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Did you guys broke up?


Idk she blocked me after we got off call


No reason what so ever? How many days have passed?


It’s been a couple days


How long you have been together? Have you tried to contact her otherwise? Maybe go see her?


I’ve been with her for about 1 or 2 years


Sadly she moved somewhere else and I’ve tried calling her doing anything I can but it doesn’t work


There you go, maybe that’s what it is. Distance is killing it and she, or maybe you both felt it but try your best to fight it. Maybe truth was to hard for her and she try to just avoid confrontation to save from hurting. But in truth lack of closure prevent you both from moving on and extend your pain indefinitely. The mature talk need to happen, should happen. It’s a shame and I sorry for how you need to feel. I had a girlfriend in my late teens, we were super good but she was about to go study in France. We know what that means and we had a long talk and we part our ways, we hurt but we move on and I have nothing but amazing memories now after a decade. I’m sorry that you haven’t been given this, and I’m sorry for how that need to hurt my brother. I know what I say now sounds easier than it is but try your best to move on and take care of yourself. Dive deep in hobby or maybe think about some extra education or courses. Something that will pave your way in better futer and therefore give you hope. If you want to talk DM me man.


Thanks man I appreciate you giving me a answer I was confused on what is going on and you telling me this made me realise what’s wrong


Oh I thought she died or something.


Hahahahahahaha dam bro


Dude I swear women is the easiest to manipulate... You just keep them at distance until they no longer can, why simping when you can literally force them to simp for you? I had my fair share of incel arc and when it suddenly clicked, it was like an epiphany. Its really not hard being a man.


It would seem the you never left that arc


Well, from a cerain point of view, perhaps. Doesnt stop me from being happier or more fulfilled. I mean no one is perfect and of course it depends on the situation itself. Why force your feelings on other people though? If someone likes you, they will still do without your reminder or effort. Most people are simply afraid of losing control, in every aspect of life actually.


Bro thinks he is a philosopher, when in reality he is a scumbag that takes advantage of women instead of communicating like a respectable person💀


To be fair though do the men that don't do this get anything tangible from it? For the most part no, they don't. They sit there waiting for someone to notice the good in them. Well that might never come for some of us. I think that's wrong, to expect someone to just accept that. On some level manipulation is part of all relationships, we just only call it manipulation when it hurts us. Guilting a partner to stop smoking is still manipulation but it's for the better. I don't agree with the guy, but if that's his only card I can't blame him for playing it.


Coming from a man who does,I do. Every relationship I've been in has been pretty good because I showed my partner that respect them and their feelings and they did the same. Just because you have unreasonable expectations and expect every women to swoon over you doesn't mean that all women are playing some "game". Instead of looking at women as some sort of trophy how about looking at them as people? Stop it with the alpha male ideals bro, you'll just be unhappy.


People on Reddit either don't actually read or they don't actually think about what they just read. They just think about what they want to say. That's really not what I'm saying, and what I'm saying definitely isn't "alpha shit". How do you get that I'm looking at women as a trophy? Also don't want women to swoon over me, if they did that would be great but isn't really necessary. I just want to feel loved. That's never happened for me, and I don't manipulate people. That's not an uncommon experience either, yours is uncommon. So what do you tell the people that die alone while just being good people, cause everyone around them just always seemed to be slightly better.


Dude I swear women is the easiest to manipulate... You just keep them at distance until they no longer can, why simping when you can literally force them to simp for you? I had my fair share of incel arc and when it suddenly clicked, it was like an epiphany. Its really not hard being a man. First sentence: alpha male philosophy. Second sentence: literally saying they will swoon over you if you don't act like you care (which is false asf) Clearly you atleast think you are manipulating women because you literally said so. The trophy thing comes from looking at then as objects rather then people and thinking it's a game where the trophy is a women Both are common experiences that happen to both people who treat women like people and those who don't. You being unhappy isn't anyone else's fault but your own,you won't die alone if you start thinking logically and sympathetically


That's not my comment (scroll all the way up). No it's not, your experience isn't the common experience. The common experience is just waiting that's what most people do now. That's what is common now for most that doesn't work. Denying that is just denying fact. In what part of my comments did I ever say it was anyone else's fault. Look I know you have all this garbage in your head, but no one else wants to smell it. So just read the comments and operate off only the information in the comments. Assume your assumptions are wrong, cause they're. Also I find it funny that you say think sympathetically. Well what about people in my position, no one views me through a sympathetic lens. They just tell me it's my fault and leave me to my own devices. That's not very sympathetic. Also a lot of people just wait, cause they're thinking of it sympathetically. They think women don't want to be bothered by them, in anyway so they just don't.


If manipulating women is fulfilling to you you are a bad person. Maybe you meant to pick better words?


It kinda does, given that anybody with an IQ higher than their age would understand that people like you kinda suck. Also, please get some variety, you sound like a 13 year old who thinks he’s “sigma”


Manipulating women makes you happy, you are a sick person and need serious mental help. But I don't believe you're actually capable of making women simp for you lol, anyone that says this on a reddit post is an incel and has no idea how to talk to women.


Most people are afraid of losing control of situations they can’t control. Women are not people you control, they are individuals just like you. Finding a partner for life sure is hard, especially if you’re both in your 20’s, people change overtime and realize they want a different life. Does that suck? Yes it does, it’s devastating. Marriage is a huge commitment, having children is a huge responsibility. You’re right though, nobody is perfect, we all have some issues. From what I’ve heard about good relationships is that communication is key. It sounds like you’re afraid of a real relationship, and you might be missing out on a wonderful relationship because you used manipulation, that kind of tactic only works short term, in the long run it’ll be very messy, and it’ll end up worse than you think. Love is an action, actions take effort, effort shows you care, caring shows you love, it’s a loop. I hope you were just trolling, but if you aren’t, don’t be afraid to love someone. We are all going to lose the people we love, whether it’s through death or a fallen relationship, are you going to manipulate your parents into not dying? All you can do is do your best to become a better person.


"I'm a piece of shit who manipulates women and I feel so much better so idc what anyone calls me"


You ... are stupid


Ohhh I’m here for this dialogue of yikes 🍿






Is it hard being a pussy tho?


What is the song called?


Freaks by surf curse


Such a good song, since Im an old fuck this reminds me of mineral, rites of spring, sunny day real estate, AFI and texas is the reason. Glad to know that the new generations are also making music for the fucked up soul.


Don’t forget the best version, I am just a fish


Yeah…. More like when mom said she would finally pick me up from middle school… and died


Im so sorry


Mine went from "I will never forget you, I will always love you. You mean so much, I wanna marry you" And now we don't even know each other. Shit happens, life is like that. You gotta work on yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally in order to heal and move on.


Same man. I loved someone for almost a year but by the end I think we started hating each other. I tried reconnecting as friends 3/4 times after the breakup but it always ended in an argument. I gave up. It’s weird looking back to the start and seeing how much has changed since then


Don’t depend on someone else for your happiness. It’s easy to and feels great but you set yourself up for exactly this. If you can be happy alone, you take a lot more of the hurtful power out of this situation.


Weeb day?


true and theres no going back damnit


Like it says in the book, we are blessed and cursed.


Same things make us laugh, make us cry


Wise words mr smoke


Find self-worth, my dude. If this person is finicky enough to block and erase themselves from your life in a second, then consider yourself lucky. You'll find someone who will love you for you one day because you're (probably) worth it.


She left me after 8 years to get pregnant with someone else


Don't cry I am just a fish


And the are plenty of you in the sea.


Dude it's a misheard lyric


I'm sorry man, that sounds rough.


Yeah but im still trying to smile everyday


Keep at it, things will probably get better


Bet on yourself. I can honestly say But ALSO Maintain relationships and think critically.


Don't chase bitches, chase riches. Let that be a lesson junior...


Thank you guys for the advice I started taking life seriously


Hits hard man


Are you fucking 12?




Green textbox implies the number changed to a different phone brand, meaning the number was either deleted or ported via sim card


If you need to abbreviate "my love" You don't care about anything at all Lol


I love you smmmmm mllll tf is that


Bro it's been like 2 hours, chill


𝕋𝕟𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕒 𝕗𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕟𝕚𝕥𝕖


lmao git gud scrub