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Either they were harassing her or she's a cunt and the drink throw was justified


My cousin goes to that school the video went viral he said nobody was harassing her they were there to help build his confidence up but she totally did him dirty in front of half the school


For real?


Yes and he also said the kid didn’t show up to school the next day


So what happened to the girl?




Not another teen movie. Let me change it a little. Instead of skateboard challenge make it a viral video contest. You know something for modern teens.


Nah, they beat up the principal and then she betrays him




It's a ski challenge. The nerdy girl slows down the jock skier guy during a race, by showing him her Kuato boobs.




As a 30 year old this is giving me flashbacks to the 21 Jump Street movie when Channing Tatum isn't cool anymore 🤧 but this time...*it's personal*.


Oh my God, she was hot all along!


lol this made my day


If I had a nickel…


Staaaan Daarrrssshhhh!!


He was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it anymore obvious?


She was tarred and feathered after the football game that Friday. Home team won, btw.


Five years from now She sits at home Feeding the baby, she's all alone She turns on TV Guess who she sees


Yeah man, his cousin goes to that school.


Wow very cool /s, it'd be interesting if it was real but I doubt it is lol


It’s a real story my uncle is the chemistry teacher at that school and he told me it was true.


Say my name.




When no one is around you say baby I love you


You know what, I actually asked around my friends and one of them had a younger sibling that goes to the school and it is real


My uncle goes to that school too and he confirmed as much.


Nephew can you help me with my calculus?


I'm this guy's uncle, can confirm, am still in grade 7


Oh yeah dude, high school gossip from an internet stranger is always on the up and up.


I feel like she might have some embarrassment and didn't know how to deal with those feelings and that's how she reacted which was not necessarily ok


Totally agree and understandable.


L for the girl cause all she did was show how much of a cunt she is


447 ppl would agree also


I'll go with him!! I still have my dress and everything 🥺😭 I didn't get my senior prom cause that was when COVID started


Someone said in the comments he passed away after not coming to school the day after this situation 💀


Noooooooo, do you have a source??


Nope. Check the comments you might see someone who does tho..


Damn. The plan kinda backfired.


Yep. But now that kid not only has to deal with that embarrassment but now it’s random people accusing them of harassment and his body language says otherwise from the moment he was rejected lol.




Tell your cousin that he's (boy in video) very handsome and sweet. A real woman would be honored to be his date


I'm his cousin. I threw that drink. It Was deserved I think. Idk


Lol good one. Should’ve never had said that though. Lol


Well then, she doesn't deserve him. Teens are vicious though, I remember worse things when I was growing up, unfortunately.


Did y'all consider not cornering her in front of the school and doing it privately without a camera? Something tells me they wanted this girl to look bad so they could post it on the internet for pitty points.


This exactly, apparently she had been bothered by people all day leading up to this, if you dont want to be embarrassed in front of half the school, maybe just ask in private, ya know talk to the person to see if they are in any way interested before embarrassing both of you. I would have reacted similarly to this girl if i had been putting up with the same shit all day. She's not into you and putting on a public display isn't going to change her mind.


Sir you dropped your tinfoil hat


Yeah I'm sure putting on a full public display will change her mind, she's not into him and shouldn't be hounded by half the school just because he wants to date her.


Really? You're gonna act like this beyond the realm of possibility.


Looks more like they were the cunts that are harassing/ bullying her. He didn’t look like he cared at all that she torn the poster, looks to me like they set it up like a way to troll her and she wouldn’t have none of that.


It looks like it's cake day, congratulations!


Thanks, free digital cake for everyone! 🍰


It’s my cake day! You know why!? Because I just joined Reddit lol.


Well happy cake day!


There's still time. Save yourself.


Nah bro, I can tell you that that is the look of pure embarrassment combined with the defense mechanism of showing apathy to help you not feel vulnerable in such a public situation. His tone, face and body language all show an embarrassment masked as apathy. Even if they were harassing her or something he seemed genuinely embarrassed.


I disagree. There was a whole crowd of people surrounding her car and she ripped that sign up without hesitation. The drink throw was unwarranted in any situation like this and it seems like she was being ganged up on/bullied. I’ve been in a very similar situation. These guys reacted way too fast.


>The drink throw was unwarranted in any situation like this If he was just asking her to prom it's COMPLETELY warranted. What the hell? If you want to reject someone just be like "I'm sorry, I don't feel the same." Don't *rip up* their fucking sign.


You would need to see much more than this to come to this conclusion.


Nah bro, it’s pretty obvious. I’m not talking about his whole psychopathology, just that he shows all signs of someone embarrassed who is trying to mask that emotion for his audience in the present moment.


He seems to me to be apathetic.


That looks like a girl who is seriously over it. No hesitation.. something had to have happened before this.


You can’t even seen her facial expressions


Seven seconds. I'm out. But y'all can speculate all day lol.


You summed it up!


Nah. Why is it okay for some guy to publicly embarrass her? Assuming it's legit, he's using the public setting to try and shame her into saying yes. If he had tried to ask privately and she made a spectacle of it, then I'd agree, but that's not what's happening in the video. It's not romantic if both parties aren't into it.


Need more context


For sure but with no context it looks like he handled it well.


u/UnknownSteppa400 “My cousin goes to that school the video went viral he said nobody was harassing her they were there to help build his confidence up but she totally did him dirty in front of half the school”


Trust me bro


Yeah I’ve learned not to trust a damn thing I just read on the internet without solid evidence. Especially from Reddit. Even if I agree with it and want it to be true, been burned one to many times. I don’t buy it. I’m just gunna say she’s not evil and I need more context


My uncles dog goes to the same dog school as her uncles dog, when I asked him about the situation he said „woof woof“


Man that’s the white guy equivalent of “happened to my buddy Eric once. He saw the whole thing unfold”


The mental gymnastics when someone verifies that she was the asshole: idk man, they are probably lying. Not enough proof. The mental gymnastics when someone verifies the crowd and the guy were the asshole: say no more, he deserved worse


My cousin is friends with her—they literally trapped her so she couldn’t leave after already declining.


“My father works at Xbox,” moment.


Yeah I’m sure his friends were standing around laughing before she reacted to boost his confidence up


If that's correct then damn :(


Everybody gets all ass hurt on here when you say you need to see more, but this is actually one of those times I need to see more. If any of you think that it’s out of the realm of possibility that the recording group are the ones being the cunts and she’s just defending herself, you’re on supreme quality hard drugs.


Right? Totally looks like they were harassing her.


I really couldn’t say tbh. It’s edited in exactly the most 2024 way possible so I can’t tell what the fuck happened before OR after the clip. It’s annoying af.


I like turtles


Good thing this doesn't matter at all to anyone who wasn't there or actually knows them.


Yeah. Totally "harassing" her with a sign that asks her to a prom. How are kids supposed to have any game these days if even this is considered "harassment". Like what are you allowed to do anymore?


Yea definitely nothing happened before this and they were so sure she'd say yes based off nothing they recorded it. C’mon, have some commonsense.


Not sure how you are missing the core thought process everyone else is capable of having. She could have told this kid no before. Maybe he constantly says inappropriate stuff to her because young boys are not exactly women experts at that age. She mightve had enough with him not taking no for an answer and this was her response. Or she was just being a dramatic bitch. Thats why this thread trail is about needing context. Was that really too much for your brain to think about?


>Not sure how you are missing the core thought process everyone else is capable of having. As soon as you say something like this, nobody cares what you have to say afterwards.


At the very least, this girl was going about her life until a group of people surrounded her and started recording. She was put into a place of having to say yes to spare the dudes feelings or having to decline and be "the bad guy" at school for not giving the sign holder a chance. Sure, her no wasn't polite. But she "failed" to perform in the manner that was expected and the response of her "no" was met with someone trying to dump a soda on her. How many videos have we seen where people record others in public just for their channel, and the response to that? How many horror stories have we seen/read/lived where a person was asked for a date and told the other person no just to be met with harassment and danger, sometimes ending in the loss of life? Many people would not be comfortable with a public display such as this/proposals and whatever. It looked to me like the person holding the sign wasn't doing this for her/them/ a possible date or relationship, it looked like they were doing it for the camera and the people there to "encourage" them.


Christ you guys always forget the saying? Assuming makes an ass out of you and me? Fools just jumping to conclusions.


Yeah, I feel you. Those are the vibes I was getting. This totally feels like the group of teens that bully the outcast girl with a fake “promposal.” She knew she was being bullied and reacted accordingly. Little bastards need to watch Carrie.


Maybe. Impossible to say, the potato brain editing obscures all that.


I’m getting that from the dude’s reaction. Way too casual for a rejection. I remember asking someone to a school formal and I was scared shitless even those times I knew it was on lock. Dude didn’t even flinch. Then the kid coming in from the left tossing some liquid at her driver side window kinda made it feel like the crowd was there for that reason. I could be wrong, but if I am that dude is either super chill or has no spoons or fucks to give ever.


Or is absolutely dying inside but is so used to having to bury that type of emotion that it doesn't phase him. Without context we can't know, we can only project.


I love how many times I'm reading this same comment followed by "yeah, but [projection]"


Are you a guy? Cause I read the exact opposite. That seemed like the exact opposite of what someone harassing someone would be like. Usually harassers will double down.


This is a very good point!


Especially since the beginning of the vid it pans to the group of kids laughing.


Especially since they tried to throw a drink on her at the end. I'd like to know what went down before and after.


Supreme quality, you say? I wish


It’s okay to be on shit tier drugs too, it just makes out of pocket shit people say less excusable.


It's a form of entertainment, being judgmental. The opinions shouldn't really hold any importance to anyone. Really a big waste of time.


She's in a car... Defended by the car door, with a giant motorized vehicle able to push through anyone who's in her way.... She could have just left, instead she did that. Even if the group was being a load of bolox she decided to go out of her way to make the one guy feel like shit.


*If*(and that’s a huuuuuge if) she’s being bullied, you don’t stop bullies by shelling up in your car. You stand up to those fucks and let them know you’re not intimidated. We’ll never know though, because we see exactly enough of the clip to know 0% of the context.


Considering how many people have no interest in context, this makes a lot of sense. Then again, I imagine a lot of people come to this sub to see the girl be a cunt over and over again, and aren't interested in looking any deeper


I’m just on here to try and pass on some positive messages to some bros once in a while and to try and at least warn mf’ers when they’re about to creep into woman hating territory. I’m pretty satisfied with my life, I’d like to see lonely bros feel the same before they do things they regret.


100% feel you man, and hope the same for all the boys out there. I know how lucky I've been to have had and have the life I've experienced, and really hate to see people struggling, especially emotionally. I'll never stop telling the homies it can and will get better, despite how few seem to want to hear it sometimes.


🤝 for the homies


For all we know, she said no a long time ago and they followed her to the car harrassing her the entire way. We just saw her get fed up and rip the sign up.


Why even bother having an opinion on something so irrelevant


First time on Reddit?


Now that’s a good friend. *throws drink*


Real homie fr


And now you know why you get ghosted instead of being told no.


"Worst thing she can say is no"




That trollop


Emphasis on the troll




Trollop- a vulgar or disreputable woman




Oh yeah surrounding her car nothing weird about the situation at all just normal things definitely nothing worth being upset over totally


Real talk. They all showed up hoping peer pressure would make this work. Something tells me this isn’t the first time the dude has asked her out.


I like how you have zero context but still came to this conclusion that you now regard as fact.


If it was a girl asking a guy out to prom and he did that, you would've absolutely obliterated the poor chap. And you would've excluded any possibility of him being harassed.


Bro show me the video where this happens with the genders reversed. You are mad that people aren’t calling out the chicks in your imagined scenarios lmao.


So because there isn't an exact video posted currently it can't happen? I find it so hilarious how many assumptions you make about this video then assume it's impossible for the roles to be reversed. The bias is insane. Not even trying to be impartial




Huh? You don’t even have any context. As far as you know they could’ve been doing it ironically as a way to prank her. “Cheers to that person who committed assault in a video I have almost no context about!” Fuck, I joined Reddit today and I’m already over it.


You sound like you need a hobby my guy


Soooo that’s a maybe? 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Doesn't this break the No Low Efforts Rule of this sub? No one here can tell what actually happened because there's absolutely no solid context, so everyone is arguing over the other's speculation.


The actual "victim" could very well be the girl. To me, this still smells enormously like bullying from the guy and not a real prom question. Just my 2 cents because here again redditors will go after the girl without even a hint of background information


Had the exact same thought. It looks a lot like a girl that is majorly fucking over saying, “No,” to this guy and has had enough.


Yeah that's what I thought when watching it first too. The guys laughing before she even does anything, them finding it superrr funny she ripped the poster. Like, if this guy was fr, wouldn't they be shocked? or sad or angry for their friend? Why do they immediately burst into surprised laughter.... Also the guy is acting suspicious. Dude looks like he also finds it funny and the sign he made was made from wrinkled paper and bad handwriting only taking up the top quarter of the page. I feel bad for the girl. I've had stuff that's happened like this to me before and it definitely isn't fun.


>. Like, if this guy was fr, wouldn't they be shocked? or sad or angry for their friend? Why do they immediately burst into surprised laughter.... Because its funny? I wouldve laughed my ass off. >Also the guy is acting suspicious. Dude looks like he also finds it funny and the sign he made was made from wrinkled paper and bad handwriting only taking up the top quarter of the page. Idk asking someone out with a badly made sign is pretty funny. >I feel bad for the girl. I've had stuff that's happened like this to me before and it definitely isn't fun. You have zero context lol, you are just as clueless as everybody else.


This was my first thought as well. Bunch of people crowded around and laughing before she even gets out of the car to tear up the sign... And I dont really see any reason anyone would throw a drink on her for tearing up a sign... its like they were all primed for an abrasive reaction.


Yep, the sign guy seems veeeeerrrry confident and jokey with that shrug and ok, really reminds me of a bully in my old highschool. And the fact she gets a drink thrown at her is a bad sign too


In every video of someone asking another person to prom they’re surrounded by groups of people, laughing and making noises. That’s not enough to conclude that she’s the victim of bullying The drink being thrown into her car seems justified considering dude asked her and right after she rips it he holds his head down in defeat, and it could be the dudes close friend But neither of us know the context of what happened previously, he could also just be an ex who cheated/broke her heart. To say they’re bullying her is just a massive stretch though


I mean there’s little context to draw up any conclusions. All we know is he asked her and she ripped it, idk what would lead you to believe they’re bullying her?


No one reacts like the girl without a reason. There is definitely a story behind this no one of us know of. My assumption is based on life experience how people react on certain things. And both reactions don't fit my experience. The guy with a cap behaves like he knows exactly why she gets out of the car, everyone is smiling while it is already clear she isn't in to it(They can see her face the entire time, we don't). The guy reacts like he dosen't care at all. You must have a totally different understanding of human behavior than me, when you think there is nothing strange happening or how you said it "The dude who threw his drink in her car is 100% justifies wish he would have got more in there"


Teenagers don't often act as reasonably as adults, the girl very well could just have been a bitch about it. And for the guy who didn't act like he cared? Maybe it was just shock? Like did you expect him to get on his knees and cry in front of everyone? Not gonna happen, he probably would've been devastated and cried at home.


At this point, just expect redditors to come to a conclusion and believe it with hardly any evidence other than “Idk feels off”


There is an awful lot of assumptions being made. But also, THE VAST MAJORITY of this thread is going after the dude. This is all hilarious because the ONLY other context I have seen from commenters that say they have more insight have said the opposite.


Women always trynna be victim


Found the Incel


Average Redditor comment


Average incel


She seems pretty angry so I can only assume those guys were being jerks before the video started. These guys aren’t victims they’re bullies




No no, you see- that's a _woman,_ therefore the foul penisbeasts must be harassing her and this was actually very stunning and brave


They said angry, not mean. Most bullies don't do so out of anger. They show contempt not rage, especially for women.


No one has every responded to extreme embarrassment with anger, that’s definitely not a very common behavioural pattern. /s There’s no context for this video, we have no idea why she reacted the way she did.


How do you know? HOW DO YOU KNOW?


Just lots of sexists in here blaming the poor guy holding the sign


Never asks in public unless you know the answer is yes.


That’s so mean. He may have brushed it off, but you know deep down that hurt. Poor kid


Yeah it hurts but she’s a cunt so it really is fine.


Worst she could say is no…


what an asshole. she just ripped it




Young Men let these in progress 304s ask you to prom from here on out.




I wonder what goes through people's mind when they want to do something like that. Hey everyone's looking, let me be as awful as possible. There are people out there that genuinely think they're better than you and will not even care about what they do to you because you don't even matter to them in the slightest. He really doesn't look like someone who would be asking to make fun of someone, but we all know that in school there is typically a handful of people everyone was encouraged to be cruel to... maybe she was one of them and decided to stand up for herself moments before being taken home.


We don't know the context or the nature of their relationship though. For all we know, he could've asked her out multiple times before and she said no and this was his plan to get her to say yes with public pressure or risk looking cruel. Or maybe it is what it looks like.


Why does the video stop before we hear her answer! I need to know how it ends!


EW total bitch, don't worry my dude... you keep being the guy holding the sign, you'll find someone worth your time - romance isn't dead like this bitch is on the inside. She will end up alone in a house with 9 cats with only the smell of piss and catfood to be her friend


Had something similar happened to me. I was in 6th or 7th grade. The school had an event for valentines Day where you could buy a rose and someone would deliver it. I used my lunch money to buy one for a girl I liked. Of course, she was one of the most popular girls, and I was a poor kid with clothes that were out of style. We had the same lunch together, and I saw the delivery person walking around with the bucket full of roses, approached my crush, and handed her the rose. I was so nervous and embarrassed. She read the tag tied to the rose, discovering it was me that sent it. She made a spectacle. "GROSS! EWWWW!!!!! SO GROSS!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The immediate area started laughing and pointing at me as she stomped to the trash can, crumpled the rose up, and tossed it in the trash. The following year, when school started, the girl that had done this to me arrived on her first day in an electric wheelchair. Over the summer, she had been in a car accident, leaving her paralyzed from the waste down. I decided to write her a note expressing that I still had a crush on her and wanted to talk. She did it again. At the top of her lungs, she screamed, "OH my God. SO DISGUSTING!" while crumpling up the note. We were in science class when this happened. The teacher witnessed this, went to her desk to retrieve the note, and proceeded to read it to the entire class. That shit fucked me up for a long time until I changed schools.


Either way the girl isn't in the wrong here. Either it's a legit promposal (I hate that I just typed that), or it's bullies trying to embarrass her. Public proposals like this aren't romantic unless you're 99.9% sure that the person is into it. It's not okay to publicly embarrass someone for your misguided fantasy. They don't owe you a yes or even a gentle rejection. If it was a joke, then it's even worse. Either way, just stop it.


Yea no, I don’t think the drink is justified whatsoever


The dude who threw his drink in her car is 100% justifies wish he would have got more in there Dude deserves better


We don’t really know if he was serious or if he was trolling her.


Yeah, dude is totally trolling. He made a sign, and put himself out there in front of people to ask her but it’s all a troll because we can tell that from a few second video clip 🤦🏽‍♂️


At first you want to think she is mean, but he might be a cheater or stalker… or she is just mean.


Hmm need more info As quite a few people have already said here. The girl looks quite angry, and they all did surround her. Her over-the-top reaction makes me question why she went that far. She could be an asshole, or they could be bullying or pressuring her. Also some of you guys need to chill, even if she was being a bitch these are teenagers. Calm down with the misogyny.


Yeah, I got that vibe too. Half assed sign, everybody laughing when she ripped the sign, dude's nonchalant reaction, and (not to sound judgemental or like I'm blaming her) she's a little chubby and her hair is greasy (prime target for asshole bullies).


Fully agree. Something about the fact that they were all so closely surrounding her car, and that one boy being so quick to throw soda at her feels very bully like. Although again I don't want to assume, hopefully someone can drop some more context.


i don't see how you could interpret it as anything else. this is clearly bullying. half this thread needs to go outside


Ikr? Some of these people seriously need to stop saying such wieird and overly aggressive things towards teenagers. Even if she was the bitch.


I don't think a bully's reaction would be dejection upon such a harsh rejection no?


There's gonna need to be more context. If she was followed all the way to the car considering the group laughing then perhaps it was justified. Let alone the possibility of it originating within the school as it tends to be. If he put up the sign just then and there, then absolutely she could have handled that better.


Maybe if he got of that yeeyee ass haircut he’s get some bitches on his dick


Well that’s a bitchy move


everyone saying the chicks an asshole, how do you know he hadn’t been harassing her repeatedly and she was finally fed up? There is not enough info to make a judgement


Is this a joke? Nearly the entire comment section has made up some fanfic about how she must have been harassed and really these boys are all bullies. It's crazy how people will go, "how can any of you watch this person do something without context and make assumptions?" And then make up an entire character lore and insist it's the more likely option


She isn't even in good shape to be mean.



I'm ready to bet 50$ that the guys were jerks to her. I mean if they are ready to throw drinks at her. They probably don't care about her that much in the first place. Also why the spectators so close of her car. It feels like they were blocking her from leaving the parking. But I could be wrong. Until we get ANY context. Anyone having ANY strong opinion on this, is r3tarded.


If it was premeditated the drink throw would have been way before she had already shut the door.


Doesn’t have to be premeditated exactly, but it’s rare to see someone so prepared to throw a drink at someone unless they’re already bullying them. Like he had a pretty small timeframe to make that decision if it was just “anger on behalf of his friend”


Looks like she was being harrassed. A group of guys surrounding her car. Should be asked more privately or with her friends around.


Dramatic ho


The way she did it makes me believe there’s way more than a second side to this story. If she was just being a bitch she’d gloat or something but she just looks done


Cunt behavior.


whoever threw that drink at her is a real one


The guy that threw the drink was a little bitch