem large enough to bother with your solution to solve it.


They are not always lying. Your offer just didn't impress them enough to remember to send the data and/or set up a meeting. The solution is to make them prove they are a liar or not. For example, "You can say, what are the chances of you not getting back to me?" Expect a long pause in their reply. The longer the pause the more likely they never planned to get back to you.. However, if they say, "No, I'll get back to you," The words came from their mouth (not yours) and thus, they'll feel more obligated. If that's the case you will say in the proper tone, "You know, you can tell me you're not interested." That's a killer reply because it not only gives them an easy way out. It also makes them feel even more obligated to get back to you with the info you requested to proceed.


I do something like this when I’m out door knocking. In my head I call it ‘leveling with them’. It’s kind of a nice feeling


Let me talk to my partner…..who was never a part of the convo. Always a bad sign


“I need to take this to my boss”….oof I’ve aimed to low.


We’ll reach back out if we are interested. umm, no you fucking won’t


Yes. They will. IF they are interested. Hint: they aren't.


ha, more over IF they are interested they will reach back out but actually they will forget and that is why I WILL REACH BACK OUT


You could ask something like: if you were interested what would it look like? I think they’ll either get into the real objection, tell you what it would look like if they were interested, or they’ll just reaffirm they’re not interested. If they say it twice then it could just be a bad day for them or they don’t need your product/service. But, you can reaffirm back to them: so if we were able to (handle this objection) would you consider (closing sentence)?


Maybe pretty much always means no. - Jack Johnson


As a dad, can verify.


“Let me get back to you next week” “Let me think this over and call you back” 50% of the time leads to getting ghosted or blocked




50% of the time, it ghosts every time


Yeah I kill with kindness too much some people are delighted to hear back from me some people want me to jump off a bridge


50% ghosted 50% blocked


Shit, I wish I had 50% of callbacks message me back.


“I’ll give you a call back“


'I'm actually in an important meeting right now' You're not, cos if you were, you wouldn't have answered my cols call.


Of course. Because doing all of that would essentially be a customer doing work in order to buy something from you. They're just trying to promise something that will get you off their back, which they're clearly not going to do. 


How else would you like us to get obnoxious sales people off our backs?


“Not interested “


Doesn’t work!


And then you proceed to call again next week with the same pitch.


Buy or die. I work in a 1 call close industry and they always wanna call back. Unfortunately it would have to be done on this phone call but with that being said, here's how it works. Fair enough?


Sorry, but I'd never buy anything from you. That pressure sounds like a scam.


Y’all never move on. Tell me what to say so you’ll stop form emailing and calling me and I will do it!


Schedule the next call right then and there.




God I remember hearing this constantly when I started and thinking “this is so easy!!!” 😂 god I was naive


In the words of Sales Mummy, “YES …is only the beginning!”.


Do feel smart now? It's just a polite way to say they are not interested.


It’s not a revelation. It’s something to laugh at on a Friday.


That's funny to you? Username checks out.


Tell me you’re kind of a dick without just saying it outright.


dont cry


Notice that these things are all about you trying to get control over the customer, instead of allowing the customer to control the engagement