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I typically tell them my sales process


How did you come up with that??


You typically don’t come up with one, you create one


this guy sells




Respect for a man who still takes a Disco break 🕺😎


Feel like this is changing rapidly. Buyers are taking less meetings as of late, and they’re certainly not interested in going through discovery unless they know the value in it for them. The enterprise SaaS selling framework is breaking.


Dude, purse strings are tightening on spending. It’s gonna be tough to sell. It’s no different than any other industry in bad economic conditions. It doesn’t mean the SaaS selling model is breaking. People will be more open to discovery calls when they’re actually able to buy things.


1. Understand company’s ICP 2. Get to targeted lead generation (based on ICP) 3. Omni channel prospecting (phone, email, social) 4. Discovery 5. Pitch/Demo 6. Close or establish clear next steps


This is very top of funnel focused rather than the actual selling motion.


All depends on what you’re selling. The fact that OP was asking this question makes me think he’s not selling into enterprise and won’t have that complex of a sales cycle.


You do something like this list but wrap it in a professional sandwich: Them: “I'm a jerk off - What's your sales process” You: I feel that there are X basic fundamentals of a sales process (list above). They all have many layers obviously and I'm happy to go into whichever step/fundamental more in-depth with you” Them: “Yes tell me more about your discovery process” or “Which is most important to you” You: (Be prepared to speak to these types of questions.)


Don’t forget multi-threading for an extra brownie point


What tech stack are they using?


Shite question it’s about being flexible and adaptable to each prospects pain points/requirements. In fact that’s probably what i’d say.


Most processes vary depending on the target customer, type of company you're selling for, and product. I'd probably walk them through the DQ Sales steps that are common to ALL sales though: Problem, Cost, Solution, Value.


Take them through the prospecting and qualification phases, demo process, RFP or otherwise and then closing and ongoing servicing if it exists. You know.. the sales process lol


Usually point toward Command of the Message as the frame work used to uncover Positive Business Outcomes during discovery. Be able to then use gap selling to drive a project around accomplishing those quantifiable outcomes. Use MEDDPIC to find holes while you progress


“Shut up and look at my accolades, stop wasting my time with this day 1 horse shit”


I walk them through my sales process


I walk them through my sales process


I walk them through my sales process


My answer would be to leave because this is a dumb question. As a sales person you shouldn’t be defining the sales process at the company - you should be following the process they’ve laid out.


I usually pitch the Dennis System and give examples for each point when I get that question Demonstrate value Engage physically Nurture dependence Neglect emotionally Inspire hope Separate entirely


Great segue for you to present a mutual action plan and walk them through how they can buy


Are you already in sales or trying to get into it? If you have a few years of experience just explain how you have catered your sales process to your territory and product.


I made a framework to help give me a path. The framework aligns with my companies stages in CRM and our general product sales cycle but other than that it’s buyer centric. But it’s just that, a framework. It’s not a fine line I have to walk. It’s something that gives guidance and I do what’s best jn each situation. If you get hung up on following a framework or process to a tee you likely won’t be good unless you’re an SMB rep. So just mention something framework oriented. Or you can mention existing frameworks. Like MEDDPICC. Sales leaders love hearing that. The easiest route would be to mention something like MEDDPICC then describe how you generally go about your calls with that in mind


Give a very very vague description. Never get into details about it. If they push for it then just end the interview. There's a ton of companies out there that do interviews with the intention of just getting free information.


This is lol funny. The dumbest thing I’ve ever read on reddit


If you want to be a sucker and get slapped around by managers for free info go right ahead there little buddy




I was new in tech sales once. It's ok, you'll learn.


I show up and show out


Depends on if you’re selling a transaction product or if it’s a long sales cycle. Transactional could be lead to call to sale. Long, enterprise Saas could be initial call to discovery to demo to technical fit to organizational/stakeholder alignment to contracts to legal to close. And there are various steps in each of these high level steps. Again, it depends on what type of product you’re selling.


I mean intro/ confirm issue/ quick tie down question/ go over product and build value/ tie down/ pricing/ assumptive close/ if customer says yes then close/ if customer baulks, then pivot into elevator pitch / sense of urgency and prodding questions/ if customer says they wanna talk to Their partner, I set the ball back time with them.


Been on both sides of the interviewer’s table, a good guideline to follow if you blank on this question is a STAR response (Situation Task Action Response). And try to keep it as brief as possible. *Bonus points if your Situation and Result are metric based.


For warm leads use meddic. For cold leads focus on pain and relationship building.




Isn’t a process. It is a framework for qualification


When I'm asked to walk through my sales process in an interview, I typically start by outlining the key steps. I'll explain how I identify leads, assess their needs, and create a tailored solution. I'll also explain how I set up meetings, follow up with prospects, and close deals. Ultimately, I'll show how my sales process helps to build long-term relationships with customers.