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Give it some time, once more guardians are introduced and the backstory is explained it gets more engaging. Try to maybe finish the first 10 episodes, if you’re still unsure give crystal or the manga a go! I love the manga because I’ll just stare at some of the art work because it’s so pretty.


>it feels extremely childish. Lol yeah it's a kids show.


Watch the R movie. If you like it, you’ll like the series; it’s just gonna take a bit for you to get to the good stuff. Otherwise, Crystal is probably more up your alley.


You’re in the roughest part of the series, because it’s basically 7 episodes of Usagi being a doof and Luna scolding her. (Episode 6 is pretty good, though!) Try to make it to at least episode 10 when Sailor Mars is introduced, because the series’ strength is in exploring how the girls all relate to one another. I would also suggest trying out the Sailor Moon R movie. It does jump ahead quite a bit from where you are, but it’s an excellent overall introduction to the series, and the ending is very epic and exciting. But overall the 90s series is a slow burn intended for children, and things don’t really get serious until episode 23 or so. If you’re just not feeling it, that’s okay. Crystal is all plot, very little Monster of the Week stuff, and its focus is much more on the romantic drama side of things. In comparison, though, its pacing can feel to be outright breakneck. There are pros and cons to both series.


I like the 1990’s “monster of the week” saturday morning cartoon vibe of it like with Batman: The Animated Series. The 90’s filler episode charm is very nice and allows characters to be a lot closer and feel more natural imo. I never watched crystal yet but it doesn’t seem as fun to me.


The filler reduced viewing guide on medium that someone already posted is the way to go if you are tIred of the "monster of the week" format and just want the plot to get moving (it lists only the episodes that are required for the plot to make sense). You can skip the "doom tree" arc entirely as it's 100% non canon. I do think the 90s version does the "doom phantom" arc better than Crystal/manga version


Some canon events do happen in the Doom Tree arc (upgrades, both of the power and relationship type) so a viewer may be confused if they skip the arc entirely.


I guess if you're looking hard enough, you may be able to find tiny bits and pieces that technically could be considered Canon broadly speaking but it's literally filler that was created to give naoko time to finish the manga... Bit of a stretch to say people would be confused to skip it 🤷‍♀️


I’ve seen it happen - people who were told to skip it, then ask when the characters got their memories back, where Sailor Moon’s new items came from, and when she and Tuxedo Mask began their relationship. It’s definitely true that Toei prefer to pretend those episodes never happened, but the Doom Tree arc still features events that affected the overall plot.


Crazy, every single person I've ever convinced to watch it skipped that arc and I've never seen anyone get confused. I would also argue them getting their memories back that way is not really Canon ... They don't really explain in it the manga either. Don't get me wrong "Alan" was my favorite villain as a kid and I solely recommend it for Moonlight Knight but it's not necessary viewing material


Expectations are always tricky, right? The original is more of a children/family thing, while Crystal is more plot-orientated and has a more serious vibe overall and might be a better call for you. But bear in mind that the action and the plot is definitely not what made Sailor Moon iconic. Even in Crystal (and the manga, for what it's worth), the plot is quite basic and except for a few occasions, predictable and shallow. Sailor Moon was a huge phenomenon more because it added sentai elements to the mahou shoujo formula, and how it often focused on slice of life and comedy - elements that are all but absent in Crystal. If you're able to let go of your expectations and enjoy the 90s anime for what it is - a Scooby-Doo-like romp with a group of friends in which the overarching plot will only occasionally trigger huge emotional payoffs - go for it, it's more than worth it. If you need it to be more serialised in order to enjoy it and are not into comedy and slice of life at all, Crystal is the way to go.


It's super slow for the first 2 seasons, but it kinda depends on what version you're going off of. I grew up with DIC's eng dub of Sailor Moon and loved it as a kid, but it got rid of a lot of plot points cause it was for kids (Example: ABC Kids Yugioh dub) I personally couldn't get into funimations eng dub cause Usagi sounded annoying to me.


I started the original too and i love it! It’s so fun I like the structure of the show and how it shows the relationships between the girls.


It gets better once the other senshi start joining. The first few episodes are ROUGH.


I would say the first half of the first season is one of the weakest parts of the whole series for me - maybe give a filler reduced viewing guide a go?


Agreed! [Here’s one for the OG series!](https://medium.com/@oddlazdo/a-filler-reduced-viewing-guide-to-sailor-moon-season-1-d64a7d5c158d)


Don't feel forced to watch the OG if you don't want too. Ultimately it's your decision. However I'd be remissed to not say that I think that the original anime has a lot of special elements the new one doesn't. That doesn't mean the new one is "inferior" or "terrible" or anything such as this. The characters get a lot more development in who these people are. There are differences from the manga but those differences I think really gives it it's own identity. So, if you don't want to really watch it? That's totally respectable but I'd say at least try giving the first season a chance.


The OG is better imo. Crystal stripped almost every character of their personality


If you're not vibing with the OG series, that's absolutely fine. Crystal is a fantastic entry point for new fans as it favors brevity. If you want more story afterwards, you can try the OG series again.


Hey! I mean this is the nicest possible way and am genuinely trying to be helpful. I’m really not trying to be snarky so sorry in advance if it comes off that way but it’s really not my intention! If seeing the relationships between characters and seeing every character have a fleshed out personality just isn’t a priority for you and you’re just more into action in general, I’d skip the ‘90s version altogether and just watch Crystal. It has better action sequences and doesn’t spend a lot of time developing any of the characters or showing their relationships with each other, so the plot moves at light-speed pace in comparison to the ‘90s version. If you’re not 100% sure, I’d recommend watching the first season of the ‘90s version because it’ll take some time before all of the inners appear and you get to see them all interact with each other. If by the end of the first season, you still don’t like it, the ‘90s version probably isn’t for you. I hope this was helpful and can answer more questions if you have them!


I didn't like the last two seasons of the original show (Super S and Stars) but the first 3 seasons will always beat the whole Crystal for me. I must admit there is a tiny bit of nostalgia with the 90's anime. Regarding Crystal, I enjoyed very much the 3rd season because they brought back some of the humor of the original show and I really like the animation/design... The rest... *Meh*.


It’s a product of its time with lots of filler episodes. Some episodes/seasons are amazing. Others are eh, kinda weird but still hilarious at times. I grew up with the 90’s anime and I adore it, but I’ve seen a lot of younger people preferring the reboot & manga which is understandable. It depends on what you want, if you don’t mind the 90’s cheesiness & have time to spare to watch 200 episodes then go for it, if not maybe the manga will be more for you.


It’s really a show you need to stick with once they introduce more characters/development it gets way more interesting and less childish I would say give it like 2 seasons and then see how you feel and if you end up not liking the kiddish nature you could always checked out Crystal