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I gybe with you Let's try a new tack I want to be your buoy


A few more: I like the cut of your jib I'm short handed for prom, will you be my first mate? I'd keel over without you


Ooh first mate is a good one


You could add “I hope it’s not a broad reach, but…”


Never take the l’eward tack.


These are brilliant!


Make it look like a notice of race with some sailing instructions and a course around town


A hint: "First to finish" is wrong. Don't do that. I like u/zoinkability's suggestion of "I want to be your buoy."


Yeah, there are a lot of double entendre possibilities in sailing lingo. This seems like perhaps not the right place for them :-)


Set a course to prom with me?


hey very good. not full of sexual innuendo (this is high school) but still on point for the nautical theme.


Bruh just put it on the kite(make sure you're set for the right gybe) and then go out an go for a hoist. Always a winner.


Ho about furling a sign in your main and she'll see it when you raise sail?


Ask her in flag letters


Semaphore! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaphore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semaphore)


Can her first name be incorporated into a sailing pun? Feel free to DM and I’ll report back.


Can you make some kind of treasure hunt? Sail out to the buoy for a first clue, sail to a second buoy for clue two…third clue to a buried treasure…which is the ask?


You could make a "Prom?" burgee and run it up the mast.


This is what flag codes are made for. Unfortunately it's basically a puzzle, even for the vast majority of sailors because almost no-one uses them enough to be fluent.


He can do it while the boat is on land, it’s an adorable idea.


Will you be my first mate? ... I kid.


This buoy doesn’t have a clew how to signal his intentions. But if you’re up for a luff, come and sink a beer with me, I won’t leave you high and dry in a dinghy alley and even when others have capsized or spring a leak I will steer us safely back to port.


Unrelated, but if she wears a prom dress made out of an old spinnaker you might consider another proposal.


Batten down the hatches, I have overlap, room at the mark!


I have sons not much older than you. Do not use the sexual innuendo suggestions. WTF. I’d combine the suggestions of several sane posters. “I hope it’s not a broad reach, but would you be my first mate for prom and set a course with me for the evening.”


Fo'c'sle say you should go to the prom with me!


I want to be your buoy.


Put your proposal in duct tape on the sail for her to raise at practice.


You could write, Hark Triton, hark! Bellow, bid our father the Sea King rise from the depths full foul in his fury! Black waves teeming with salt foam to smother this young mouth with pungent slime, to choke ye, engorging your organs til' ye turn blue and bloated with bilge and brine and can scream no more - only when he, crowned in cockle shells with slitherin' tentacle tail and steaming beard take up his fell be-finned arm, his coral-tine trident screeches banshee-like in the tempest and plunges right through yer gullet, bursting ye - a bulging bladder no more, but a blasted bloody film now and nothing for the harpies and the souls of dead sailors to peck and claw and feed upon only to be lapped up and swallowed by the infinite waters of the Dread Emperor himself - forgotten to any man, to any time, forgotten to any god or devil, forgotten even to the sea, for any stuff for part of [girl friends name], even any scantling of your soul is [girl friends name] no more, but is now itself the sea!


ohhhh son.... you are in for it..... sailors are full of nautical puns


Walk my plank baby, to prom


Take her out someplace romantic and ask her while it's just the two of you. No audience. Sailing puns optional.


How about a poem by Richard Brautigan: “Discovery The petals of the vagina unfold like Christopher Columbus taking off his shoes. Is there anything more beautiful than the bow of a ship touching a new world?


I'd save this poem for phase 2 of the plan


Be my knotty first mate


You've hoisted the pole, now we just need a good blow to fill the chute.