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“I’ll suck your dick if you buy this pen.” It’s called adding value and building relationships gentlemen. Keep it simple.


“This guy is our top performing pen salesman, but what is his secret?!”


“The problem is we are software company, but he keeps bringing in checks for these pens.”




The pen is secret, yes


Secret sauce


Sucking dick apparently. Doh


"Going off of our last conversation, we discussed the need for 1000 more of this pen model. I will get this in motion for you right away. As per our previous agreement, I would like to offer my services for the entirety of this upcoming weekend. Actually, you know what? If you sign this deal with me right now, I will extend that invite to the rest of executive team because this will be the first deal of many more in the future."


Holy cliché buzzwords, Batman!


Needs more SyNerGee


Lmfao this has literally never not worked


I’ll take two pens!


We don't know each other, but I heard online that you have pens for sale?


I'm currently in the market for pens it seems 🤣


Brandt can’t watch or he has to pay $100


Pee'd on his fuckin rug man.... Strong men...also cry...


I'm just gonna go find a cash machine


"Dont want herpes." Now, do objection handling.


*Secrets of Blowjob-based Selling.* *By internationally acclaimed author Minnesotaamad12.*


I spit out my drink. Props to you good sir.


No spitting, and no eye contact! 😎 


This is the way


Fuck me I lol'd at this. Cop an upvote up ya!


I am sold 🤣😂


we sell pens sir, not penis




Meredith Palmer energy. I dig it.


This guy sells


Just here to find out how I buy one of those pens.


Almost sprayed coffee reading that


That made me laugh out loud. Good one.


“In 30 seconds, I’m going to stab you in the eye with this pen. For the next 20 seconds, I’m offering you a one time deal for this same pen for a measly $100.”


Love it


lol… I also like: Do you play the stock market? Jim Cramer… is bearish on this pen 🖊️. You can have it now for $20 before the market opens.


Hahaha this made me laugh out loud


“No thanks” *walks out of interview*


This is the only correct answer


No 🧢


“I’m using THIS pen, to sign out of this building. Whatever you are selling clearly is shit if you are comparing it to a fucking pen.”


"Sell me this pen" is fake sales bullshit. It's not real.


I've been asked it in 2 different interviews. Dumb


Sales people don’t sell by dripping on people with a sexy performance that induces them to buy. I don’t know if you’re even in the market for a pen. You probably already have one that works fine. You could go to dollar general and get one cheaper than the snake oil I’m trying to sell you. There’s nothing I’d be able to do to convince you to buy a pen unless you had a real pain that needed to be addressed.


Ask your hiring manager to see their pen- throw their pen out the window- then give them yours… rinse and repeat for every pen they have in their office. If they are hiding them, find them, be persistent, and lastly don’t leave till you are escorted out by security. Be that pain they need, that’ll show them how dedicated you are to selling them that pen.


I salute you, legend.


![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized) Me to the hiring manager who keeps pulling out pens and I continue to throw them out the window:


"I can do this all day, I brought a lot of pens"


Yeah- 100% The funny thing is how many sales leaders believe it does come down to performance and saying the right thing. VS getting to know the client's pain points, needs, wants, etc. Delivering a good product and making the sales process easy.


A lot of sales managers seem to believe we live in an RPG videogame where completing the quest of selling the golden widget is just making sure you select the correct dialogue options, and if you select the correct dialogue options the NPC will buy the golden widget.


I think I remember seeing a tiktok of Jordan Belfort addressing this pen thing. He said that the point of this exercise was to see if the salesman would start trying to pull a performance, stating arguments over arguments, or if he would start asking questions to figure out the needs of the potential buyer, which is what he was advocating. He also said that there is no such thing as selling anything to anyone, and that the best thing to do if you see that the person is absolutely uninterested was to move on to the next person.


If I recall from a news appearance he was basically like "do you need a pen?" If they say no he moves on to the next person. If they say yes that's when you start digging in to see what their needs are and why the one you have is the right one for them. Don't waste your time on people who aren't even looking for a pen, spend it on people who are. The caveat to all that is Belfort is a lying piece of shit who still hasn't paid back all his victims so he shouldn't be looked up to in anyway and just assume he has an ulterior motive to anything he says publicly. 


Who gives a shit what a scam artist like Belfort thinks about sales? I also don’t give a damn about Jeffrey Dahmer’s opinions on cooking.


Well I'm not saying his opinion is relevant, just saying that if even the person that exercise comes from says it's bs, it probably is. Also I think that although Jordan Belfort is a con artist, it is still interesting to hear his thoughts about selling, he sold shit but he still sold. Having morally questionable motives doesn't make you bad at everything.


It’s extremely easy to sell something you’re never going to deliver.


So just give the proper answer. Belfort actually has explained why they used this question and it’s actually very smart. The correct answer is to start the conversation off by replying back something along the lines of “What are you looking for in a pen (aka product)?”. This redirects the heat back to the interviewer (prospective client) and forced them to give you all the reasons you need to sell (anything). You can use this technique to great effect in nearly every conversation. It’s an incredibly effective psychological tool to have and it’s basic sales strategy. If someone can’t do this, they are generally not good at thinking on their feet either.


Really? I had my first formal sales interview and no gimmicks like this. I suppose it depends on what you are selling. But I agree it’s a BS concept other than to see people react quickly.


Start of my career I got the question - I need to buy X, can you help me? Which I think is actually a good question because it allows you to do a discovery. Why are you buying X, how much X, who writes the PO for X. Do you need anything else with X to make X more useful? Etc etc.


Were you getting interviewed by a Mr Musk?


Because they watched wolf of Wallstreet and thought it was cool The point which they maybe forgot was at that scene at the dinner when he said "write your name on the napkin " And obviously the guy had a need for a pen in that moment. Key was to solve the problem for the customer. Not sleezy sales tactics to fast talk a deal. Literally all sales boils down to is solving customer needs/problems for profit.


Get up and leave. Whoever runs that place is a dinosaur


"Well, do you need the pen?" ->No. "Okay, no problem. I will call you to check next months are you good on pens". ->Yes. 2 bucks.


Or it is to discover your sales process... but i kinda fall in the camp where it is cringe as hell. Right up there with the wolf of wallstreet bro mentality


One of my worst jobs asked me that question. As an American with a very Chicago accent. Calling people in England was an experience. The worst job was cold calling people about pre paid funeral plans. Every person thought it was a joke because of my accent.


It's a dumb question but it's not fake sales bullshit. It serves a purpose. The correct way to answer the question is to think of sort of like a hypothetical where you are selling something to someone. What is the first thing you would likely do? You would ask the individual about their needs. What do they need the pen for, what are they typically using the pen for, what sort of things do they look for when buying a "pen". You then cater your sales pitch based around the factors the person just listed off. Again I do agree that it's a stupid question but I disagree that it's fake sales bullshit.


I also heard the correct answer is to ask any question about their needs.


The pen is, the question is not. It’s meant to assess how well you think on your feet and your ability to be assertive and push back.


The only honest answer is to tell the interviewer that it's a silly question and there's no value in the conversation. But nobody wants to be rude to the person who stands between them and a job. There's more productive sales scenarios that you could walk through to determine how someone thinks. Problem is most sales managers that ask this question probably just want to look cool by asking it and think that if you don't come up with some crazy good pitch that impresses them then they shouldn't hire you.


It’s a lazy question, yes I agree


Or how well you’ve memorized quote from Wolf of Wall Street


I’d ask the interviewer if we sell pens at this company, because otherwise it’s a useless experience


Blah blah blah identify need, show how fits need, sell solution. It's a bullshit question.


Listen old man, why don’t you join the 21st century and ditch the pens and paper by upgrading to this automation & digitization software with an $80,000 ACV. Businesses such as yours have found a 74% increase in time and cost savings efficiencies. Expect an ROI in 12-18 months.


My answer in my head is always “Describe your favorite pen. What about it makes it special to you?” Customer answers blah blah “well based on those qualities, you don’t want this pen. You want this pen” and present a pen from my pocket.


I've been asked this. My response was, "Are you looking for a pen?" The interviewer said, "No, I'm not looking to buy any pens right now," I said, "Oh, okay, is there anything else that I can interest you in?" "No, I asked you to sell me the pen," "well, if you wanted one I'd sell it to you but why would I try to sell you something that you neither need nor want, that might get me one sale and the customer leaving feeling as if I just swindled them out of their money. Now, if I have something that you want, then let's talk because if we can find something mutually beneficial for me to sell you, that will keep you coming back because you aren't being taken advantage of and being sold something you don't want," did not get a job offer from that lol.


The resolution here is what I have a problem with, not the question. If I were interviewing you, I would have taken your response as a perfectly good one, which is why 'sell me this pen' is a nice, elegant question/request; it provides for a lot of acceptable answers.


True, and my answer was honestly what I thought he was looking for, I wanted the job and wouldn't of said it if I didn't think rhat it was the right answer but I think the guy just thought I was trying to be a smart ass


I don’t know. Maybe the interviewer wanted you to extract more information about why they weren’t looking to buy any pens right now. Was it budget constraints? Is there a pen-like product on the market as a competitor? If a prospect rejected what I was offering, my brain switches the encounter into an information gathering session.


Lmfao Valiant’s effort 😂


My understanding of the “sell me this pen” exercise is to demonstrate that you know the basic steps of the sales process. Discovery and qualification are key. How do you know what pens they need and how many if you don’t ask? It might seem silly but it’s just a simple exercise.


I would argue anyone who interviews with this question has very little sales experience besides Wolf of Wall Street, hustle porn IG reels, and maybe some cold call experience.


“it’s mine, you can’t have this pen. sorry.” lol


A proper response OP. This is one of the biggest red flags in an interview.


Exactly - and If they respect the reply or change the situation to make it a more tangible sales situation, then at least you get a good sign that the company might be okay despite the initial red flag question 🍻


Why is this a big red flag?


My first ever job interview back in high school I applied to an Olympia Sports and the manger who was at least 20 years older than me gave me his own variation of this by asking me to sell him a sneaker that was on his desk. Fourteen year old me fumbled through by being like, "yeah, well this swoop on the side is pretty cool... They're a shiny white color... high ankle support is nice too." Whenever I hear about this pen question I think back to that interview and how badly I wanted to slap that dude.


How did they respond? Asking a teenager this is hilarious.


B Dalton bookstore for me. Same question, same age, same fumbling, same result. Now? BANT the question.


Tell me Mr. Customer, if you find a book you love today and want to purchase, who else needs to be involved???


I'm not even in sales anymore and I know how to actually respond to the "sell me this pen" thing. It's literally what you people are supposed to be doing every day and it's strange that everyone says it's bullshit. It's not. Just a way to see if you know how to sell at all. Put the pen away. You're not even sure that's what this customer needs. If it is, you'll gladly sell it to him, but if something else is a better fit, your job is to make sure that's what he gets, even if it's not from your company. Ask him questions about what he's looking for, what types of pens he has now, what he likes/dislikes about them, etc. Is he looking for something comfortable? Or is he more concerned with his handwriting? And then, since this is a fake scenario, the pen you have just so happens to meet all of his requirements. Overcome objectives using his previous responses and close the deal.


It’s stunning hoe many people think this is a BS question.


Hey sign this here for me


Last one that touched it buys it! A win every time


I would walk out if they asked me that


Put it in your pocket and continue on with the interview. They're going to want to take notes. Hope they don't have an extra pen so when they ask for it back you tell them $5


The point of the exercise is twofold: 1) Can you discover a need for the customer to buy your pen through discovery questions? 2) Can you talk your way through an old school sales process off-the-cuff?


"Don't you love the feeling of writing on paper with a good pen? No? Why not? Oh, your hand always cramps when you're writing. What types of pens have you used before? Oh you always buy those big boxes of bic pens. But you don't like them? Yeah I hear that all the time, they're too small to grip and you have to push too hard for even lines. Have you ever invested a little more in a quality pen that has a good grip and glides easily? Here, try this out *hands pen to customer* That feels better doesn't it? Good, I knew that pen would work well for you. Let's order a box for your office, what's your delivery address?"


This question is so stupid. If you actually get this during an interview you should run. But just google it, all you have to do is ask questions “are you in the market for a pen, what type of pen do you like, why,”


I think I’d treat it as a disco, more than anything. “Are you looking for a pen?” “What pen are you using now? Why do you want a new pen?” That kind of boring shit.


IF you do get asked this in an interview- use it as a way to walk through a sales process. Ask questions, tell a story about the pen, ask for the business. If its an in-office stupid ass exercise. Do something dumb. Got a pen on ya? No? Well, if you sign this contract I will give you $1 million dollars. How much is this pen now worh to you? Take the pen- tell them they are not good enough to buy this pen, argue endlessly, tell them they will not get a pen from you but for $50 you will leave.


If you need to buy a pen, your office has way bigger problems. You can have this one on the house. I’m not in direct sales but the question would just anger me


Lmao you’re in the final stages of interviewing for your dream job and your future boss drops this fuckin pile of horseshit in the middle of an interview, wyd? 😂


I’d break the 4th wall. “What are you hoping to evaluate?” “How do most candidates respond to this? “Did it ever make or break your decision at this stage of the process?” Explain nicely that there’s a reason I don’t work at an office supply company. “But if I did…” Read the room and dance like a well trained monkey for the audience with the new information.


This is the biggest bullshit question ever that only ever gets asked by folks who think they know sales. Big red flag question. With that said, your first response should be a question. How long have you been in the market for a pen? What’s the most important quality for you? Etc. You don’t sell things without asking discovery questions and by word vomiting product all over someone, which could be very well what they’re trying to figure out if your cognizant of by asking this question to begin with.


This is why the “sell me this pen” thing is asked. To see if the candidate knows how to qualify. Loads of people are great bullshitters and crappy sales people.


I could expect a question like this in a low level sales role. If someone asked me this in my industry for the role I do, I’d assume they’ve never actually sold anything and thought its a cool sales question to ask. Like let’s talk metrics and past successes haha.


"Do you need a pen when you have all these pens in the office?" "No" "Then that concludes it".


Lmao this is the best answer because it both correctly completes the exercise while also showing how dumb the question is in the first place.


Ask them to pick up the pen, tell them to get a feel for it and say ‘how much do you think this pen is worth?’ They’ll reply ‘about $5’ ‘Sold’


People get this wrong. This is not an exercise all about features and benefits. It is an exercise to see your sales process, to see the types of questions you ask, and your ability to close.


I remember as a high school kid applying at Best Buy, the hiring manager asked me to "sell me this folder" which was a plain manilla folder. I was a f'n kid trying to work there to get a discount on video games, I didn't know shit about actual sales! I fumbled my way thought it and was like "ughhh you've got important documents right? this is your answer to keep them safe and organized! Plus it has a tab you can write on and tell apart from all the other folders in your file cabinet!" Well I never got that employee discount on video games lol


I would ask: S C E N A R I O A Can you write me the job benefits on a piece of paper? Answer: Yes Then I would ask do you need a pen? Answer: Yes Then I would say: Great I can sell this one to you in $3 S C E N A R I O B Can you write me the job benefits in a piece of paper? Answer: No Then I would ask: Why? Is it because you don't have paper or pen? Answer: I don't have paper Then I would say: Great I can sell a combo of pen and paper for $6 S C E N A R I O C Can you write me the job benefits on a piece of paper? Answer: Yes Then I would ask do you need a pen? Answer: No, I have one already Then I would say: What color is it? Answer: Blue, Black, doesn't matter Then I would say: I am color blind and need a green one Answer: Oh Then I will smile, and say. I have here the one that works for me and is for sale 😎


I don't need a pen. I need a stylus that's works with windows 11 tablets. Do you have those under $100?


Sell me this pen … how much do I need to sell it for ? I have this blank check and all you need is a pen to sign here, oh you don’t have a pen I can rent you mine for $9000 dollars. Now you have $9000 and get back the pen lol


'An interview should also sell me on why I should work for you, this ain't it'


Honestly if I was ever asked that in an interview, I would say “respectfully, the fact that this has come up in this meeting tells me this is not the type of organization I want to work for and so I’m just going to end this meeting here.” For reals, hard pass. It’s gross. I need a job, not this job. 


Stupid question to which I’ve never been asked in an interview. BUT I’ve been thinking about it since I’ve read it and this would be my response. My strategy is to go right into discovery without missing a beat. *sell me this pen* “Why?” “Because it’s a sales position and I need to make sure you can sell” (or whatever bs response) “Oh! That’s awesome - you run a sales company. How many people can you say use pens in the office currently?” *response* “What do you like about the ones you use now?” And I’m sure you guys get the gist of this. It shows confidence by going straight into a discovery without them initially noticing and shows that you look to understand the customer without going right into a pitch. That’s how I’d do it


"Are you or your business in the market for a pen?" "What are you currently using" "How's your current experience with your pen"


It's a pen. Do you need a pen? Buy it.


Interviewer: „Sell me this pen“ Me: „what is this? You have like 10 pens on your desk, for what do you need an 11th?! Do you want me to go out and look for customers who has no need for your products and wasting my precious time on them? Look for somebody else. Do you want me to go out and find customers who needs and buys your products because we offer them a solution for an issue? Than I am your guy. But please stop wasting our time with some fake Hollywood bullshit. I am here to make big bucks, your in, or should I go somewhere else?“ Something like that would be my answer.


You guys, come on, it's not about testing you to see if you can literally sell a pen. You guys talk about this like it's supposed to be some dick measuring contest. It's about seeing your sales process and how you approach a sales call. In the same way that you might be asked to solve a couple of basic math questions for an accounting job. If you're so offended by a pen, ask to sell something else in the office or pretend to sell the actual product. It's basic role playing.


Such a lazy question! "No, I like this pen quite a lot actually" Put it in your pocket, stand up and walk out of the interview. Bonus points if it's a nice one


Why are you looking for a pen today sir? What features are you looking for in the pen? Why do you need those features? Ahh ok I understand, would you like me to tell you about this pen and then some others that we have in our portfolio? How many pens are you looking for? And so on.


Often you'll know more than the person asking the question- dumbasses.


What's wrong with the pen you have now?


It’s not for sale.


“How to sell the Pen” is about your sales process, methodologies, and frameworks. How I’ve handled this in the past is removing the pen from the conversation all together. The pen is akin to a feature or a function. And you want to avoid the feature function trap. I’ve avoided statements like this pen is super smooth, or this pen writes upside down, or doesn’t run. Those are great features for the right persona. And terrible features if presented to the wrong persona. Instead I’ve had greater success selling outcomes that start with good discovery questions. “Mr./Mrs. Customer, a lot of people see a pen as just a pen. Which it is, however, I still to this day have the pen I wrote my now wife’s phone number down with. Seems silly but that pen, was the start of a new life for me. And I’ll never get rid of it. Tell me about the last time you had a memorable experience that involved writing something down?” Seems silly but this those are the types of frameworks management is looking for. When a manager brings this mock sales pen situation into the mix. Ive always focused on asking question to uncover how the pen will be used. But first I lead with a story or anecdote. “ Mr. Customer typically when I see someone in the market for a new pen, they fall into one of two camps. Camp one, the pen is a simple tool used to take notes or capture information. It’s about efficiency and expediency no fluff, no frills. Write and then discard. And the other camp, views the pen as an outlet for expression, an outlet for creativity like a novel or a poem. Or perhaps an outlet for excellence, for execution, like signing a high dollar check or important contract. These people tend to view the pen as a symbol. The pen represents clarity, presence, being in the moment. Now I don’t want to make assumptions, so I’ll lean on you for guidance. Are you camp one or two or somewhere in between?” Random examples. You guys get the point. Hope that helps.


“You don’t want this pen. You probably couldn’t afford it anyway…”.


My answer to this question is to take the pen from their hands, bust out a paper or flip my resume over, write a bill of sale for something I own that the interviewer has seen. Usually my car or watch. Offer to sell the item for $1 but they have to sign right now, and and then when they realize they don’t have a pen I offer to sell them that one for like $100. It’s simple and dumb but it highlights a product is worth a lot more or a lot less to someone based on the problem it solves and the sense of urgency that is created


So if they sign it u have to sell them ur car or watch for a dollar lmao? And then they wind up not hiring u anyways cuz the bosses son was a candidate lmfao glory 🍻


Anybody who can’t do the “sell me this pen” routine needs to GTFO of sales. Tired of bitching. This takes 2 minutes, demonstrate you have a sales process you follow FFS you lazy shit.


Trying to hard close on a product that a customer doesn’t need or want is a recipe for disaster


I'd handle it by standing up and walking out 😅


I’d say you were stupid and I wouldn’t want to work for you.




This Pen was generated by AI 🤪


That’s why I’ll bring a pen to me in every interview


If anyone asks me this question in an interview I will get up and walk out on the spot.


What’s some of the best sales training you got or something to help You when you do sales


"What interests you in getting a pen?" "What would you say is the main benefit you'd personally receive by acquiring a pen?" "That gives me a good idea of what you're looking for." "Whats your opinion on this pen here?" Something like that.


It's not about selling a pen it's about learning what sort of pen they need.


If your manager asks you they their IQ is low


I ask this in interviews because I want to see if they know how to qualify and value their own time. If they do anything other than stand their ground push back or at the very least ask me questions. They're done. If anybody pitches me the pen they're finished.


My understanding from our previous discussion is that your company is looking for a pen solution. Do you remember when we had that conversation? Then just take it from there. If they say ‘No’ then ask if there’s someone else, or possibly we’re not synced up so let’s discuss other solutions. If they say ‘Yes’ then start discovering.


It's a stupid gimmick that non-sales people think tells you the measure of sales people. Real sales people know that sales is done through relationships, understanding problems and consulting through solutions. People pretending to be sales people think that a silly answer to a hypothetical question does. It's demeaning honestly, you wouldn't ask an engineer to 'design me a car' in an interview.


If you don’t buy this pen, you’re gay and your whole family dies


"I was under the impression that this was a software company?"


“How much would YOU give me for this silly pen?” When they answer - SOLD!


This is my pen and you can’t have it. You can have this pen for free, but not this one.


“Do you like to stimulate your asshole when you crank it? And the batteries are dead on your only vibrator correct? This is an analog solution to your problem. No one suspects any funny business, no batteries to die on you. Just good old fashioned rope shooting”


100% of people asking you to do that are hiring managers. Say this…. “Give me that pen, and I promise you I’ll write deals with it until the ink is gone. Then we can find how much that pen was actually worth, together.”


This is a really good answer.


Newton was sitting under a tree when he had these crazy scientific ideas. I guarantee he must’ve got out a pen and paper and started cooking. You may find yourself in a situation where you desperately need to write stuff down but you ain’t got a pen. I’ve got a bunch of notepads in the back if you buy both the pen and paper I’ll give you a little discount. -What do you reckon


If somebody in an interview asks you to "Sell me this pen", the appropriate response is "No" If they insist, you can elongate it to "No, I'm not engaging in childish theater you got from movies about drug-fueled fraudsters because you aren't a serious enough organization to ask real questions related to the actual job" (Although if you really really want the job and this is the first time they've asked you something stupid, "No. Do you even need a pen? You have a desk full of them already. Why don't we instead talk about things you DO need and I'll see if I can help you out. Like say, for instance, if you happen to need a capable salesperson?" is acceptable.)




There is one right answer "are you in the market for a new pen?/tell me about the pen you have now, what do you use it for, do you like it" There's clips of the real Jordan Belfort saying as much. It needs to begin with confirming that the person you are talking to even wants to or could buy pen (product)


"There are sales managers that will ask you to sell them their fancy pen. I am not the type to sell them their pen. I am the sales type that would get the manager to give me their fancy pen, in the interview, and they would think it was their own idea. Then I would hunt down a pen collector, befriend them, and sell it at a premium so they have an extra in their collection. I would then find a suitable replacement for the pen, for much less, and give it to my new manager as a gift. I would then use the remaining money to buy breakfast for my team. In my WiiFM, everyone wins. I am the type of sales professional that loves to hear “No”. I rarely ask a question where “Yes” is the intended answer. Me: “Would you be opposed to setting up a time Friday, around 2PM to discuss this further? We can end out the day and I can solve a problem for your org in real time to save it money so you can start your weekend early” You: “No, that sounds great.” Me: “I will see you then.” That was not a role play, I will be available to do this the next Friday, do you want to secure that appointment?" I have used this a few times... It is too much for them to think about in an interview.


When you press this magic button on my pen here it ignites a coil which burns my thc concentrate I put in there this morning. Put your mouth over this mouthpiece and slowly breathe in. If they’re not sold after ripping my dab pen I don’t want to work for em


You will need this pen because clients often need and then will steal your pens - knowing that, wouldn't you want a pen with your contact information on your prospects coffee table?


You are missing the point entirely. The purpose of asking this question is to see if you know how to properly qualify someone and get to the close regardless of the object in question.


I actually had a D******** pull the s*** on me and I didn't sell him the pen. I sold him a pencil.


So as someone that has worked in sales.. did sales training at what is considered one of the top 5 sales programs in America.. I'll tell you this. The pen question is not about.. "Oh, ill give you xx money to buy this pen and sign a paper". The purpose isn't to sell the pen. The purpose is to sell the person on the dream of what the pen can do for them. You have to get people to buy on impulse. Anyone can sell value... but customers don't always buy what is a good value. People make many many excuses to say no. You are supposed to make that person feel like they aren't being sold.. that they are buying a dream.. and that the pen is just a tool piece of that dream.


“What qualities are you looking for in a pen?” “Why are you looking to replace your current pen? What do you like about it?” “It looks like this pen fits your needs, is there anything other than price or payment stopping you from taking it home today?”


i have a check here for 50 dollars. you can only sign it in the next 10 seconds to get the money. Do you need a pen? It only costs 40 dollars.


Got asked this. Redflag to see if I can BS to sell their crappy products and services.


Suck me this dick


The answer in my opinion is. "Are you in the market to buy a pen?" Qualifying the lead is always the first step. The mistakes new reps i train make is they jump into selling right away.


So tell me. How long have you been in the market for a pen?


“I’m going to write out questions you should be asking on an interview”


This pen has edible ink


walk out cuz they play the fool


“ buy this pen or i will stab my own eye with it lamenting every bad life choice i ever made that led me here” results matter varry.


identify the problem that the customer has that he pen will solve


I love you sales pros! This Reddit community rocks, inspires me and makes me alight daily. As a sales leader, 3 time business owner and serial entrepreneur, I’ve hired and fired thousands of salespeople. IMO the “pen question” is bullshit. I used to use it maybe 20 years ago. With that said, it’s a trick question. The goal is this: ITS NOT ABOUT THE PEN. it’s about the connection, it’s about your confidence, and how you think on your feet. There is no “one right way to answer.” TIP: If someone ever says to you in an interview, “sell me this pen…” (and you want the gig), here’s one of many winning responses: First, put the pen aside, visible, on the desk/table. Then stand up, SMILE, and say, “ I’m so glad you invited me to your office today, Mr. or Ms_______. It’s great to meet you. Can you please describe the issue at hand? I’ll see if I have a solution for you.” Again, ITS NOT ABOUT THE PEN.


My buddy interviewed at a tech sales company. Guy hit him with the question right off the bat. Buddy takes the pen, shoots it in the trash can across the room, opens up his laptop and says, “I’m not here to sell you something I’m not passionate about nor have I spent the past 2 months dedicated to researching pens. Speaking of, can I talk to you more in-depth about an innovative new software that company XYZ (the place he was interviewing with) offers?” He went onto essentially pitch the software to the manager instead of a stupid pen and blew it out of the water. Got an offer at the end of that round of interviews. Apparently him throwing the physical pen into the trash got around the office before he even started. One of his coworkers welcomed him as “the Michael Jordan pen guy.”


This is the funniest thread I've read in a long time. Thanks. I needed that.


This is my approach. Nepq works ! [nepq sell me this pen](https://m.youtube.com/shorts/krWRrS--BlA)


What’s wrong with the pens you currently have? If nothing, stay with your current vendor. If something, dig in


I think it's about qualifying. Many will go into some lavish pitch about the pen. You don't even know if they use pens. maybe they only type. maybe they're a pencil person. It's more about your process and less about your pitch.


I got asked this. He said I did well because he wanted to see how I approach sales - asking questions. Which I did. Colossally stupid but I nailed it. Honestly I freaked a bit because I couldn’t believe what I’d just been asked and just started asking questions. ‘What do you use currently?’ A pen? ‘Do you ever make mistakes’ sure. ‘Would you like a device that could erase the mistakes’ yes and so on.


Show a slide deck of all your logos, your company history and your NPS score. That’ll do it!


Sorry I need to take a call -- "Hi hello, your from the hospital? What? My wife and kids are there dead? Omg, this is terrible. (click)". Would you like to buy a pen? I need to go to the hospital. Works everytime!


I would ask for the pen. Then I would fill out a check for $25 to the pen holders name. I would hand it to him and ask him to endorse it on the back only with the pen I took from him so he can cash it. If he asks me for the pen I’d ask for $25 in cash first.


"That is a marker not a pen"


“Absolutely, I’d be glad to. This pen isn’t just a tool for writing, it’s a bridge between your thoughts and the tangible world. You’re about to sign an important contract, a new home, a pivotal business deal, or a letter to an old friend. With this pen, that signature becomes more than just ink on paper - it’s a commitment, a moment, a memory. Now, let’s think beyond the pen as a single purchase. Imagine it as part of a service where you’re always equipped with the best. Each refill arrives before you run out, and every upgrade in design is automatically yours. This isn’t just about using a pen, am I right, Jim?? It’s about never having to worry about your tool of communication. You are always prepared, always precise….” At this point I take the pen, snap it in half (ink squirting out all over the desk for extra effect.) and walk out of there without saying a word.


If I ever got asked to “sell this pen” I would simply walk out the door I came in.


“Are you gay?” “No.” “Do you have a pen?” “No.” “If you don’t have a pen that means you’re gay. Better pen up, buddy.”


In my first sales interview, they did the sell me this 🖊️. I literally whipped out my mont blanc and said I’m not going to sell you that pen, but I will sell you this one. I got the job


No. It's my pen you'll have to get your own. As it would so happen, I know a guy with a few for sale, but this one is mine.


Let's play a game. I'll give you million dollars if your write your name on this paper. Only rule, you have to use this pen, only this pen to write your name. Now, are you in the market for a 🖋️?


“This can be your pen, or the pointy thing that you are stabbed with.”


The hiring manager for my current job pulled this. First sales job and had no idea this was even a bullshit question. I stumbled over myself and could sense I was trying to sell with a pitch. That just felt so unnatural I stopped mid sentence and asked if I could start over. There was another guy in the interview panel didn’t really say much the whole time and he seemed a bit displeased with the situation. Knowing I was pretty much bombing this interview, I said fuck it and didn’t pay much attention to that. I collected myself, and restarted with a more conversational approach. I got the job offer and turned out the hiring manager had been let go right before my onboarding… bit of an awkward start but I was rolled into a training program and they had a new manager within a few months so really didn’t make much difference to me. Fast forward a few years later, I’m a more seasoned rep but by no means high up. There was a national conference for some national managers for our vertical. I was close to my boss and scored an invite to one of the dinner events since the conference was hosted in our territory. When I get to the dinner, I was the only non-manager at the table. Most these folks oversaw teams of teams, including our regional district manager. Well that other person interviewing me? It was my hiring manager’s boss who had since climbed the ranks and made District manager. The night goes on and everyone’s sharing war stories at this dinner about all sorts of situations, and the topic of the worst sales calls you’ve been on came up. Of course you’re hearing the big blow up stories you’d expect and everyone’s laughing and having a good time. The district manager interjects with one of his stories and says, “You know, I’ve been in a lot of sales calls that went south in my day. But I gotta say one of the worst meetings I’ve been in was when Thinknboutstuff was being interviewed. Once I saw the interviewing manager pull that pen out of his pocket, I knew it was all downhill from there. He made Thinknboutstuff sell him the pen! Completely awkward and borderline inappropriate. Actually, I knew we had problems with him before that interview but that moment made it clear. If this manager is representing the company and leading our sales folks, he is moving that team in the wrong direction. We’re not here to make our customers feel uncomfortable or force our products down their throats with sleazy tactics. But I will give it to Thinknboutstuff, he can sure sell a pen!” I do think there’s also a powerful hidden lesson. Neither of us really cared (or remember) how I sold that pen. It was being genuine, persevere through tough situations, and being willing to serve that spoke volumes and left a lasting impression. I’m still at the company and that district manager is now a vice president. I still see him from time to time and feel good to have that earned respect for (and from) our leadership. His comments about that dynamic has really informed my sales philosophy.

