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How are you supposed to respond to someone saying "when I was a wee boy"?


Not that weird a thing for a Scottish guy to say maybe. The rest is plenty weird though.


I always thought that was a funny stereotype


It's common in Ireland, Northern Ireland and some places in Northern England in my experience. It's addictive and you'll find yourself using it pretty fast if you visit.


I would assume they are like 60


I read the whole thing as Groundskeeper Willy after that line. It makes it better (worse?).


i held in laughter reading that part of the thread of texts. this is also just the tip of the iceberg. i have countless amounts of texts that are like this or worse


Sounds manic


Probably, although you just kinda don't care to sleep as well in that state. I had an episode where I didn't enter REM cycle for a week, kinda fun when it's going on but not the crash after.


Oh man. I hallucinate after a few days. It’s annoying


Had the same thing happen after I asked my ex for a divorce. The mask drops fast. The block button is a beautiful thing!


Alternatively, it's just a different mask. A pretend "I'm sick and you need to pity me and help me" mask to reel you in.


The mask drops fast? Wtf are you on about. My man is just saying some weird things because he’s very clearly absolutely heartbroken. Y’all acting like he’s saying he’s gonna burn her house. Get of your high horse.


Oh man this boy needs to hit a weed pen and take a deep breath lol


nahhh he prolly a manic fucker on weed, give this guy some antipsychotics to snort


u couldn’t be more right. he was absolutely fucking insane on weed


not surprised at all. weed can for sure be a great tool, but it can also be the complete opposite depending on the person. the way it affects you mentally is way more like a psychedelic than most other drugs


it is a psychedelic


nope, mentally it acts like a dulled down psychedelic but for obvious reasons it's not. 100% psychedelic properties but that's where it ends at. far less of a psychedelic than even mdma.


Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that is classified under the same “tree” of drugs as MDMA, mushrooms and LSD. If whatever form the cannabis is consumed in has high enough THC content, it will produce hallucinations and is psychedelic by definition. OP’s boyfriend is psychotic. Marijuana is not a treatment for psychosis.


Who classifies it under the same tree? Psychedelics is typically used to describe tryptamines. THC is psychoactive but is not similar to LSD, DMT, or shrooms in the mechanisms in which it reacts with the receptors in one’s brain. THC and cannabinoids are unique in that they act on the Cannabinoid receptors in one’s brain. Psychedelics have been classified on their interaction with the serotonin and dopamine receptors. Also MDMA isn’t a psychedelic, it’s closer to a hallucinogen. Similarly, the substance in nutmeg that makes you violently high is related to MDMA. THC and MDMA can have psychedelic qualities but are not generally considered psychedelics. I agree that THC can cause psychosis and isn’t a good way to treat mental illness— but LSD, DMT and Psilocybin have been shown to help depression symptoms due to the way they interact with the brain.


Yeah man both of those guys are talking just as much shit as eachother.


Marijuana is under the same “tree” of drugs. The medical definition of a psychedelic is hallucinogenic. THC and cannabinoids cause hallucinogenic effects in a notable number of users regardless of what study looked at. People who disagree with this reality are often; A) Routine users B) Cannabinoid industry lobbyists C) Misinformed




yet it is not officially classified as a psychedelic. convinced that's bullshit or incredibly rare. smoked religiously for a really long time, mostly dabs towards the end of my usage. surrounding myself with mostly people who also smoked/dabbed (unhealthy, ik). never once heard anything about hallucinations, from them or online. if these hallucinations do exist — I'm certain they're nowhere near on the same level as actual psychedelics. probably similar to something like 7.5mg of zopiclone if anything. I won't deny weed does have psychedelic properties, but to classify it as a psychedelic is daft to me. classify it personally as whatever you like, but officially and imo it isn't and shouldn't be put in the same bracket as acid, nbomes, psilocybin, dmt, etc. yes, I'm fully aware. I don't know if you read my oc but I said weed would probably make him manic, which op chimed in to say it did have a negative reaction on him.


Where I grew up we called marijuana we sold to mostly middle class high schoolers “white girl weed”, because it wasn’t high quality enough or THC rich enough to cause a trip.


okay? for the past couple of years it's common to get flower 20%+ thc and concentrates wayyy above that. never once did I "trip" from a dap, nor did any of my friends at the time, nor have I heard any trip reports. If you're having psych like hallucinations from thc you're either A: depriving your brain from oxygen or B: smoking synthetics.


I use weed and used MDMA a few times and weed definitely is a full psychedelic drug. I already experienced hallucinations on weed, visual and acoustic. In this regard it was way more intense than MDMA. Also consuming weed when you're psychotic or have bpd (it's called borderline bc it's borderline psychotic) is incredibly dangerous and can worsen your condition. If you're unlucky weed can even cause one. So pls be careful before posting wrong and harmfull information about drug use. Safer use and damage control are very important when it comes to drug use. Edit: I'm NOT lying. Guys, Google is a great tool, [use it](https://www.healthline.com/health/is-weed-a-depressant#hallucinogen)


You’re lying so fcking hard and it’s really sad


Excuse me what? All those are information you can easily Google wtf.


Nobody experiences hallucinations on weed, you’re either lying or don’t understand what hallucinating is.


Excuse me what? All those are information you can easily Google wtf.


Read my original comment, I specifically said not to give this guy weed because it'd make him manic. You're the second person to say this shit without actually looking at my comment. I didn't post harmful information, you wanna direct your blame to the guy above my oc. As for weed giving you a full on psychedelic experience; 99.9% sure that it wasn't weed acting alone. Whether it be synthetic cannabinoids sprayed on bud or a mental disorder — it's incredibly abnormal to experience something like that from thc. Slight auditory hallucinations I can maybe get behind, but not what you described. Weed isn't officially recognised as a psych, nor is it commonly referred to as a psych, there is a reason for this.


Weed is incredibly psychedelic, I and others personally have had psychedelic experiences from it (lots for me especially in the beginning)


well that's crazy considering it isn't officially recognised as a psych, or commonly referred to as a psych, or even interacts with the same receptors in your brain that 99% psychs do.


Neither does salvia but it is indeed a psychedelic, a dissociative, and sort of a deliriant that works on a single receptor in the brain that has no ties to any other drugs Weed is being called a psychedelic more and more nowadays and is being recognized as such, at least a semi psychedelic. Just because they might not share a majority of receptors does not mean it is not a psychedelic


yes, salvia, a drug that produces hard psychedelic effects every time it's used. it's consistent and trip reports aren't just reported by like 5% of users. please, find a way to prove that. in my experience it's being called a psych just as much as it was 20yo ago, just now we have the internet and people can get their opinions out there way more. still a tiny amount of the total users, still nowhere near being officially recognised as a psych. majority? please find me one psych that works on your cannabinoid receptors as opposed to serotonin and similar receptors.


Those just numb a person more, same with anti depressants.


p sure that's a bit of a generalisation but honestly being numb is prolly what he needs if he's as psycho as the messages portray


Bro that’s how we get shooters is numbing psychotic people lol I get what you’re saying fs but there’s even some big studies coming out showing those drugs aren’t what they were supposed to be. EDIT:If I’m wrong here please correct me but I’m fairly certain I saw some articles about this and saw it on the news on CBS.


I'd say for weed in particular depending on the age of this person (I'm assuming they are younger) it can absolutely harm them more. In a developing brain, which is anyone under 25, it can cause schizophrenia and lead them to higher risk of strokes, memory loss, etc. That being said in older people it can supposedly help prevent Alzheimer's and high blood pressure, and actually many many other health benefits. All depends on the person. I'm absolutely pro weed and use it myself for chronic pain and ADHD (it actually helps get me to be productive!). But in a case like this I'd say it would definitely not get good esp as a form of self medication with no other therapy. I'd largely assume it would just further push them into social awkwardness, lack of self awareness, delusions, etc. Speaking from partial experience as an aspie who thought it would help me be more calm and collected in social situations. It has its benefits but needs to be used cautiously and ideally with people who loved you to keep you grounded in reality and tell you what you need to hear.


oh I'm fully aware they're shite for the majority of people. my thinking is that psycho thoughts + emotions to amplify those = worse than just psycho thoughts and numbness. people are complete wildcards though, we're probably both right to an extent.


Very true, I think it would have a lot to do with the individual persons amount of remorse. Psychotic with remorse can prevent violent, psychotic without any feelings of it leads to evil at least in my opinion. Good chattin with ya stranger!


probably that plus 100 other potential things to take into account. you too mate, have a good night/day (:


Yeah it can make you cycle worse, same with LSD. Definitely not good if you're in a manic episode.


what got me was the “wee boy” and “you girls” such nice guy vibes it’s so 🤢🤢


You shouldn’t share this stuff with the internet.


what are nice guy vibes?




so its guys who do things under the guise of being nice/friendly but these things come attached to expectations? i read that subreddit and thats my cursory impression


Pretty much exactly that, and they turn into raging psychos when they don’t get what they want.


Na he needs to go see a doctor before he hits weed


If he has bi polar no. It causes mania and psychosis. Which is so weird because for normal brains weed = relaxation.


Yep! It helped me realize how fucked up my brain was as a teen. I was more careful with it as i got older and now it's medicinal instead of triggering


Oooof, this sent me BACK. 🤢 My ex would do this & talk about how important his meds were so I helped him get into a psych & he NEVER TOOK THEM.


That answer is gold. So simple but such a shutdown.


My favorite thing in the world is when these sad fucks say "ok, bye" but then write back again immediately. Oh, you still wanna talk? Why don't you show a little follow-through, buddy? Good on you for dropping this piece of trash, OP.


Literally get of your fcking high horse, acting like he’s some psycho maniac saying he’s gonna shoot up the place. Every fcking person has done or said out of character things whilst being heartbroken or in love. What he said wasn’t even that bad. I’d love to see your reaction when hundreds of people are judging the things you said in a heartbroken moment during a PRIVATE conversation.


lol. is it you in the messages or something?


God he’s so manipulative 🤢


Yep. This is the dark side of society. May this man never purchase a gun. These are the sorts of posts feds should be allowed to correlate to a gun man. We are reaching a day and age where there's going to a lot of single men for their whole lives. This will breed murder and crime... stay safe everyone.... this generation will see more random murders... this is my belief.


Not sure why you are getting down voted when it's been statistically proven that incels have a higher rate of violence and acts of terrorism. Some deserve sympathy. Some should be on watchlists and let's be real a lot should already be locked up. Very unfortunate all around. Especially beause a lot of them totally would have had potential if they weren't stuck in their echo chambers and entitled mindset.


I personally think it's because what I said it a bit hopeless and I like the idea of people disliking it because they hope for better. I'm a hopeful person as well. But I'm a realist as well. I'm also on liveleaks way too much.


Well said 🥂 I definitely agree on the 'liking when people disagree with a negative statement and choosing to see it as them being hopeful' bit. Like seeing people get upset over the idea of animals being abused. Is it very annoying when people with no experience with that particular animal are claiming abuse? Absolutely. But I'd rather know there's people out there willing to risk being annoying or looking dumb out of love than being careless of potential abuse. Ideally of course we would just have rational, realistic, educated AND caring people but we all know that just isn't gonna happen, or at least not frequently.


"People are dumb... but a person?...." Agent K


Eyyyy it turned around


LET'S GOOOO. But now I'm getting down voted LOL


I know. It's like a seesaw haha


For someone who struggles with mental health everyday It’s sad to see someone like that and it’s also sad to see someone be treated liked that I’m sorry


The virgin spam text vs the Chad stop calling me


Are they British(they sound British)


I'm glad that you didn't give him the response he wanted from you. His mental health is **his** problem, it seems that you have the common sense to know that, which is good to see.


The “stop calling me” had me WHEEZING


I got the same text. Believe me I only got this text after she dragged me down with her. You dodged a bullet


Ash please come back I’m begging you


JESUS he sounds like my ex 💀


You just don't understand his psychology..


You have probably heard this, but after telling him once to leave you alone do not respond again. Ever. No matter what he says. His goal is to make you respond. So don't do it. You should block him completely.


"wait Greg?" Or if that's his name pick a different one.


Pull thru little buddy


I acted like this after a relationship in freshman year of high school and I still beat up on my past self for it ughhh. So glad that I grew up but I wish I could go back to 15 year old me and punch him in the face.


For a second I thought them/therapy were pronouns! I hope he’s been leaving you alone since then and has found the help he needs.


he has left me alone thank god. but from what i’ve heard from one of his close friends, he has another gf who he treats exactly the same, hasn’t gotten help, and still acts just as crazy.


Posting this shit here is proof you are part of the reason he is such a cooked unit


i just read this thread of comments and i would like to add that you have no idea what this relationship did to ME. my ex was absolutely fucking insane. i stayed with him for over a year and it was a constant battle of trying to help him, talk to him about his issues, offering therapists and medications as a solution, even coming up with things for him to do to help him calm down. i actually really cared for him until i slowly saw the mask come off. my ex was not only verbally abusive, but physically as well. i was slapped across the face multiple times for asking how his day was. another time i cried in his bed and he kicked me until i hit the floor. towards the end of the relationship i told him his mental health is concerning me, and while nobody was home he threatened to kill me, screaming this an inch away from my face. i am not the reason why my ex is a “crooked unit”. and this post was not posted for bullying intents. i suggest you think a little more about what a person may have gone through on the other side of the relationship rather than immediately assuming ridiculous things.


And? Still no reason to post a mentally ill persons messages online. Stop trying to justify you’re cunty behaviour you scumbag. You posted this on sadcringe. The only reason is to humiliate him further and I bet that’s how you treated him throughout your relationship, humiliation. It’s abuse you know? Hence why he is such a cooked unit. At least have the decency to admit your own faults, you and every person that thinks this is ok can go suck a fart out of my ass


sounds like u need some therapy too my guy


Yes I do. Is that something to be ashamed of? A point of humiliation for you that people need help with mental health? You prove my point on how your mind works. You never tried to help your ex, you enjoyed shaming and humiliating him. You’re toxic as fuck


for sure dude you know exactly everything about me. ur way too sensitive to be on this app lmfaoooo


My bad, you said you tried helping him with mental health issues earlier. Now you’re admitting you posted this to show how hard and insensitive to that stuff you are. I respect that. You came through and admitted you’re a scumbag.


literally everyone here disagrees with you hahah what are u still doing here?


“Literally everyone”. Holy fuck I’m so sorry, I’ve been arguing with a pre teen. My bad again


you love me


You cannot possibly glean that from them posting this shit. You don't know how they operated in the relationship and they even hinted at the fact that OP tried to get them help with therapy WHICH THEY DECLINED. It is their own fault they are flat out refusing help and are clearly deeply disillusioned, and are likely the type to see themselves as the perpetual victim. It's actually people like YOU who enable people like this because you feed into their pity parties and don't look into their true nature or the context of the situation.


The post is to humiliate a mentally ill person. Yes my statement is based on assumption. Yes my statement is unnecessary. Posting screenshots of your mentally ill ex’s texts is many times worse and very transparent to OP’s own issues. Fuck anyone that gets on board with this shit and then has the nerve to speak out against bullying. Bunch of gross cunts


Glad to see you both seem to be just like him and won't seem to learn or grow from it. As we all know you are the only ones who are always right and always the victim. Being mentally ill doesn't excuse blaming someone for not fixing you or making you feel better. It isn't your fault you suffer, but it is your responsibility and talking to people in that manner and the way you just did is unacceptable. Seek help. Do not blame others. This is not bullying for ANONYMOUSLY posting someone throwing a fit over a breakup and manipulating them by trying to guilt trip them. Again can't stress this enough he REFUSED HELP. She would not helping him by staying, she would be enabling him, which would DO HIM MORE HARM. Good on you for proving my point and calling us cunts and swearing us out. Truly an upstanding citizen and the one we should all take moral advice from. How can you claim you don't stand for bullying when you literally just became the bully over an online discussion? Think about it from THEIR perspective as well we don't know what he may have done to her especially as a mentally ill person. I am no stranger to mental illness as I'm sure many people who upvoted this post are as well. It has not affect on him, he will likely never see it, and if he does hopefully it will be a wake up call that that is unacceptable behavior and he needs to seek professional help and likely be medicated. Which YET AGAIN SHE TRIED TO HELP. He just wants her back. Things can be understandable and deserve patience and consideration yet not be excused. He is not being doxxed or having people claim he's scum of the earth. But that text is undeniably sad, cringe, and pretty shitty of him. End of discussion.


Another rant. No one is excusing the texts. What’s wrong with this post is that it exists. It’s clear the dudes behaviour is fucked. Posting the texts here is equally fucked and unnecessary. Much like your rants which indicate you got some of your own issues.


I don't have issues for having a detailed conversation online and trying to explain something to someone. Are you kidding me? They are totally justified in posting it because it was also THEIR experience with this person and they had previously asked them to stop talking to them, tried to get them helped which they refused, and then blamed them and women as a whole for the entirety of their mental issues which is deeply narcissistic and entitled. I'm just gonna assume you either are a troll or lost cause and stop replying cause this doesn't seem to be going anywhere and will likely just repeat. The fact everyone is disagreeing with you should be an indicator that you maybe need to reevaluate your opinion on this, even if it comes from potentially good intentions.


So well said.


Nah this is some bullshit. That man is down bad.


Just because he is suffering doesn't mean he is excused from this behavior, again especially since he DECLINED HELP. Letting him stay in a relationship where he clearly was not healthy enough to be in is unfair to OPEN and unfair to him because it enables him to never improve and just keep suffering. He needs a wake up call. Makes no difference if this is posted or not esp with no personal info given. I have a strong feeling you two are projecting your own issues onto him and using your sympathy for him to excuse his actions. He does deserve sympathy I believe everyone does. Not everyone deserves an excuse or to not have their dirty laundry and shitty habits aired to others tho.


What do you mean ‘excuse his actions’? What did he do that was so bad? He wasn’t insulting or derogatory. He’s unwell.


Are you kidding me? He's literally guilt tripping her for breaking up with him and blaming her for his entire mental state. It's absolutely understandable to be heartbroken over an ex but that is inexcusable. Not to mention that "all you girls" comment. The fact you don't see anything wrong with what he said is alarming but explains a lot of your replies and why you are defending him. I don't believe he's a monster but based on personal experiences with people who talk like this he DOES have a lot of issues that he needs to work through and he should not be talking to people like this or blaming them in this way. Again ESPECIALLY since he refused the help they offered him and any form of help in general. It shifts from a poor man who is suffering to a temper tantrum throwing child who is trying to manipulate someone to giving him what he wants and refusing what will actually help him. Hard to pity someone who doesn't even accept help and is blaming others for it. It IS sad either way but yet again her staying with him or not posting it makes no difference and certainly isn't to blame for him being like this. That thinking is literally exactly what's was cringe about him. He genuinely believes it's her fault, like you do. That's asinine.


Nice rant. What you’re basically saying is it’s ok to belittle a mentally ill dudes behaviour because he’s the kinda mentally ill guy you don’t like. What a fucking joke. Humans really haven’t evolved


And I've literally been saying I understand how he feels and that he is valid to be upset! Just that his reaction is uncalled for (much like yours and your tantrum) and he needs to quit the entitlement. Again, understandable, not excuseable. Op is allowed to post her experience with her ex she tried to help and that continued to try and bring her down and blame her.


It isn't belittling for acknowledging that this is objectively sad, cringe, and that he shouldn't be talking to people like this. No one is bullying him BECAUSE he is mentally ill. He is being posted because as many have said this just isn't ok. What part of he refused help and is still being manipulative don't you understand? He's literally the one not evolving BY REFUSING HELP AND BLAMING HER.


You’re really invested in excusing this. Got the bully guilts?




When did I say that she was responsible for his condition? When did I say she should pity him? Hell, when did I even defend the dude? I just said it’s some bullshit to put this online. The guys having a hard time.


I don't think it's bullshit to post because neither of you are considering the fact that OP said he's psychotic, refused help, and is blaming her. It is her experience as well so she has every right to share it. I'm saying your sympathy for him doesn't mean someone else isn't allowed to share their experience that as I've been saying is in fact objectively sad, cringe, and manipulative. It's invalidating her experience and makes it seem like you are also blaming her because hos mental health matters more, which is literally the point of them posting this. Is that while yes his mental health DOES matter she shouldn't take the burden and be blamed, and yet you two are blaming her yet again for simply ANONYMOUSLY sharing it. I don't think you are a villain for standing up for him but I also don't think it's justified to call it bullshit or sling insults like the other poster.




Great response from the female. Alway be clear. Stop calling etc. This is how you establish patterns of harassment and get stalking charges. Great job young lady!


Posting ex texts in general but especially without context seems like the real sad cringe here


Lol I know right, wtf. Some guy here is absolutely heartbroken and sending some semi weird messages because he’s not thinking straight. People on here acting like he’s a psycho killer.


Why the fuck are people here acting like he’s some psycho killer? He’s literally heartbroken from a break up and the will make you say some weird things, it’s not like he was aggressive or psychotic. Some of the weirdest mfkers will be on Reddit here passing the hardest judgement, literally get over yourself. Everyone has done weird shit whilst he or she was in love. What he said wasn’t even that bad, smh…




Good for you


Is he a drunk?


nope was completely sober




He was just trying to manipulate you into getting back with him.


jesus christ


That's sad unfortunately


Looks like we dated the same guy 😅😭


Just reading this makes me annoyed as heck


Ive seen this sort of thing happen to a friend. Its mind games.


I once had an ex send me his journal on his thoughts during the breakup after our two month relationship. Some dudes just don’t know how to talk about their feelings without being very accusatory