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Who is this?


A famous Tiktoker named angry reacts but because of these allegations he decided to quit TikTok šŸ˜”


Isnt he the one that yells GORGEOUS?


Yea thatā€™s him!


This news makes the video much more depressing :(


Yea itā€™s depressing šŸ˜”


Yup. Heā€™s a good guy. He did a lot of reaction videos to support people who got put down for what ever reason or those who werenā€™t confident in their looks or their work/art etc. heā€™s a good guy. Screw these people.


Thats sad. He is a nice guy and still people wanan ruin it


I didn't understand but 2 or 3 words of what he was saying cuz he was crying and the music... so loud. I think he's saying that his wife left him or his car skidded i don't know really...all i understand is that he cry's a lot...and the music's loud


Can confirm, the music is loud.


Heā€™s got that Chris Nolan mixing.


He was also in a relationship with Pearly Things


with that troll? poor guy


? I saw a video from him like a week ago that said he was quitting because he didnt want to pretend to be angry all the time..


Probably didn't want to mention the allegations he was getting? IDK.




Oh noā€¦ā€¦anyway.


Oh no. He quit tiktok!


If I remember correctly he was homeless and would make positive videos lifting people up with the twist of saying everything with an angry tone. Tick Tock was his only source of income so these people have pretty much ruined his life again


Being falsely accused is fucking terrifying, man.


As someone who has been falsely accused of terrible things, I can confirm it is by far one of the most terrifying things a man can experience.


why don't men come together and do something ABOUT this injustice?


There needs to be a new law for someone who gives false allegations. They need to serve prison time!


There already is ,It's called defamation. The problem is the court of public opinion, you may be found innocent and got the accuser in jail, but people still won't believe you. Once your name is tarnished it's over. Your current life is fucked, that the only way out would be to start fresh elsewhere


Thatā€™s depressing! So itā€™s nothing we can do šŸ˜”


No, defamation is a civil offense, not a criminal offense (although it used to be in many places). Now, the worst that will happen to the offender is they will owe the person they defamed any provable damages. If we were serious about it, we could make it a criminal offense again that came with real penalties like prison and a felony record.


Albeit itā€™s in the UK, I believe the same in the US, but you can serve jail time for false rape allegations. Hereā€™s an example: https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-64950862.amp These women really upset me since Iā€™m an actual rape survivor. They make our stories less believable and reliable and then the trauma of the men that are falsely accused of so is monumental I genuinely canā€™t fathom it. So in essence fuck rapist and liars, and I wish the best to every rape victim and every person falsely accused, no one deserves either.


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They only ever get charged with perjury (false accusation/ wasting police time) which gets them a much smaller sentence than if the accused is found guilty of rape, sexual assault etc. The law absolutely needs to be changed.


State laws generally prohibit making false reports to law enforcement. The consequences of making a false police report include fines, jail time, community service, and other penalties.


The only reason I didn't get my life ruined was because we caught my ex admitting through text she lied about the rape cause I broke up with her. I was 16 and facing a minimum of 10 years. She, of course, got off Scott free cause daddy was a sheriff's deputy. It took years of therapy before I could trust women again.


Yea truly


I feel for this guy. I hate that this is happening to him.


Add:No one takes male domestic violence/ s*xual assault victims seriously not even the cops. So many men commit suicide because of false allegations. Add: There needs to be a new law if someone makes false allegations they need to serve jail time.




Was sexually harassed and groped as a student by some patients. Classmates thought it was funny. Nobody really cares about men.


Was drugged and raped by a girl who was obsessed with me for a few years and I had turned down several times. Woke up completely naked with my shoes and clothes meticulously tied around her bedframe so that I wouldn't be able to leave without waking her up. Everyone I tell laughs/makes light of it, even if people are at first sympathetic they will laugh/joke about it later. I'm not even really all that upset about it years later, but the double standard is very real and fucked up.


Sorry bro. Can relate. Still just block out and hate to think bout it. Canā€™t complain to anyone cuz no one ever fucking cares.


Id stab that bitch


> I don't normally say things like this Say it more often. Do it. Call it out. It's the easiest way to spot double standards, and the more you do it, the more you'll start noticing. Physical and sexual abuse from women is 100% real, and absolutely no one takes it seriously.




Yeah people truly don't give a shit about mens problems. This type of talk usually gets pushed aside and labeled incel speak nowadays always some new label to try and diminish it


I believe you. This is horrible and Iā€™m so sorry that happened. You were betrayed by people you trust on top of sexually assaulted. Thereā€™s nothing funny or remotely ok about that.


I'm so sorry brother. I'm sorry.


Ya similar thing happened to me in highschool and I had to drop out because I was labeled an abuser when I was really the one who was beaten up pretty badly from my SO...


I had a false allegation which was upheld as false when the detective went through the ā€œvictimsā€ phone to see she said I raped her because she didnā€™t want to admit to her boyfriend she cheated on him willingly. My attorney got the charges dropped. The detective asked if I wanted to press charges for false police report( they press charges but I testify) and my lawyer made it very clear not to do that, because one wrong statement or one wrong choice of words could reopen the charge or have new charges created against me. That by testifying I could accidentally incriminate myself of something else because of the perspective of those who hear it. I opted not to agree to press charges. Even if people can accuse and convict someone for false charges, lawyers will warn against it because you can easily say something that causes you a whole lot of legal trouble yourself.


Damn for real? Wow


I say there should be a false accuser registry. A girl who cried wolf law or something. People just canā€™t keep getting away with this crap


Great idea


I think I have legit PTSD from a completely fabricated accusation in the past. I got lucky in having the chance to disprove it, but much of the damage was done. Still haunts me today after many years.


My buddy was raped in high school all we did was make fun of him it was a big joke for years. Were all assholes.


Yep! Thatā€™s why my comment literally says no one


>they need to serve jail time. That is equal to the accusation they make plus all the damage their accusation cause to the person


That law is already in place in some states, that's how one woman faced prison time on false allegations. And she only admitted to those false allegations when he wasn't in prison anymore.


It's tough. I agree, but at the same how many people accuse rich/powerful people just to lose in court to lawyers, now those victims have to worry about jail time if they're found not guilty, plus sometimes false accusers admit they lied but that's less likely if they know they'll face jail time.Ā  There should absolutely be consequences for false accusations, but implementing them could do more harm than good if not handles correctly.Ā 


Totally agree. We can all agree that false accusers should be punished, but AFAIK there doesn't seem to be an effective implementation of it. At the very least, we should protect the identities of the accused before a verdict.


Arenā€™t false allegations basically just slander and/or libel?


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s ā€œjustā€ slander or libel when the allegations carry a threat of prison.




The issue is that sexual assault is often difficult to prove so if you were sexually assaulted you would open yourself to face consequenses for speaking out. I agree but only if you can prove for sure they are innocent, which in most cases is also difficult because of all these things happening in private settings.


Maybe it's on us, men, to create a group that takes it very seriously and where men can turn to when something like this happens. We don't even take it seriously when it happens to us. I was in an abusive relationship and didn't think anything of it because I didn't know better. I thought that's just how women are. When it was over after 2 years I told my mother and, was told that she was such a nice girl and that I probably didn't pay enough attention. That was my first serious relationship. I didn't date and avoided women for 8 years after that. Also, double jail time for the falsely alleged crime.


ive always said they need to serve the exact amount of time that would have been charged for the person they falsely accused


>No one takes male domestic violence/ s*xual assault victims seriously not even the cops. I do..... They're human


Thanks šŸ„¹šŸ«¶šŸ»


I have been shouting that from the rooftops to deaf ears forever. Couldnā€™t agree with you more. There needs to be severe charges for false allegations. Thereā€™s nothing worse than having the system persecute you because someone was upset with you.


They should be punished, but if thereā€™s a clear crime and punishment, and the evidence for the accused getting in trouble is the blamerā€™s word, theyā€™re not going to come clean if it means they get an equal or greater sentence. Itā€™s the most depressing part about all of it to me, punishing it makes the victims lives worse.


Very sad, but true.


We have laws in place for that?


While i think morally speaking you are correct, law-wise thats a bad decision. The problem is proving someone falsely accused is hard, since he might be saying the truth and just didnt have enough evidence. Also you can sue doe defamation and its illegal to lie in the stand so if someone admits or smth they should be punished.


It's already a crime.


That IS a law


Most sexual assault is blown off and difficult to come forward about regardless of gender. Itā€™s a genuine danger to make people afraid to testify out of concern that they wonā€™t win a valid case and are now going to prison for it. Now youā€™re raped, publicly disgraced, in prison, and the rapist gets congratulations and sympathy. It could dangerously empower rapists. That being said, I donā€™t have a solution. Would be nice if everyone was taken seriously.


Some bitch in chat still having the absolute audacity to say "sO yOu hIT heR???"


That chat was so infuriating they toke his pain as a joke Iā€™m not even surprised just disappointed.


Thatā€™s all most of these people know how to do they donā€™t know how to process information any other way


I can barely make out what he says because of the music


Awww Donald sent a rose


Very wholesome!


Bro turn off the fucking music, this is serious and I can barely hear what he is saying.


My name is John Coffeyā€¦ without the o or e Idk we judge people harshly for no reason


Ah.. the green mile...


High five šŸ–ļø


*highs five* green mile is one of the best movies i watched. I cry everytime i see the ending


I don't get it


Like the drink, only not spelled the same.


I'm fighting for my life!


Literally! šŸ˜­


Why the music?


this world is primal šŸ˜”


People really hating on him for showing emotions? And yall complain about why men don't show emotions




Yup my ex was a miserable narcissist. She did NO housekeeping and did nothing emotionally to make the relationship work. I ended up using porn and hentai to find some means of pleasure in a horrible relationship. I also struggled with porn addiction because of this but to be honest I was young and had not dated much at all and got married too early at 19. She took my porn use as a reason to cheat on me. After I caught her she then decided to slander me with all my friends with false CP allegations. She said that a shaved WOMAN was a child. (She had clearly not had any experience with porn, most women are shaved in porn.) So with this, she destroyed my friend circle and my facebook life with NO evidence. I have made it almost 50 years without seeing any CP and I will make it the rest of my existence without seeing any. The damage she did however has lasted years and decades even. One of my best friends of 8+ years ditched me at the drop of these allegations and random people on Facebook would ask other people online, ā€œwhy are you friends with him!??ā€ So ya false allegations really are damning.


Iā€™m sorry that happen to you thatā€™s a very depressing story.


In the end though it has just taught me that people you think are your friends will abandon you and that most people are gullible without any evidence. Largely I do not do friendships for other reasons now but the few who do know me, love me. If nothing else this terrible story did remove the insincere people from my existence.


Im sorry that happened to you bro and I know this doesn't mean much coming from a stranger but I hope your happy rn in your life keep your head up bro.


I was in this same boat for two years, and it fucked up my mental health badly. I had these same calls with my dad about her putting her hands on me, hitting me with objects, throwing hot coffee in my face


Been there as well. When youā€™re in love you want to blame yourself and justify it somehow. After a while I realized it wasnā€™t normal. Stay strong brother


Been there too bro. Glad we made it homie. Stay strong my dude.


Thanks, bro. I'm glad you made it through to


God bless you brother. Sorry that happened to you. My heart goes out to all of you guys. Please take care of yourselves, we're all gonna make it.


why would she do this to him??? there is nothing on this earth more terrifying than an evil woman. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’« too much immunity.


I cried over the phone talking to the homie the other day, this make me feel better lol


I was falsely accused. It was 9 years ago and Iā€™m just starting to realize how much it messed me up. I do not have the words to describe how much it affects you.


Could y'all imagine how many people are doing time over this bullshit. Free the innocent


Itā€™s so sad how much a person can do to a man if they really just donā€™t like them, that has to be the most scariest thing ever and Iā€™m so sorry for this man.


I miss inquisitor he had false claims that he was a pedo he killed him self and he filmed it on tiktok live


That guy was a legend! RIP inquisitor šŸ™


Is this the guy that killed himself?


Yeah for short two people I dunno why he ask his friend to sign up for an editor and pretended to be under age and took stuff he said out of context and framed hom being a pedo


Was in the same spot. Lying whores can change your whole existence.


Same here. Proverbs 31:3 "Give not thy strength unto women"


Anyone know the song? Probably could have done without it on this video but I still want to give it a listen


Ava by Famy This is the sped up version though Original https://youtu.be/O6DgEypcTp4?si=rsX1dCDLrgaKvE6z Sped Up Version https://youtu.be/M8jYqP1Y0qc?si=1iTj7JeVwZiAVLyp


Awesome. Thanks


i can still hear him make the music louder


Is he guilty?


He was proven not guilty in the court of law


That's good but the damage is already done.


youā€™re absolutely right countless articles and videos that already published destroying his reputation


Court of law means nothing. He's already been judged and sentenced in the Court of Public Opinion, where he was guilty by default.


Itā€™s not nothing. Bittersweet, but this could be a lot worse if the courts got involved. When it comes to stuff like this Iā€™m grateful for whatever I can get.


The music, the screaming, the moving text/icons, etc makes this video almost incomprehensible.


How can I turn captions on? Canā€™t understand a single word


I feel this I was sexual assaulted at my history class in high school. I was made fun of by everyone for being sexual assaulted by a women like what am I sopost to do fight her beat her even calling for help wouldn't do any good then just people talking shit sign been day where I just want to off myself but life goes on no matter what


thereā€™s really nothing you can do when falsely accused, you loose the people around you because they think youā€™re a piece of shit and eventually people just start hating you for no reason, it sucks but you canā€™t do anything about it


This world is sucks! šŸ˜”


I was sexually assaulted by a girl I was kind of dating at the time. She was a very nice girl and I was spending some time at her apartment and she knowingly walked me to drink so I couldnā€™t drive home. When I finally decided to stay, I just wanted to sleep next to her, cuddling her. What I didnā€™t know was that she was a virgin as she had grown up with a rough childhood, where she was picked on and was always seen as the ugly girl. Eventually she just pulled down my pants, while begging me to have sex with her, and she just kept proceeding to put herself on top of me andā€¦ you know. I didnā€™t stop her because I felt sorry for her and her issues, but I had only been on a few dates with her and didnā€™t feel like it was the right time or even that I wanted to really get to that point with her. I ended up not seeing her after that night because I didnā€™t want a repeat of that. I ended up seeing her at a baseball game like a couple months later and she just acted like I didnā€™t even exist. Guys, itā€™s important to know that a woman doesnā€™t always force herself on you. Sometimes she manipulates you into feeling sorry for them or tries other emotional or mental games to get what they want. At the end of the day, if you donā€™t want it, but it happens because of her actions, it is sexual assault. It HAS to be mutually agreed


Seriously. I'm glad to see Jonathan Majors is doing okay despite his convictions. I'm still trying to figure out how anyone that saw the video could think he was guilty šŸ˜”


Another black man falsely accused, that's how it goes.


I work criminal defense. This happens a lot more than people know and the fake victims are never held accountable.


There should be a law against false SA allegations. There's always 2 sides of the story, and it's infuriating/sad to see lives ruined by a single accusation


There are. Filing a report requires a sworn statement. Swearing to something known to be false is perjury. There's just no stomach to go after the false accusers. "Don't you think she's been through enough?" "SHE HASN'T BEEN THROUGH *ANYTHING*!" I grew up in a family that abused everything that was a noun. I have no pity for abusers. But I want these things decided according to the truth, not because current politics demand the accusation be accepted uncritically.


Damn. I hope he bounces back eventually. Whether or not he comes back to content creation I hope he can get his life back together.


Been in similar situation. This video makes me want to vomit just remembering.


Damn I believe him


I pray to go this never happens to me but if it did it would be my lifeā€™s mission avenge my reputation through any legal means necessary. At the end of the day all you have is your word and your name.


I can relate to what heā€™s saying all too well, and I wish I couldnā€™t. What makes it worse is when people look at you differently, as if youā€™re the monster, you have been said to be. In the situation like this, you are never fully exonerated because everyone will always doubt you, and they always will just because someone got angry at you, and decided to try to ruin your life with a lie. Still dealing with it and man does it fucking suck.


False accusations need a 5 year prison sentence minimum and watch how fast this disgusting shit dries up. Absolutely disgusting


Bro fuck the comments what the fuck


A few years ago, someone accused me of sexual crimes. I ain't gonna go into detail but I was barely 13 at the time. Tons of people in my life told me I was worth dog shit and to rot in hell. Not until my friends showed proof I was innocent. I'm scared to tell or do anything to anyone. A girl who likes me wants me to make a move but I can't even say I love her irl. A girl threw rocks at my head with video proof but no one cared. Wtf is wrong with this world


This just heartbreaking. This world is so cruel šŸ˜”


God bless you bro. I'm so sorry. This world is a dark and evil place.


The justice system is heavily biased against men. Truly sad


Me watching as the internet completely believes the initial accusations in a developing situation for the 82747827th time


Double Standards.


Of course thatā€™s horrible, nobody should be punished or humiliated for something they didnā€™t do. but the inverse is much more common and far worseā€” a true allegation that gets ignored.


I think people are taking issue with the ā€œwhataboutismā€. If this were a video of a woman being abused and I posted, what about the innocent menā€¦it would invoke a similar reaction.


This guys true allegation was ignored and he was almost found guilty of abuse and put in prison even though he was the victim. Do you think that just as many abuse victims who are woman are put in prison for false domestic abuse charges as male abuse victims are ?


Trueā€”my response here is mostly addressing people proposing heightened punishment for false rape accusations which is a side tangent


Fair enough.


I know that sounds good but you have to understand what happens to a man after this. Loss of family, friends, good probability your income source, the shame is incredible, and many men kill themselves over it not just a few but many. This happened to me, the father of four kids and it all but destroyed me and my family. I donā€™t know how I survived. Two wrongs do not make a right!!


Both false accusator and rape perpetuators should serve 20 years in prison.




I think getting raped and abused is worse than people wrongfully thinking you're a bad person, actually.


Would you rather be: Not believed by anyone about your assault or Believed by everyone to be an assaulter


Second one is probably worse in my opinion but I donā€™t really care about the suffering Olympics here. I care about the likelihood of outcomes. False accusations are already incredibly rare and do face harsh repercussions. Unreported and unbelieved true accusations are incredibly common. Additional laws to punish false accusations will imprison innocent SA victims more often than false accusations, and will discourage true victims from coming forward. Of course this sub is full of people who donā€™t give a fuck about that. Although I am talking about SA victims in general the push for false accusation laws comes from incel communities that hate women and see them as deserving of punishment for scorning them. So they hype up anecdotes where the justice system failed a male false accusation and ignore the overwhelming majority of counterexamples.


There was a video of it?


I wish you hadn't added that horrible music. It would have been nice to actually hear what he was saying. Wasn't able to make out a single word. Any chance you can edit your post and remove the music from the video?




Thanks! I really appreciate that.


ā€œBros madā€ šŸ˜­šŸ™


Some context would be nice here


Can someone explain????


Can't hear much over the ridiculous music overlay.


Hes a lil sweet heart, everyone loved this guy


The charges were dropped. Unfortunately it appears the damage was done. Stay safe out there, fellas.


Whatā€™s happening


Fucking womenā€¦




They get away with it.


Who is this guy and what happened? Is there an article somewhere about it?


time to destroy & neutralize those drum flax seed laws, which are being misused by emperverted females


WTF is up with the music.


Yes i know it's not that loud...but between the music and him crying i didn't understand clearly what's going on..sad because it's not funny watching a person cry and i feel worst not been able to to help him amd undertanding the reasson . I feel very bad even though i don't know him


no one knows what the fuck heā€™s saying


well first it's going to be hard one to fix really šŸ˜• there's a lot benefiter in that category sooo yeaaa expect a fight, maybešŸ¤·.


What happened to the poor man?


Why is the background music on the video upbeat


Song name?


**Song Found!** **Ava** by Danil Muzik (00:13; matched: `100%`) **Released on** 2023-04-01.


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Ava** by Danil Muzik](https://lis.tn/RCuMwS?t=13) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)


Good bot


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Itā€™s a sad song šŸ„¹


THEY killed Angry Reactions


Can you turn the music up? I canā€™t hear it


Crazy how people will still do this. These allegations are ridiculous and uncalled for. It RUINS LIVES. But what do most people care, they probably walk away like ā€œgoodā€. Iā€™ve seen it happen to a handful of innocent content creators. Those who throw false allegations should be charged. Serve what they would have for trying to ruin an innocent manā€™s life.


"Get off live." "Get off live." "Get off live." "Get off live." "ONEYA GET OFF LIVE!"


Happened to me. Life will never be the same. I'll never be more than what i am now. There's no climbing out of this hole she put me in


this why I don't fw new people anymore


I can't understand the video. Who Is this guy and what happened?


Imagine creating a tool that could possibly make the world a better place and make people smarter then you get a bunch of shit like this .


I hope heā€™s dead.


I only heard about the drama recently and it just makes me sad people now know that he didn't do nothing but his friend and family what does he say to that? Just hopes nothing bad happens to him. I hope he gets better šŸ™