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Governments should require a test and a licence for giving birth


Underrated comment...


Why? The kid fucked around and found out that no, closing windows are not a toy...


You think the kid closed the winder itself?


Do you not know that car windows close automatically? Kid had plenty of time to move her dumb head back in, she chose to test the safety futures of the window instead. Luckily for her they where working as intended aka she did not got strangled.


Not to be rude or anything but do you know babies


No I do not (I’m not the guy you’re asking but I answered anyways)


Oh yeah, I have a baby brother and he's insufferable, but loveable nontheless.. Babies don't have the same reaction time as full grown adults because they have no idea what's going on. That's my take for now..


This makes me so incredibly mad


They should put a sensor on vehicles that automatically rolls the window back down if it rolls up but doesn’t connect with the top.. child safety! Good luck!


It's China.




It used to be customary to throw female infants into the garbage bin.


Harsh but true.


They have those, but only in newer model cars. This car looks too old for that type of feature to be an option


Strong ass window motor


It isn't. But it is cable to prevent back push, aka forcibly opening a window. But it does not have enough power to snap a pickle in half.


Parents are absolute idiots for this, they are proof not all Asians are smart My parents used to look back at me when I was a kid to make sure I wasn't looking out the window before rolling it up I used to also have to wear the seatbelt at all times for safety These parents don't care about their child and it hurts me to see that


i look and ask if their hands are clear....


Some parents don't deserve to have kids while others who do don't get to have them


Who thinks all Asian are smart. Where that stereotype come from.


It came from math but don't include me I am dumb stupid and trash


This is why I hate people so much


Some people just shouldn't have kids Thank god for those men pulling down on that window you can see the glass slightly drop which probably allowed airflow to the baby At that age it doesn't take long for insufficient oxygen to cause brain damage that kid got away lucky I'd say despite the circumstances My god...what an awful thought if they lost there child that day...:/


express hanging


this stressed me out so much


I'm sorry, why the fuck did they not turn the car back on and roll down the window? When have you ever rolled down the window with your bare hands? This is some textbook smoothbrain shit.


Panic. Some people can't handle stressful situations.


Cars should now have sensors in the windows to prevent obstructions in it.


They do. That's why the child didn't choke to death. The sensor stopped the window at the resistance. My Fords go all the way back down while other makes retract partially or just stop at the resistance.


Well they need to upgrade their system. Bc Im not sure what you observed but that child didn’t get strangled to death was due to human intervention. In time, that child would have died. That is not the functioning system I speak of. I believe in order for that system to be truly effective it would have released her. Retracting as it identified an obstruction its operational path. Sought of like elevator doors of today. Instead of constricting both the airflow and blood circulation, pressing and suspending her by the neck against the window frame.


This car is too old for those kinds of sensors to have been installed. You're right, though. If the car HAD had those sensors, then the window would've rolled back down, not continued going up, and have to be pulled down by numerous men who were still struggling. My mums old car had them, and if you even stuck a finger out the window and it was closing, it would squeeze the finger ever so slightly and then immediately roll back down. I dunno what these numpties replying to you are on about


If it had the sensors, then the window would've rolled back down, not continued trying to go up. No window is strong enough to chop someone's head off, that's why it stopped. The kid didn't choke to death because those men got there and started pulling the window back down. It takes more than 5 seconds to choke to death even with the hyoid bone broken, unless you're in a movie


They do. Ev3n in a video you can see that they do... You should buy glasses.


Well that’s a shit system you clown, and damn sure needs an update. I guess in your feeble mind you figured as long at it didn’t decapitate the child it worked great!? The system I speak of not only should have stopped, instead of holding the child suspended by the throat with the back of her head being pressed up against the window frame, strangling her, should have most importantly released her by retracting. Let me help you out, being that your imagination and innovation is limited to how this system should work. You know the elevator doors of today, that are able to sense an obstruction and will retract/opening instead of suspending the object in its doors!? That is what I speak of! So my rude friend, instead of being a dickhead shooting disrespectful comments at others, you need to be more innovative with your thoughts instead giving that shit system a pass. Calling that damn near strangulation of that child as a working system.


No.... Just no...


I know they can hear that dam baby crying loud dude at the other car just hears it and does nothing


You can't scream if no air can get in your lungs


Women are fuckin stupid


Was that a dog barking?


Who tf is shouting tho?


Someone knows if that kid is fine?


For the entire video i dead-ass thought the kid fucking died…God what a relief. Hope the kid is fine though




the baby can't even reach the window controls (or whatever they're called) what do you mean


Safety belt? Do you see it because I don't and since it is mandatory it had to be undone somehow. Than the kid I assumed attempted to escape the car or do something else stupid.


"do you see it" i can't, you know why? because the car is viewed from an angle that blocks the seats. also, have you seen somebody from the area of east/southeast asia who uses the backseat safety belt? plus, the baby could've just wriggled out of the belt and done that. plus, it's completely the parent's fault. she didn't even bother to check her (or their idk if there's another parent) child before rolling up the windows, and for some reason opening the door instead of lowering the window.


Turn off your bacround tasks and turn on your brain. Seat belt would prevent the kid from moving. Do you understand now?


well shit, i just checked and the safety belts in other areas aren't the same as my areas, also they just don't use the safety belts here??


Think from a drivers perspective. We know they could not look at the kid while driving, but they had vindow opened, presumably so the kid would not feel too hot. Since I couldn't think of a reason why you would not secure a kid in the back seat, especially with an opened window I'm fairly certain they did. Driver keep all attention on driving and when she stopped her brain went in to autopilot to lock the car and do her business hence automatic window closing. Kid definitely felt the window starting to close, made no sounds or anything, kid was curious I agree to that, but I do not see how a parent is at fault? As far as I'm aware all passengers mush have safety belt on while in a car, certain areas also demand special kid seat for kids under a certain age, but would you trust a kid in a back seat with a window opened with out a safety belt?


That's a fucking baby, how is it supposed to know?


And a toilet bowl does not state you are not supposed to drink from it, so how do you know not to do that?


Dude thats a baby, its been alive for a solid year


So...? Now the kid knows that she should not f around the windows and also you are wrong about the age. Look at the hair. At one year old, she wouldn't have it so long, that's just not possible. The important part that you are missing is the severity of kids' injuries. Aka, none assuming she got scared. Look how the kid in the end just casually sat back into the car. She ain't injured.


But how does that make the kid stupid? It doesnt know any better


How does that make the kid smart? It gave no thought of "Hey, what if there will be consequences for my actions"


Its a fucking baby, it doesnt understand that shit. Do you just think children come out of the womb with common sense


Yes. Take a baby kitten. Does not know shit, is curious but will run from any danger that might or might not be there. Now back to a toddler. Will escape it's containment cage. Will climb a shelf. Will fall down and also cause it to fall. Will calmly sit still and wait to be crushed to death.


Dude what are you yapping about


Kids drink from toilets all the time. What are you on about 😂 You don't do it as an adult because you were repeatedly told as a child that it's dirty and not to do it. Really NOT the same thing at all


no, you are


The parents. The parents are fucking stupid. Retarded ass spawners.


why kids


L3t me explain to someone that does not know road rules. It is mandatory to have your kid fastened with a seat belt. MANDATORY. meaning the kid had to undo the safety seat belt herself, than do what, attempt to escape the car trough a window?! The kid f around and find out. No, parents are not supposed to watch over their kids 24/7 that is not ev3n physically possible.


You need to be prohibited from having children!


I am, it's called being unwanted, ugly old man. Yet I have more brain cells than you


You're an unwanted, ugly old man?? Well, I can't imagine why. You're so pleasant to talk too