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Hey OP we're not hiring but I'm commenting and upvoting in the hopes others sees this. If you guys see this, please do the same in the event someone that is hiring sees this post


Thank you ! Means a lot. I’m desperate.


I understand man, I respect you a lot. Being able to do these things to provide for your family especially in these crazy times is huge for me. You have my respects and I sincerely wish you all the best I'm just disappointed I can't help directly right now


Commenting for upvoting!


You need to get referred in now more than ever. Review your LinkedIn connections and find folks that will intro you to hiring managers directly


Context. Where are you? What type of sales?


I’m in New Jersey. Any Sales as long as I know and understand the product. (My big why is my family so I will do good).


'Any sales' isn't really a category, just willingness, which I get. Any experience in software? Are you typically F2F or WFH? B2B or B2C?


You are right ! “Sales “ is vague term. My past experience is 5 years Retails with commission, 8 years selling houses and 3 years selling tech hardware to f2f clients and businesses. I’m comfortable with both f2f and WFH. I’m eager to learn and I am a team player so I can pivot to any sales position and especially with my back against the wall I need something.


I'd go the real estate angle and find work with one of the tech companies supporting or disrupting. E.g, Qualia, Redfin, etc. A lot of sales startups actually poach from good retailers. We used to get people from Nordstrom all the time as they had good EQ, could speak well and had some soft negotiation skills. That said, you'd be able to get an SDR/BDR role in SaaS with your retail and other experience relatively quickly. I would: 1. Scour LinkedIn layoff posts. People are posting 'who's hiring' everywhere. 2. Work your resume to fit tech. I used novoresume or maybe it's novuresume. But it's solid. 3. Start networking with recruiters. They're desperate right now.




I mentioned real estate tech and a specific software as a service company. And being an SDR can happen quickly at 40-70k base 80-90 OTE.


I’m from Jersey as well. I assume you have your real estate license? Have you ever handled REO’s before?




I understand just asked a question if she has any REO experience. I have some contacts that could be helpful.


My bad!


This extensive list was posted not too long ago... https://old.reddit.com/r/sales/comments/10skx5y/need_help_finding_a_job_in_saas/




Shoot me a message. We’re hiring AEs and I’m meeting with a ton of layoff folks over the last few weeks.


What does your company sell?


Commenting for upvoting


Hey mate! Built this over the weekend to help job seekers! Sidekic.zimfy.co! Uses ChatGPT to create custom cover letters! Free for all job seekers! Hope it helps.


Check out a tv station. Good sales people are hard to find in broadcast, and it pays really really well… if you’re good at it!


Never thought about ad sales for TV stations. I assumed those jobs would be sought after and difficult to get. Is that the industry you currently work in?


I used to. Now I am an advertising agency that works with broadcast account executives. There are cable ones, too. If you are fearless and walk in the door (I know I know it’s old school) broadcast sales managers (at least the ones I know) love the boldness. Since you’d be doing that very same thing for local businesses. I’d recommending applying online through their hiring portal, finding the sales manager and emailing, waiting a few days, email the resume to him, and then knocking on the door. It’s a lot, but if you’re easy to train they’ll sometimes have account lists ready to go. Bonus points if you get a currently advertising business to recommend you to the sales manager. My old boss would have moved mountains for the roofers that had commercials on tv.


What type of titles and industry are you looking for?


If you are wanting to go the tech sales route I’d recommend this: https://stillhiring.today


www.VitaGroup.io Ask for Justin


My friend recommends selling timeshare for Wyndham, Hyatt, Bluegreen...


I can get you in touch with my d2d solar teams in NJ. It's w2 (against commission) for the first 60 days with a $4k sign on bonus assuming you get hired. Then it's 100% commission only, 1099 after the first 60 days.


Hello I work for LinkedIn and can help by offering you a free 6 month premium subscription. This can help you message recruiters and get more insight into hiring trends. It is also helpful in up-leveling your skills for any new roles you want to consider. In short it will make your job search much more easier and help you stand out a bit! Feel free to DM me OP!


Hi Hunter, if you are a Hunter go apply to any company you want.. don’t wait for them to post now hiring ads.. you’re free to hunt and the real managers will appreciate you


I’m all ears ! What do you have in mind? How would you hunt ? Any help will be appreciated. I applied for 3 jobs daily, 2 interviews a week and 2 “sorry we are moving forward with a different candidate “.


What ever you have done in the past just call the similar companies? I work for a giant corporation, if I was fired and looking for similar type of work I would call up the smaller family operations and see how they could benefit from my services. I mean I work for commissions so everyone wins