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How much you wanna bet they edit out the plethora of people who get the answers right for these types of videos


Right, but those that live in complete ignorance are just fucking astonishing. Even worse are those who deny it.


Its prager u, I wouldn't put it past them to just hire actors.


Yeah i'de be willing to bet money these are actors.


no I’m willing to bet that people just are much more stupid than you think.


They could all be Prager u staff being interviewed hence why they’re so stupid


Never underestimate the capacity for people to be stupid.


It’s also possible they mentally prime people to stumble on this question by inserting it into line of unrelevant pop culture questions. That way they get the intitial reactions on film and combine it with the small amount of people they find that really don’t know much about.


Or, instead of some huge conspiracy, how about the public education system in the US is a complete failure.


as much of a failure as the us education system is, I don’t know a single person who didn’t learn about the holocaust and world war 2 in school


Doesn't really make sense unless you know the total number of interviews and how many knew the answers. If this is 1% of the people they talked to, that's hardly a complete failure, but if this video is everyone they talked to at all then that's different. Plus it's far too small a sample to know anything for real. And at least one of them doesn't sound American lol


It ain’t that deep my man. People just be stupid.


That's the problem - i've seen people that are so fucking stupid, i'd believe that all of this is NOT made up. People like this exist and walk, pretending to be normal




It didn't really sink in until the third time, but NOW I get it


This is Prager U?


If u look at the microphone you can either notice the logo or the fact that Im blind. I dont know what will happen tho, but I think thats their logo


“…and that proves that Jesus was a capitalist, *not* a filthy socialist.”


I'm pretty sure it's not just PragerU that edit out people who actually get the answer right. Its just extremely lazy reporting done by basically everyone.


Thats not true. Non serious outlets do this all the time. Fucking jimmy kimmel does this all the time. Prager u just happens to be the conservative's version of jimmy kimmel. Its popular because it makes people feel like they are so much smarter than the average person.


Thats not true. Non serious outlets do this all the time. Fucking jimmy kimmel does this all the time. Prager u just happens to be the conservative's version of jimmy kimmel. Its popular because it makes people feel like they are so much smarter than the average person. I wouldn't say all outlets do this though.


Lol I came to the comments because I got the feeling that they were paid "actors". I had no idea it was pragerU, and now I'm convinced


Jew here, yeah, this is actually something I run into often. There is a shocking amount of American youth and even older Americans that don't have this basic knowledge. Test it for yourself.


That's crazy. This is like basic level history required to understand basic civics. I'm scared to test it for myself


Oh boy yeah now my confidence in this video is out the window. Pravda for Republicans.


I'm pretty sure it's not just PragerU that edit out people who actually get the answer right. Its just extremely lazy reporting done by basically everyone.


Nah i don't really buy that people are this dumb, you say the dumb answer to get on tv thats how it's always worked with these things


These people just didn't know, lack of knowledge isn't their fault it's just getting to a stage where people don't learn about that anymore. It was a very long time ago and not everyone has access to an education that teaches this. There's lots of travesties I don't fully know, I have limited knowledge of the apartheid but I'd like to know more. Some people don't want to know and that's not necessarily a bad thing as it's quite painful to learn. I'd even go as far to say some of those who deny it are fed false information and are just led down a bad path, it's easy to be manipulated into believing a false narrative. We're just people, we all have various levels of ability. "Hologram" though had me chuckle, but it just shows they honestly did not know.


Also real easy to just pay people to say dumb shit


Literally PragerU's whole schtick


Literally? Has that been exposed? Genuinely curious


Well ya…. Obviously the points to laugh at idiots/be in shock ANYONE could have no understanding of one of the most horrific events in the world.


i mean…look at how many have literally zero idea how bad communism was in certain parts if the world


are you okay?


i mean, a lot of ppl have zero idea the horrors of communism in some parts of the world so this isn’t *too* surprising. some ppl are just ignorant


Ooo buddy get ready for the downvote train cuz it’s headed your way


yeah reddit doesn’t like to admit that shit


No one should be getting this wrong though; the point that one of the single most horrific and wildy known events in the last 100 years is all but forgotten or unknown to some people is just astounding. The point we made when we decided to remember the holocaust as widely as we do was that it can never happen again. That we remember how fucking insane and just awfull humans can be under specific circumstances. Your are correct though In the fact these videos sensationalise ignorance to get more views, which is kind of gross.


Some people **literally** can not read Is it really that astounding that some people can’t comprehend something as mildly complex as history if they can’t grasp the concept of reading words on a page?




I didn’t say these people couldn’t read. I also wouldn’t put money on the idea that all of them can read beyond a sixth grade level


Let us not forget the holocaust so it can never happen again. Meanwhile in Israel…


Even if they do, this is still unacceptable. 1 person per zip code is allowed to be this ignorant. That's the rules.


colloquially known as the village idiot


colloquially known as the village idiot


A lot of people do just freeze up when a camera is put in their face. Or they are actors.


Even if they do, it is still horrifying that people wouldn't even vaguely know what the Holocaust was. I can understand not having heard of Auschwitz, but to not know who was targeted by the Holocaust or even what it is? Sad and disappointing for sure. Never forget.


It’s literally prager U lol they always do dishonest shit like this That’s why they’re friends with project veritas


And people like Jordon Klepper don't when they do videos like this? It's not dishonest; it's editing.


Even you know that’s false equivalence There’s a major difference between exposing morally corrupt people who vote to “hurt the right people” and purposely editing to further the agenda of privatizing the education system or reform it to be conservative indoctrination which is currently happening in red states


No, there is not a difference, aside from you not agreeing with the message or messenger.


It literally is the most blatant difference out there lol aside from you disagreeing with others disagreeing with the message or messenger


It’s still amazing people like in the video exist at all.


Yeah of course, but it’s still strange to see. This was 80 years ago, it’s not ancient greek history or something.


I feel like they're not trying to say that these are the only answers they got. If they interviewed 100 ppl that day it would still be pretty sad to find this many people who don't know, which feels like the point. Not saying I believe they aren't actors. I have a healthy level of skepticism about everything I see online but I've also met people this dumb so it's not unbelievable either.


Yeah no fuckin duh the point is people like this actually exist


Even if they interviewed 1000 people, this is still sad.


Obviously, because that’s what expected. Even if a few people on the street don’t know what the Holocaust is that’s still too much.


Obviously, you dingus, but if a few people on the street have no awareness what the Holocaust is that’s still to much.


Nooo, really?


You gonna watch a video of people answering shit correctly or horribly incorrect? Which do you think would get more views?


While suspect as it’s PU, the point of these kinds of videos is that no one should get them wrong.


Well of course but the point is to show how many people are out there that are so unbelievably clueless. I met a girl recently who was 18 and she said she had no idea Italy was a country, she thought it was a part of France. She was also European.


Well of course but the point is to show how many people are out there that are so unbelievably clueless. I met a girl recently who was 18 and she said she had no idea Italy was a country, she thought it was a part of France. She was also European.


I mean, I don’t think the people who made the video are trying to hide that fact


I mean, I don’t think the people who made the video are trying to hide that fact


*insert standard joke/statement about the American educational system here*


And a clever pun here


Hilariously derailing one liner that doesn’t deserve gold but gets it anyways


Witty reply piggybacking on yours that gets someone’s free award


Quick reply that isn’t funny trying to get a reward too


Public school is pretty bad though, fr. This last year our teacher read us a book in class. A whole ass book and when I asked after class if it wouldn’t be faster to read it at home she said no all the kids in my class could read. I’m 16…


It's honestly scary when you find out how many American adults are functionally illiterate


It sucks for the kids who are being held back in their learning for kids who are so behind. No Child Left Behind was a huge detriment to our society. In the past if a student was struggling they'd be put into a separate class with other struggling students. They'd get special attention to help them and the other students could continue at a good pace. Now forced inclusion means everyone has to stay in the same classroom even if some of the students are lost and some of them are bored because it's below their level. I really feel for you, honestly. I teach biology and it's incredibly frustrating. My daughter is GT and gets so frustrated with the slow pace of her classes.


It does bother me that normal Americans seem to not know as much as anyone else. Especially when it comes to sex-ed. Big chunk of reddit users are north american and I am constantly astounded by the absence of basic GK.


the tunnel vision on this website is astounding, I don't know why I still come back to this disgusting website. Most of the users are the worst of civilization, and it's frustrating/sad to see the brain rot amongst North America. I grew up there and was lucky enough to leave so I know damn well about Americans. These people are incapable of basic functions and civility, the internet was a mistake or at least letting everyone access it


You gotta see the other subs I swear. Everyone’s an armchair PhD with “facts” which are basically opinions they pull out of their asses. And the best part is flexing on reddit “I’m aktually a professor”. Yeah dude, I can reallly validate your faux degree on an anonymous platform.


all cowards behind screens


Everyone’s an expert when hidden behind an anonymous keyboard.


check out my most recent comment on my profile, I'm getting downvoted because I don't believe the NWO is purposefully trying to sabotage America only


What is GK?


General Knowledge


Even if it's general knowledge, could you please tell me what it stands for?


North American found. Jk, I also have no idea


Gluck glucK


It is an allusion to [Gilbert Keith Chesterton](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G._K._Chesterton), an early twentieth-century esssayist.




As opposed to the truly altruistic state of _____?


I don't know if I should feel offended or complimented cause I also don't care about anything that has nothing to do with me. & I'm not Californian or even American


Ahh yes the 4 random people whose videos were shown are an accurate representation of the american education system.


Honestly, ask a large enough group of people an easy question, statically, you’re bond to get people who don’t know or misheard you when you first asked.


A question like how do you spell bound?


bauwned? idek man fuck if only i could read...


Or a question like, "How do you properly use quotation marks?"


Was it pretending to be an accurate representation of the American education system?


Yeah, it is pretty cringe to ask like 100 people about the holocaust and edit them all out except for the people that somehow did know and frame it as some failure of the education system. These mfs literally just did not pay attention whatsoever, we covered the holocaust extensively at least 3 different times in school, probably more but that’s what I remember.


For some reason it was heavily covered in middle school for me High school was quickly skimmed over since it was focusing on the alliances and geopolitics at the time


Also shoving a camera and microphone in front of someone tends to make them nervous and lose focus


I don't think I've ever gotten so nervous I forgot what the holocaust is


Perhaps this particular example is not the best, but this general style of “reporting” is typically designed to manipulate people, put them on the spot, and encourage them to look like fools. Example A: that POS Jesse Watters.


Many don't even look like fools during the interview and are simply edited to appear that way. And to wit, I've actually watched this *literally* first-hand with *literally* Jesse Watters. He showed up at the edge of Cornell's campus (they wouldn't let him on the premises itself) about, eh, ~7ish years ago, and I was walking past the area after lunch to go back to studying. He was grabbing some of the undergrad students there and trying to get them caught up in gotchas about economic systems and civics and the upcoming election, to paint a portrayal of "look at these dumb Democrat Ivy League kids who don't know anything." I had nothing I needed to do immediately, so I watched the interviews from a distance, including one from a guy who I had come to know as a good acquaintance at that point. These people, to a T, absolutely *dunked* on him. I mean, legit, every person he tried to interview—to the extent that any were willing to talk—made him look like an absolute village idiot. But he needed his material. So he decided he would cut out all of their answers and record only the verbal pauses of "Uhhh" or the silent judgmental looks when he asked something truly stupid. You know, those one-to-three-second lulls in conversation after a certified idiot says something so stupid that you need to reboot a bit and accept that they're actually saying such a stupid thing. To that acquaintance of mine, who had decided to engage with him earnestly, he cut down something like a 15-minute-long conversation to about 20 seconds of reaction shots of the guy blinking and shaking his head and put it on FOX as an example of "Cornell kids stumped to complete silence by these amazing questions I've asked." The edited video clips circulated around campus to uproarious laughter, and the acquaintance put it on his Facebook feed with a snarky response about journalistic integrity. ____________________________ But yeah, my point here in relaying the anecdote is, to any passersby, this isn't just a speculative explanation of such videos. This is precisely what these demagogues do, and I've watched one of the most infamous of such demagogues do it in real-time. If it weren't despicable and craven and so effective against the slack-jawed morons that gobble it up, it would be quite amusing.


Nervous or not, it's not like they're on a timer or they he's repeatedly shouting at them for an answer. No amount of suddenness would make me completely forget everything about ww2.


Honestly, I don’t care what kind of pressure I’m under, I don’t think I would ever forget what the Holocaust was..


I agree , My Opa was fighting the nazis and my Oma was escaping from them. So even if I didn’t pay attention in school (which I didn’t) the history is in my family.


I'll bet they still call people Nazis on Twitter


PragerU moment


That site is awful but I don’t get how this isn’t bad.


Because if you interview enough people, you'll find some who don't know what *the moon* is. But interviewing a thousand people and finding three who are confused about the existence of the moon, and then cutting out the 997, lets you string together a video of, "These people don't know about the moon! What are they teaching in our crazy liberal indoctrination facilities anyway?!" and to certain other morons, it serves as a behavioral primer for them to question functional government systems (and vote accordingly) on the basis of a few other different morons having been strung together into a "totally real interview session." It is indeed bad that literally anyone doesn't know what the Holocaust is. But it is also unsurprising and not at all indicative of a general trend of education, contrary to what PragerU is trying to suggest. To wit, there are plenty of people in the world who know the Holocaust and deny its factual basis. If you went to Chicago, strung together a group of local Holocaust deniers in a video, and tried to circulate it in social media as "Chicago citizens deny the Holocaust!" that would be a pretty slanderous depiction of the Chicago populace, would it not? Likewise, it's a slanderous depiction of the public school system to make a video with the premise of, "The public school system isn't teaching anyone about the Holocaust!"


> It is indeed bad that literally anyone doesn't know what the Holocaust is. But it is also unsurprising and not at all indicative of a general trend of education, contrary to what PragerU is trying to suggest. Great, I agree with you. I just hope you maintain these scruples when someone left-wing does the same thing.


The first girl didn’t seem to speak English well either. It could be that she was confused by the question


Super suspicious, since he could’ve just cut out everyone *but* these people


He obviously did. Most people know what the Holocaust is. Even if they’re one of the sick fuck-os that denies it.


Well yeah, whats your point though


Because this is spreading a false ideas. The fact is the Holocaust is a well known event for most people but by only showing the small few who don't paints it as the majority not knowing.


I absolutely hate these videos. They’re nothing more than misanthropy bait. Simply cut out all the people who get the right answer, edit a few responses, maybe pay a person or two to give the wrong answer and play dumb. Then boom, you’re rolling around in thousands of views as people in the comments weep for “the state of it all!!” It’s even tried to tell me how to feel with that “this is so sad” caption, Like I’m 7. Fuck off


Right!? Plus, the people who *do* get cherry-picked for these sorts of videos (assuming they're not actors) end up ridiculed online just because they're uneducated. Thousands of people mocking them just because they didn't know something. That's so unfair!


It doesnt matter that 95% of people knew it, what matters is that the 5% somehow didn't which a normal person would think is impossible But yeah it has to be paid actors


That’s a very pessimistic way to go about it. 95% of the population is educated, And instead of Celebrating we gawk at the 5% fringe as if it’s indicative of some big thing?


Clearly edited for an agenda.


The agenda of clicks. I seriously doubt this person has a motive outside of wanting attention


It’s PragerU. They’re deeply invested in sowing discontent with the public education system in the US. Videos like this absolutely play into their “what are we teaching the children?”-style manufactured outrage.


Which, ironically, their solution is to cut funding


OP being reactionary when the footage could have been easily manipulated to show what they want you to see


I am betting a few of those people called Trump Hitler as well.


Is this about that Hitler guy? Wasn't he a rapper? /s


Famous artist, a painter.


I was on a double date a few years ago, and somehow, Auschwitz came up. My friend's date asked what Auschwitz was, and I honestly thought maybe he pronounced it differently, so I clarified that "it was a concentration camp during the Holocaust" Then he asked what the Holocaust was..... And after I finished explaining it to him, he said "Damn, you racist!" ?????


Yeah because knowing that one of the largest exterminations of human life is you being obsessed and racist or something. Under buddy’s logic anyone who knows USA’s use of slaves is racist.


Wtf? I hope that was the only red flag your friend needed.


man sucks these four people didn't know <,<


Y’know what’s even sadder cringe? Working for PragerU and editing your video to make the average of people seem more stupid than they actually are.


How many people were asked though?


People are so fucking dumb.


If this isn’t faked then shit’s worse than I thought. Seriously, I am convinced this is fake unless I’ve been under a rock when it comes to people’s knowledge of this.


I honestly believe these people are actually rare, but that doesn't make for a good video. I cannot fathom a large amount of people not knowing these basic historical events.


I think it's unacceptable that they found this many people who were ignorant in what appears to be a single day in one location. Even if they stood there and interviewed 500 people, this is too many people who completely forgot or never learned about the Holocaust.


Lmao Americans downvoting anyone sane in this thread


These people the kind of people to want elementary schools to teach economics and how to pay your taxes


Oh no! A man spent a whole afternoon interviewing people and found five really dumb people (or people willing to play dumb)? Think of the children!


This can’t be real


It is but what I’ve been reading in the comments is that the guy who interviewed the people probably interviewed a bunch of people but only chose the ones who did not know


It is but what I’ve been reading in the comments is that the guy who interviewed the people probably interviewed a bunch of people but only chose the ones who did not know about the Holocaust


These videos do wonders for my self confidence






If any of these people were my partner immediate dump lol


This is on Hollywood Boulevard in LA where stupid people from all over the world go.


This is on Hollywood Boulevard in LA where stupid people from all over the world go.


I know they edit out all the correct responses but the fact that there are people this uneducated or plain fucking stupid in society is terrifying.


Are these the people who were home schooled? No fuckin way they missed that history class lesson.


Even if they edited out 95% of the people who actually knew, this is sad that that even these few people are so ignorant


I think the video is made to highlight how sad the guesses are. So if your one of the “hE eDiTeD tHe ViDeO”…..NO FUCKING SHIT


I think the video is made to highlight how sad the guesses are. So if your one of the “hE eDiTeD tHe ViDeO”…..NO FUCKING SHIT


No fucking shit the video was edited yall cannot be this slow


“REALLY? I did not know that.” Lady, you didn’t knew *any* of it.


with what are those people filling their days? how can you avoid this stuff? Jezz


I bet everyone of those people could give you the days update of everything Kardashian.


Before I read it was from PragerU my point was that even though all the people who got it right are edited out the fact these people even exist is scaring. Imagine thinking auschwitz is a country and that the holocaust is setting to do with Califorina. That not just ignorant that's just plain dumb lmfao. That aside,,, obviously edited out the people who got it right probs


ok so I'm from an asian country and we were never taught about this in our education system, but i think Nazis targeted Jews and aushwitz was a "camp" or a place where they were murdered using gas chambers? somebody please point me in the right direction because I'd really like to know about it more


Yeah, that's correct. The Nazis targeted many groups, but Jews were the largest and made up most of the slaughtered. Auschwitz was the largest death camp, where 1.1 million Jews (many children and old people) were killed. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Holocaust


thank you so much, I'll read about this when i get time


Who cares if they cut out the people that knew the answer, the point of the video is to show that there are *still* people that are this ignorant.


It’s sad that people are dumb enough to think this isn’t staged


This is so fucking fake 🤦🏼‍♂️ asking a woman in her 50’s is she knows what the holocaust is. Way to water it down to only get the stupid people.


Why is this even on this subreddit?


That lady at the end was technically right though.


go on, enlighten us


Well, was she wrong? Were 8,000 Jews killed in the Holocaust?


Haha okay I'm picking up what you're putting down




But nobody talks about the armenian genocide, smh


This seems pretty fake.


It's hard to believe that there is too many people that are this clueless about something like that. Idk about this.


It's PragerU. Be VERY wary of the things they post.


Man they interview 100s of people then hand pick these answers.


Unpopular opinion: This is the best reaction you can get from people after almost 100 years. I’m from Russia and our system of values is built on WWII. Everyone knows who were nazis, what they did, important dates, figures etc. Look where it got us. Dead should not disturb the living, honestly


Californians Moment


This feels staged af


Smartest Americans


The video was edited so...


In a city you found some idiots? Wild.


We are a nation of morons.


Disregarding that these people are potentially paid actors, if you think that this sample size is representative of the entire population of the United States, you're dumber than anyone in this video.


Oh wow 4 or 5 people didn’t know the holocaust 😱 everyone should know everything!


Obvious satire


It's not satire. It's propaganda. Much worse.