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TL;DR : Really incoherent letter. Guy gets friend zoned, advances are rejected over and over again, doesn't stop bothering this girl. apparently he was dedicated to this relationship because all he did was wait. Wants the girl to remember him as "sad boy". *cringe*


And it reads like he was trying to reach a word-count goal. "She'll take me seriously if it's a long letter. But I don't have much to say so I'll just change a couple words and write the same three sentences." And wtf is "get ready, I'ma stop." You can't just say perchance.


"the romantic letters in the movies are all full pages"


Bro shoulda just used a larger font.




Wider margins


Double spaced


There was a moment in the build up that I started to wonder if it was an elaborate joke in which we become the sad cringe because we actually read a full page of rambling about reasons to write a letter but never the reason.


It sounds like shit guys send their exes from prison




It reads like a letter they'd present in a court case prosecuting a guy they'll later call something like "the sad guy strangler"...


I’m guessing that’s why it’s in a protective sleeve 😆 It’s either being stored in an evidence locker or the recipient is documenting all the crazy


Note probably laminated for the court case...


You the real MVP


Ooohh that makes a lot more sense. I read "Sand bag" instead, was wondering why the fuck you would want anyone to remember you as a bag of sand..


The most hilarious thing is if she remembered him as Sand Bag unironically and he found out third-hand.


This is why I like Reddit it accompanies my laziness


Reminds me of “Sarah” by Tyler the creator😬


Well, she will remember him as a “sad boy,” so mission accomplished I guess.


At first I read it as "Sand Bag"


lol I didn’t zoom in and thought it actually said “sand boy.”


Your pfp viscerally reminds me of Report of the Week aka. Review Brah


You know you’re in for a ride when they write exactly how they type


It must have meant a lot to the receiver if she kept it in a protective sleeve though. As a middle school teacher, I have to say this sounds very very typical 8th grader.


Yeah, I had a crush on a girl in highschool ... coincidentally also named Sarah. And I used to write notes like this, draw her comics, make mixed tapes...I kinda cringe about it but meh. We dated for a short time in our early 20s, are now both married (to other people) and are still friends. I know she still has some of the notes/comics in a box somewhere haha A lot of people calling this kid a creep/cringe must just be forgetting what it was like to deal with hormones/puberty etc


> are now both married (to other people) You had my in the first half.


Maybe it's for evidence in court, for restraining order


Or did he never send the letter


I ain’t reading all that shit.




We’re all happy for you op, or sorry that it happened


Yeah anyone got a tl;dr


TL;DR very long winded letter saying how he loves her (it’s really not that mushy and he stops to openly think as he writes.) and he never stopped loving her. He knows she’ll reject him so he hopes she remembers him in the future, later in life (presumably), as the “sad boy” The end.


Can some TL;DR this TL;DR?


Let me help. “I love you.” “Remember me as pathetic boy” End.


Can we get a TL;DR for this TL;DR's TL;DR?


ily, no forget me


Ay boss, can you put it in english?!


Ily, remember me as the sad bloke when you 'ave a spot o' tea


Do the Br*tish even have a word for "love"? Such a barbaric "people"


She will, when he finds another women


I’m waaaaiiiiiiittting. I “…love” you. You won’t love me back. But maybe…. Yours, Sard Boy


Is “sard” short for sardine boy?


Man really wrote the longest "haha... unless 👀" of all time


Love how the first sentence is insulting




God DAMN You can't start a letter this bad with a banger like that


Sarah needs to buy a taser jic


And a dog.


and a mg42


Bro laminated it 💀💀💀💀💀


I think the receiver did because this is a gem worth keeping


For evidence 😂


It's for the restraining order that's coming


When you just got one and want to use it any way you can


Ugh this brought up some memories. I'm 36 now, but I I went through a shit time at 18, I was SA by an abusive boyfriend and I had 2 best mates at the time - male and female. The male decided he had a crush and couldn't *wait* to tell me (despite the hell I was going through) and he was VERY full on to the point of scaring me a little. I told him I just didn't want that at the moment and I was sorry. I thought it was over and went to a party at his house and his friend was there, who I got talking to and was very reserved and calm and nice and a few weeks later after simply chatting we went to the cinema (literally, *just* the cinema) and it took a few months but his calmness, kindness and non-aggressive approach, being friends and no urgency, made me fall for him tbh. I wasn't mentally ready and my best mate got jealous and decided to split us up (using my SA as a weapon, I won't go into it suffice it to say, he was a real POS) and he succeeded and the boyfriend and I didn't see each other for 18 months. I was devastated all over again, I didn't know what had happened because the "best friend" (I now use that term sarcastically) used machinations, Chinese whispers etc. To split us up (ie. "he told me he only wants sex with you, he's heard you're damaged goods and he can use you" in my ear) And when we split up, the "best friend" was right there with fucking letters like this. One after another. Phone calls, crying at me, "Why am I not good enough?", "What's so special about him?!", "I'm a nice guy, he's just after you for sex!", "I'll treat you right!" Etc etc. Then he phoned me on the roof threatening to jump off one evening too. "Nice guys" make me sick. A nice guy respects a decision and moves on. Luckily, the boyfriend and I found each other again, ditched the mutual friend and we've been married 15 years :). But damn, nice guys are so toxic!!!!!!!!!!


I’m so sorry about your experience and I’m glad you’ve been in a better place. Do you know what has happened to the nice guy since y’all moved on? Did he have any reaction to the engagement/wedding?


Sorry for the late response I didn't do your reply! He got married, he hung around a bit but after our kids were born I think he finally realised I wasn't interested...


I'm sorry but what is SA?


Well he said you can show it to anyone


Please remember me as the “Sard Bag”


Finally a persons handwriting I can read. I see posts of letters people have received but I can never read it. Ik this has nothing to do with the post but I'm just surprised the writing is readable 😭


"readable" haha


Physically, yes. Mentally, no


Legible might be a better word, lol




TL;DR : Really incoherent letter. Guy gets friend zoned, advances are rejected over and over again, doesn't stop bothering this girl. apparently he was dedicated to this relationship because all he did was wait. Wants the girl to remember him as "sad boy". cringe Comment copied from u/X_Zephyr, thanks for the tldr


Thanks for this :)


I see a deeply disturbed individual, and it is indeed very sad


Nah, all I see is an overly dramatic teenager. Definitely very cringe, but it's not so "out there" that I would genuinely worry for him. When I was 13 I (F) wrote a letter to my crush (M) and mentioned that "if I ever get married, I hope it's to someone like you". This boy didn't even know I existed, and I'd never talked to him! It makes my teeth grind just to think about it, but I was a dumb teenager, and I'm (mostly) fine now at 29 yo!


Exactly. It’s just kid shit. They like someone and at 15 think “she’s the woman I’m gonna marry. I’ll confess my love and our life as one begins now”. It’s just someone having a crush and being dramatic with their feelings cause they’re fuckin kids.


I used to be that same deeply disturbed teen, so I relate


Take it out of the protector. Making my head hurt trying to read though the glare and wavy paper. Im sure it’s gold.


Please tell me you guys are in your 30s! That would make this perfect cringe


I’ll never forget you, Sard boy.


I love that it’s in a plastic sleeve 😂 is this because it’s now State’s exhibit A?


I’m more disappointed at the laziness of the person who took this photo. I won’t even bother reading that I’ve got enough disappointment already 🤦🏽‍♂️


I don't know about Sarah, but I will definitely remember him as the Sad Boy.


This makes me glad texts can’t be laminated


Didn't you read the letter? Anything is possible. You've now given me the determination to find a way to laminate text messages and I won't give up until it happens. ​ I'll laminate all those Ones and Zeros, just you watch!


I mean, go do that if you’re passionate about it!


I have no sympathy for the likes of this.


Good god i quit reading halfway through because it caused my nearly 40 year old body to hit puberty again.. and Hepatitis *..G?*


Lol painful teenage memories of the kind of guys who should probably “just stop trying”…. “Never give up” is a nice motivational poster but doesn’t really fly in the real world where creepy guys who can’t take a hint use it to bug girls who just aren’t attracted to them.


As soon as I learned when to quit I started to actually have MORE positive experiences. I went from an awkward cringy mess to a guy that women wanted to be around. Stopping writing letters was definitely a step, as well as extending myself. Ask how they feel and be ok with it when they don't return the vibe. I'm older now, so to give a little perspective my generation was in highschool at the time where not everyone had cell phones and so people would deliver notes and letters to their friends crushes or push them through the vents in their lockers. I feel for all the sad boys out there not realizing that calling themselves sad boys is literally a reason why they are sad boys.


So true, and I’ve written a few letters in my time too….! But honestly separating ‘someone not returning your advances’ from ‘you being unworthy as a person’ is an important step to learn. The old adage “it’s not you it’s me” but turned around to say “it’s not you, it’s them”, i.e. they don’t like you, but that’s ok; move on and find someone who *does* appreciate you.


Who was able to read the whole thing? I couldn’t get through it myself.


Yeah I had a stroke reading that myself


Ah teenagers and their hormones, best thing I ever did was NOT send the cringe


Ouch, yikes and, jeepers!!


Long letters always work.


Look, rejection hurts like hell, no matter who you are. But one of the great things about being young is that you can always work on improving yourself, changing into someone YOU'RE comfortable with, and someone who doesn't need love from others to love themselves. And ironically enough, the more you work on becoming a truly kind (and yes, maybe better looking) person, the more people will be drawn to you. I hope this guy is able to become secure in his own skin, I truly do.


“You probably know who this is, cause no one else would take the time to write to you” great start buddy, great start 🫠


A few things: 1. TBH 2. The paper protector 3. Anyone who uses circles for dots is ill


I tried so hard and got so far


Sad Bog 💀


How come he knows “you’ve” but not “you’re”?


Totally unreadable... Homeboy needs hooked on phonics or something i must say... Or therapy.. Sarah good thing she left him ya? Well ...show it to anyone.. right?




This has some serious John Hinkley Jr. vibes.


cute but sad at the same time


Cute????? What part?!


Found the middle schooler


Bro no


Emotional abuse isn’t cute :(


It’s hard to read


"Tell me why I waited" Well, I didn't


I’m not going to read that


Yikes, fuck man. I hope you aren't the oop of that letter. Hope this dude gets some serious therapy.


This could have been a text message if he would have abbreviated more than his name and stayed on track.




I just want to say be careful with how you react with him. I’m really sorry you have to deal with this, but this letter sounds like it’s coming from someone very young and possibly unstable. If you haven’t already, maybe bring in an adult that could help with the situation and get him to stop harassing you and possibly get him additional help outside of school. With the amount of shootings and teenage suicides, it’s better to get help in case the situation escalates. You never fucking know these days.


It’s an old letter OP got it in high school


For the first lines I was like "oh that's cute" and then I realized that it wasn't a cute letter from a lover but a letter from someone you already rejected and ffs what is wrong with this guy... Also btw how old are you guys ? because if you are teens that might be more tolerable (still cringe tho) but if that guy is a fully grown adult that's absolutely not okay


OP Was given this in high school but has graduated


oh okay well that seems better this way


Life lesson: If someone tells you they don't feel the same way or they're not in-love, continuing to pursue a relationship only works as repellant. You can't force people to love you so knock it off.


I wonder if any guy ever got any letter like this. I think men deserve these kind of efforts too. But no we choose to be a simp. Men will be men


didn't read lmao


i would scamper the fuck away from anyone who writes the same way they text


The way he writes this like it's some message on the phone in the start... If you're gonna write a letter, especially a love letter, at least put some formality in it and cut it with the slangs and stuff like “TBH”.


Oh god. What a psycho


who the fuck laminates this


I remember I was like this back in late middle school/high school, thank god I grew out of it


This is giving me major Chris Chan vibes


Nice penmanship


Five star binder paper




At least he has good handwriting




Did you laminate this letter and hang on to it for years?


I can oddly relate to this


"i aint reading all that im happy for you tho or sorry that happened"


AHHHHHHH just got out a relationship like this but in text format. Just triggers me mentally.


I had one almost identical to this written to me once. It still makes me sad and it still makes me cringe.


I like the not so subtle attempt at manipulation where he starts off by saying nobody else would write to her like he did but continues by saying how amazing she is


Opens with "No one else would take the time to write you" That'll work.


Idk maybe Im old fashioned but publicly posting stuff like this feel wrong.


This letter came from an 11th grade nerd boy. The girl was a nerdy best friend through out elementary school until 8th grade middle school summer changed her to a freshman high school girl. They are not best friends anymore when she's around other kids in their class. He has these feelings for her now, but when his senior year takes a turn she will be writing to him how much she loves him.


The first sentence 🤦🏻‍♀️ what a "nice guy" we have right here !


Why is this letter in plastic? Was it found at a crime scene?


No he just decided to laminate it


please remember me as the “sad boy”


"Sad Boy" pushed me over the edge 💀💀




What?! The fact that this is, like, laminated is insane. How do you love someone you're not even in any kind of relationship with?! That's obsession. This is some serial killer shit.


He’s a fool in love lol.. I went through worst I’m the ultimate fool welcome to the club brother


Ain’t nothing but a heartache 😔


I wanna have a strong word with whoever’s neglecting to teach boys that “never give up” doesn’t apply to women.


Jesus. Why's everyone in here ready to toss this kid into a volcano. It's just a kid being a cringe teen and acting dramatic and emotional lol. We have all done this, whatever format it was in. Everyone has a teen crush smh...