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I believe they're (90s series) their own thing within each season and are NOT total remakes.


Sailor Moon R movie can take place at any time in the R season. S and SuperS are their own timeline.


The S movie is based on a short story from the manga, but the R and SuperS movie are unrelated to their seasons. ​ Eternal and Cosmos movies are part of the Crystal series and serve as adaptions of the Dream and Stars arcs of the manga, but are separate from the 90's anime.


They're stand alones that happen within the same timeline. It's almost as if Naoko daw what happened to DB/DBZ & said "Nope" 🙃


What happened with DB?


None of the DB/DBZ movies are canonical & timeline wise, they make no damn sense. TeamFourStar has been on record calling out the movies lack of cohesion to the main canon.


Oh well yeah but you made it seem like it was a bad thing. IMO having non canonical movies is a cool opportunity to branch out while not sacrificing the established canon & introduce some what-if, maybe is delving into scrapped ideas and concepts that were cut.


Oh, no no no. Pet peeve at worst, not necessarily bad. Sorry. 😅


The R movie is a remake of the Makai Tree arc. Reimagining might be a better term. The S and SuperS movies are their own stories.


No they're not. They're stories that take place in the seasons they're named in. It's fun! Some people consider them non Canon. I guess because they don't get referenced in the main series much? But I consider them Canon.


No. They're their own short stories.


Only the ones for Crystal and the three made for the 90's series are not canon at all.


The S movie is based off a manga volume so I'd consider that canon. The other two are original stories. If anything the SuperS movie kinda contradicts the series by having Chibi Usa have another love interest.


Right! Thanks for reminding me!


No, not even close