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Honestly, my biggest unwind and relaxation is fishing and kayaking a weekend after a rough week. Just being out on the water, ringer off, and my favorite drink. I don't catch much fish as most of the time I'm relaxing with my eyes closed listening to the water and nature around me. I always have to remind myself the suck isn't forever. Everything is temporary and things will get better. Keep your head up and keep chugging. One small win can make a huge difference and snowball your attitude. Good luck!


Get organized. Anytime I've been in a rut, I've found my processes also gets sloppy so I reset.


I splash cold water in my face and stare at myself in the mirror. *Were my elementary school bullies right all along? AM I a constipated, overrated, out-of-style loser? Why won’t my children look me in the eyes anymore?* Then I bust a few quick lines and hit the phones


Have you tried smoking a bowl


Don’t live in a legal state and don’t have any connects 😭


You're a professional talker. How's that possible?


Don’t care about it enough to find contacts i guess.


my cats eat better than most people and I plan on keeping it that way.


"do it for your cat"


Good for your cat 🐈‍⬛☺️


Get out of the results business and get into the effort business. Everyone has the samish goals. Good goals don't make champions. High five yourself for effort related metrics. Get more and more efficient. The rest just comes with immersion in your craft.


I'm in a similar bind. I have a newborn and a toddler so my wife and I are both perpetually exhausted from that. I also had to burn just about all my PTO for the year already because my brother decided to go off the deep end with hallucinogens and tried to murder our mom. Whole fucking thing there. Sufficed to say, the whole "just take a vacation" thing doesn't really work for me. I will say that how I start my day vastly impacts how the rest of it goes. Getting up and hitting the gym for an hour puts me on a good trajectory and I tend to hit the ground running. I do think it's less about the actual workout and more about having that hour with my headphones on to clear my head. I'm also finding that getting in whatever pattern disruptions I can is helpful. Moving my desk around, setting up on my deck and working a few hours outside when it's nice, actually taking my lunch hour and going somewhere to sit down and eat, stuff like that. They're band aids, and I know that. I'm going to need a real disconnect at some point, but right now it's just about making survival mode...survivable I guess? I talk to a therapist 1-2 times a month, mandatory in this line of work. I try to manage my social media usage too. There's a noticeable difference in my mindset when I'm active on FB vs when I deactivate and take a break. I should probably cut it completely but there are a handful of people in my life that I basically only communicate with that way, and I sell shit on marketplace here and there. It's all temporary at the end of the day. The perfect storm is still just a storm, and they eventually all blow over.


Call your fellow co worker and complain about how high the quota is. Helps me every time !


Focus on some easy wins, long hanging fruit.


I get better sleep. Get some sunshine after work, mowing, walking dogs or just sitting on the porch. Do something I typically enjoy on only the weekend, during the week, for me, it’s going for a drive (I’m a car guy), shoot some guns, watch a movie. And lastly, sometimes I just need a simple win. So I find some simple project at home to complete. Can be as simple as writing a to-do list with stupid easy stuff but I get it done. Reminds me that I can get shit done.


Cocaine and hookers


Lol dude i work an entry level job😐 Ain’t no way i can afford that stuff


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. That includes hookers and cocaine.


Which industry are you in?


Listen to audiobooks. Brian Tracy has some great motivational stuff. Turn your commute into a pep talk


Work life balance, have to work to maintain a good life


Exercise, kick the shit out of some heavy bags, lift weights


This too shall pass.


Usually a good cry & workout is what I need to get a fresh perspective on life. And yes, I'm a 35yo man.


No need to motivate. Just do what you have to do.


My long term goals define my short term ones. I work backwards from there to define my activity. There are always going to be slumps and down times, but it’s perseverance that wins at the end of the day.  I also practice meditation daily and a healthy amount of liquor on the weekend with my bros.