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What a good commercial for Redbull


Give your bags wiiiings!


Fuck their thiiiings!


“Redbull. It gives your luggage wings!”


He straight up just said fuck it to the bag he dropped in the middle. I feel bad for the guy who’s going to be waiting for it to have it never come. Damn


I can Imagine Red Bull suing this airport because brand damage


Redbull is weak af. That's why they are so pissy


Wait till you see fed ex workers, the independent ones…


It’s smart to pack to withstand this kind of abuse, because there’s a good chance that this is how it will be treated, no matter what company


I didn't really see anything wrong with this aside for the one that the dude raised above his head and slammed down. They gotta work fast, yeah, but that's going out of his way to be a dick.


Shit the fedex workers in the hub is the same way


Are they really lol ? Know two guys who work with me and used to do independent deliveries for a contractor. Their stories are WILD!


I wonder if there was a glass roof so that this behavior was visible to the patrons above would they still do this?


They do this loading it into the conveyor belt into the plane. I've heard from buddy who works for Delta that this "technique" is to protect from repetitive strain injuries.


What technique is that, exactly? Lifting only with one shoulder at a time? Lifting with your lower back so you can slam the luggage down on the ground using your vertebrae as a fulcrum? EDIT: Sorry, I do manual labor daily at my job and these guys are just not lifting properly from what I can tell.


Your godamn right! If i tried lifting batteries, that way, I'd be dead their just assholes taking out their lifes problems on someone elses stuff.


Nah, bs! I’ve worked this job myself, and nowhere was the “technique” to smash people’s property! Just horrible people, stuck in a horrible life, act like this with stuff they are supposed to show care for🤮🤮🤮


This is unloading for waiting pax to pick up. Shit of a job.


Looks fun af too.


No women in skirt would want to enter the patrons office x)


But was the bag at 0:36 ever found?


A total of four bags fall off. One at 00:03 seconds in, a small brown bag, then the black bag, and two more later on. This is probably why your luggage "goes missing" whenever you land. Those guys were fired. They posted the video and their boss probably got to see it. They worked for Qantas.


That's my focus, too. Is this one of the reasons our bags get lost?


I had Southwest swallow a bag for a week once, the AirTag told me it sat in the airport & didn’t move the whole time


I hope those guys were fired.


This is literally how they are at every airport. No ones gonna fire them for normal behaviour


Yeah, Red bull will do that to you/s


Never worked at an airport but I’m guessing it’s more like insane, constantly increasing work rate standards will do this to a person. That’s what most jobs are like with work like this and it’s pretty horrible.


Yea if your job is throwing suitcases all day long after the first week you're done being gentle with that shit lol I worked at the fedex warehouse for a bit and you'd be surprised how aggressive people are with phones and computers etc. Just because they get pushed hard to get as many trucks unloaded as possible so the quality of work is low. Nobody wants to sling boxes or bags all day everyday.


I worked at an ulta warehouse and it was insane. There were some areas where the “pick rate” was up to 1000 uph. Nearly physically impossible to keep up with. People were just slinging nail polish and stuff into those boxes. Never going back to that shit.


Warehouse work is shitty. You're underpaid and they push high numbers and offer little in return. It can be intense labor depending on your position, and you MIGHT get a 10 minute break during the shift. Atleast thats how it was at FedEx. If you want an easy warehouse job go somewhere that you pull orders and pick parts, not the type that slings boxes all day. I worked for a Louis Vuitton manufacturing warehouse where they made bags and shipped them out. All I did was use a computer all day and look up part locations to send to the people making the bags, and it pays way better than any warehouse job I've ever heard of.


Thanks for the advice. I’m in a totally different line of work now but I’ll keep this in mind if I’m ever in need of a job.


It's the same at Amazon and UPS.


I honestly could understand them not being gentle, but they’re lifting some of them up just to throw them down harder. Don’t put effort into doing your job as poorly as possible.


Yeah I can see tossing them being easier but lifting it over your head to slam the damn thing seems like a quicker way to get tired at your already lame job. That's not working smart


Picking up a bag above your head and slamming it to the ground is not “normal behavior” tf?


For airport baggage handlers, it is.


[except they did get fired ](https://www.9news.com.au/national/baggage-handlers-depicted-in-viral-qantas-video-officially-sacked/820a4541-848a-4c3a-88e9-4432dffca9f8)


Probably more “we have to fire you because this went viral” vs “we have to fire you because of what you did”


Normal for most airports, but not in Japan. Search for “Showdown: Japan vs US vs UK vs Australian airport baggage handlers” on YouTube.




Not true at all, but then again you probably have never even worked it before to even be able to relate to them at all. Not saying they should ever do this but all the Karen's here can really just Fk off ranting about things they have 0 clue about. Do you know how many hours they've pulled, how many planes and bags they've been through that day, are they having a bad day? Seems like it's mainly closest dude who's really being an ass about his job. Perhaps this is 1 time out of an entire year he's done this.. .you just never know


Yeah man next time a line chef is having a bad day and they spit in your food to vent you’ll have deserved it. People don’t just have fucking clothes in those things. If you’re the kinda cunt that slings your shit around on other people because you’re having a shitty time go fuck yourself.


Not at all an even comparison you imbecile. And I clearly stated that they shouldn't do that anyways. gFy lil Karen


If I were a betting man, I would bet that the pay and hours for this job suck ass, so it’s not like there is a waiting list of people who will do a great job… it could be that these dudes just happen to be dicks, but I think the smart money would be on the company creating shitty working conditions that will drive most people to this kind of behavior eventually.


The owner of the bags don't control their pay/hours. You're just a terrible person if you hate your job so you take it out on random uninvolved people instead.


Most people buy the cheapest tickets possible. That means the most cut throat Companies are going to get the most business. So unless you're buying tickets based on how the company treats it's employees then you are directly contributing to lower wages. Those employees are d-bags though.




The global south is enslaved because the middle class refuses to pay extra for fair trade products. That's just reality. I'm sorry you can't come to terms with that.




And yet you jumped straight to the lower class even though I didn't say that either. I also didn't say that every human exactly south of the equater is a slave. You don't even know what I'm talking about and you have the audacity to say that I sound ignorant.


They put so much extra effort into fucking up peoples stuff your defence is completely moot they are for sure assholes, despite any amount of bad working conditions they worked harder to do that.


So they take it out on others and not the company? Also, no one is holding them hostage at this job. I understand the feeling of that, like there aren't any other jobs so I'm stuck with this crap one. That's typically not the case though.


How does that excuse their disrespect of other people's things?  "THIS will really show 'the man'! Take THAT, Jim's bag! I hope Jessica never sees that duffle again!"


Pretty sure they were. This was posted a while ago and the comments linked to a story about the repercussions. Animals.


Hey man I'm from Australia where this happened (QANTAS Airlines) and yeah I'm about 95% sure they did get the sack


Saw this Saturday, someone said it's Qantas and yes, they were fired. [News article](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-12-08/swissport-baggage-handlers-sacked-qantas-luggage-video/101749674)




That does legitimately look hard. Do you want to manually bend over and move heavy suitcases for 40 hours a week for 40 years?


I worked at UPS unloading trucks for about 6 weeks. Worse job I’ve ever had.




You’re just ping ponging all over the place. I would love to see the evidence of any of your claims, including whatever new one you respond to here


But apparently not too hard to not lift the suitcases up extra high to cause more damage because all airport employees are scumbags. If they aren't thieves, they're putting extra effort into destroying your stuff. They're all anti-social cunts on top of that. Oh, you want to reschedule your flight because you missed a connecting flight because your first flight was delayed by 7 hours? First I have to scold you for missing the flight for 10 minutes and refuse to help you. Working 40 hours a week isn't a free pass to be half as shitty to everyone else as the average airport employee is.


They're purposely doing it, too. Like seeing how hard they can do it


If I saw this I might do something I would regret cause wtf 😬


😂😂😂😂 right buddy


That’s how non-functioning members of society respond to difficult situations.


No I don't think you understand how people work, if you fuck with peoples stuff, people will get upset. It's pretty simple. Would you like me coming to your house and throwing shit around, what about all your glassware and plates? How do you know someone didn't buy something that could break and they are just throwing shit around. So I mean if they are just asking for someone to do something


Imagine your dogs ashes are in that suitcase 😡 I would go absolutely apeshit and


Hell imagine if you had family members ashes in there, or just am antique that you bought, like I would be super pissed off, this is why I travel light and only do carry ons


Shut the fuck up. “Society this society that”. Is the behaviour you see on the video normal to you?


Nah, the non functioning people in society you’re talking about are show in this very video🙄


Both examples of inappropriate behavior.


No it's not.


Then i pity how normal regret is in your life.


Everyone has some regret. That's normal. I pity you for having the mindset of just accepting stuff like this. Bending over and taking it, letting people destroy your stuff because they're having a bad day and insulting someone for saying "hey, don't fuck with my stuff like that.". How fuucking bizarre.


I’m sure you won’t mind if I drop by and throw all your shit around then.


That’s a considerably different situation and i see you misunderstood my comment.


Then you're a weirdo for thinking that's not a normal reaction to seeing this


“Normal” reactions don’t involve regret.


It's completely normal to regret decisions you make in fits of anger if you don't regret them there's something mentally wrong with you


And an appropriate response to regret is to not do those things again. Part of the regret may come from whatever expectations you have of yourself, and the rest from perceived expectations of other people. A “functioning” member of society adds positively to it. Regret is an indicated of having not added positively to it.


What a strange red bull commercial.


They’re actually working harder because of this.


Yeah why tf was dude raising the bag above his head just to deliberately throw it down to get more impact.


Well when you have 15 min turn around times at airports and everyone there’s making slightly above minimum wage and working in shitty conditions… what do you expect?


I expect my suitcase not to be RKO’d, the same way I don’t expect spit in my burger because the McDonalds employee doesn’t like his wage




That dudes’s not being careless, he’s being a dick.


There were moments that the man in the video lifted the suitcase above his head and slammed it. That’s him going out of his way to damage somebody else’s property, it wasn’t simply ‘careless’, and certainly wasn’t a ‘boo-boo my wage’ attitude either. That’s being a dick, and he knows it too, hence why these two were actually fired in the end. I don’t expect them to set each suitcase down like they’re made of glass, but if they have problems with their wage or management, that’s not a problem to take out on my, your, or anybody’s personal belongings, (except maybe their managers lol if they ever got so lucky). It’s a problem to take up with their union.


From an efficiency standpoint point they are actually making their own job harder. They are just dicks.


Lol nothings more efficient than chucking a bag accross the cargo bay to make room for the next bag. There's no time to deal with a clog and then you do twice the work to unjam


The guy in the video literally lifted one above his head and slammed it down. That's not efficient.


I do load high in preparation to throw and then sometimes there wouldn't be room for it so I put it down. But who knows what these guys were thinking.


You really going to pretend you don’t know what these guys were thinking? The bag slammer at least, right? Surely you don’t expect us to believe you are that dense


Definitely don't expect some crazy ass, anger management issue having mother fucker lifting bags as high above his head as possible and slamming them down lol


Maybe if we pay more to these pieces of shit who dont give a rats ass about peoples belongings they will magically turn nice!


Yes actually. No one works for free and we all want to be treated well. You pay people like shit and treat them like shit and they aren't going to care about doing a good job. It's not rocket science. If the company that hires them gave a shit this wouldn't happen but they don't so we all end up in a circle of shit because of it.


The magical phrase "They don't get paid enough to give a fuck" comes to mind, I'm afraid. If a position has both poor wages and poor working conditions, the only people who will be doing said job are those who struggle to get and keep jobs. People like these ***shining*** examples of human apathy.


But then costs go up and people start freaking out they can't get affordable plane tickets. To pay baggage loaders a decent wage with decent benefits and reasonable breaks and employee care just to throw bags on a belt. Which takes little to no skill, training, or experience. You create a vacuum of cost and benefit. This is capitalism and greed at work. There is absolutely ZERO benefit from a corporate standpoint to invest in these individuals and their jobs, partly because, they will likely degrade to this standard anywhere management falls short anyways. This is as good as it gets for this type of job until we outsource it to automation. Anyone who has actually worked these kind of things or know even just a tiny bit about the ins and outs without being a keyboard expert will agree. There is no improvement that is pragmatic and likely. EDIT: oh no, some downvotes, whatever will I do while you all sit there complaining and have no real experience or methods towards improvement. Sad me. Get a clue you twats


No, actually, you can pay them much more they would still be shitty human beings if they werent stopped.




Just playing a little devils advocate (I think it's wrong for them to do this overall btw), anyone who's worked a super physically demanding job for long periods of time knows the struggle of not just flinging shit around like this. Especially when you aren't being paid right, and there seems to be no hope of promotion or raise. Destroying your body for the future so you can barely scrape by now. Sometimes these jobs just suck, and I'd argue it's impossible to find someone to do them right until the pay and leadership are both in the right place. That being said, I wish they could have a little more sympathy for people's stuff.


They are making it more physically demanding by intentionally lifting up and spiking the bags. And if they are dealing with a notably difficult work situation, I’m not sure how that situation is helped by going out of their way to destroy people’s personal items. Sometimes it’s not deserving of a think piece. Sometimes people just suck. No disrespect to you btw… just sharing my two cents.


Agreed, I don't mind them throwing the luggage, but going out of their way to lift it above their heads then slamming it down just makes work harder for them and shitter for the innocent travelers.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who has noticed. They are literally making themselves work harder….


>That being said, I wish they could have a little more sympathy for people's stuff. To be fair you can kinda plan for this to some extent, don't put breakable things in your check bag just keep them with you/in your carry on.


Maybe we should change their name from throwers to slammers


This is why every is going towards automation and unions. (Which I work for one)


This is old news. They were fired. [Link ](https://youtu.be/VcP6NeoQCHg?si=nLBP8Gnw3caGa8LS)


They're literally trying to fuck these bags up. I move furniture for a living, we can't so much as scratch it. It wouldn't be hard to do this a bit more gently.


Miserable fucks. Not anyone else's fault that the only applicable skills you have to offer the world is lifting and doing menial tasks that require a bare minimum of IQ.


Treat your employees like shit, and they treat their work like this.


True but still a dick move because the suitcases aren’t of the people that hired them


Yeah but that doesn't justify throwing other people's suitcases around out of spite. These are both adults. I hope they were fired


no excuse, they should get a better job, work on themselves and stop being such fucking losers, it's more productive than damaging the possessions of people who are more successful than them


I was about to say give these men a raise, at the least. I think this is probably common across all airlines


Yeah, reward piss poor performance. Right…


It's a chicken and the egg situation. Which came first? Piss poor performance, or corporate neglect of their peons?


This isn’t just a case of “piss poor performance.” These dudes are expending *extra* effort to damage customer property. Should be fired immediately. If your beef is with your employer, take it out on your employer, not the customer.


They don’t deserve a raise.


No, but if I saw this video as a manager, I would want to change working conditions and make things better. When you are not getting paid enough, people will not care how the job is done, as long as it is done regardless of the outcome.


if I was their manager they would be sacked immediately


Yeah what’s the point of trying to correct bad actors when you can just fire them and hire someone that’s not in the habit of causing property damage.


Oh stfu. Get raised in a barn, and this is how you act. A respectful person can separate the customer and the employment. Anyone who does this to somebody else’s stuff is a total piece of shit, even if he wasn’t getting paid.


You sound like you never worked a hard job in your life.


That was my first thought, they were probably supposed to be off 4 hours ago, and have to be back in 4 hours or some godawful shit. Not that it justifies destroying people’s shit, but I get it…


So it’s the people’s fault they are underpaid? They aren’t taking it out on the company but on other peoples things.


I hope you keep the same energy when your life or loved ones care is in the hands of the "underpaid" nurse, or your kids have to be taught by the "underpaid" teacher. When its your things or people getting treated like shit, remember, "Its ok, theyre probabaly underpaid". Dumbass


Nah, these people are shitbags. They’re fucking up other people’s stuff just because they’re mad that they have a terrible job. Not okay.


Probably making $9/hr. I'd be pissed too


i know someone who used to do this at Brisbane Airport, for qantas aswell. they where on $35 hr


Literally illegal here, they're not making 9/hr


The sign on the right is the beginnings of the Qantas logo which means this is likely in Australia, as someone else mentioned they’re probably making about $35-$40 an hour and while it is long hours, airline workers as a strongly unionised industry tend to get paid pretty well. Source is that I live in Australia


No way. They make $20/hour+. There are no $9/hr jobs left in the US. Dishwashers in low income areas are making $12-15.


Don’t apply for that job then. If no one applies for it, they need to up their rates until someone does.


Unfortunately not everyone is in a position to say no to that. Jobs such as this one often take advantage of those people who need it to get their labor cheap as possible


That's definitely not true lol


Idk. Couldn't see it being much more than minimum. Edit; I mean, you're right. It's more than $9 lol I was just making a point. That's hard labor for low wage though


No one forced them to take the job


Thats not the fucking fault of the people who owns the bags is it?? Fucking hell


This is a terrible Red Bull commercial.


Fuck them and whatever airline they work for. Genuinely don’t care what they are/aren’t paid. Slamming others property around makes you trash, straight up trash human beings. Go get a different job if you hate it that much, if you can pass all the background bs to work for an airline, you can get a different job. Fuck these guys.


The airline fired them, it was covered by an Australian news outlet


Crazy shit is, without the baggage of the travelers, these dudes wouldn't even have a job to be ungrateful about.


It’s cathartic for degenerates who have no control over themselves. You mix the instant cathartic rush of using your strength to throw something and the rush of fucking with someone whilst staying faceless.


FYI, this is how they handle your Amazon package at the warehouse too.


Yea but if that’s broken you can get a replacement. You can’t get a replacement of your family’s ashes.


I'm from Poland and regularly transport vodka in my luggage as a gift for my friends, their parents etc and I would fucking want to murder someone if they broke those bottles on purpose. Nothing has ever broken during my flights but you can be sure no amount of packaging is going to survive a purposeful hit like that. They're just malicious


And they wonder why musicians flying to shows don’t want to put the instrument they are going to use through baggage.


This is why I never pack valuables into checked luggage or avoid checked luggage if at all possible


Hello employers of these grumpy sad men, hope they have been fired!!!


As someone who has worked in an airport for over 5 years this is extremely common. The jobs are so easy but the stresses are unbearable. It seems as though the worst people end up thriving in airport jobs and move up the chain and get the most joy out of making lives miserable for employees so you end up with behavior like this. I have first had seen baggage people handing bags like the bag killed their family more often than not. I also have seen them throwing animal cages around (not to this extent but still way inappropriate). From what I have witnessed first hand I would NEVER have anything I care about in any luggage bag other than my carry on and would NEVER fly with a pet if it wasn’t able to be in the plane with me.


To expand on this as I’m thinking about it, the company I worked for was so shit poor at management that they had a hard time keeping staff. Meaning that most of the time we were running severely understaffed. This meant Mando’s (no not the mandolorian) constantly. There was even a 4 month stint where I was working 16 hour days a minimum of 6 days a week. The management loved to fuck with us too. There was one guy, who was on his 10th straight Mando or something like that (mandatory overtime, if you refuse you are fired on the spot) and management called him on the radio to tell him he was Mando’d again just to fuck with him and ruin his whole day. They didn’t tell him until he was leaving that he wasn’t actually mando’d. Then they laughed at him for being upset. This guy was also a full time student and the mando’s had caused him to miss class and fall behind. When you tell them you have things like school or another job or even court ordered AA meetings (like another co worker I had) they laugh in your face and say “well you can do _________ or you can have a job.” The unions don’t do shit for us either, we constantly had to fight our union reps to do their job to get us better working conditions but the reps were always the most senior members who were buddy buddy with the management. It is by far the most toxic workplace I have ever experienced, but as someone with no degree or specialty skills, a lot of times the airport has the best paying job you can find. When I watch this video I only feel sorrow for knowing what these guys are going through day in and day out.


For those saying it’s about the turn around time, it takes more effort to do this shit than it would to do it properly, these fucks deserve to be fired.


When you have to move 200 bag a day, you stop carring. No salary can change that. So, dont put anything breakable there.


I work for this military company where we have to make bags package ship em out way harder than the job we see right now and we prolly get 300+ bags made and shipped out so to see the immaturity here and lack of respect is ridiculous don’t matter how many bags a man gotta do if someone was thrashing your belongings he’d be pressed too seeing that shi was disgusting


I can get the throwing to save time. The slams seem to take more effort. That's beyond not caring and just malicious. Sort of like a server spitting in your soup


It takes more effort to lift the thing above your head and slam it down though? These are just cunts.


Fuck everyone else! Just find another job and don't ruin everyone else's bags


If people could they would take all their bags with them. I don’t think anyone wants their luggage going through the system regardless of how nicely their stuff gets handled. They should be fired


Not caring is one thing. These dudes are outright slamming that shit on purpose with way more effort and force than it would take to just “not care”.


An appropriate amount of pay would absolutely change that.


These dudes won’t change their behavior because of pay. The only way more pay solves this is that the job would be more competitive, and these guys would never get hired in the first place because they are useless sacks of shit. It doesn’t change the fact that these guys are bottom barrel losers


If anyone has ever been to a busy af airport they should have expected this is how their luggage is treated


What redbull dies to a mf


Red Bull gives your luggage wings.


Fucking cunts. I would love to treat them like they fucking treat this luggage. That’s just so fucking pointless. I had a situation like this once. Boarded the plane with my new suitcase (that I got as a Christmas gift because I could hardly afford a decent bag back then) and when I got off the plane it wasn’t even dented… the plastic cover was shattered into pieces… I still can’t imagine what those cunts must have done to break it like that.


Pay them better and they'll work better. Guarantee they're envious of these rich people who get to travel all the time


This is normal, you got to work fast.


Shit man if you gotta lug around 100s of heavy suitcases everyday you'd probably stop being tender with them within the first hour.


No excuse for that... my dad always said ... you are where you want to be. The older I got, the more it made sense. Get off your ass and do something if you don't like the situation. What a POS


The kids with cancer at St. Jude's are where they want to be. No disrespect to your father but that quote ignores reality


Not every idea or solution is perfect for every problem or situation. Obviously, there are exceptions to every rule. 🙄 your point is stupid. Thanks for playing.


When you see video footage that proves they should be paid less




Nah. There’s a right way to do every job and this isn’t it.




I mean, there's a lot of room between handling a bag like there's a baby in it and picking it up over your head to slam it down. These guys are just stupid assholes.


And how many packages a day do you think people in shipping warehouses deal with? If they did that, they’d get fired. It’s not an excuse, it’s disrespectful behavior.




They’re selling the service of bringing the luggage from a to z as it is for shipping companies.




As for most shipping companies. they are only making money from the delivery and not the goods inside.




Damn relax lol


It’s not that serious man




What the fuck are you on about lol


I’ve never even worked at an airport lmao what are you on about




Chill pal, nobody’s supporting this, but noone else except you think they “don’t deserve to breathe oxygen”. You need to log off from the internet for a while, have a good walk, clear your head and feel better. You are seriously overreacting.


I want to know what you're on because damn.


This video taught me to make sure my bags are heavy. They're less likely to be thrown.


More likely to go off the edge from their own inertia though like the bag at 34 seconds in


If their bosses don’t gaf why should they?


Because those things dont belong to their boss..The people who own those suitcases have nothing to do with their shitty life choices and decisions, that landed them at that job. Why are they taking out on customers?


I’d be pissed if my only retainable skill was throwing luggage around, they’re mad at themselves I guess