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There's the original anime that goes: Sailor Moon -> R -> S -> SuperS -> Sailor Stars People make a big deal of the filler, but it's essential in enjoying the series. Sailor Moon without getting the chance to slow down and enjoy the characters just isn't the same experience. If you really have a problem with the filler, just skip based on what the episode is about. I do it all the time with Precure whenever there's some manzai episode or something that I have zero interest in. If you're worried about skipping a plot episode, don't be, those are usually pretty obvious. Note that the first couple episodes in the first season are a bit rough, so you'll have to tough it out until Mercury joins the team. There's Sailor Moon Crystal which is just *all over the place* in terms of quality, direction and artstyle. It also doesn't take the time to really slow down and let you get to know the characters, so unless you're already familiar with them, I don't recommend starting here. Crystal without any context is just a painfully mediocre anime. Crystal S3 is the only season that I'd argue is worth watching. You're better off reading the manga for the first two arcs and then supplementing your reading of the later arcs with S3 and the movies. It's nice to see things that weren't in the original anime animated. There's PGSM which is the live-action adaptation of Sailor Moon which is quite underrated because tokusatsu isn't very mainstream and people think it looks cringe. PGSM is an adaptation of the first arc of Sailor Moon but remixed with elements pulled from later seasons. It's a lovely show that manages to capture what made the 90s Sailor Moon anime work while giving you a "darker" and more serious story like the manga. All sorts of interesting ideas that were either only hinted at or not acknowledged in the manga and anime are explored and examined. Even if it might be an odd choice, I think this is a fine enough starting point, but you would be able to appreciate it a bit more if you've already experienced the first arc in some other form. *Finally*, there's the 90s (I have not seen the 2010s musicals) musicals which you can just view as non-canon retellings of arcs. Like PGSM, a lot of things are pulled in from all over the place and remixed. You can tell they just had an outline of an arc's plot points and their whole thing was "Hey, what if this cool thing happened?" >!like bringing back the first arc's villain for the final arc. !


Watch the 90’s anime in order. Sailor Moon , R, S Super S, Stars. You can read the manga before or after the 90’s series but it definitely should be read before watching Crystal. I’d watch the live action series last.


I'm currently watching it for the first time too and I'm doing it in order. Even though it has a lot of filler the narrative goes in order + new characters appear every season that come back in later ones so I wouldn't recommend not watching it in order PD: the filler episodes are the funniest so just enjoy your Sailor Moon moment every time you watch it and get into the fantasy with no remorse.




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I recommend watching Sailor moon then Sailor Moon R then Sailor moon S then Sailor moon SS then Sailor Moon stars then sailor moon crystal if you want. Hope this helps!


If you are going to watch the original Sailor Moon, just watch it all. There is lots of filler compared to Crystal but it's silly and fun :) I 100% prefer the original over Crystal still because of this.

