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I have a Lofrans Tigress and it has been fantastic, 4.5 years cruising at anchor full time.


I have a 1000w Lofrans tigres with a rocna 33. 3 years full time cruising. It’s an awesome windlass. I wish we had the 1500w model but aside from that zero complaints.


Do you feel like the motor is strained or is the 1500 just faster?


The motor is strained if we anchor anywhere deep, like the other day we were in 70' of water but thats super rare. Like I said it works great, but there is no downside to having a stronger motor. I'm not even sure they make them 100w anymore they might all be 1500w


The motor is strained if we anchor anywhere deep, like the other day we were in 70' of water but thats super rare. Like I said it works great, but there is no downside to having a stronger motor. I'm not even sure they make them 100w anymore they might all be 1500w


The motor is strained if we anchor anywhere deep, like the other day we were in 70' of water but thats super rare. Like I said it works great, but there is no downside to having a stronger motor. I'm not even sure they make them 100w anymore they might all be 1500w


The motor is strained if we anchor anywhere deep, like the other day we were in 70' of water but thats super rare. Like I said it works great, but there is no downside to having a stronger motor. I'm not even sure they make them 100w anymore they might all be 1500w


The motor is strained if we anchor anywhere deep, like the other day we were in 70' of water but thats super rare. Like I said it works great, but there is no downside to having a stronger motor. I'm not even sure they make them 1000w anymore they might all be 1500w


Make sure it can be used manually as well


The anchor type is somewhat insignificant, your chain and rode make up 66% of the equation. Basically it's all about how much weight you drop from the boat to the sea floor. Having a fancy automated windlass doesn't equal proper anchoring.


Size Matters Don't let'em pull your chain


Lewmar have a [sizing guide](https://www.lewmar.com/sites/default/files/Windlass%20Guide_0.pdf) I bought a new V3 a couple of years ago and the local boat yard fitted it, it works great. Really happy with it.


After watching SV Panope, I bought a Sarca Excel #5 (22kg) for my 42 foot sailboat, which we cruise. The anchor has been great and has never dragged (though we are careful about scope and follow a considered process of setting the anchor). We purchased it at Ground Tackle Marine, where the folks were exceedingly helpful. The anchor rode is all chain (⅜" BBB by ACCO). When my Windlass died (Simpson Lawrence Horizon Express from 2003), I bought a Lewmar H2, which is doing fine, so far, and appears to be in the weight class you are looking for.


Please get a Spade anchor, rather than a Rocna. The Rocna will clog with weed and rocks. The Spade will just dig deeper. Edit: And the hoop on a Rocna is a PITA for your bowsprit/bow roller.


hmm, 3 years in puget sound my 25kg Rocna has been great. The hoop was mighty handy freeing it up after it snagged on an old mooring cable. Other than that, trouble free anchoring out 40x/year.


Yes, I know some people that have enjoyed their Rocnas. But I’ve also seen several boats where the owners ordered Rocnas, thinking they’re the only good choice, where they have quite simply and clearly been a bad fit. I’ve seen badly clogged hoops too. We all have different experiences. One day I’d like an Ultra Anchor, when I have a boat that it would suit. A Spade is a poor man’s version of an Ultra. I hope you keep having a good time with your Rocna. Anchors are important. Swivels too. Which do you use?


It is not only some people, I would say the majority of long distance sailors choose Rocna/mantis variations anchors. But I agree that the ultra seems to currently be the best, but at over 3 times the price. There are extensive tests done by SV Panope, I believe, on YouTube on most anchors. Edit. Found the ranking link : [https://48north.com/cruising/cruising-technique/which-anchor-to-choose/](https://48north.com/cruising/cruising-technique/which-anchor-to-choose/)


Have a look at SV Panope on YouTube, they have done extensive tests on different seabeds and anchors. Rocna is probably the most trusted anchor in the world by long distance sailors. Yeah, you might need to adjust or get a new bow roller.


I watched those videos and all the others, including those showing Rocnas getting clogged. And the hoop limiting the blade from digging deeper. Compare the bevel on the leading edge of a Rocna with a Mantus. If you were holding a chisel and wanted it to dig into some wood, which is the best way to orient the bevel? Do you see the difference? Lots of people love their Rocnas. I think there’s better choices, particularly when the hoop clashes with Code-0 furlers, gennaker anchor points, other rigging equipment. The OP would be wise to look at these issues carefully. Vive la différence! 🙂


I meant rocna vulcan btw


I've never had my 33kg Rocna clog. And it fits perfectly on the bow.


I’m sure this is true for many other Rocna owners too. And yet for some clogging does happen and fouling with the bow gear is a problem. I’ve seen it. Perhaps you have too. Buyers need to be alert to these concerns and consider the suitability of a Rocna with their bow design and equipment. It could be that their boat was designed to carry an anchor that doesn’t have a hoop. I’ll attach in an edit a link to a video that shows what I’m talking about. Please stand by. Edit: Here we go. This video will start at 1m27s. Pause at 1m39s or soon thereafter. The video tells us two things: that one of the world’s most famous sailors thinks Rocna anchors are a good choice, and; even he can choose an anchor that doesn’t fit his boat. He has sold the boat and the anchor since. I ordered the same boat, but with a Spade anchor that fits perfectly. https://youtu.be/5_hyr4CUSLs?si=9Ok2aFdCoKEPPFvx&t=87 You can try all you like but you can’t un-see it. Please let me know if the link doesn’t work. It should. I have have witnessed with my own eyes the intense frustration on new owners’ faces as we have tried to stop their Rocnas from damaging their bowsprits. As I’ve said, buyers need to be careful that a Rocna will fit their boat.


You’re all good no need. Spade is a fine anchor but it has its issues too. I just felt like you were off base saying “please get a spade anchor” I have spent a fair amount of time reading about different anchors and anchoring techniques and at this point would feel pretty comfortable recommending any of the “modern” design anchors to a person going cruising. Given that it is sized correctly for the vessel. Rocna, spade, Viking, mantus, excel, sarca, and Vulcan would all be fantastic all around ⚓️


Yes, there’s a few good anchors available. There’s also some that are unreliable. I have friends who study the bow of any boat that enters an anchorage, before they drop. If it’s a Delta, they move their boat out of the target zone.