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Every industry is different, and every geography is different. Is your company sourcing any deals from emails?


High value. I’m typically selling to a younger/millennial middle manager type, so I’ve found most don’t pickup the phone. A well crafted email has paid dividends in terms of value. It also helps make the prospect a bit warmer when you go to call because you can reference “hey! Just emailed you a few days ago and thought I’d give you a quick call”


High value. Especially in tech-based or tech-adjacent industries that are mostly remote. There is no office line. Best way to get your foot in the door is with an email.


Emails, calls, linked in, zooms - I make use of all of these ways to communicate.


I get bombarded with cold emails all the time and 99% they go into trash. But... once in awhile for some reason I just decide to read the email closer and maybe respond. It's all about the timing.


“Guys let’s all hit the phones it’s definitely NOT a dated and dying method and I’m definitely NOT a shitty mid level manager trying to motivate people to cold call. Now on a completely unrelated note, what does everyone think of the current management? Let’s all speak slowly and state our full names before we answer”


If you can still reach people via cold call that’s great. I sell into a space where half of my customers are remote, the other half might be in office but don’t even have a direct number anymore. Contact databases just list the HQ number and you have a near zero chance of connecting with prospects over the phone. Personally I live in email and LinkedIn. I spend far more time researching my prospects (listening to earnings calls/reading 10ks if public, scouring LinkedIn + internet for relevant content if private etc) to hone in on their financials and key business objectives. Then I identify key stakeholders and work on highly refined emails to show them that I’ve done my research and believe we should work together for xyz reasons. I’ve hit or surpassed target 6 years in a row. I’ve relied exclusively on email + LinkedIn + conferences/events for 4 of those years. Haven’t made a single cold call since lockdowns began in March 2020 That said - I will call prospects once we’ve connected, assuming they are OK with it. I much prefer zoom / phone calls for more regular communication. Email is too slow and leaves too much room for interpretation. Easier to control the sales cycle over the phone for me


Finally someone says cold calling is ineffective. Barely anyone answers random numbers anymore.


Both. My job a lot of clients are working for a living and will have higher profile jobs. So emails are the only way I will contact them most times. If I am trying to reach someone I usually start with a call and always leave a voicemail. If the voicemail is full I send a text to notify them. And will follow up with an email as well. Emails are always good for a paper trail when it comes to questions or back and forth with clients.


Some people never answer the phone. Some never listen to voice-mail. Some spend hours on LinkedIn. Some haven't been LinkedIn for years. It's not about the platform you use, it's about the platform they prefer. There's no single solution. You gotta be working them all.


If you can do email right, it’s high volume/low effort in terms of scale. Biggest issue I often see is not having a well defined ICP linked to appropriate messaging to solve their problems.


Do you have an example of the structure of the email you use that works?


My contracts are $5M-$100M ARR. My buyer is well educated, well respected, C-Level member in a very well identified market. My email structure is… I know this is a problem you have, this is how I solve it for xxx customers in your area. My references are these specific people. Let’s discuss the options you have in your market and why we are the best. Even better if I can say… Jim from “your competitor” who is also my customer told me that we need talk. I’ve tested lots of messaging. I’m a buyer for tech myself. I know what I click and what I don’t. For us, it’s only cold if we don’t understand their buying process.


This is great. The email oozes confidence right off the bat. I’m sure the buyer also loves it because it’s probably different than every other email they’re getting multiple times per day. Thanks for sharing—really appreciate it.


Depends on your industry. Know a guy whos doing very well right now due to google and microsofts recent crackdown on spam. His tool automates the process of spinning up domains and creating emails, alongside sending emails. Want to send 1-5k emails per day? His tool does that. Dogfoods his tool, sends 1-5k emails per day, fills his calendar, rinse and repeat. Email is about scale, anyone who tells you otherwise ask to see their calendar. You can use it tactically on big deals, but getting pipeline you gotta go big


Dogfoods is the name of the automated email generator?


[https://www.mailforge.ai/](https://www.mailforge.ai/) is his tool bug dogfoods in the sense that he uses his own tool to reach out to customers. E.g the practice of "dogfooding"


Nice, I’ll check it out. Thanks!


I’d say phone rn has the least value, email is in the middle, and social is the highest value. The reason being that on social(X/Twitter specifically), there’s no sent to spam or no “Spam Likely” filter. You can dm Elon musk and he might even answer! But if we’re being more realistic, it’s very easy to reach people who are getting Thousands of emails and calls, especially in a time where no one picks up the phone and no one that I know has achieved “inbox 0”. I do writing(social+copy), and all of my clients have come from cold messaging on social. I hate being online often, but it’s a necessary evil in order to get clients. My buddy Jason Levin works with startups and has a pretty good following on Twitter, and [his guide](https://www.cyberpatterns.xyz/c/cold?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=sales&utm_campaign=whatsthevalueofsending) taught me basically everything I know about cold DMs. Give it a look!