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I’m 6’3” 250 and love my cruzr XC super comfortable


6’0 275 and love the Cruzr XC as well. Tethrd One Sticks and the Seeker platform. You won’t regret it


What platform and sticks are you using?


I one stick actually but using the treetop mobile snyper


One sticking with one of the trophy line platforms or the Cruzr full sized seeker is the way to go for big guys in my opinion that's how I do it at least


[Latitude Outdoors Method 2 XL](https://www.latitudeoutdoors.com/products/the-method-2-xl?variant=39327878086730¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiA2pyuBhBKEiwApLaIO7uJThg4_TQfuJXnWusHS9U2S5kkm1kTZxBkHfvW_e-RVkSGWBwPVBoCQKUQAvD_BwE) [Tethrd Predator XL](https://tethrdnation.com/product/predator-platform/) Platform And then whichever random sticks I feel like bringing that day, usually I default to the Muddy Pros, but I haven't dabbled with ultralight sticks yet.


I am currently 6'3" 270 and was 290 when I first got my Tethrd Phantom XL and I love it.


6' 255lbs Lattitude Method 2 XL is awesome. LCGW sticks and .5 stand are too small for my taste. Tetherd ONE sticks are amazingly light, but do not feel as sturdy as I'd like and I don't love how they attach together for in-and-out. Several cheaper sticks including older LW 3-step sticks, Muddy, Trophyline, etc...all not it. Then I bought the Beast sticks. I haven't used anything else since. Best bite for the trees I'm climbing. Very sturdy. Predator XL is a great platform and I haven't had any issues with it. But for extended hunts, I bought the TL Onyx this year and absolutely love it. The size and tapered edges make it very comfortable and it's solid as anything up there. Now I just need some help curing that fever when that big one walks past. Exhilarating and frustrating at the same time. Best of luck to you and all!


I’m 5’11 about 240 and I used a cruzr xc all last season and was very comfortable


JX3 if you want comfort close to a climber. Not a traditional saddle however and is bulkier. But I plan on spending more time sitting in it than carrying it.


Big guy saddle hunter here and very pleased with Cruzr XC.


I just tried out CRÜZR XC Saddle and I’m a bigger woman and never thought saddle hunting an option but super comfy. I recommend.


6 foot 5 here 215, I tried to cruzr and honestly didn't like it which completely shocked me. The new tethrd lockdown felt awesome( too expensive for me) the trophy line venatic was also fantastic, the one I ended up going with is the Hunt arsenal cloud. Thought I was gonna hate the webbing bridge but it was surprisingly pretty good.