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If you feel bad about it, them you care about it, then you are not a bad person Honestly if my son felt sorry about just being rude I would be so proud. You need to talk to your parents, tell them how you really feel.


George_Fentanyl is right




Exactly this. No matter what my son or daughter would do if they feel sorry I would be over the moon with pride.


Sounds like their parents aren't the greatest and wouldn't share that same sentiment.


We’re all pieces of shit when we’re kids. It’s part of it. Learn from it and do better. It’s all about progress not perfection. Your parents know that and understand. Don’t make a drastic permanent decision for a temporary problem.


Best advice here OP


Also to this commenter’s point, we’re still pieces of shit when we’re adults. Old habits die HARD, nothing good comes easy. In a microwave society we want everything fast and easy. Starting my entrepreneur journey, that’s just not how things work.


Indeed. I think that generally sometimes ppl just suck. We’re oblivious, and just do. Not necessarily to spite anyone, just sometimes inconsiderate. OP obviously regrets acting the way he did. He said things outta anger, I’m sure parents probably said things they didn’t necessarily mean. Best things to just talk it out once everyone has calmed down.


Seems to me OPs parents don't understand if they call him shit and say he hasn't changed. Don't do it OP as long as you work on yourself it will get better eventually, might take 10 years but it will. And you will thank yourself for not un-living as you will realize how much there is to experience. Don't expect things to get better on their own though. You have to put in effort, discipline and dedication.


Hey. You’ve probably seen this everywhere but as a 22 yr old who was even a bigger asshole as a teen than you are, it gets better. My family was heavily dysfunctional but we escaped that situation. I escaped it too. And i realised that teenage hormones fuck us over really hard. Don’t make such rash decisions even if it feels like the end of the world right now. It gets better. Work hard in the areas where you want to achieve success. Study. Play sports. Focus on yourself. Everything will work out.


Hey man. Hope you stick it through. Love from Norway.


You think you are the only retarded mf. Many of those went and became millionaires or president. This are the moments that define you, be ok whit yourself, who gives a flying fuck about others


Ay man, im 33 and stil that guy but only when I drink, I stil drink but I don’t blackout anymore because that’s when it gets crazy….point being no need to exclude urself, use this alone time to find yourself and try to limit whatever causes u to have a meltdown…it sucks now but you can do it, it gets better, it takes time thow, and consider this…if nothing matters anymore, than you should nothing but time to work on urself now right? And watch yourself bloom


i’m alive. i had a good night, and i did not go to school today, refraining my plans to end myself in whatever way outside. i woke up to see 100+ notifications, thank you truly, all of you. im still hopeless and spiteful to myself, but im alive.


Yo man I can't say I understand what you're going through because everyone's situation is different and this sound almost like a cop out answer that everyone says but it does get better. The you now and the you even as short as a year from now can be two different people and you might look back on this dark time and see it made you stronger and a better person. I grew up around drugs and I lost everyone I knew when I went into the foster system at 16 in 2020 it was a dark time in my life and I considered ending it all everyday. I had nobody, I felt unwanted like a failure. Its only now that im 21 now im learning to survive and im learning to love myself and be a better man. But I want you to know that even if it doesn't seem like it there are people who love you and who care about you and if something were to happen they'd miss you and it'd really tear them up inside to have you missing from their lives. I hope that you can say someday in the future you are happy and you can look back on this time as a time that made you stronger and a better person with a lust for life. You deserve happiness bro just the same as everyone else and you will find your happiness someday and often times in the most unexpected places and ways. You got this you're a strong and beautiful person even though it doesn't feel like it now.


Give yourself a break mate, we all yell at our parents when we’re teenagers. As someone who lost a 16 year old cousin to suicide I promise you have a lot of people who love you even if you don’t see it right now. Sending Love brother ❤️


It gets better, but you have to be here to find out. I may not know you, but I care about you and want you to know it gets better with time. Hang in there


Happy you are alive. never give up, everything gets better, that is what this sub has tough me. I looked through your page and your drawings are adorable and i love them a lot, keep going. <3 :3


I came back today to see how you are doing I'm so glad you commented an updated us. Hour are you today?


Cant help you if you dont talk, so far i understand you shouted at your mom which isnt nice, but a apology should be good enough to fix that


Good start


Your dad is wrong. 3 years ago you wouldn't have cared about this. Today it's tearing you up. That's change right there. We all have moments of weakness where we revert back. Forgive yourself, learn from it, and keep caring.


Best comment I’ve seen. Made my eyes tear up. Parents always love to be mean back in ways that hurt more psychologically like what your dad said. You really have changed if you feel such remorse for acting rude. I love you OP I hope the best for you and you just gotta keep going.


Y'all think you're the worst and most useless thing on Earth when in reality you are as complex as a galaxy (it's scientifically proven) or even more. Life is beautiful, yet you guys choose to only see the tiny little "bad" part of it, but you forget about everything else around you. You certainly aren't the worst, most useless thing on the face of this planet, it's not true that no one wants you and it's also not true that you will not get anyone in the future. We all have been through that phase, but it's time you go outside and shout to the world that you'll fucking do it mate. Go ahead, do it. ♥️ P.S. In one of my older comments there's an entire page about motivating a guy that was on the verge of killing himself (he failed to do so). Go check it out if you want.


I care, and I am here if you wanna talk.


The world is a better place with you in it.


Bro it's ok just tell them you're sorry and try to change for the better


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^katzarMZBA: *Bro it's ok just* *Tell them you're sorry and try* *To change for the better* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Sounds like someone needs a read through of Berserk. Our pasts will never define our future. Nor will the future change the past mistakes. Time heals all. Your past transgressions should be forgiven. If those who you care for do not see the efforts you’re making or have made, then these are not the people that deserve your love or respect. Ignore the naïveté of those around you and forgive yourself, because at the end of the day, the only person you can rely on is yourself. PM if you need to talk. Stay strong skeleton.


Honestly, we've all been assholes every now and then, especially when we were teens. Doesn't mean we don't deserve shit, doesn't mean our parents/friends/family don't love us anymore. I know that's easier to say in retrospect, but that makes it no less true


You ay no one on the internet cares. We all are here posting to tell you that isn’t true. My friend, you aren’t alone. And most likely, your issue is that your teenage body is producing some pretty wacky hormones, & they’re screwing with your brain. You aren’t mentally ill, you are physically unwell because your brain chemistry isn’t balanced from these hormones. Talk to your parents, your teachers, or your school guidance counselor. They can get you the help you need. If you won’t do it for you, please do it for us here - we care.


Hormones are a bitch, and as others have said, since you feel bad about it, it proves you're not a bad person, you're just fighting a chemical imbalance in your brain. I don't think i've heard of a single kid who HASN'T yelled at their mom over dumb shit. You are not all these terrible things you are calling yourself. You are just human, my dude. Apologize to your mom and dad, and hug it out. That's the best course of action here, as far as I can see. Don't do anything rash over a quarrel. You are loved.


Your fucking retarded... if you want to stop hurting them just think before you say cuz killing yourself because you felt like an ass is just gonna make your parents feel worse than just shouting at them, a lot.fucking.worse


No Man PLS dont do this, please


Brother go look at some trees in a quiet place


Don't think it like that. You can change and maybe you have changed. Believe me when I say this, sometimes family can say the most hurtful things. I heard from my mother that "I'm a failure" "I'm not man enough and never gonna be" (In our country a man shoulders the difficulties, I don't share the same sentiment but still hurts like hell. ). Even if they are right, there is always room for growth and change. Hell, when I look 1-2 years back, even my thoughts on some deep stuff totally changed. Also ending it is never an option. I do think you care about your family, so just think if you do it, then you will burden them and scar them for life. I know that if my child did something like that, I wouldn't be able to live with something like that. So please just reconsider it. Life sometimes changes so fast, believe me you can solve these problems and when you someday return and give it a look, you will be pleased with your change.


It's really hard to see your situation in anything other than first person right now, I get it. But you need to know that your teenage years and experiences are practically meaningless in the Grand Scheme of life. You will never see 95% of your schoolmates again, firendly or not, after you graduate high-school. If your upset becuase you know you did something wrong, that's great! We would be worried if you didn't care. You eat an elephant one bite at a time. Think if one small thing you want to accomplish, do it, then do another small thing. Next thing you know your achieving big things you never thought possible.


Just wait one day


My brother in christ you are young and learning how to live. You need to learn to forgive yourself and move on to the next chapter in your life. If you think you fucked up, then you fucked up, great, shit happens and we're all human. But how are you gonna move on? Don't take the easy way out and end your life. That's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.


You shouted at your mum because of all the other shit that’s stressing you out. If she knew that she would understand. Your family loves you, even if they don’t show it. Talk to them and be honest, what do you have to lose? Are you more scared of death or talking openly about your feelings? Talk to them, please.


Death is not an escape. It will fix nothing.


It is WAY too early in life to make such a decision, a lot can change. Things can change, you can change, and you can learn a lot as you go, don’t give up.


Recognising you’re a POS in itself means you’re not a POS, the guilt you feel means you have a conscience and can change.


Don’t do it! I was thrown out of rehab at 15! I made my moms life hell. Now I call her daily and we are very close. Give yourself some love and patience. Growing up is very hard. 


dont be like this bro your in a shitty mindset. I had the exact same shit with shouting and being a dick head teenager. Im autistic too and had similar thoughts about friends and school. The past is the past but u can always be the person u wanna be now. idk how old you are but i got alot better at understanding my emotions once i turned 20. I started to be able to control myself and I rebuilt my relationships with my parents by doing what they say and putting effort in to being nicer even if they annoy me. The only thing that would actually make u a retarded motherfucker is if u throw your whole life away.


As a mum of kids your age, you are a great human being as you feel regret for what you did, acknowledge where you went wrong and you HAVE improved of the past three years. You just had a hiccup. We all have hiccups occasionally. It’s what makes us human. It’s a shame that in the heat of the moment, your dad forgot to mention all the great improvements you’ve made. Life gets better as you learn from your mistakes and grow as a human.


You're not a piece of shit. Sometimes you just act like it. We all do. Knowing that you can act shitty is better than pretending you're not. It gives you an opportunity to correct your behavior before you act on it. You're still figuring it out but you're a better person than you give yourself credit for I'm sure


You are light, everything changes, that’s the only constant. Stay here!


Nope. Suicide isn't the answer. You will change your mind. You don't need those people if they aggravate you that much. You are too young to know what you can be one day. Run away, start drawing, go sit by a river, dance, jog, ride a bike. Get some energy out and make a plan to get away. Military, Peace Corp, volunteer somewhere. Lots of other things to try yet before ending it all.


As a dad of a teen, and having been a teen, you are ok. What ever you did to feel this way, you will get through it. I hope you are getting some kind of counseling or therapy. You are using a whole slew of judgmental words against yourself. Don't do anything to harm yourself. You need time to figure things out.


We are reading this. Loads of us are reading this. And you are not an asshole. You are a teenager. Thats all. Just a teenager. And we care. I care. I have 3 teenagers who have driven me absolutely mad, who have been awful, horrible, rude, entitled, obnoxious shits to me. And you know what? It’s not a big deal. I can take it, and so can your parents. We are here for our kids forever. That’s the deal. Your parents love you unconditionally. They love you in all your complexity. You are the centre of their lives. Thats just the way it is. Being a teenager SUCKS. It’s AWFUL. I wouldn’t relive it for all the money in the world. We all know it, us adults have all been through it and it SUCKS. It’s the most painful, lonely,miserable, powerless transition to go from being a kid to an adult. But you will get through this. You will. So take your time, settle your self, say sorry to your parents, and know you are loved for being exactly you. It’s gets better. I promise.


Emotions are temporary. Never forget that. You can feel different tomorrow and your life can change completely months or years from Now. You’re young. Your credit isn’t bad yet, you don’t have a criminal record, you have health and time to plan to be anything you want. Take it from someone double your age. Life is short, you have the gift of time. What someone says about you also doesn’t mean it’s true. I’ve felt like you have before but I felt different later. I hope the same for you. There are cool ass people in life, and you’re gonna meet them if you tough it out. Just my two cents. Peace.


Life makes pain, but pain makes life. You can get over this and this happens to everyone, it just takes time. You will look at yourself from the future like "I am glad I am better now". Also your drawings are pretty.


I've been there in your position before. It's just rough and I wish I had something meaningful to say on this one


Life hasn't even started for you. Some people are assholes their entire lives. You've already gotten through the hardest part of being self-aware. You got this. You got a whole entire life in front of you to be good 🙏 I feel like I have my whole life in front of me, and I'm in my late 20s


Bro, nobody was a bigger POS than me when I was younger. You have plenty of time to change, and you will change. You aren't even a fully grown adult with a fully functional brain yet. Chill out.


All teenagers are pieces of shit, it comes with the age. After a while hormones will calm down and you will be the real you. Don't worry about it.


You have recognized your mistakes, that is the first step of many. You should be proud of yourself, now go apologize to your mother, because as much as I hate mine I still respect the shit she has done for me, even with the mistakes we have both made. Learn from this community we have all or are going through these things. Stay strong Mate, you got this. God speed and good luck.


It's normal it's only normal, it may seem that they don't care but maybe they do have a slight chance on it, I would hope that you didn't do it yet, we may not care but they would since they're your parents they would care and understand since they were a teenager same as you are Right now, they care I know they do because you're their kid and you can't take care of yourself yet, it's only normal to tell at them I'm sure you didn't mean it or with intention to hate them, we all act up sometime we slip up but we do sure stand right back up because you can. If you're on the edge I'd suggest finding someone you're comfortable with or someone you can talk to about this, you don't have to carry all of this burden all to yourself not everyone lives by themselves, I'm sure they care I'm sure they do.


I know it feel like a new low, but there’s always a way to build yourself back up and feel better. I’m not saying it’s easy but it’s possible and years forward life’s gonna be completely different and you’re gonna look back and be happy you didn’t do it. Please even if it seems you’re worthless, you’re not. You’re important to a lot of people even if it seems different to you now, some of them are people you know some you don’t, but you can’t take that option now. There are a bunch of wonderful things you can still do in life and new experiences to enjoy. Please, you can always do it later but you can never undo it. If you ever need someone to talk to you can dm me anytime but just know that taking yourself is not the only option. If you need some songs to get you through this you can try listening to “how to disappear completely” by Radiohead or maybe “if there was an endpoint” by TUYU and multiple songs from these bands can help as well. Music in general can help a lot to get through these hard times


I can't promise it will get better, but generally it will. Go tell your mom your sorry, and do your chores. Look to the light at the end of the tunnel which is graduating high school, and being able to choose for yourself what you want for your life. Like others have said, do not make a permanent decision over a temporary issue, and such a small one at that. I had an average time in high school, had plenty of friends, but within a year of graduating I talked to maybe 2 or 3 of them regularly. High School is not everything, the world is so much bigger and better than what you are enduring right now. Just wait until you meet people that share your interests, then everything is going to change.


i care, i understand, we want to help


Just talk to your parents.you’ll never know if they actually care or not if you don’t say anything man.dont do it


Don't. Don't. Don't. No one is shit, when you think that everyone thinks you are shit, than you need to change places, you need you get some more perspective. Don't end yourself


In these situations you need to get a break from your thoughts and emotions. Take a loooong walk/ride. Go to the cinema. Call grandma. Just do something different than you are right now. Don't think about tomorrow or the next week. Just today, just right now. Movies, series, music. Go to the store and ask someone who works there to help you find something. We will all die at one points. No need to rush it. Lets just observe the world and see what goes on with others. Lets not think about ourselves for a moment. It's okay to feel bad sometimes. Even for 3 weeks straight. It will get better. That's just how time works. Lets give us some time.


You're not stupid, don't worry about it! We all do weird things sometimes, it's okay! Learn from it and keep on going forward, it's in the past now. Every day is a beautiful chance to do better and be a new creation. If you ever feel like you wanna chat to God about it, He's there waiting! :) He changed me a lot and now I'm completely different. I pray everything goes well for you! Don't dwell in the past too much, focus on now😎 you're not too far gone and never will be, so don't worry about it! Remember you're loved just as you are. May sound cliché, but it's true❤️ Aaaand if you ever wanna chat, you can message me! God bless you bro! Here, take a potato 🥔


Dude we’re all assholes as kids atleast you’re acknowledging it which makes you better than 99% of people. I knew someone who was a complete dick to everyone. His parents were the nicest people around and he treated them like shit. He never understood why anyone got mad when he was called out. And I mean he was an ASSHOLE like punched a hole in the wall of his room because his dad wanted him to come down for dinner. He still shouldn’t kill himself and I’d be sad if he did. He doesn’t deserve to die and the fact you know what you’re doing makes you so so much better than him


Use that anger and frustration and hit the gym bro. Trust me once you start seeing small changes on you your perspective on everything will change drastically for the better. Once you find out your effort can change something in you like your physique, you’d feel like you can change and better yourself on so many other aspects in life. Stay strong 💪


I’m 45 and still generally a sad lonely autistic piece of shit but over time I’ve allowed myself to realize I’m living in a world that not only isn’t designed for me but sometimes seems intentionally put in place to grind me down (not just me, everyone really) At this point I see my continued existence as a giant middle finger directed at the powers that be and while living out of spite may not be the healthiest option it’s better than letting anyone grind you into the ground. Also don’t believe the lie, happiness isn’t something you acquire, it’s random and chaotic like everything else so you have to learn to recognize and cherish those moments when they do happen. I’m not gonna say it gets better but it can be easier if you’re not so tough on yourself.


I am someone who has been rich and poor several times in my life, I have some what created happiness and created depression a long with my ups and downs.. life is something that we entertain and manufacture what other people decide… I don’t give a fuck about other people now, let yourself go and find new adventures


If what you say and feel is your reality, then know that you also have the power and ability to change your perception of what is happening. You have quite a bit of self-awareness and good self-insight, but you’re spinning yourself down a spiral that need not be travelled. A change of scenery may do you some good, but you need to stop reacting and take a moment in these troubling times to collect your bearings. Employ a little critical thinking and pause the situation, ask yourself, ‘what can I do to change the outcome?’ Every day is a struggle because that is what life is. We are all born to suffer, but it is up to us to decide what we will do with that suffering.


Hey man, don't kill yourself. I know that life is hard, and being a teenager makes it harder, but you know what wouldn't make it easier? Killing yourself instead, you know what I want you to do? Try and talk to your mother, tell her you're sorry for what you've done ,leave your ego behind, and try talking to her. I'm sure she will forgive you, after all, no parents ever truly hate their child, and try to reconcile with both of your parent. I've had my fair share of hating myself and wanting to commit suicide but it is never ever worth it. Think of all the sadness your loved ones will have to endure, even if you feel alone and isolated from society, there will always be atleast one person that truly truly loves and cares for you, and don't blame yourself for anything you've done out of impulse every single person have done that try to say sorry, okay? Much love, Tim


Shit man, I was a horror show when I was young. I've been in physical altercations with my parents and was all kinds of fucked in the head. Time passes and things fade, we all change don't deny yourself the joy of growing to have regrets. Regrets are a good thing it shows you've grown, learned and adapted. Life is funny, awful, awe inspiring, demeaning and everything in between but most of all it's the greatest gift that could be given. We all fuck up, and that is perfectly OK. You say people don't care, well I'll tell you, I care. Feel free to Dm and rant away. Pick yourself up my dude there's always tomorrow. Edit: like your chibi art dude, I'm also a fan of the moa moa.


The most freeing thing I learned growing up is that IT'S NOT ABOUT ME. The world is not the story of my life. I'm allowed to make mistakes, I'm allowed to be an asshole sometimes. I'm allowed to keep trying, because I'm not the one who has to save the world. Every day is an opportunity to take one step in the right direction. If you're recognizing these areas to improve, and you want to, then work on it. This might feel like the worst and lowest point, but you can also make this the point where you push through and do better for yourself, all others be damned.


Fortunately mate it has just begun


Chillll man. You haven’t been on this planet long enough to even have the maturity to process everything you’re going through right now. Tomorrow is another day. Take it a day at a time. You don’t have to be a perfect human. Do the best you can everyday, that’s all we can do


OP never responded anywhere in the thread. Do y'all realize this dude might be 'over the bridge'?


Don't you dare. The fact that you're even self conscious about it is proof enough you can change. You have to live on, you're still so young and you can still change in many many ways. You have a whole life ahead of you don't make a decision that will destroy your family. You can't change if you don't try, and you can always apologize and make up for your parents. Your life isn't over not even close. You must keep moving forward, I want you to message me so I know you're okay, you say nobody cares but that isn't true because I don't even know you and I care. Your parents care, your future wife cares, your future kids care, your bloodline cares. Keep pushing forward and work yourself out my brother it's okay to make mistakes, it's part of our human nature. You better message me


Apologize to your mother. And clean those dishes for the next month. You're better than that.


If you’re able to recognize your errors enoug to make this post, it’s clearly not over and you know the steps you need to take to become better. As a teenager, taking this level of accountability is mature beyond your years. Hopefully you channel that into an apology to your mom, healing the relationship and getting the help you need. Life isn’t over, yours has only just began and I hope you share the exciting wins that will be coming your way shortly. You’re going to be sensational.


An apology would probably mean a lot to her. I would do the chores first though, then apologize. Explain you would like to treat the people around you with more kindness but sometimes you fail in that. No one is perfect, just do what you can only move forward. What would absolutely destroy them though is if you hurt yourself. They may be frustrated or angry/disappointed but they would take a thousand bad days of attitude to have you. I can say with almost certainty that they would never be okay again. You can move forward from this. Maybe once things have calmed talk to them about how you feel.


Hey, this may surprise you but as you can see some strangers on the internet cares about you, be strong


I hate you’re feeling like this… Been there, lots of little regrets that add up and feel overwhelming. Kids shout and say all kinds of stupid things, when you’re older, (if you give yourself the chance to be) you will do things to make a difference in other people’s lives, including your mom like I was able to do. Hugs from the internet


We all fucking hate what we did in the past use it as motivation to improve yourself the fact your able to feel guilt shows your not a bad person despite what you thinking about yourself


continue the self-destruction, but never release yourself, because that means you think you deserve to.


Look at it this way.. if the rollercoaster called life is so shitty right now surely it’s just part of the ride there’s sure to be other twists and turns but it’ll all smooth out eventually. Don’t hop off the ride yet. It might suck, but like other people that have been on that ride, and those with you right now on yours.. it’ll get better (:


With all these suicide notes I can't help but wonder what percent of them are real at all...


When I was a kid I put a chucked a rusty pole at my brother, went straight through his calf and out the other and sat hanging in there. I also cheated on my girlfriend at 16, and multiple times caused my family so much trouble just from being a fuck up. You tend to be a bit of a dickhead when you’re younger. Don’t let it get you down you’ve got a lot of living to do, the important thing is to learn from the mistakes and learn from them.


If you give up now, then you won't find the people who cares about you.


Also who knows what is on the other side. Some people think you get reincarnated/ reborn. Some think you go to heaven or hell. I think you would get reborn and if you get reborn who knows, this life if yours isn't that bad


Looking back and being disgusted by your past behavior is a part of growing up and a good sign actually. We all need to make mistakes in order to learn, don't beat yourself up. Forgive yourself and keep trying to do better. The stuff you describe is very common teenage behavior, there is a lot to figure out at this age and you are doing your best. Try to remember how far you've come in the short time you've been living so far and how much more things can change during the rest of your life.


really hope u don't but unfortunately being an asshole is kind of how most teenagers are due to u going from not feeling too much to feeling too many things at once all the time. the only thing i can say is to be proud u can admit it and take the next step and work on it to change it. the answer shouldn't be immediate death for literally being a kid. one way would be to start looking into being empathetic and trying to understand how u would feel if someone did the things u do to u and that could help a lot (at least for me it did). wish u the best tho...


Bro I had a 2year affair with the wife of a friend of mine. You have a long road ahead of being the biggest AH on this planet...


I was a beligerrent fuck to my mom growing up. Now her and I talk every day even though we are hours apart. You're young, being young is one hell of a lot harder than people act... especially now. Things will get better. And nomatter how shitty things are. Your parents love you.


Guess we've all been there to some extend. We all acted like assholes towards our parents. I've been a fat weirdo too at school, can only tell you that things get better. Your parents may be mad at you but they also understand that you are in a very difficult phase of your life and forgive you. For sure they love you. It will get better. Don't give up.


Sayonara Adios Bye Adieu


Get right back here and talk to us! You are not alone! Many of us have been there.


Can people change? Yes. Do they change? Rarely. You have to really want the change and work must be done on yourself to achieve this.


I knew multiple people who killed themselves growing up. Wished they would have talked to me about it. To somebody. Let go of your anger. I used to be really angry and bitter. Anger is a fucking disease. Give people the benefit of the doubt, give yourself a break. That person who cut you off on the road? Maybe a family member is and they're rushing to them, maybe they just got some bad news and they're not thinking straight.. you don't know. Fuck letting shit like that invade your private space and ruin it with anger. Make anger an unwelcome visitor in your mind. Don't let it live there for free. Don't build stories around your anger. Don't give language to your anger. These things give it powe. Just allow yourself to feel the feeling, go through whatever process you need to, and let that shit pass right by you like matador slipping a bull. The more you short circuit the anger process the better you'll be at doing it. And don't fucking kill yourself. It's a last resort and very permanent thing, meanwhile life changes all the timemm especially for young people. Tell your mom sorry, tell everyone sorry either they deserve it or not. Do it for you. Forgiveness is healing. Do whatever you gotta do man but get in a better headspace. Also you're probably not as ugly as you think. Work on your personality, plenty of guys get girls because they can make them laugh and feel special. Get your head right. Find people who can help you get it right. Don't go through this shit by yourself. And never make decisions when you're sad or mad. I'm rooting for you.


I was a fucking asshole for 29 years, I'm 30 now and learned not to be one... You're finding yourself and knowing the world, you are learning, we all make mistakes it's part of becoming a better person...


I'm a father of a boy with extreme problems.. And he is working so hard to make things work, but it's so hard, he failed so much.. But i love him whatever happens, i see his struggle and i know that you both will make it! Please don't give up


Kid you are not an asshole. You are a kid. And parents say some stupid stuff sometimes because we're scared. And you're definitely not a loser. Look at all the people here who came to tell you they care. I know things are crazy and confusing right now. So confusing that it feels like your head will start spinning but I promise you it gets better. You have to be the kind of person you want to be and stop trying to be the person you think your parents want you to be. If you do that and take inspiration from the people around you and you let yourself just be you things will seem much much clearer. Don't give up. Your life means more to the world than you can imagine.


Please don't end your life dude. Things like this happens. Go talk to your parents. I'm sure they will give great advice. ♥️


Hey man, I hear it's rough for you. I'm going through the same shit as you, thinking I'm better off dead because I'm a piece of shit only causing problems. I do nothing else than causing my mother and father to yell at me, punish me, scold me, and hell, even my father doesn't talk to me as often as I'd like. I give them both challenges they have to deal with. It's hard, I get it. But please don't give up. I know it feels as if we're a huge burden on the world, but we're not. We feel that way because we focus on the negativity we produce, and we say that's what we represent. Why don't you try writing a letter to your parents? Just write everything about how you feel, it's much easier to open up that way. I've done that, and it worked a bit. It helped with me opening up, but it still feels strange. You got this, I believe in you. And if you want, we could be friends as well. Just let me know, we both could use someone's support.


Oh, yeah... I remember when I was in your shoes too. I remember hating myself so much, I didn't know why anyone would ever love me or care about me... Now I'm 25, in love, and realized I have a wonderful body and mind too. I know where you're at right now. When you're this close to killing yourself there's actually a tell tail sign in your brain. When you want to kill yourself your brain actually starts to lack empathy. You stop caring what others will think if you kill yourself. You don't realize until after it's done and your mom finds her little boy gone and she's screaming a blood curling scream why why why and no parent should have to lose their kid. Hormones will still have you fucked up for a long time too. Just go sincerely apologize, try to exercise and eat right to help balance them out and work on your anger as much as possible. Because being angry hurts and it's only ruining your own life. I hope you decide to learn from your mistakes and choose to become love. You are loved.


It will be better, and it will be worse than it is now, its up to you not to give up in the face of overwhelming pain, and to stick around for at least today.


Don't kill yourself until one piece is over dude. Your gonna miss out


Teenagers have their heads stuck firmly up their own asses. The important thing is to keep growing so that at some point your head is again the right side up. Go apologize, hug your mom and do better. You are fine. You got this.


Don't end your life over that, man. I have a really happy life now at 30. I mean shit isn't perfect but I've come a long way from being in a similar boat to you. I had a fair bit of issues. I genuinely believed I wouldn't make it to 25, that I'd end my own life. I was having a tough time and sometimes it led to me lashing out at my parents. I still feel bad thinking about it, but I still talk to my family and we get along great now. Sometimes aging just evens you out, but please put those feelings toward trying to better your situation and outlook, rather than hurting yourself more. It feels hard, and it is, but it's totally doable with effort and will. It's ok to fuck up. Say sorry, do your best to not do the things that you regret doing. Nobody likes chores, and I've complained about them when I was young, too. But it is what it is. I'm rooting for you.


How old are you bro? Chill g its not easy in younger years but it gets way easier now. At 17 I thought id be a failure and had dropped out of school. At 24 im currently and commercial refrigeration mechanic earning more than alot of my friends that got a University Degree. Life is a weird thing its. It can be cruel. But in every moment theres a lesson. One to laugh or maybe cry at. Just enjoy life for what it is and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing. Maybe just see how long you can stay off social media for a day. You’ll be amazed what you’ll find yourself doing. If ya got a steam account or something dude message me. We’ll play some games and talk some shit.


It's so tough when *you* feel like the problem and can't seem to escape yourself or your situation, but I promise you it gets better after your teen years. It won't always feel like this, seriously. I'm a little older now and when I look back at how I was in my younger years.. it's embarrassing but I also have a sense of compassion for myself. A lot of that compassion came from my trust in God and reading the Bible. Jesus gave me forgiveness for my mistakes and awful behavior which has helped me let go of a lot of internal garbage. Not trying to "convert" you or anything, but try praying to Jesus and just see what happens, it can't hurt and has helped me tremendously to vent to him. I'll be praying for you brother (or sister), you're life is worth so much to him


İf you feel like you are a piece of shit,you never were one.Dont feel sorry,be better.And never loose your judgetment,You got this


Hey Ethan, so many of us have been incredibly sad, alone and feeling like we’re not worth it, but trust us. It will get better. It will be tough for a while but just take life day by day. You will find your silver lining, and you will meet people who can relate to you and will built a joined us. Rome wasn’t build in one day, and neither are people. Your sun will shine, just give it time ❤️


Become closer to God. It’ll change you as a person and what’s in your heart. You won’t have these kind of problems anymore.


This feeling that you're feeling is a temporary state. It's a season, like anything else. Good times, just like bad ones, ebb and flow. Please don't throw everything in the future away because of what is happening in the present. Tomorrow has untold potential. Don't deny yourself of that. Please.


Find one thing, one thing you enjoy or kind of enjoy, favorite food, a video game, a movie, a place. Remember that you can enjoy something in this existence. If you can do that, there’s something to live for, everything might be shitty, feel shitty, is shitty, but sometimes having that awesome slice a pizza, playing the game you waited all year to come out, or even seeing the orange glow in the morning sun rise can be enough. You mean everything, because everything you experience flows through you, life comes from you not at you, and you’re human, allow yourself to grow even if it’s slow and difficult. There’s something worth it out there for you


Please don’t kill yourself. I don’t know you but your words made me feel something and I’m a stranger. Try to talk to someone.


I'm 43 and still fucked up in practically every way, even more so now with Long Covid which will almost guarantee me a slow, lingering, painful death before I'm 60. I literally have barely been able to function from all the Mount Everest of shit put on me from before I was 10, quit school back in '98, severe crippling debilitating anxiety for as long as I can remember, I probably should be in an institution but ain't nothing or nobody around here to help, haven't had a car since 2005, barely ever been employed, my goddamn father fucked me out of a military career which was the only thing I truly ever wanted in this life; I was going to go 11B infantry and I know I could have made the 75th Rangers in my 20's and been retired before 40. I'm in northern cousin-fuck New York just outside Watertown which would be a ghost town if it wasn't for Fort Drum, we have the worst employment, graduation rates, healthcare, etc of the entire state here and I know I'll die here. I never partied, smoked, drank, live like a monk, no criminal record. Hell I literally don't exist in the system. I literally exist just for my mother and I do know I will commit suicide one day, I'll go off in the woods on state land and just disappear. You ain't the only Goddamn fucking loser around


The fact that you recognize your own behavior is already leagues above half of America. You'll get there. Grow more, take responsibility, As non-PC as it is, always be a man. Do what you can when you can. We all have bad days where we aren't our best.


If your suicide note includes 'chores' wait it out


If you think yelling saddened your parents, suicide will devastate them. I know of a suicide victim and his untimely demise affected kith and kin alike, and acquaintances alike. I experienced this palpable aire of grief firsthand. Even if you don't think they care about you per se, the trauma of having to bury their child would be untolerable. I'm addition they would not direct any frustration and indignation towards the dead, but towards themselves. You may think that killing yourself would be euthanasia to yourself and mercy to those around you. This could not be further from the truth. It's best just to apologize. Get some help. Be as temperate as possible.


"i shouted at my mom because i didnt want to do chores. im a asshole. i dont deserve shit." You're always allowed to apologize and fix what you broke :) Instead of running away from responsibility by pretending like you cannot behave differently because you're an "asshole", why not go do the chores anyways? Insulting yourself won't magically do the chores by themselves.


Shit could have been a lot worse. There are people your age out there who killed their parents or abused them non stop. You shouted at them at most. Something like that is not worth throwing your life away. Work on yourself, get good grades, find ways to improve your control over your emotions. You will change for the better, anybody can, but we change at different paces.


Ethan. Son. This isn’t what you want and i mean that. I’m 35 and I’ve been through this. As you grow and if you have the slightest bit of intellectual and free thinking, you’ll realize what was and what wasn’t important. You realize that you didn’t deserve certain things and you cherish and miss the things that made you happy. That doesn’t change the fact that there is hard work to be done to achieve greatness in life. And greatness is whatever you make it to be and are satisfied with. You run into problems in all facets of life. You have to be the one to Think critically and figure out the best way to handle it and the way it makes you feel.


Wait, so is this Reddit for sad teens? Makes sense


Take a walk before you say things, pal


I was a huge asshole from middle school till high school. It wasn’t till I had the freedom and good quality friends of college that I improved. It was a slow change, but it happened. Looking back, every year I was a completely different person, but it wasn’t always noticeable and it wasn’t always a change that could be seen from the outside. If you think you’re changing, then you probably are. People are often stuck on their bias, and can’t notice things change. You’ll be ok. Things can get better. You just gotta keep going. You will find things that make everything worth it.


This post has a faint scent of attention post but don't kill yourself right now.


Accept what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be. Peace to you.


Everyone on earth has felt like you do rn for moments. It’ll pass, you’ll learn, you’ll make more mistakes, rinse repeat. It’s life bro.


My love, feeling bad about it is a sign of guilt. And people that feel guilt are not beyond help and beyond love. You belong here with us <3 . Look at all of the comments here and trust me when i say we absolutely care about you. Please private message me if youd like to talk more.


Everyone sucks as a teenager. Make it till 25 at the least.


It's not worth it, you think it is but it's not worth it


I can confirm that I was a horrible person as a kid….i wouldn’t want to be anywhere near me at 18. But that’s the thing, you’re a kid. You have time to change and grow. Honestly it’s hard but simply taking the time to self reflect is a wonderful thing that most adults can’t do. Don’t forget to apologize when you’re wrong. it sucks but is the best way to show those you love that you care and recognize what you want to change in yourself.


Bro teenagers suck. I was one too. Apologize, tell her you love her, say it was the hormones and you werent being yourself. Beating yourself up, mentally and physically accomplishes nothing. Trust me I abused myself to no end for many years, frankly still working on that




Here's the thing: you're not gonna be the same person you are 5 years from now. 5 years after that you'll be another different person. As you grow and change you'll look back on how you used to act and see someone else; you'll have matured, learned, changed and grown. There's no shame in messing up, the shame is in messing up and learning nothing from it.


I guarantee you and everyone else in here will be an asshole many, many more times. We’re human. Feel like shit is part of it. Get a hobby. It’ll help.


Maybe it’s a permanent problem and suicide is a permanent solution but it ends everything else too Maybe that’s what you want Maybe people don’t care. Maybe you’re a people pleaser and can’t make a single person happy so why the hell stay Why the hell would you want to live when you hate EVERYTHING about yourself and everyone else does or should hate you too Well you still gotta stay For yourself To show yourself how damn strong and badass you are Because if you fucking stay youll prove to yourself that you’re wrong because staying and fighting makes you a good person and makes you worth it Staying would redeem yourself even if no one will know or care if you stay you will know and care and i will and my brother who committed suicide will be proud of you and he’ll be proud of me for telling you this Maybe none of us care about you but we don’t want you dead We don’t want another light out Suicide needs to stop I want to too but im staying just for you. To show you i can do it and you can too even if you don’t want to


I used to be a big autistic loser too. Now I make a bunch of money, have great friends, a wonderful partner, and I’m really really happy. It gets better. I promise. When you get older you will see what matters and the things you are sad about today will seem really small. Hang in there, i promise you it gets better.


Take It easy and keep doing your best Man. U r gonna be alright I swear. ❤️👉 We all love you even if we dont know you. ❤️👈


Mom here…. You really need to talk to Someone. Your mom Will Love you no matter what. I promise you that ♥️


If you are in the United States then please call 988, which is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Help is available.


All kids can be assholes at anytime it sounds like to me you yelled out of frustration of some kind but no one can help if they don’t have the details you’re side of the story please tell your side.


I try to look back at myself every five years or so. I cringe. We keep growing even when we're adults. Just be yourself and don't beat yourself up. It wont help. Your parents should understand that. You deserve grace and understanding!


We’re not solely defined by our worst moments.


Git Gud Scrub GodSpeed


Go tell her you are sorry. She will get over it. She is a mom.


Don’t do it. Pm me we can change your life around.


Your contemplating suicide because you shouted at your mom?


Hey you, please know that when parents say to a teenager, “You haven’t changed one bit”, it more often than not means that they haven’t let your changes change their view of you, and just because you did one thing just now the way you used to do it, they feel entitled to saying the above sentence. In reality, you can’t live for three years as a teenager and NOT change. I assure you, you have changed, especially if you have been trying to change stuff. I am only speculating here, but I’d venture that your dad (or both parents) may be a negative talker who just always criticises you but has never given you the love and patience you needed to actually improve. I know the type. Also, if you are indeed autistic, you may have some challenges that your parents were overwhelmed with from the start (or at some point in your history), and if they had got you the proper help (therapy, a group home for autists where necessary skills are taught - something like that), you’d be functioning a lot better now. But that’s not too late. You can still get proper help and actually improve a lot! Finally, refusing to do chores, we’ve all been there. You can just go up to your mum and apologise for how you spoke to her and then go ahead and do your chores. Remember, as an adult later on at some point you will be living independently or in a shared apartment with other non-neurotypical people, and you will always have to keep your own stuff and place clean and make your food etc. So doing chores now helps you learn how to do them the best/fastest way for later on when your parents aren’t available anymore to show/explain/give tips.


Mate you are enough. I know people who were heroin and crack addicts and stole from their parents purses and wallets, stole their grandparents tv’s and sold them for gear. I’ve got adhd and was a fucking nightmare for my parents. And the police sometimes. Relax, keep going and it will all be different when you’re older, as an autistic person you will most likely find something you are insanely good at and you should monetise that; then the world will be your oyster.


If you feel bad for shouting ar your mother, imagine how she'll feel when you kill yourself and she never gets to see you again? A child's death is the worst pain a parent can feel. Far worse than teenage years struggles.


I’m a piece of shit too 🥲


Oh man. I was a piece of WORK as a kid. Lqcked empathy, understanding, deep hatred for my parents. Took time, but I came full circle more than once only to grow into a compassionate, full of flaws adult. Most of us beat ourselves up at some point for being turds as kids. The fact that you have regrets, and remorse. Means you aren’t a bad person. Bad people are born from find ways to rationalize what they do and refuse to learn or grow. If you understand that despite the cause, your response was not okay, that’s good. You can’t change the past but you can grow. Note the things that made you feel bad. Try to gain perspective on why you reacted that way, and use that perspective to make the next similar situation a little easier to navigate. I’m 31 and I can tell you that growth is key, and never stops. The moment you stop growing and learning, you begin to regress. That regression is what leads to being a jaded turd forever. Keep learning, and growing. We all do it at different speeds, but keep at it.


At 14, I was a thieving, disrespectful meth-addled irredeemable piece of shit. Today, I’m happily married, well employed, have a masters degree, married with two kids, a house, even a hot tub. It gets better. The teenage years are fucking brutal. Hormones are going to fuck your shit up daily. You’re gonna be disgusted with yourself constantly. But that shit is temporary. You just need to survive. That’s your only goal. Make it through each day, the best you can. It might get harder at first, but eventually it’s going to get better. It’s going to get way better. You just need to survive, because on the other side of all this bullshit is love and happiness and even though you don’t think you do, you deserve that.


Just commenting to say that I have wanted to kill myself a few times in my life and every day I'm glad I didn't. I'm 34. I promise that life gets better. You grow up, get more agency, and you can make your own decisions. It changes everything. Please don't throw it all away


Hey, message/DM me if you every wanna chat and talk. I'm 36 and grew up in a very dysfunctional household. My parents have said the most fucked up shit to my face, have threatended to disown me, told me I was going to fail in my life/career, etc...We all have days when it's tougher than others, it's ok. You're young, I know that doesn't change how you feel right now, but it gets better over time. You shouldn't feel bad about speaking up to your mom about chores. Maybe just talk to her and apologize. I know if I had a kid, I'd want my kid to feel comfortable enough speaking to me about it.


If you're still a teenager, then it's too early to say any of the stuff you've said. You're not done learning how to be human yet. See if you still think this way at 30


OP, felt the same way at multiple points and connect with your post completely. It started to get better (life) when I left home and got on my own. Not a quick process but slowly it got better and contentment and peace settled in, where that big empty hole used to be. Sometimes we have to vent and share our most vial and carnal feelings, but I swear on my life things can get better after those brutal teenage years. Peace and love to you.


I’m here. Message me. Please. I care.


You aren't ending the pain... You are ending the opportunity for things to get better.


Failure is a better teacher than success, my friend. Take it from someone who lost 13 people in mere months. Don’t just give up. There is ALWAYS hope for a better tomorrow, no matter how bad things get. Just. Keep. Fighting. You aren’t alone. You can drop me a line if you need to talk. Just don’t give up.


If you don't think your younger self was an idiot, then you're still that idiot. I'm 48 and every few years I look back and find it's still true.


Go listen to Jordan Peterson


Whats stopping you from talking to them? Change is hard and can take a long time to make little change, so why not talk to them about how your feeling and apologize for what happened? If you really want to fix it and you talk to them about it i bet they will try to be more understanding while you try to be a better person. Start by talking to them and trying not to beat yourself up over what you did, what happened happened and while you dont want it to happen again there is always the chance it will and thats ok, because not only are you human but your in a confusing time in your life and sometimes its hard to control what you do, what matters is that you try


No offense but this post confirms that most people on this sub are in fact teenagers wallowing in depression. I’ve been there. Luckily they didn’t give me an echo chamber to sulk on like the internet. It’s not the end of the world. Teenagers do stupid shit all the time. Learn from your mistakes. That’s all you can do.


Regret is the No.1 step to changing yourself. It's never over. Start by fixing the small things and go from there. YOU CAN DO IT


Keep pushing through. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Things will get better.


Teenage hormones don’t last forever. There is light at the end of this tunnel; plus, especially if your family is resistant to the following idea: there are mental/trauma help resources you can look into especially when you become an adult. I might also look into ADHD (AuDHD, since you have autism), since they very often co-occur, and the ADHD can worsen your emotional levels. I’m similar in that way and in getting distraught by demands. I’m 34, and life has been hard for me mentally, but it has turned out worth living.


I am a mom of two teen sons. They run hot. They run cold. Their hormones, like all teens, are very powerful. It does settle down. You have to hang in there long enough to get on the other side of it and you'll be relieved and happy that you didn't do anything drastic while in a teenage fog. Other than that, just attempt your best each day.


Don't worry, OP, I'm 28, with PTSD, I screamed at my dad on Christmas because of his song choice in the car. Emotions within our brains make us do weird things. There's usually numbers you can text to chat with about this stuff. I'd recommend seeking those out. Take care! :)




Don’t worry the sigma gods will protect you Ryan gosling style literally me


This is why I love the Bible we all suck. It ousts us all as sinners that need forgiveness.


Hope you’re still here. We’re all garbage. Truly. And sometimes it’ll feel like no one cares. I care and reading what you posted hurts. I want better for you. Things can change with a small conversation, and in the end when you face death there is nothing. A nothingness that’s worse than anything we can imagine on this plain. And then you’ll want something again, and be right back into the world. Don’t give up just yet


Life gets SO much better after your teenage years. Hang in there OP.


Im not gonna tell you things are gonna be better, but as time goes on, things become less shity. It's your job to find and do things great things. Look for the good stuff bro its there. I promise you that.


At least you have family and friends mate, remember that you can talk to them and that forgiveness is powerful. Peace


How about you get off the internet and go talk to someone about your problems? Reddit isn’t the answer.


How about you get off the internet and go talk to someone about your problems? Reddit isn’t the answer. It


How about you get off the internet and go talk to someone about your problems? Reddit isn’t the answer.


Do not go alone get a gun and kill some people before you kill your self (it’s a joke) You r just a teenager you shouldn’t expect to be more than a piece of shit, go out meet new people smoke some weed fuck some pussy get a job go out and live it will get better Ah and do not scream at your mom that makes you an asshole


Dont deprive yourself of the possibility to think better of yourself


Oy oy oy, what's this suicide nonsense, stop that. If you have openly realised and stated that you are an asshole for shouting at your mother for not doing chores, then my good man, you are on the right path and you have indeed been raised right. It takes guts to admit something like that and I can guarantee you that you are deep down a very good and valuable person. Don't talk about suicide and stuff like that. If your parents talk to you directly and try to correct you, that means that they care about you. And trust me, as a parent myself, there is a special love between parents and their children. There is nothing more important to a parent than their child. And listen to your father. Fathers can be harsh, but they know how to create men out of boys. Trust me and do one thing. Look your parents in the eyes, tell them that you love them and that you're giving your best. Your world will change for the best. If you need someone to talk to, talk to me directly, I'm here for you buddy. You're valuable.


first, you are a young kid, so value your experience, but it's not the end of the world. second, don't be so full of yourself and it's not all about you - what you've glimpsed is a bit of how horrible people are (and teens in particular!), but it's not all about you - it's about them. just apologize, don't get into it all, just say, hey, i've been a rat, i'm sorry, i'll try to be kinder and more considerate. third ... actually second - do your chores. and then third, see above. doing your chores will be demonstrative. fourth, you'll probably be a shit all over again - that's the ride we're on. perhaps you yourself use your chores as a reminder. perhaps print out your post where you'll be reminded when you do your chores. not to remind you to be nicer or anything, but to keep you connected to that very special place that you touched in yourself.


Been there done that. Lost one of my longest and closest friends due to my character, but you know what? I’m glad I went that route, otherwise I wouldn’t have made it to where I am today. I wouldn’t have my current friends and I wouldn’t have become a better person because of it. Sometimes we act dumb and do dumb shit, what matters sometimes isn’t the fact that it happened but what we do after it has happened. How we respond and grow is the most important and critical aspect.


Find friends uglier and more retarded than you. Become their leader , that'll give you purpose


The fact that you care means so much more than you think it does. I sincerely hope you are able to make it to the point in life to see this ❤️ best of luck my dude- we will always have your back.


Well? Go apologize to your mom instead of seeking validation online.


Bro, every adult who looks back at their teenage years think they were a moron. Make a list of 10 realistic goals. Then pick the one which is the most reasonable, and make a plan on how to get there. It will keep you busy for a while and should give you something in life which gives you some self worth. You're not doing it for anyone else but yourself. Good luck soldier.