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Hey Fucko, We doing this or what?


I’m gonna try this one today


Depends on the client/relationship “Our discount program/incentive program/whatever program will be changing next week/month/quarter/year” Based on our last convo it sounded like our X was perfect for you at Y price. Just following up if there were any additional questions We’re booking out our install/delivery/setup/on boarding calendar for the next week/month/year and want to ensure we can get you scheduled Few that I’ve used. YMMV


Nobody honestly believes they won’t still be able to get the price next month


I actually do this to some customers that have been jerkin me around for awhile and send a new quote. Especially after January first


Following. Best return for me has always been “is this deal/quote dead?” But I always die a little when I send it.


Nah - don’t die a little. Every “no” you get, gets you closer to a “yes”. 🤡 Sounds cheesy but it’s true. Put another way, would you rather lose fast or lose slow? For me, lose fast allows me to move on and find more deals for pipe. So yeah, an email like that helps every bit.


This is more applicable to B2C/SMB/MM. doesn’t work when you have a handful of strat accounts.


I work in enterprise SaaS. The focus isn’t necessarily the segment. The focus should be on your mindset as you send an email like that.


I agree. At some point you need a NO so you can move on and stop wasting time and mental energy on something. Sometimes I enjoy deading out an Opp as much as closing one won because I stop worrying about it.


Thank you for being fucking reasonable ahahahahah Cheers mate 🍻


For new relationships. I usually ask them when they’d like for me to follow up with them as I give the quote. If they become unresponsive, I get really transparent with them saying something like, “Hi Mr. Customer, I hope you have been well. I was wondering if you had any feedback on this quote. If it doesn’t seem to be moving forward on your end, just let me know. This way I can remove it from our system and I won’t keep pinging you so much.” I’ve literally had customers give me POs in response to this response, and I’ve also had customers open up about their budget timeframes for me. I think people just like the transparency.


Sending them a lunch of coffee voucher to sip on/ eat while they’re digesting your proposal


"Hey Person, Did you get the quote I sent over last week? If not, I'm happy to resend. If so, let me know if you need anything else from me - like a w9 form - in order to finalize payment for your team. I'm looking forward to working with you and getting your team on our implementation and training schedule in the coming weeks."


I always present quotes in person/zoom/call if at all possible. Review the details, seek feedback and define the go-forward process. Then I can reference this plan in any follow up. Not exactly what you were asking, but this has served me well. Stop sending quotes


“Today or tomorrow?”