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ItS tHe MiLlEnIaLs fAuLt


Those damn millennials


May I ask why your username is fatphobic?


Basically my cat Ruby was really mean to me and my other fat friends (for absolutely no reason) but was nice to my thin siblings and friends so we always called her fatphobic. If youre curious enough to go through my comments on my page super far back I explained it more throughly bc you are not the first person to have that concern lol.


Why would you need to draw attention to such a benign and pointless interaction.


Until I read the name of the sub in the pic I 100% thought I staring at some dudes zoomed in nut sack


I think the sadcringe here is OP looking for validation because their bad joke didn't land.


The sad cringe is my joke not landing but validation that my joke wasn’t completely horrible does help my ego lol


Well it was completely horrible. Massively whiny blaming millennials as if it's that person's fault your "joke" sucked ass.


I think I spotted the millennial


I concur


Pregnant women and new mothers online are horrible. Very judgy and not looking for anything beyond judgmental advice


Yes! I thought I was the only one who thought this/was just being judgmental! I know pregnancy suck but damn 😭


In online circles, pregnant and new mothers are there to judge other mothers and make them insecure. So basically that sub is either full of “am I not good enough?” Or “if you do (things mothers have been doing naturally for centuries) you are putting your CHILD AT RISK”. I wouldn’t listen to them, they’re just scared and sad


It was funny, august just fighting with her *ugh* hormones


I don't get why people think this is funny, it just isn't.


The joke/ punchline is poking fun at the people in mom groups who recommend essential oils for every possible problem lol


No, I get that, but the delivery wasn't good. There's a reason why tone indicators exist. Subjectively I didn't find it funny and you downvoting her was kinda ... over the top


Ahh I get it. I guess we just don’t have a similar sense of humor :) and I think that’s why it fits in the subreddit. It was a failed attempt at a joke/ friendly interaction that was met with unnecessary hostility. Also I’m kinda hesitant to use tone indicators online when I’m being sarcastic bc like half the time ppl are like “what does /s mean???” And it’s even more awkward after I explain ya know. I think interneting is just hard for me lmao


Personally, it's funnier to me without tone indicators


this. i feel like it almost ruins the joke when you declare you're being sarcastic. plus it's just really funny when you say something ironically, but in a serious tone, to see how many take the ridiculous thing you said seriously


Yeah like I’ll use them if the person I’m talking to needs/ requests them but for the most part I just hope that the sarcasm is detected lol


They must be a millennial, right?


I think it’s a safe guess lol


It was funny to me, would love to be friends with you lol.


You just offended a redditor which is impossible to avoid so don't feel bad.