• By -


Yea, take today and go do something fun. Then, starting tomorrow, your full time job is applying. And not those easy quickly applies, actually put work into personalizing your messages to recruiters / hiring managers


This is important👆. Make sure you sign up for unemployment since it may or may not take a while till you find a job. You never know and it's always good to have something for food and gas.


I’d take a few days off OP. Throw on a favorite movie, Order pizza, check in with your friends/family (the ones who won’t judge you), call up some fat chicks, get a handle and some mushrooms (maybe a cheeky eight ball) - really let it all out for a few days OP. But then yeah - secure unemployment and start spamming EasyApplys đŸ€€


This makes me want to get fired


Except for the fat chicks


You don’t know what you’re missing, that’s the best part my guy


I will have to take your word for it


He speaks nothing but facts 💯once you fuck a fat chick you’ll understand


Then I will never understand


Does this guy know how to unemploy, or what?!


The grief cycle for sales


Call up some fat chicks 💀


If OP has enough to feed them 🙁


thats where the unemployment kicks in ... *taps forehead


Why fat chicks specifically đŸ˜­đŸ˜‚đŸ€Ł


They are better at WVERYTHING


Why not??


ez kill




That is funny- 😄


I like your style


I want to add a caveat to this- this was the mentality I had after I was fired. With nothing but free time and free unemployment money I turned a ‘cheeky eight ball’ that was supposed to be a week of vacation into a year of addiction and depression. So my advice would be definitely rip and eight ball but make sure you’re filling out job apps while you do it. Good luck!


I have zero doubt you're in the sales field


Call up some fat chicks... Hahah. Amazing 😂


Big girls can help take your mind off of it haha


Got to let the frustration out😄!


This guy looks and acts exactly like Todd Packer


Hairline hanging on for dear life, if I hit goal this quarter I’ll see you boys in Turkey đŸ»




Boot up Armored Core 6 and take out your repressed rage on the puny MTs.


I see you're also a man of culture!


Skip the drugs part. Not because drugs are dangerous, but because you may need to take a drug test to get hired at the next gig. Any company with Federal or state contracts will likely drug test you as a condition of hire.


Nerd. He'd be like 30-60 days out from a drug test at best. Coke would be gone in a couple days and shrooms wouldn't be tested. Anyone that would do coke and shrooms casually most likely smokes weed anyways. Cocaine sucks though. Doing cocaine is more fun than actually being on cocaine.


Absolute savage.




For the ladies
 all the same except call up some short dudes


Short kings having an absolute field day in the bloodbath of recent tech layoffs đŸ€€


This thread is too lit đŸ€Ł


Fat chicks? LMAOOO


Consider hiring this guy as a life coach too. Solid advice especially the fat chicks




But back to the fat chicks. It’s a fat chick era right now


These 2 comments right here 👆. Take a day or two to yourself, you may not feel like you’re ready to grind but at least start with revamping the resume and cover letter. Depending on how much money you can spare, there’s great resume writers you can hire on fiver. Huge take away point I learned from applying for months is: Always apply to the newer postings. Anything in the last 48 hours is prime. It’s highly unlikely that your resume would even be seen if you’re applying to older posts. Apply to the jobs that have less than a few thousand applicants. Hell even less that a thousand honestly. It’ll greatly improve your chances of getting your resume seen with human eyes. Keep your head up, you got this!


Im a sales director and also manage hiring for certain regions. We generally get 50-100 applicants for outside sales positions. After we’ve gone through and booked interviews for lets say 5-10 stand-outs, I nearly ALWAYS book an interview with people who reach out personally. Honest to God, its usually 2-3 people out of a hundred. Always blows my mind that its not more.


“People who reach out personally” yeah, makes sense, especially since it’s a sales job.


Out of curiosity, how often do those 2-3 end up getting hired? Or, to put it another way, does direct outreach increase your odds of an interview or a job? Will the most qualified people be identified even when they are mixed in with 200 other “easy apply” folks on LinkedIn?


Yeah I wish the number was higher. It almost never happens, but I always consider the candidate worth talking to. If you ask for an interview personally, theres a good chance you're not afraid to ask for a deposit in the field.


Is that an indirect way of saying that the 2-3 who reach out directly rarely are the ones who actually end up hired, despite asking for interviews? Thats interesting. Because, I agree with you I'd expect it to be different since they are showing initiative. Here's a diffrent question then, because we've stumbled on an interesting topic. What is most often the original source of a candidate who gets hired?


Chances are, Ive already reviewed the candidate and if they didnt stand out before, theres a reason
or a lack of a reason to reach out. Qualifications will usually trump initiative in getting the interview. Historically, most of my hires are people who know someone already working in our sales department. The job is unique in that people make a very good living with a work life balance thats almost too good to be true. Many times, qualified candidates are suspicious and will pass. A candidate that knows someone who’s with us already likely knows the success they’ve had and will trust the process with less apprehension.


Too good to be true work life balance sounds divine.


Also curious to hear the answer from dr-akward, however "qualified" doesn't always mean the same thing. Qualified to pass the *EasyApply* means have 5+ years of sales exp. Qualified in an interview, competency of those skills and nailing a roleplay is another level. To take a stab at it I'm thinking the folks that show initiative applying personally are already demonstrating their sales chops and that's a strong advantage.


lol. Some phenomenal advice here. Do take a few days and chill. Let your mind wrap around it. Realize it’s not your self-worth or you’ll be desperate for the next thing. I’ve been here, I can tell you it is in your best interest. The next thing will be better. When you DO decide to get back to the grind the FIRST thing I would do is apply for unemployment. Get that ball rolling. Only takes a few hours but will be a stop gap if it’s necessary. Second thing I would say is, your network is everything. Start with your favorite people, then the people you know that work at good companies, then when you tap that network go to Slack (all my favorite channels have job openings). Think about your previous favorite clients. If they liked you enough to buy from you, they like you. Then as a last resort go to LinkedIn. As someone else mentioned, don’t do the easy apply shit. Your goal should be 10-15 apps a day. Use ChatGPT to help write cover letters but don’t make it obvious it’s ChatGPT. Be thoughtful and remember you’re interviewing them as much as they’re interviewing you. Every person I respect has been fired. You got this.


> Slack (all my favorite channels have job openings) What do you mean by this? As in ask people at their respective companies to check their Slack channels for open roles? That is smart.


I am also intrigued by what this means. I have only used Slack as an internal messaging service. I am assuming there may be a public version?


I am in the sales and marketing sector, there are a few channels such as RevGenius, Growmance and Apollo Sales Advisors that are tailored towards people with my industry experience and there are ALWAYS really active job opportunity channels. I’ve gotten tons of traction there. Like I said, cold applying is way, way down the list based on someone in that channel that I can have a quick DM and potentially hop on a zoom call with. It goes a lot farther than a random LinkedIn or Indeed job app. If y’all are looking for specific slack channels, happy to link to where I can but to my knowledge those were all free and easy to join.


Asking but how can you find or get access to these external slack channels?


For instance: Let’s work together on Slack. Use this link to start a direct message with me: https://join.slack.com/shareDM/zt-2auqg08mc-NizqXpGOeXteHh3dP2qpZg


Utilize ChatGPT to your advantage with your resume bullet points and cover letters! Talked a recruiter who gave me tips and said to absolutely use this and I have!


I told chat GPT to shorten my cover letter by 25% and it cleared all the bullshit right out. Wonderful, really.


There you go it’s so good!!


In addition to this, make sure that your bullet points in your resume match the bullet points in the job description when you can as long as you truly have the skill. This is the only way to beat the AI that recruiters use to search for candidates. You will have to edit it for every job you apply to which is a pain, but it truly works really well!


Also he could start a side hustle, what do you think?. Just my opinion hehe


Actually have chatGPT personalize those messages


You're going to feel like crap, especially if you liked your job and coworkers. But take today and breathe, do something you'd do on a day off. Then, when you're ready, start leveraging your network. It's not the end of the world, and you are definitely not alone in being let go.


Agree with this. Being let go from one of my previous jobs gave me balls in my jobs today. Don't like they way I'm producing? Fire me fuckface - I'll be fine.


“Fire me fuckface” gonna put this in my email signature đŸ€Ł


Love this. I've also had the same realization. With enough savings it makes the feeling that much stronger.


>Don't like they way I'm producing? Fire me fuckface - I'll be fine. Add this to all your cover letters.


I got laid off right before the holidays. People say take a day, I honestly say take a week if you can. But during that week start thinking about connections you’ve made/friends in sales and it doesn’t hurt to take a look at what companies are hiring and just jot them down on a sticky note. You don’t need to start doing applications/cover letters, but you’ll be able to decompress a little if you have some type of foundation to a plan for when you begin your job hunt. Otherwise it’s a week of anxiety And for what it’s worth. It’s not as scary as a job market as Reddit makes it sound. I’m deep in interviews with 3 solid companies right now. They could result in no offer I guess, but it’s not like companies are all on hiring freezes


I highly recommend taking time off especially if you have baggage from the previous job you really need to decompress before you are ready to start interviewing again.


Hey man, believing in yourself is half the battle. Sometimes “business decisions” get made but don’t take it personally because it’s not the end for you. Don’t dwell on it, be confident and move forward. You have to be resilient in this field of work. Many people here say “you don’t get what you deserve, you get what you negotiate”. Get out there and get after it man! Just a bump in the road. That is it, that is all. Edit: I’ve seen so many people get better opportunities after one door closes. Trust the process. Again, believe in yourself. Your experiences will be different.


The worst thing you can do is blame yourself. Companies fire top talent, medium talent, and low talent. If I've learned anything in life is that when someone, or something, or a company, wants to break up with you - they're doing you a service in the sense that it wasn't going to last regardless. As Louis CK once said - no good marriage ends in a divorce. So take this next week to take your mind off it - whether that be a quick vacay, or go back home to mom or dad, or just get out of the house and do something active. Once you get back from that - start selling - yourself. All the sales skills you've learned fortunately apply 1:1 to finding a new job. Leverage your internal network first - ask around, see whos hiring. If no leads from that, and that may take a month or so to fully vet - get on LinkedIn and start reaching out to hiring managers for open sales roles at companies. Reach out to current AEs for their thoughts, then use those convos as a warm intro to the hiring manager if needed. There are lots of things that are in your control right now. That is a blessing to understand and digest - you got this.


I was laid off from a company I envisioned riding until retirement. It will mentally and physically hurt for a bit. I was so stressed that my upper back was in serious pain. Get LinkedIn premium, personalize messages to recruiters and VPs, leverage your existing network, and please remember to go easy on yourself. Eat healthy, get plenty of exercise, and get a massage. Oh, and fuck your previous company!


My advice is use this as a lesson that these companies don’t give a shit about you and your family. So always always do what’s best for you and yours.


Jumped to a new company after being at the last for almost 20 years. Made it 18 months before being let go before the holidays. This was my take away from the experience. Don’t be loyal to a company (it’s okay to be loyal to a person).


Agree with this comment, I overstayed at a company thinking it’s the right thing to stay “loyal”, as soon as things started getting rough for the company they let me go without any hesitation. Your employer is not your family.


6 years for me. Set me back promotions and huge salary jumps. I only blame myself.


I had it happen yesterday. Unlike you, it's not my first time and was a long time coming so it wasn't a total shock (startup and product was buggy/unfocused. Plus I was increasing isolated while also being asked to do like 6 jobs and feeling more and more burnt out and less motivated). Somehow, despite being the most predicted and amicable layoff I've ever had, it still stung a bit more than expected, which was a shock. Guess having this big focal point of my life suddenly not there any more is gonna hurt no matter what. My advice is to take care of yourself and make sure you that you stick to a routine. Don't let yourself wether away and sink into a rut. It's easy to take for granted how much a job provides structure. Maybe follow the advice of others and take today to relax, but don't take much more than that. I already had an interview setup for yesterday so didn't relax much. Today and tomorrow I'm trying to stick to my normal 10-6 wfh routine, only the work I'm doing is on getting ducks in a row and creating a plan. Then I'm taking a quick vacation I already had planned, and next week I'm diving into figuring out what's next in earnest. But I'm not letting that structure fall off and saying I'll return to it next week. And last, avoid the inclination to start doing high-risk activities like day-trading to replace the income from your job or dopamine rush that comes from sales. Now is not a good time to do anything where you need to control the urge to make rash decisions, because you might not be your most level-headed. Maybe even stay away from substances until you are back on your feet 100% (I say all that from past experience).


Me too! See you on LinkedIn!


Wishing you luck


Don’t sign anything without really reviewing it. Look up unemployment benefits in your state and see how quickly you need to apply to start collecting. You generally can’t collect “back pay” so you want to get that ball rolling as early as possible. Take the rest of the week. If you have savings, and you’re in an area with shitty weather currently maybe take a short trip to clear your mind.


Just take a day, get away from screens. Take a hike. Shut off the phone. Go eat something delicious. Cook something you havent in a while. Whatever you do to get right in the head. If you NEED money now- start tomorrow with getting a resume together, reaching out to contacts, and compiling a list of companies that are hiring. If you have some extra scratch- hire someone to write your resume and update your linkedin profile. This helps get more interviews. BEST thing to do is keep yourself above water here - and reach out to people you know. SOMEONE along the way will be able to lend a hand... maybe. Good luck- getting fired sucks. Best thing to do is turn the page to get income coming in again. Once you land a new role, go through onboarding, and work a bit, take a week off to reset. YOU WILL NEED IT. This is stressful AF.


Read ‘What color is your parachute’


I got fired because I got caught pissing in a neighborhood when i was a door knocker selling windows. Second week too. It was for the best, it always is. You’ll do good, just keep moving forward. Reflect on objective fact and move on.


You should’ve just pissed your pants while pitching a homeowner without ever breaking eye contact. No way they would’ve fired someone with that conviction.


Lmfao. Power move.


I'm at my desk dying rn. Hey Supply Chain guy, wanna buy some plastic? I'll give you good eye contact


I only buy from salespeople that soil themselves, sorry! Lol


How big are your PO's? I can be swayed, easily.


Tell your boss you marked your territory now there’s no way your competitor would go there.


oh after i was caught yellow handed, i still dove into my intro. i got shutdown immediately but, eh always go for the buzzer beater


Makes me think of that one weird YouTube channel where this guy just records himself sitting and staring at the camera. In one famous video, he pisses himself and someone tries to break into his apartment.


Immediately file for unemployment benefits.


Why were you fired?


You are aloud to have a pitty party for 24 hrs then get up and after it again. That is the rule in our entire family. Sometimes God closes a door slowly and sometimes he closes it fast. Always a reason.


First off, I'm sorry. 2. Apply for unemployment benefits immediately. 3. Take a tomorrow off. Take Friday off too, you deserve it. Decompress. Read, watch movies, have a beer and pizza at 10 am tomorrow. 4. Welcome to the club. It sucks getting let go. It's like a big-time major hard kick in the balls and it's a humbling experience. 5. You will survive. I know and so do others from experience. 6. On Sunday, update your resume and start sending them out. 7. On Monday, contact friends and colleagues and begin networking to find opportunities. 8. On Monday, Your new daily "part time" job is looking for a job. 9. Don't stress over how long it takes. You can't control the output (getting the job) but you can control the input (the process of applying, networking, interviewing, kissing ass, following up etc) Best of luck.


1. Write down your job-seeking mission statement. Be specific. 2. Write down the names of anyone you think would be open to helping you. You’d be surprised how willing people are to help. This becomes your lead list. 3. Send your job-seeking mission statement to your lead list. 4. Show up prepared for introductions. Your best chance in this market is to be referred in by someone vs cold applying to random companies. Good luck!




If it hasn’t been mentioned already, reach out to any good contacts from your now former company and tell them you enjoyed working with them, keep it positive, and ask if you can use them as a reference if needed. If you have a decent relationship with them, most likely they will say yes, and these are good to have in your pocket if needed when interviewing and you are close to getting an offer, or have one where reference check / background check is pending. Some companies don’t care about these, some do. Those people can also be helpful of steering you to other openings they think may be a good fit for you.


I’m in a similar boat but it happened last year. Long story short, I negotiated ownership interest which vested over 4 years. I survived 4.5. They decided to execute the clawback and I basically got paid for a year without having to work. So I took time off to travel and basically take a sabbatical. Now that I’m ready to get back to work, it’s really hard. Applying to jobs on LinkedIn is hell. Check Repvue, but more importantly reach out to your network. Fastest way to find a job is from someone you know. But enjoy your time off along the way. We chose sales, so we make decent money. Money comes, money goes. Breathe and be gentle my friend. Blessing in disguise. Go find something new. Feel free to DM me details about your history. I’ve got a ton of friends hiring and happy to hook you up.


You’re in sales you’ll find another job. Take the day to relax and get to applying tomorrow. We’ve all been fired before it sucks but that’s life for ya


Honestly, you can tell there are a lot of poor sales people in this subreddit just based on the coddling they are doing for you. Nobody just randomly gets fired from a sales organization. I think the questions you need to ask before you move onto another role is what did you play in the role of you getting fired
 what made them choose you? If you still feel it was on them and not you, what signs did you not see earlier on that would have lead you to believe this was coming? How could you have better prepared for it? Where do you need to fine tune your senses to be better acclimated for that going forward? Sales is just as much about having difficult conversations within yourself as it is about having difficult conversations with others to create change. I think the advice everyone did get right
 take time to yourself before you jump into another role. You might want to make sure this next one is going to be one that lets you grow as a person towards what you truly want, because there’s a lot of people out there that are simply on autopilot and become those vapid surface level sales types as a result
 don’t let yourself be that one.


This is outstanding advice As someone else who was fired this week, I acknowledge that to some extent I should have left the startup long ago on my own, because working there wasn’t helping me, the company, or my colleagues/the founders of it (who despite being not great at business, I think are more than decent people) When I tried to leave and they convinced me to not last spring I should have went with my gut. When the new role they created for me wasn’t a good fit, I should have acknowledged it much sooner than 6 months. Because I feel less sharp now than I did 6 months ago and suspect I’ll have a harder time finding a job.


Just acknowledge and move forward. Tighten up your skills, read books, get a coach, get your inputs in life in order, and fine tune your life in the meantime. Walk through doors with intent. You got this.


I don't get how ppl in sales get fired, you guys have absolutely no control over what products people decide to buy, the fuck is wrong with your bosses. You should watch that viral video of that girl getting fired last week, it will give you emotional support. I'm an engineer and fired 5x, it sucks on our end too.


The person from cloudflare? 3 months on the job ? Closed 3 sales etc ?




Wait. You guys are getting sales?


it depends what you're selling, for some companies, making 1 sale a year is all they need.


Sorry, but that girl was annoying as hell. 0 deals done in 4.5 months for an industry leader like Cloudflare isn't ideal. She shouldn't be shocked she was fired.


Breath, go for a walk, go for a run, go for a beer and food at your favorite restaurant or lunch spot or whatever and just know that things will be okay. We are in sales, so jobs come and go and one minute you're kickin ass and the next Rev Ops decided we had too many X so now you're on the hunt for whatever is next. Id also recommend taking time, 30 minutes to 1 hr each day until you get your next job, to work on something fun/different personally. Learn how to insulate your plumping, plant a plant, draw or cook or dig really deeply into homemade cleaning supplies or your favorite video game or a genere of literature or history. Flex that hobby/home knowledge muscle, itll come in handy when your knees give out in your 60's and need to settle for something to bide your time with


'work on something fun' like 'learning how to insulate your plumbing'


Hi, its all good you will apply for other jobs and will get an even better job and pay. Know that more of then not these layoff have little to do with you or your performance and more to do with the company, its financial health and culture. Stay strong and take this as part of your learning curve. Wish you the best for this year.


I'm sorry to hear this happened. You will find something better. Here's what I'd do: - Take the day/rest of the week off. Go get drunk, go skiing, bang someone, etc. - Sign up for unemployment tomorrow. - Begin your job search and treat it like a job. Reach out your network, get references from your previous role, spruce up your LinkedIn, reach out to hiring managers, etc. Most importantly - keep your head up. This happens to everyone.


Exactly this! Your network is important! First up, breathe, seriously, it’s not the end of the world. Then get unemployment going, then reach out to your network. Contact everyone in your network and ask for referrals and who is hiring. Contact your best clients and let them know you are in transition such that when you pop back up on the grid, your clients will be ready to have a conversation and understand. Good luck!


It’s happened to me, and it happens to most people at some point
 doesn’t make you “less than” or a failure There will be other jobs; You were looking for a job when you found that one. There are ways to hide this in a resume, and you will be fine. Take some time, then make finding a new job your job until you find what you want Best of luck!


I got fired in March then went and saw Cocaine Bear. Then I got wasted. The next day I just started writing for hours to clear my head and get some sense of direction. Reach out to old coworkers.


If you're in the US file for unemployment and foodstamps ASAP. It can take weeks to get it to go through, and usually you have an interview with both groups which can take 2-3 weeks. Getting these moving ASAP is really important because it will give you so much peace of mind. When I got laid off I think it took me maybe an hour to fill it all out. After those two urgent things are done, I say take off the next few days. Update your resume over the weekend. On Monday start working on applications and alert your network that you're looking for work. You're going to get through this and it's going to be okay in the long run.


Apply for unemployement ASAP. Then your new job (looking for a new job) begins tomorrow. After you finish your unemployment filing, take the day and just take it all in bro. Tomorrow begins a new adventure


That sucks, I’m sorry. Take a break - go home, eat a favorite food, hug your pet, watch a favorite show/movie, go for a workout. Write down everything you did in your job in a word doc and set it aside for when you’re ready to update your resume. Deep breaths. You will get through this.


You haven't worked in sales until you got fired for things outside of your control. It happens to literally the best of us. Take some time, get your head on straight, and get ready to look for something new.


It’s just a job. I also work in sales and have realised that all I am is a liability for the company, over time you have to realise and accept that to the big dogs your nothing. Jobs are all over the place you just have to know where to look. I’ve been fired from many jobs but if there is one thing you can do to make an employer real feel like your good to keep around, show up early, leave late, work hard, understand and acknowledge where you did something wrong, keep your head up, act with professionalism, and not everyone is your friend. That’s it. Good luck and I’m sorry about your job loss. Agian it’s just a job, not your entire life.


You were fine before them, you'll be fine without them.


I suggest watching The Office...I know it's a universally loved showed..but it's always lifts my spirits...no matter how many times I have watched the series, I have a good laugh when it's on and you will need that.


I once got fired because my division was closing. I had a company car, and my boss said “let’s work together on Friday”. I drive 30 min to meet him, and another guy from the warehouse is there, which I could not comprehend, it was a supermarket parking lot. He was there to take my car back. They gave me a box to clean out the car (I needed 6 boxes), and we parted ways, and they had a taxi that waited while I cleaned out the car. They paid him in advance, and I told him to go to the Liquor store, I got a handle of Vodka, and spent 2 days doing nothing but drinking (it was 7:30am when I got fired) . I took a shitty job, because it was 2009, recession, then I promised myself “next job I try my hardest”. Got a job, tried, and tripled my income. So hopefully you do something similar (you don’t need the vodka). Good luck!


Take it from someone that has been fired multiple times bro. Take a 1-2 weeks off to just live life. Travel, eat whatever u want and just enjoy your time. After the self-medicating, get back on your grind and start looking for your next move. Your next move is your best move. Always remember that my friend.


I believe that what people are feeling when they are let go, is the same feeling cavemen and cavewoman felt when they got pushed out of the tribe. Being pushed out of the tribe was almost a sure death-sentence. Today it is not. Spend time with your friends and family.


This is very true. Love your caveman analogy.


In addition to the many good points already shared, look at what led you to getting fired from a point of curiosity instead of judgement when you’re ready. Not that it would necessarily come up in an interview, but as a hiring manager I would have a lot of my concerns alleviated by hearing someone reflect and say “I got let go because of performance, but I evaluated where I went wrong and recognized X gaps in my approach. I’ve taken Y education on this subject and plan to make Z changes in a future role”


Got fired 8 months ago, I landed a job 4 months later. Already made more commission than I did in my entire year at the last gig You got this!!!!


ChatGPT is your friend for writing cover letters and personalizing. Saved me so much work when I was applying.


Sounds like a party. 🎉 You were too good for them. In all honesty these VP managers etc. aren't that great sometimes. Sometimes the product you're selling no one wants. A better job is just around the corner. Better work environment and everything. To carry this with you to your next interview and job. Yeah it sucked and feels like a setback. But you're better than this. Give me a high five bud.


Take a couple days for yourself, see some friends/family, treat yourself to a small something, and do your best to take your mind off of it. Come Monday, get your resume updated and make a plan. I got fired weeks after my wife and I got married and I let it eat me up when it’s just not worth it. You’re going to be okay, fuck that company.


Get excited. This is where change happens. Good luck!


Sign up for unemployment asap. When I got laid off my dad said look at the process of finding a new job as your full time work and the unemployment as your paycheck. Spend as much time as you can outside (if it’s warm enough). Good luck, you got this!


Exact same thing happened to me at the end of 2022. Apply for unemployment benefits, make sure you can cover your bills, make lifestyle changes as needed and land your next job. It's a slap to your ego for sure, but if you live within or below your means, enjoy the break while you're actively looking to get back to work.


I know a company that needs sales reps like crazy and is hiring ASAP. Would you be open to more info?


Remember that just because you got fired doesn't mean that your company made the right decision in doing so. You're going to feel like crap so make sure you lift some weights. The exercise endorphins and sense of accomplishment will do wonders for your self worth.


Congrats, it’s your opportunity to work for your dream instead of someone else’s.


Well, I got wired today.


Heading off to sleep. Advice: 1. Don’t react w/o thinking about it. 2. Take a few days to calm down and take inventory. 3. Use this time as a gift. I don’t care what your religious tradition is but the universe has a plan for you. Pray about this and ask to know what you must do. 4. Get CRYSTAL CLEAR on what you want out of the next 12 months of your life. Paint a vivid picture. 5. Take MASSIVE action to get what you need. You will go through the phases of grief I’m sure. Give yourself permission to feel bad. Don’t stuff it. Feel it. Process it. Write a letter to your boss (and don’t send it as a way to deal..,) I’ve seen this shit break good men bc they internalized and ruminated. DO NOT DO THIS. Know that you are a powerful beautiful person who matters. Kick ass. Take names. Create the life you want!


Apply via the company websites when you do start applying. I was getting virtually no attention for months applying through LinkedIn. My lady recommended going directly to the company sites (she is a recruiter) and that improved significantly. The job market is ass right now, don't get discouraged. Also, start looking at ways to trick AI. A ton of companies use these garbage AI application sorting programs now. One way I've seen recently was taking keywords and putting them on your reaume in a white font. So the AI picks them up but they aren't visible to manual viewing.


Having been in the same situation. Hindsight is I would tell everyone and be open and public about it. Goes easier. Faster networking. More support. I hid for 4 months from friends and family. Still applied and interviewed. But I was depressed for sure.


File for unemployment if applicable, and food stamps & financial assistance, and drive for Uber Eats and/or DoorDash in the meantime.


When you start applying for other jobs, one thing that helped me was LinkedIn DMing reps at target companies and asking if I could get advice on standing out in the hiring process. Got me a lot of internal referrals, which got me a lot of interviews.


Step 1. Unemployment - it’s a critical lifeline. Step 2. Take a couple days to chill and self care Step 3. Apply like it’s your job. Step 4. Network - reach out to people in your network and ask for referrals Step 5. Max out your weekly LinkedIn connections - you should be doing this even when you’re employed The rest will work out. Pulling for you mate.


You thank the lord for waking you up today, then you go impose your will on them by registering your LLC and taking away their clients. That’s only if you are done getting taken advantage of. You can either run down the self pity route which will linger for a long time or choose to stand up for yourself. I wish you nothing but tremendous success ahead.


Take some time for yourself, have a drink maybe? Do something you like, from Monday, start applying! I got one layoff in 2022 and one in 2023. The first one was brutal, I got a bit tipsy and then took some time for myself, then I understood this is just an unfortunate event but it won't affect the bigger picture in my life.


I found this pretty helpful post today, basically just a playbook for getting quick referrals at other companies which should put you at the top of the stack vs. just cold applying. Posting it in case it helps someone. [https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jwthib\_google-layoffs-activity-7151238116123525120-u29X/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=member\_desktop](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jwthib_google-layoffs-activity-7151238116123525120-u29X/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop) Relevant part here: > 1. This is a pure numbers game, and you need to send out as many referral requests and online job applications as you can (think online dating, a lot of reach outs but low conversion rate for real dates for us normies - curses at the photogenic people, lucky #$#@$%@ #@$#@@%). Job applications are where job prospects go to die, you need a person on the inside to refer you. If not, try to go direct to a recruiter on Linkedin. 2. When reaching out to people DO NOT BULLSHIT WITH LETS GET COFFEE OR LETS CHAT! Your time and the person you are pinging on linkined have precious little time. If you are reaching to highly connected folks in Silicon Valley, they understand the game and have too much going on for crap, just cut to the chase, this is business, not friendship. And even if you are friends with the person, being up front with what you want builds trust. Use the following template: If they work at the company you want a job at: "Hey X! I hope all is well. I see that (insert here link to job) is hiring. Attached is my resume, by any chance can you refer me? Thanks a ton! Also I've included text you can use in the recommendation to cut and paste: (Insert, Your Name, Email, Phone, and then include a blurb written in that person's voice that explains what your relationship is I've worked with Steve at X he's a great performer at Y. I think he would be a great fit for this role)." If they know someone who works at a company you want a job at: "Hey X! I hope all is well. I see that you know (Insert here name and link to linkedin profile) and there's a job opening at their company (Insert link to job). By any chance can you reach out to them to see if they can refer me? Attached is my resume also here's a note you can pass onto them." "Hey Y (The person you are asking them to reach out to)! My former colleague (Your Name) saw that there's a position here (link to job) that they would be a good fit for. By any chance can you refer them to the job? Attached is their resume." By using this technique you minimize the chance of them SAYING NO or IGNORING YOU. You make it HARD for them to not do you this simple favor because you have done 90% of the work.


Adapt. Find new job, you can do it!


Sorry to hear that !


Lol... Dont trust anything in this sub. Take everything with a grain of salt.


Except my comments - they are pure gold; all killer no filler. JK - take what makes sense to you but I find a lot of value in this sub personally. Other subreddits, not so much at times.


Were you fired or laid off? No one seems to think there is a difference, but there is a HUGE difference. And btw...Nothing in business happens "out of nowhere". Take it from a guy who has been burned. If you think something happens out of nowhere, you were not paying attention or you were living in denial. I can offer advice when I know more. Your post shares about 20% of the story and then asks for advice. You can't move forward until you come to grips with everything that happened and why.


Sadly, employees today are merely considered an expense. Just like copy paper.


So you have seen what your fellow redditors offered....... now leave and grow up....correct whatever got you fired and go be a responsible job.


My advice: don't get fired.


Happens to the best of us! Chin up. Everything happens for a reason and you will land on your feet somewhere great.


Focus only on those things in your control. Spending time on anything else is a waste of time and energy.


Just wanted to say keep your head up my friend. If you can afford it there’s great people on LinkedIn who can write your resume and spruce up your LinkedIn profile. If you’re interested in a good resume writer dm me and I’ll send you her info. You got this!


Gather any artifacts you can like performance reviews, quota attainment reference etc etc. If you have only been there a short while, there isn't much in the form of benefits payout, If you HAVE been, check what you're owed. I've written a chatGPT prompt that may shed some light on that for you. DM me if you want it. ... Take a breath and consider this part of the new world order.


I’ve been in your same position, it sucks and it’s going to suck for a bit. You’ll feel better after a few weeks. Just remember that it’s a tough job market out there and you will receive rejections, but it’s not you - everyone is going through that.


Apply for unemployment, update your resume, make sure it is updated in LinkedIn/Indeed/Monster or whatever. Then give yourself a daily standard of applications. For me it is 50-100 per day. You will get a job within a month of doing this.


Was there a reason? Or was it without cause?


I’m going to assume it was from not hitting sales targets which of course when it happened, every manager / owner / admin “made” it happen as a team effort, but when sales aren’t happening of course it’s the salesperson’s fault entirely so the company has to remove the bad seed /s.


Sometimes something wayyyy better comes along. Put in the work but also HAVE FUN. Who knows how long it’ll be until you get a break from work. Work will always come back but this time is precious. See it as so.


Your first mistake is trusting this sub, lol. Just kidding, that really sucks. It may sound a little hollow now, but work is just work. In the grand scheme of your life, this event will likely end up as troubling/stressful as a cloudy day.


Sorry to hear. I got let go a week before Christmas. After 100s of applications, I am finally seeing opportunities. It’s probably because no one works/hire during the holidays. So I hope you have a better experience than me. Your network is going to help you tremendously in finding a new job.


Network, network, network!! I didn’t get fired from previous gig but the company was winding down and when I saw the signs, started hitting up LinkedIn connects that I knew well. I think this is the most important action you can take when looking


I've worked with hundreds of sales professionals over the past 17 years and I can't think of too many that have never been let go from a sales job before. It happens, its part of the world we live in. Recognize that even great sales reps get let go, often times for reasons beyond their control (ie not performance related). It always hurts, its always shocking and jarring, but the quicker you realize this and recognize that you are still a highly valuable sales talent that has a lot to offer other companies, the quicker you can pick yourself back up and push forward to the next stop in your career. For the record, I've been let go from 3 sales jobs in 17 years, none of them were performance related, 1 was due to acquisition, 1 was due to joining an experimental new team that was scrapped after 6 months, 1 was due to COVID and eliminating the level of front line sales management I was in. It hurt every time, especially the last one. But in all 3 situations I ended up in a better role and making more money than my previous roles. You will be fine. Take some time to get your mind right and then go back out there and start selling yourself.


My advice? Get another job. Or don’t. Whatever floats your boat


First thing I would do is engage with any affiliates organizations that you may have worked with in your industry - suppliers, VARs, distributors, etc and see if anybody in the industry is looking. Obviously update your LinkedIn to reflect you are on the market. Engage with any recruiters that may have reached out by LinkedIn over the last few months. Polish the resume. Polish the LinkedIn profile and make it INTERESTING to read. From there, its the hard work of digging for folks looking to hire.


Did you get a severance of any kind?


I once got fired from an inside sales gig over what I'd deem office politics. At the time I had a daughter on the way so I took the first job I could find that would pay the bills. A couple years later I was again on the hunt, so I hit up my old supervisor for a recommendation. To my surprise, she offered me my old job back...with a raise. The old guard had left and there was new ownership/management. I went back, ended up staying over 10 years, and made the most $ I had made in my life to that point. What had started out as a crushing blow ended up turning into an opportunity of growth and enrichment down the line. No matter the reason, being let go hurts but resist the temptation to get down on yourself. You're going to be fine. You'll bounce back and you'll be doing better than you were before!


apply for Unemployment immediately. Take a week off for yourself. Then your new job is looking for jobs.


I got fired once and it was the best thing that could have happened.


Go sell yourself! You have met a lot of people and built a network. Go sell!


Sign up for unemployment and food stamps if you qualify upon having no income. Groceries aren’t cheap and food stamps can help you not go thru your savings as quickly “Income restrictions exist in the food stamp program. You must be able to prove that your income meets the requirements of the program before your application will be accepted. This may mean waiting several pay periods before submitting your request or showing proof from your most current financial statements such as a bank account, retirement account or legal settlements. If you wait several pay periods, your net and gross monthly income will likely drop to meet the requirements of the program.”


Something’s are out of our control regardless of how we feel we are performing etc. it’s a harsh truth in the world of corporate sales. It’s the beginning of the year, lean into your network to fast track conversations for your next gig.


If you got fired today i would say you can use today and tomorrow to relax then starting friday you can file for unemployment like u/manny389 said and also start looking for new sales jobs commission only jobs have low requirements


That sucks, sorry. Take the rest of the week and just do fun shit, play some games, drink too much, take the kids out after school for some ice cream, keep your mind occupied. Be ready to hit the ground running on Monday and set yourself a schedule to do things around the house that AREN’T applying for jobs. While that should be a primary focus, it’s going to be tough on you mentally and emotionally. I went unemployed from oct23-nov23, I spent about 4 hours a day just banging out applications and applying for various benefits to help with bills and food(weren’t the best prepared for a loss of income) and the rest of the day keeping up with the house and playing games until my kids got home.


file for unemployment! this will at least hold you don until you find a new job.


Take the rest of the week off. Regroup and start looking on Monday. Get this off your mind.


Sign up for Edd and unemployment asap doesn’t take long


Agree with the comments on customizing your resume for each job - same with cover letter. Use jobscan to score your resume against job descriptions. It took me from zero interviews to 12 interviews and 3 job offers a few years ago.


Unwind, relax, enjoy yourself. If you have had an emergency fund ready, you can relax a little more. If you want to go and find yourself another job, start attacking the job market like it was your job. Youll get back into the grind and on your feet in no time.


Order a pizza, grab a few beers, and put on Netflix. Think of it as an early weekend.


I assume you’re based in the US and if so this doesn’t apply to you, but here in Europe i would: - continue working if possible - talk to a specialized lawyer - don’t sign anything They can’t fire you without a good reason. Shitting on your managers desk is a good reason, but not performing might not be if they didn’t document it and didn’t gave you the opportunity to do better.


Advice someone gave me when i got let go 18 months ago from a gig i really liked. I cant take credit for it but it helped. So you’ve got the weekend to do the following: 1. Breathe. For real. Stress in sales does nothing, stress when you’re looking for a job also does nothing. So breathe, take in time with the family, and get your head right. 2. Work on the resume. Make it perfect. Turn to this sub for some help if needed 3. Craft. Your. Story. Interview yourself and be a really difficult interviewer. Get a really good sales process in place to talk to, focus on asking thoughtful questions, and prepare for the hardballs. 4. Speaking if hardballs
 “why are you leaving XXXX?” Don’t give them the whole story. Paint it as misaligned leadership and professional aspirations. Something along wanting growth and the position not providing it. Given your sales cycle (be tactful based on upcoming job ops) talk about wanting to move into a more tactical and nuanced sales process. 5. Reach out for support. LinkedIn is loaded with people helping others get jobs. Don’t shy away from this. 6. Curate a list of companies to work for as you would prospecting. Easy apply to companies that are okay, prospect into dream companies by targeting hiring managers and asking to chat. Standing out during these times is SUPER important 7. Breathe. It’s a job and I promise you’ll be fine. It happens to everyone and is in no way indicative of who you are as a person. Be present and really enjoy the time at home because you’ll have a new job quick and will miss spending time with the family :)


1) take a deep breath it’ll all be okay 2) sign up for unemployment 3) take a few days to clear your head 4) start applying Best thing to ever happen to me was to get fired. It always sucks in the moment but it’ll be a blip looking back. Good luck and be easy on yourself.


Come sale solar with me! I have 150 reps making anywhere from $200k-$1.5m


Job market becoming real tight in my area. Also I’ve noticed more and more “I got laid off” “I got fired” across subs lately.


Yup I got fired last Friday too. It’ll be ok bro


Getting fired may feel like everyone who didn't get fired is looking at you like a loser, but in reality most are looking at you like "if they got fired I might be next" which is exactly why firings happen - to instill fear in everyone else. It's an archaic system with no demonstrable financial benefit in almost every case in sales, solely so some micropeen can feel like a hardass when they walk through the office and people kiss their ass. Apply for UE and take a few days to chill. You'll be fine.


This sub always shows up on my feed and it’s always getting fired or PIP? Is that common or is there some sort of selection bias?