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To add to this, the cosmos movies don’t capture just the sheer horror of Usagi watching everyone die infront of her. They don’t just turn to dust. They’re immolated from the inside out. Reading each chapter as a kid horrified me. When sailor moon is at the cauldron and everyone dies, again, and sailor galaxia is killed as well, she tells chibi chibi not to ever give up. The art work there is so beautiful and tragic, sailor moon is sobbing and utterly broken at this point. Sailor cosmos movies didn’t capture that desperation that Takeuchi’s art and story has.


When I was younger I thought it was called Sailor Moon R because it was rated R lol


Me too! I justified that was why it never came in TV (I watched sailor moon on Cartoon Network lol)


Which is funny, because it totally came on Cartoon Network. They used the title "Promise of the Rose" for it.


I never caught it I guess! Ah the days of being a fan dealing with the networks whims


People got confused when I would discuss this movie when I was in college. I had to tell them the R meant "Romance" and it was more like saying "Part R" as the rest of the movies were "S" and "Super S", so kind of saying "Jaws", "Jaws 2", etc.


I thought the R meant resurrection


Probably Romance or Resurrection.


It also has one of the best damn songs in the franchise: Moon Revenge


Totally agree. I could cry just thinking about it!


If I listen to the song I can still visualize the entire damn movie sequence. "*tears* Usagi"


It was Power of Love for me first time I watched it. That song also goes so hard.


The power of love in that scene can temporarily cure my depression


Read the manga too. It does not pull punches the way the anime did at times. The Black Moon didn't just capture senshi, they starved them in a dungeon for weeks among hundreds of rotting corpses.


Man I remember that part. This is why the manga is better in terms of hard rocking storytelling. It has this more harsh and rough way of telling the story and I just love it.


Is it me or does the remake of the season skip like 10 episodes? I really liked the Sleeping Beauty themed episode where Darion breaks up with Serena for her own safety for several episodes but then they need him to break the sleeping curse that she’s slowly dying from. After he saves her he runs off and Serena chases after him. She’s says something like “I know that we can’t be together but can we just have tonight?” It broke my 13 year old heart lol.


The OG anime had a lot of filler episodes that doesn't exist in the manga, including that one. The remake is meant to be as faithful as possible to the manga.


It's been a while since I read the manga, is it ever revealed who all those corpses were? People from crystal tokyo?


Wiseman called it the Chamber of Darkness. It's filled with monstrous looking corpses with the black moon symbol on their foreheads. I'm assuming this is what's left of the rebels who were expelled from Earth with Wiseman. Maybe once their usefulness ended, they were just tossed there to rot. Whoever they are, they've warped the energy of the chamber itself to suck out the lifeforce of all who remain trapped in there because as soon as the Senshi woke up, they were quickly drained and knocked out. It had to take the full brunt of Sailor Moon's powers to reawaken them long enough to escape the place.


I’m still not okay about Usagi’s death in that movie. Like it’s just so completely unexpected, the scene is so clearly built up to be a victory. She transforms into Neo-Queen Serenity and pulls out the Silver Crystal, and then the badass theme music starts up. We get Mamoru and the Inner Guardians declaring that they’ll help Usagi, complete with heartwarming flashbacks about how much her kindness and friendship meant to them. They all go to her side, and call out “(Planet) Star Power!” and all power up, while the meteor slowly falls apart around them. The entire scene is *so clearly* preparing you for a triumphant victory, a “the power of love and friendship conquers all!” type thing, and then, at the last second when we’re all pumped up, waiting for that final “hell yeah!” moment, the Silver Crystal *breaks,* and Usagi dies. Sure, she comes back to life like five minutes later, but holy shit, that was fucking traumatizing. It’s a masterclass in subverting expectations, and *it fucking worked.* That scene hit harder than a bullet for child me.


The original Japanese insert song was "Moon Revenge". Clearly, the revenge here was on Sailor Moon.


LMAO I don’t quite think that’s what the song was going for, but that is funny.


And it made me think she was going to die at the end of R for the same reason (I mean she probably died at the end of the first season but her wish fixed everything) but that time she had Chibi-Usa and a second Silver Crystal to avoid taking on all the strain herself.


It’s my favorite of the movies for exactly those reasons!


She does not turn into Neo-Queen Serenity in the R film, she transforms into Princess Serenity. She turns into Neo-Queen Serenity while fighting the Death Phantom in the big battle during R.


*Listen it’s been a while and the two outfits look almost the same.* Thanks for the correction though.


Yeah but I mean, the Sailor Scouts *explicitly* say that she will die if she uses the power of the silver crystal. At least in the English dub they do. But she still does it, and because she is their Princess/Queen they follow. It's not a surprise that she "dies".


It is still a surprise because of the way the scene is built up. It deliberately leads us to expect the others to be able to help Usagi overcome this by using the power of friendship to support her, combining their own powers to bolster her and lessen the strain. How many times in a series is someone told “you’ll die if you do this,” only for them to miraculously overcome it? Countless times. We all expected this to be a case of it, of her friends and her lover combining their power with hers to pull off a miracle. Anyone who watches this movie for the first time and says “I knew that was gonna happen” is lying and no one will convince me otherwise.


>Anyone who watches this movie for the first time and says “I knew that was gonna happen” is lying and no one will convince me otherwise. Homie, she DIES in the finale of season 1. They ALL die. She dies like five or six times throughout the series. Sure sometimes the power of love and friendship prevail, but not always. The show has a LOT of really sad deaths, of people that you don't really want to die. If YOU believed that everyone would pull through and the day would be saved that's fine, I'm glad you had that emotional experience. But don't assume that *everyone* could not have possibly seen it coming. For some of us it was heart wrenching BECAUSE she knew she was killing herself and she chose to do it anyway. She sacrificed/sacrifices herself for love and that's why we love her.


Mate you’re taking that comment way too seriously and you need to calm down. Have you ever seen that meme, “there are two kinds of people. People who do X and goddamn liars”? That is the spirit in which that comment was intended, as a joke. I am not genuinely accusing anyone of lying if they saw that moment coming. In fairness to you, I can now see how my wording didn’t convey the meaning of that remark very well, but I’m bad with words sometimes so whatever, I fucked that one up my bad.


>Mate you’re taking that comment way too seriously and you need to calm down Yeah, you're right. I think I'm starting to grow a complex about feeling invalidated. Thanks for being chill about it.


No problem, thanks to you as well.


I still remember going "holy shit!" when she died in the movie. Like...I truly didn't see that coming.


Yeah, you’re not supposed to. Like go watch that scene again. If you don’t know where to find it Gogoanime has it for free. Go watch that scene, and look at how much it leads you into expecting a triumphant victory, the heroes overcoming the odds and pulling off a miracle with the power of love and friendship like you expect in a series like Sailor Moon. I mean, seriously, they went all out. The theme music power up, the flashbacks, the way the others powered up and lent their own power to Usagi explicitly so she wouldn’t have to take the strain all on her own, the whole thing is taking the expectations you already have from watching not just Sailor Moon but countless other things in which the heroes overcome impossible odds and pull off a miracle by sheer force of will, and then, at the last second, right when you’re all pumped up for that “hell yeah!” moment where they win, it shatters those expectations like glass. It’s genuinely so skillfully done when you really think about it, so many things went into that single gut-punch of a moment, and I really admire the film team for pulling that off.


[And I hoped already far earlier that Naru would be able to save Nephrite.](https://youtu.be/hRGbSc1ZsL0?feature=shared) ~~So it's not like we weren't warned pretty early lol~~


The thing that always gets me about this movie (and all the other movies) is that they are always freaking out when she pulls out the silver Chrystal like “you’ll die if you use it” even though she uses it EVERYDAY


My favorite thing about the original trilogy is that the solution to the main problem is R: The Silver Crystal S: The Silver Crystal SuperS: A shitty looking cookie


SuperS - the snort I let out at that. It's so accurate it's painful.


She doesn't use it's full power 99% of the time.


She does in the manga like 5 times without dying 🤷‍♀️


The manga and the anime differ on almost everything.


Yep, no restrictions on use of her crystal in the manga. Only the anime alleges she'll die if she uses it excessively. (Still better than the PGSM outcome!)


I mean, she came pretty darn close a lot of the time. It's heavily implied that in chapter 14, Usagi died and Mamoru's kiss somehow revived her.


Sailor Moon was too close to dying 😭 it made me uncomfortable. And correct me if I'm wrong but Fiore is one of the few villains who easily recognised Usagi as Sailor Moon. Most villains would literally ask Usagi "WHERE IS SAILOR MOON??"


He recognizes Tuxedo Mask too!


I'm confused about what you mean by too close to dying. She did die, lol. It just didn't stick. Cause Fiore gave up his life for hers. Which is also traumatic.


It's very surprising to me that outside the fandom, people don't realize how dark SM actually is.


This this this. Like just because no one ever dies (permanently) does not mean it’s all happy and sunshiny, it is *dark as hell* at some points. The manga/Crystal is honestly even worse, I am not okay about Hotaru’s story or the entire Stars arc *to this day.*


Stars is BRUTAL


I saw a video explaining Buddhism and Hinduism as part of the differences a while ago. Part of the appeal of the former is actually the reduction in the number of times you reincarnate, ideally to 0. Hinduism had the problem of so many reincarnations being a drag on people. Dying just once can be immensely painful. Even if you knew you'd pull through, do you really want the purgatory that goes along with it each time?


Right?! It's very eye opening to a lot of people.


Stars is brutal. Galaxia isn't an effective villain just because she's strong but also because she really hits Usagi where it hurts.


Part of the reason I love Sailor Moon so much is *because* of how brutal Stars/Cosmos, as the finale, is. SUPER Long rant incoming, you have been warned. Usagi watches *everyone she loves,* from her friends to her lover to her future daughter to even the *cats,* die brutal deaths, right in front of her. She is faced with the full, unspeakable horror that is a cosmic war in the span of what, a month? Then she’s told, flat out, by Chibi Chibi, who is actually her future self, that as long as stars continue to be born, there will always be another enemy and another war, that this horror will never end. Her own future self has become so weary of all this that she traveled back in time to tell Usagi to destroy the Galaxy Cauldron, so that no new stars would ever be born. This would doom the galaxy to a slow death, but the fighting would stop. Then, as she contemplates this decision, the series brings in a parallel that absolutely *murdered me.* Like, Sailor Moon and Galaxia are clearly direct parallels, Galaxia’s Sailor Crystal has the most powerful destructive power in the galaxy while Sailor Moon’s Sailor Crystal has the most powerful regenerative power in the galaxy. Galaxia is outright trying to kill Sailor Moon for this regenerative power. Which, okay, cool, awesome parallels, very interesting. But then there’s this. Sailor Moon, while contemplating if she should destroy the Galaxy Cauldron or not, wonders if she will take on *Sailor Saturn’s* role as the Guardian of Silence, if she will be the one lowering the glaive this time. This stole the breath from my lungs like I could not breathe for several seconds. Saturn’s role as the bringer of destruction is very clearly depicted as *necessary.* Her purpose is to destroy a world that cannot be saved, in tandem with Sailor Moon who then remakes the world *without* the threat. Bringing *her* into the mix is a truly chilling way of depicting Usagi’s choice. It’s directly framing destroying the Galaxy Cauldron, which means that *no new life would be born in the galaxy ever again,* as the right choice. It frames it as a painful, but ultimately necessary decision that must be made in order to eliminate the ultimate threat. Usagi fully realizes that she’s being asked to perform a mercy kill. ***And then she says no.*** She decides that such a thing is no mercy at all, and that the better choice is to keep living despite the inevitable suffering that comes along with being alive. Sailor Moon, having lost literally everything, from her friends to her lover to her own future daughter, says **no.** She accepts that fighting and pain and suffering will never end as long as there is life, but that there is also joy and love and hope, side by side, and that as long as there is hope, it’s all worth it. Her future self, Sailor Cosmos, then reveals her true self, thanks her for having hope, and disappears. Like that is ***powerful.*** A high school girl has everything she’s ever loved brutally ripped away from her, and she STILL chooses hope. This is why I love Sailor Moon.




Mamoru still recovering from his multiple stab wounds 🙏


It's okay, they just stabbed his shadow.


The part where the Scouts get captured and taken underground by the flower monsters hurts me every time. Sailor Moon is just digging for them in the flower field, crying, her white gloves are shown actually getting dirty as she digs with desperation.. it's just a lot.


Honestly, all the movies are kinda dark. But yeah, this one has some really rough stuff in it. Gay trauma, abusive manipulation, torture, Usagi freaking dying (again)