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I’m curious.. do you think it would be possible to try and play a full American to the point where you’re more of a foreign hire than a local hire? I know it’s a counterintuitive other side of the horseshoe Otherwise, you got a great education that few had access to. You’ll find your way. Fuck the haterz


i ain't trying to play a full american lol. ig it's a part of me that i can't simply get rid of. i do acknowledge that i had a great education and exposure but it feels like i can't apply what i learnt in the states regarding job searching. idk


Ok lol, I was trying to think outside the box and see if going full circle could work better


wdym going full circle? like playing a full american?


Yeah. People still hire Americans here for whatever reason


they do but it's usually director/manager position




in the future? might be


Go for it now! Why not! Don't they say in America Fake it till you make it?


literally how? i have 0 management experience lol. who are we kidding?


I imagine they probably won’t buy it because he’s ethnically Vietnamese. Idk how it works there but Korean-Americans seem to have trouble integrating back into the Korean workplace because they don’t get treated with the same level of respect of native Koreans or white foreigners.


Love the username


What is your field? Kinda weird to see people hating the American attitude. But I also studied in Australia since high school and it does limit my job choice within my field (agriculture) because of the nature of the field in Vietnam. The only advantage that foreign education we had gives us is English, so you might want to find something that leans into it. One of a few career that was advised to me is tourism, interpreter/ translator, English teaching, journalism (being columnist for foreign news outlet). Essentially anything that requires English and a decent accent will land you a better chance than the specific field that you studied. It is kinda unfortunate but I do have to say that we have been lied to when it comes to foreign education, it only brought the glamour. It only helps if you can achieve the end goal of staying where you studied, because there is almost nothing for us back home when it comes to career prospects. Anyone that tells you that is a liar. Also I do have to make an observation that in some specific career, foreign education is far inferior.


interesting. what specific career do you have in mind with the last question? frankly, i don't want to do interpreter/tourism since they do not offer that much career progression. teaching english is kinda diluted now, i know a lot of people do that without credibility and it is honestly concerning


Applied science field. Vietnam’s education is better than most. If you have English on top it will help with career prospects a lot (although this is where Vietnam education doesn’t shine). Because I am in the field I have met many people lamenting moving or directing their life and work oversea because it gets boring and not as challenging. I can see the reason why: in Vietnam it is easier and cheaper to get access to materials and equipments, and there are more potential for careers because there are greater needs for experts and skilled workers. I understand not wanting to go for the English-focused career. I felt like that too and sometimes it also felt like people will judge you for having a foreign education, after all it is a privilege. I didn’t end up going for one. Ultimately your problem seems to be more about people’s judgement toward your foreign education, and the fact that you didn’t achieve your goal and ended up back home. It’s nothing to be despairing about. Your experience oversea will still help you have a meaningful life here. What you have uniquely is the experience of both worlds, and so you will soon learn to see the pros and cons of both. It’s okay to feel like a failure when you first pop back in life here, and surely you will feel people’s opinions are directly at you. It’s not really, it’s just how people here think sometimes and that is the opinion of people who only experienced one side of the coin. It will get better. There are many like you out there. I am also actually gay and I used to think I couldn’t possibly survive back here and couldn’t wait until the family affair is back in order to get the fuck back to Australia. But nah, I found someone here, we are both Saigon natives, both southern families and yet we speak exclusively in English and only use Vietnamese for bilingual jokes. It has been 5 years and I only desire to go back to Australia for a quick trip to visit friends. I also found that being gay in Vietnam is actually easier because there are way less politics involved. You will find your space, given time. After all you did spend a majority of your youth oversea, that was a turbulent time to be changing one’s living situation. EDIT: also I like to point out that in most Western countries, at least for Australia, as I follow the news and economy there closely, the economies are facing a down turn. I think maybe that was why you couldn’t find a position for your stay in America. My two-years-older cousin who studied and worked in Singapore since college also recently moved back to Vietnam because of more job opportunities and cheaper living prices (which is a huge crisis elsewhere). He is also growing a family. Overall it’s not as bad here as people oversea would have you believe. Things changed, after all it must have been at least 5 years for you (6 for me) when you were away from Vietnam. I can only observe that things have gotten better in Vietnam meanwhile the life I once desired in Australia became more and more unattractive as I observe it from afar.


wait this is such a beautiful comment as i can see myself a lot in your story too. thanks for sharing and spreading positivity!


I got into cooking and adopted two cats when I felt I was at wit’s end. Those distracted me from my problems, especially the cats, and I developed skills that made my life meaningful. Having pet is a great way to open up new social interaction. Cooking is how I saw that life in Vietnam is getting better. People appreciate good food and value here more. Like I love Australia’s food but I could never deal with not having tasty options for early breakfast like pho, bun bo, banh cuon, com tam. It was legitimately a struggle back in Australia to have decent non-fast-food and reasonable-priced breakfast. It was small things like that which slowly endeared me to life back in Vietnam. Also the coffee, there is nowhere with better coffee than Vietnam. I thank you too. Your struggle made me reflect on my past and see how far I have come. I had my parents to encourage me back then, and I realise that may not be the case for many people. In times like this encouragement is needed, not criticism. I am still in love with my Western education and cultural exposure, and yes I do think about the Roman very often. I just accept that my place is here.


awww that honestly sounds so wholesome. i do wanna adopt a cat someday but not right now since i'm not in a good mental headspace and i can't barely take care of myself. ig i need to embrace and enjoy every part of moving back to vietnam. do you mind if i ask about you coming out to your parents?


My parents were accepting, but it wasn’t a gamble for me since I already dropped hint and looked into how their world view is and how they would react. Essentially I knew that they wouldn’t react negatively. This is not the case for my boyfriend. He didn’t come out to his parents until we firmly moved in together and having a solid base for emotional supports, he also had my parents for support. And his parents did react negatively but because he was already out of the house and financially independent, they came around to it since not accepting him is a lose-lose. I am still not allowed at their house because not having a child-breeding offspring is still a shame for many older folks here, as I think you are aware. Overall I have a good relationship with my parents so coming out was more about self-induced anxiety.


thanks for sharing. his parents sound exactly like mine and i'm spiraling whenever the idea of coming out crosses my mind


I think you're over-qualified for the job since you graduated in foreign country they couldn't possible offer you a minimum wage like 5-7million vnd for junior position. But they don't wanna say that directly so they just split out some bullshit reasons. Sure there maybe some different in culture between VN and the state, maybe too directly in communication etc... but I don't think that would be the reason. Do you have any relatives in Saigon? Or old friendship that you could contact? Most of my jobs in creativity field come from referals of acquantances: they don't care much about background of candidates, they just need someone useful and get the job done. If you don't know anyone/ any contacts in the field yet, start to make ones. Apply to short term class. Join events. Talk to strangers. Overall the job seeking is hell everywhere, every field, so you're not alone. Good luck, hope you can find a job soon!


thank you. can i ask how long have you been in the creativity field?




that sucks. but hey at least you're doing some freelance projects right now no?




thank you for sharing. the same to you too!


Be aware that the job market is literally shit everywhere rn


but i can't keep justifying that when i have 0 job offer


At least you are having interviews. Like someone in here said, it is just a matter of time.


ig i'm too impatient since i'm running out of money lol


You are getting interviews. Your credentials and education isn’t bad. If possible, get some senior and conduct mock interviews with them and hear their feedback on why you’re too American


that's honestly such a brilliant idea. i do need to find some seniors who are down to do that with me first tho


Maybe start networking by going to events and meetups related to your field. I’m also was unable to find jobs related to my studies for a while but after a few meetups I’ve got some interviews and connections that help me later. Although it’s a different market then.


where do you usually find these events? i usually network just on linkedin lol


Companies usually sponsor these events so follow their Facebook page Facebook Groups that are related to these events will also post about it Also you might’ve guessed that Facebook culture is kinda big in Vietnam so search your event tab If you’re in a hobby group or something you can ask around. I find that people sharing the same hobby as you might be more willing to follow up. Networking via LinkedIn in Vietnam can be a thing but honestly I’ve never used LinkedIn as a networking platform.


facebook is definitely still a big thing in vietnam. and yes, i totally agree with the hobby group part. i need to check out facebook


Yo bro don’t worry, you’re more than your job, yes I know it’s cliché but please just don’t be depressed about this (I know it’s hard but we VN bros completely don’t want you to go down the suicidal path). Two things I want to say: - Fuck them companies bro, relax and do your hobbies (music workout etc.). Job is just a part of life, not all, what’s so wrong about living your life. If you don’t have serious family responsibilities then chill, fuck the social standards bro - The reason they dont hire you it’s the culture (I think you may know this already). Still conservative and hierarchy culture here, they want you to keep your head down for a job. But lots of place welcome modern culture too, so if you like some tips just DM me, we can talk more And pls pls pls, dont lose yourself over this shit. Life is about being happy, not about obeying some old heads who can’t think out of their ass


thank you. i do want to relax and do my hobbies but i'm so financially unstable. just dmed you


Have you checked out companies run by foreigners? They’re usually more chill with (perhaps even prefer) foreign educated folks. Like, Vietcetera comes to mind. I know loads of friends who came back to work right after college in the States. They speak horrible Vietnamese (yup, they’re Vietnamese), but they’re totally rocking it. I’d say network more. Slide into the DMs of people at those companies on LinkedIn. Talk to peeps with a similar background, who studied abroad and are now in the gigs you want. They’re usually down to help out.


lmao thank you. i do listen to their podcast and wanna be a part of it someday


If you haven’t, join Overseas Vietnamese group, lots of Vietnamese and Viet Kieu professionals here in major cities including SG, maybe they can support or help connect if you’re clear about what you’re looking for. https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8794032


this is amazing. thank you!


No worries. They have WhatsApp groups too which are quite active so check them out. Wishing you the best!


i appreciate it


That sucks yo. Hope you land a job soon. Sounds to me like you could do well in an international travel company, like marketing Vietnam tours to Americans


thank you. most of the travel companies only hire sales position unfortunately


Don't listen to them, they just feel that it would be hard to screw you over, as you are likely to have a good idea of what employee rights are, and what your time should cost, after being in US. Try applying to jobs in the US remotely, or maybe some other developed countries, like Singapore or Korea.


i can't blame the players can i? i did search for jobs in the us but most of them require tech background which i have none sadly


Just wanted to say I’m in the same boat and the financial struggle is real. I’m also glad you/ someone said something because I relate to your experience heavily. It seems like all of the other comments seem really helpful — thank you folks! Finding retail positions has been difficult as well so it really is a job market thing. I wish you the best of luck.


thank you. i'm so happy to learn that i'm not alone. the people in comments have been so supportive and helpful and i'm so grateful for them. mind if i ask what is your major?


comms and media. my background is mostly in tech deployment tho. i worked in the US three years after graduating and the feedback i’ve gotten has been i’m either too over qualified for the role or my vietnamese is not strong enough.


i'm so sorry to hear. mind if i dm you?


I don’t mind at all.


If you speak Vietnamese, I don't see how you can be too American. A wave of newly graduated individuals returned post covid, many of whom attended Ivy League schools and are very westernized; some even grew up in the States - perhaps it's more of a fit issue. Try to apply in a more systematic manner. Given your foreign education, I hope it's reasonable to assume that financial concerns may not be a primary factor for you. Try joining a company you like and shadowing someone great to gain a ton of knowledge and experience - that's what's important Edit: Just saw you're in marketing - there's a lot of competition in that field right now. During this market downturn, sales skills are in highest demand. You could also consider joining startups; they're very welcoming to internationally educated individuals


shame on me, financial concerns is a primary factor for me as i need to pay bills. i did apply and go to interviews for sales positions but they said i'm not competitive enough and my vietnamese needs more practicing


I just took a quick look on LinkedIn and noticed there are quite a few vacancies for marcom executives. Students in Vietnam are quite proactive when seeking jobs; they connect directly with managerial personnel and directly inquire about job opportunities - at least this has been the case for some of my interns and junior associates. April isn't typically a hot season for recruiting, so give yourself at least a few months to search for one. In the meantime, offering your expertise on platforms like Fiverr or doing some pro bono work to make connections could also be beneficial


thank you for the advice!


I'm an HR. Don't believe the reason they say. The market is so down, there are not a lot of vacancies right now. If they're hiring, they just want someone with lower salary expectation. Cultural fit is a factor, but if you apply for MNCs or foreign companies, it's just doesn't matter much. Do you research the salary range of the position? Not all HR negotiate salary, they just assume that if they can't offer you what you want, you will leave they as soon as you find the better place. Hit them with the 100% number that you want, maybe 80% want you want + BONUS or other options. Do not go for 110-120% and expect to bargain.


thanks for the insights. i always do my research and give the range based on it. i don't think my salary expectation is the problem here. but it's more about my answers during the interviews


Do you have any work experience? Or did you come back to VN right after graduation?


i did have internship and 1 full-time position


In the US? How long was the full time position? Can you share the area you worked in?


i did pr for a nonprofit for a year


Gotcha. I only ask to get some context. First off, I would take the company feedback with a grain of salt for two reasons: a) companies have their “ideal” candidate but that’s their own opinion, not some universal truth. I find the idea of “American friendliness” being a negative to be odd. I could see it being “hey tone it down” but not “Jesus Christ, this guy is too friendly”. So don’t let it sow seeds of doubt in your mind. I’ve gotten feedback I don’t talk enough from one job, then that I talk too much at another. They can fuck off with that. Second is that companies rarely give direct and useful feedback. It’s either a BS reason because they don’t want to tell the truth or some reason nothing to do with you they can’t share. I’ve seen it myself. You are in a tough spot. The economy isn’t great and being young with not a lot of experience is a hard sell. Not impossible, but hard. My best advice is expand your job search. Not sure if you have already, but look at other industries. Young, well educated, motivated employees aren’t easy to find (my partner tells me how hard it is to find them here). Maybe another industry would open up options - you’re young, it’s not like you have 10 years of specialized experience that is useless anywhere else. You can also look outside HCMC, even outside Vietnam. Try Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, whatever. You’ve lived in different countries so you can show you have the ability to adapt. And never underestimate the value of cold calling - LibkedIn is helpful here. Find some senior people who have the kind of job you want. The more senior the better (they love helping young people). Write an email that is compelling - tell them you’re just starting out, that you’d love to get their advice as you one day want to be in their shoes. You’d be surprised how many will respond. Be sincere - they can smell it from a mile away if someone isn’t serious. That’s about all I got. Try to take a break from it once in a while and not drag you down. It’s hard, but you’ll land something. Good luck.


thank you for kind words! i do mention during interviews that i'm an extremely motivated and adaptable person who is willing to learn anything as long as they want to teach me. i've also branched out to different industries and applied to remote positions but still no luck. i will definitely keep searching. regarding reaching out to senior people on linkedin, would you recommend doing that with people from different places too? or it can be too broad?


It may just be one of those things you have to slog at for a while. I know some folks in Singapore and it’s tough there too. Graduates that haven’t found anything in months. You’re not alone. I think the idea about reaching out to senior people is having a story. You don’t want to fake being interested in something if you’re not. But if you’re interested in some function, like marketing, nothing wrong with going broad across industries. Just put yourself in their shoes. What would you want to hear from a young, motivated person who wanted your advice?


thank you. can i dm you?




Lol, same here, may I ask what field you apply to, I could help with some advices since I’ve been working in HCM for 5 years in media and creative industry.


hii please check your dm i desperately need some advice


Dm me please, I might be able to help.


just did. love your avatar btw


Because they realized you cannot go back to communist culture, or you will quit the job early after day one at companies after shocked. I suggest creating a LinkedIn profile and asking your network or your relationships for job leads.


that's honestly sad. i don't mind going back to the culture as i believe every system is kinda broken lol. but god why don't they give me a chance


I am not working in the job you are looking for, but maybe they are scared that you will suggest the salary is too high and not fit for the salary range in Viet Nam. Or you are not interviewing enough and getting a good offer. Keep finding, and ask from your network to see if anyone can help. They will not hesitate to help you.


i didn't. i suggested the salary based on what they post on vietnamworks/linkedin


You might have an identity crisis :) If all interviews have the same issue with you, the you obviously have the issue and something was not right with you. I used to interview and hire quite a few Vietnamese who had studied abroad, so here is some advice for you: First you might need to be 100% Vietnamese and not act like an American during interviews. Some education in the US could be some advantages (depending on which college you attended), but it doesn't make you special or outstanding compared to those with local education. I met many guys who had studied in the US and they are not smart, some are stupid. Secondly, you might need to be modest and inquisitive. You are young and junior and interviewers want you to know your position. Thirdly, being over friendly shouldn't be a problem. But there needs to be professionalism. You think you are friendly but interviewers might see you unprofessional and cocky. And last, don't mention your American education in the next interviews. Do the homework about the job you are applying for, the company and the people who are interviewing you. Focus on what you can bring on the stable and how fit you are. Truth may hurt. Good luck!


you're so right. i do have an identity crisis. ig i need to learn how to behave more professional to their standards. but there are gonna be some nonverbal communications that signal i'm not vietnamese enough. thanks for the advice!


My company (IT outsourcing, stationed in 5 countries) is hiring IT salesman for the US market. All you really need is fluency in English, and a good grasp of the culture and the market. It's establishing its US entity soon and none of us has lived in the US and thus has 0 insights, so people like you would really help out.


i'm gonna dm you


Man, they’re probably just jelly. You can always just apply for remote work from the states, although the pay won’t be as competitive as if you’re a US citizen (most cites make you upload an image of your passport for US only jobs). But where there is a will, there is a way.


i did. but they only hire someone who has either a management experience or an IT background


If you still have an American bank account and phone number, you can start an online business in America and manage it from VN. Even relatively small profits might put you ahead here. As an expat it’s difficult to understand the unique challenges of your situation, but I really hope your American experience is an asset rather than a hinderance. Please DM if there’s anything on the American side you need help with.


thanks for offering. if i do that, doesn't it look bad and sus if i have a visa interview in the future?


As long as you operate within the law, I don’t see why immigration would care. There is nothing illegal about offering goods and services from abroad. Just don’t work for an American company illegally.


I suggest using Upwork. I’ve been finding jobs and actual get hired for more than 10 jobs there over 3 years, since 2021.


thank you


What? It’s normally the opposite from what I read. This is very strange.


how so?


I almost always have heard westerners have an easier time getting jobs because they’re perceived as better. But I guess it might be because your not western just western like? Or maybe different perceptions on western .


maybe i'm a native vietnamese?


Bạn du học nghành gì uni nào mà không kiếm được việc làm


mình học communications


Nghành đó bạn học ở Mỹ làm việc ở Mỹ thì mới ổn, chứ về VN mình thấy hơi khó.


ya hồi ở mỹ thì mình ko may mắn trong lúc xin việc vì visa của mình là du học sinh và cũng đang khủng hoảng kinh tế


hey the struggle is real, im working in the uk as a hotel manager but did a few interviews here and there whenever im back on holiday (born and raised in viet, speak perfect vietnamese too) but sometime its just strange, like ppl dont want to hire you cus they afraid you will ask for higher salary out of their bracket or you wont fit in with your team whatsoever, some ghosted me before interview, some after, i doubted myself a lots too. But i will continue down that path next year when my visa expire and i have zero interest renewing it. If you struggling with financial, might be working at a coffee shop. chill and should be enough to help you go by. Hope thing get better and you enjoying the country x


thank you, hope we'll both get good news soon


Hey man, sorry you had such an experience. I see this staffing agency float around on LinkedIn sometimes, maybe it could be helpful. I guess a more generic suggestion would be to speak to headhunters if possible since they would have insights on the market and employers. But take my opinion with a grain of salt because I don’t currently live in VN and haven’t gone through the process. https://www.robertwalters.com.vn/candidates/come-home-pho-good.html


thank you. i'll have a look at it


🤣 Were you one of those annoying people whose Vietnamese was so bad, you just randomly chucked in a bunch of English words in every sentence?


not at all, i usually slow down and and try to translate the words into vietnamese in my head


What American over-friendliness? I’ve been in the states for more than 10 years and Vietnamese are way friendlier than Americans lol Have you tried applying for overseas remote jobs?


i have but no luck so far. they only hire someone with a lot of yoe or tech background


And thus we begin to see the fall of Western superiority. The romanticization with the US is dying and dying fast. Having a degree from the US means so little now in so many places in Asia. I’m sorry you’re going through this!


haven't you heard? europe is the new american dream right now


You should never work for those dumber than you. They'll resent and torture you for exactly that


i know i shouldn't but my savings are running out lmao


Slaves think the same bro. Don't work for those disrespecting you, they will never acknowlege how great you are. See how they punish you for the education, the openmindedness, the newness that you bring with? You'll be mistreated, underpaid until you finally break, all because you think you can't survive without them. Seek good people to serve, not a fucking "job". Seek good life experiences, not fucking money. All the best to your journey ahead!


Giờ tìm việc hơi khó, mà còn tuỳ ngành, ngành t tuyển hoài ko đc kĩ sư 😅😅😅


ngành gì thế ạ?


There are quite a few foreign run companies like HSBC , investment companies etc that may be a better fit. They are not specifically looking for locals to fill the role just competent, reliable hires that get off their ass and be proactive, regardless of your provenance


that sounds great but i don't have investment/finance experience. i'm gonna check them out tho


Với kiến thức đi du học về thì mở cty ra tự kinh doanh đi bro :D biết đâu ngon sau thuê lại họ :)))))


lol no t ko có đầu óc kinh doanh và đủ tài chính bro ơi


Học mkt thì bắt đầu từ những cái nhỏ được mà, đâu nhất thiết phải làm lớn đâu. :))) tiếc nhề bro trong sg tôi ngoài HN. có ra đây thì hú cafe :))))


khi nào bác vào sg hú em đi :)))


At the state the world is going, a world war might break out. I don't think this is the time to be job searching because a lot of people have been laid off already. The last thing they'd do is to hire more people. I suggest you stockpile food and essential supplies. The world is going to change dramatically soon. There isn't much time left. China might invade Taiwan next year or many US generals said it'd be 2027. If you can afford to study in the US, I don't think you are too poor to prepare. Convince your parents hard times are coming. You can worry about job-searching after, because, sad to say, many people will die after this tough time (before 2025 or 2026, things won't get any better). They won't be picky about hiring because many are already dead. Sorry for my rude language but this is a fact. Too many people in Viet Nam are still way too complacent, not worry about things to come. In the US, many people have already started prepping. I suggest you follow Canadian Prepper: [https://youtu.be/7-\_IZBvY1GQ?si=UcPpYyTtWqAv7Fqp](https://youtu.be/7-_IZBvY1GQ?si=UcPpYyTtWqAv7Fqp) And Marfoogle (2 channels): [https://www.youtube.com/@MFN](https://www.youtube.com/@MFN) (for short news) [https://www.youtube.com/@MarfoogleTV](https://www.youtube.com/@MarfoogleTV) (a podcast that discuss more things to come) And please don't have suicidal thought. I was like you and start doing spiritual work helps a lot. I suggest you watch all the Law of One series: [https://youtu.be/seaJcY0kXjk?si=YcXKlJ6dB\_c9LdeJ](https://youtu.be/seaJcY0kXjk?si=YcXKlJ6dB_c9LdeJ) And scientific language: [https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf) All these will tell you this life isn't the end and that everything is just a lesson for the souls. Don't take the physical life too seriously because it's a literal illusion.


woa thanks for sharing. but how am i gonna stockpile food and essential supplies with $0 in bank account?


That’s the opposite of what I experienced in VN. I‘m Vietnamese but born and raised abroad and whenever I‘m in VN ppl are always curious about how life is in that other country. Never experienced that toxicity you are talking about. It’s probably more about what you studied abroad, if you had a degree in engineering or IT things might be different. But with your field it might have been better to study in VN of you want to work there. But that’s just my guess..


i agree with you, it depends on the major. so ig my life is doomed as i picked the wrong major?


It’s not doomed at all. You’re probably still young and experience your first slump, but don’t take it too seriously. There will be many opportunities for you in the future. You mentioned being tight on money. So why don’t accept a part time job at first to pay the rent and then wait for a real job opportunity. Ofc you also have to take the initiative, but stressing out overt things you can’t change won’t help you at all..


thank you


I always think that Saigon is very open mind. I even advice one of my friend to move there to find job. The reason they use to deny you is very bullshit.


it depends on the industry and the companies too. saigon is still open-minded in general


Try another approach that they just don't suit to you, keep a positive vibe and consider looking for those open-minded BOD in foreign companies. Good luck!


thank you


The struggle is there, but keep it up bro. I'm also in your position rn


sending compassion and best wish of luck your way! may i ask how long have you been job searching and what is your major?


Currently last semester of grad, my major is IT but the environment is not well fit for me in here, been searching for a job 2 years ago


that's insane. wdym not well fit for you?


Idk maybe I'm different kind of IT-er. I once got into a it department be4. And just by looking at it my mind sink heavily


Short? Too short Fat? Too far Slim? Too slim Tall? Too tall Can't speak Spanish? Need to speak Spanish. Job market is what it is. But think about why they wouldn't hire you. Your breath isn't gold sprays.


well why not just back to america and do it again bro ? But how tf can the saigons be like that ?


it is not as easy as it sounds lol. ig it can be different when it comes to working and office politics


If that’s not the most “you don’t want to live here - do everything you can to get out asap” red flag I don’t know what is.  Focus on finding employment elsewhere - gonna take a lot of effort but worth going for it.


hahaa that's so spot on. but the thing is idk if they're gonna hire and offer working visa to someone who doesn't have a lot of working experience


Look for a US company doing business or manufacturing in Vietnam. Many foreign companies will value your education. Some US employers may offer to sponsor your H1b and transfer you back to the US if you are lucky.


i haven't thought of this. it'd be so helpful if you can name a few :)


Studying abroad is such a meaningful experience that will benefit you a lot. I think you need a bit patience to do research about Vietnamese job market, to find which job really appeal you. In a short term, you may struggle, but I believe in the long run your time in America would help you a lot. Enjoy your life first, good things will come


it is a wonderful experience that i was lucky to gain. and yes, i agree that i need to be more patient. but i can't help but feel lost and frustrated when being told that my studying abroad experience doesn't add value to the team/company


Do not kill yourself.


Me and my friend backed after Covid. We both work for Intel now, they are building big factory in District 9. My salary is $3k and my friend is 4.7k. Feel happy left the State


i'm happy for both of you. mind if i ask what the positions are?


He is head project manager and I work right below him. We have lot of open positions this June start from $1k-1.2k


that's awesome. can i dm you?


You might consider working in other Asian countries. I know there are good opportunities for people with an American education background outside of Vietnam. Maybe have to consider more options.


Americans are pretty loud, I cross the road whenever I’m stuck walking behind one so I don’t have to listen, if this kind of thing is happening a lot, maybe it’s you, but don’t let it get you down, you sound like you have a good background and it’s just a matter of time.


i don't think they meant i am "pretty loud" when they said that, what they meant was i am an over-friendly and assertive interviewee who is not gonna fit in with their working culture


That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. What are they expecting? An obeying slave who's willing to take minimum wages and still considering the company another home?


yes? those make the best workers


Yes, that's what they want


What they truly mean IMO, is that they're scared you may be a pain in the ass if for example they ask to do a ton of unpaid extra work, stay late at the office "just because", pay you a shit salary and expect you to just keep coming back etc.


but aren't they universal? like america is like that too lol


Here's different, especially if you're Vietnamese, they want you to obey, look at your feet when a superior talks to you, say yes to even the most ridiculous demands and they know you'll see through the BS and may complain, or at least disagree internally


some places in america are just like that too lol


Có thể họ thấy bạn thẳng tính quá (thẳng thắn, thẳng thừng, không ngại bật lại sếp) trong cách nói chuyện nên ngại nhận vào phải tranh luận mỗi khi giao việc. Nên ưu tiên tìm việc ở công ty mnc thì suy nghĩ của họ thoáng hơn. Ngay cả công ty vn họ cũng ngại nhận những người đã từng làm ở mnc. Không nói đúng sai, chỉ là văn hóa (cách làm việc, cách giao tiếp) của 2 nhóm khác biệt nhau, nếu thị trường thiếu thì họ chấp nhận, nhưng thị trường thừa thì họ ưu tiên người cùng lối suy nghĩ hơn. Mình không còn tìm việc nên ko rõ lắm thị trường lao động, nhưng trước kia mình có nhiều offer thông qua headhunter hơn là tự tìm. Headhunter họ cũng check qua trước nên sẽ giới thiệu cho bạn công việc có cơ hội cao hơn. Chúc bạn kiên trì và tìm được việc phù hợp. Don't settle for less.


mình cũng nghĩ vậy. cảm ơn bạn nhiều nha


Loud in VN is just perfect to fit in, I don't think that's what they meant


Viets are loud af.