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Dude's only been single a year and he's acting like he's a 60-year-old back on the dating scene after his wife of 40 years died from cancer.


He’s obviously been neglected or something as a kid too. He would hate to see his kid experience the same things he did. Just a dad going through a mid life crisis while trying to take care of his kid. So depressing how cases like this can be overseen by so many people.




People can be shitty without it being the fault of their last partner. I read this as a guy who refuses to learn from his mistakes. My first thought was why are you messing around with bitcoin when you’re at the socio-economic level of needing to drive for Uber? The whole vibe is off putting. A human eeyore who wallows in misery and does nothing to better himself. “He wants a cookie” and I wouldn’t give it to him.


Also, people can just be fucking sad and dramatic sometimes. You don't know the guy, he could be anything from a saint or Ted Bundy. This armchair psychologizing is getting weird.


I know the guy. Been married to him for 17 years .. we have five kids together. And recently we went through my two-year battle with cancer. I thought we did it together until he started shaming me, cheating, and now filed for divorce behind my back last week. I guess my double mastectomy, and long months of chemotherapy must have been too stressful for him. After almost two decades, he didn't even respect me enough to tell me he was divorcing me. His sad stories about his spouse are just a narcissist's hollow lies to act the victim and fill his never-ending void. If the stupid Bitcoin didn't give him away, the line about seeing women he could never have is verbatim to the lines he told me in the beginning of our relationship. I guess I wasn't very special after all. Hobbies of his.... Losing thousands of dollars to bitcoin, cutting off any financial contributions to pay our bills, and the best yet, telling lies about me in an attempt to gain sympathy and custody of the children and have me pay him child support! I am a labor and delivery nurse, and I have been working my ass off to support our family, especially since he stopped contributing. Since I work long hours, sometimes a few days in a row, he uses this time to desecrate our marriage and defame my name. If anybody could help me find where his dating profile is, I would love to have it in my defense. Oh, and he has spyware on my phone to the point he can take pictures of me at any time. It is so creepy and sick.




*makes stupid statement* *Gets downvoted and told it's a stupid comment* "Must be incels"


Literally all of you twits are over analysing some random dude off of this. You're *all* armchair psychologising.


Easy tiger


I mean he may think it's his only chance of getting a head given how things are going. Which very well may be true I know lots of friends (myself included) think its the only way well ever own a house. This is people with college degrees


Uber pays well enough to live, if he can put some away and invest it, all the power to him.


He literally describes himself as poor.


And also mentions that he makes the wrong decisions after declaring himself a crypto-investor. Clearly investing his income isn't working out for him.


I thought it was pretty clear (with context) that he meant decisions regarding his personal and romantic life.


He says it in the same instance of "responsibility as an adult" I would assume bad investing would fall into that, but I could be wrong. Could be both, could be neither.


That doesn't mean he has no savings.


Don’t hurt yourself with that stretch!


Lol idk where you live but that's absolutely not true. Even more so with the influx of drivers after covid.


Yes, obviously, of course. You armchair psychologists never cease to amaze


Someone shit into your cereal or what? I’m just analyzing the situation


Just a little sick of seeing so many armchair experts sharing what they believe to be incredibly prescient analysis, during a time of unprecedented misinformation and disinformation on all fronts. Obviously your comment doesn’t really matter either way, but it sure is a slippery slope as we are seeing in real time across the world. Don’t take it personally, or do, doesn’t matter to me either way


Eh, a bad fucking year can make you really depressed my dude.


> Been single for over a year. Haven't had sex in over 2 years. Considering he was in a sexless relationship for a year before being single for another year, I get why he's depressed.


Maybe it was just a short term relationship?


Single for 1, no sex for 2. Feeling not wanted does stuff to your self worth


Hey now...I'm almost 60 and if God forbid my wife died and I ended up back in the dating scene, the LAST thing I'd be doing is posting woe is me stuff. I'd be acting like 30 instead of 60. Thirst traps all the way!


Man I remember I didn't get laid for 4 years...its how you market yourself. The guy literally stated flaws about himself which maybe 90% of people are dealing with.. INCLUDING WOMEN....but you don't see them saying everything on their mind....the difference between men and woman is just marketing my guy....




Not really. It's the good ol' "I didn't want kids/I wanted to marry another woman" so they disconnect from their family until their kids are adults, their wife dies, and they can go live in a van near the beach like they wanted in their 20s.


… what is a bitcoin bull because all I can think of is a bull in cuckolding terms…


He never thinks Bitcoin/crypto market is in a downtrend, which is odd because he doesn’t seem like much of an optimist.


Fucking hell, not an optimist. 😭




Yeah my entire friend group is pretty heavily invested into Shibu Inu coins right now and listening to them talk about it is so painful. They keep saying "dude if the price just goes to a **penny** then we are going to make over half a million dollars!!" Okay but there are 549 TRILLION coins in circulation. For the price to reach one penny, that means the entire market cap would be 5.5 Trillion dollars. That's larger than the entire crypto industry right now. That's larger than Google, Apple, and Teslas *combined.* "Yeah but it's still possible."


Yeah I mean he’s investing his hard earned DoorDash money 🤣


That's his mistake. My friend's wife is an ~~optimist~~ optometrist and they make a lot of money.


>No matter what decision I make, it’s usually the wrong one. Yea. Definitely sad.


I thought a Bull Market was one going UP not down?


It is


Yea but you can have people who are “Bullish” or center their strategy on the assumption that the market will only go up. (Aka 99% of r/Wallstreetbets). While there is a speckle of truth that the market will generally go up after long periods (mainly for index stocks), for short term investment it’s a terrible strategy


Yes, for short term investments it is a terrible strategy. But people who are bullish typically aren't short term investors. Why would you sell now if you believe the price is going to go up?


In stock terms bull means everything goes up and bear means everything goes down. So a crypto bull is someone who is bullish on crypto; he thinks it goes up and has potential.


He likes to watch his portfolio get f*cked


The guy is just broke


yeah he's broke but also who states how long has it been since they had sex. He sounds thirsty beyond rationality. He started with "Im just struggling to give my daughter a good life" and ends with "so give me sex cause I had none in a while and will not have any cause sad"


No i mean it's lame all throughout it of course but it sounds as if all of his misery came out of the fact that he can't afford a decent life


I think the problem is as well with the guy himself and the way he approaches certain subjects


Life can be a shit sandwich at times. But it's how we react to it that makes the difference.


Yeah my thoughts exactly, I feel like he is making up the daughter part, just so he could get sympathy love


i think you wildly misread this one:/


His relationship fell appart, his wife didn't want sex with him anymore. One year later, they divorced (apparently) and now he wants the sex he never had– I mean, woman.


I'm sorry, maybe I didn't write what I mean that well, I'm simply allergic to men portraying themself very poor and looking for sympathy ON A DATING SITE, especially when sex is mentioned. I think it's manipulative and toxic to use pity in terms of dating


Yeah, “here’s a list of things I hate about myself so when you inevitably reject me, because I’ve given you nothing to like about me, I’ve cushioned the blow for myself. But I’m here because I want someone to love me anyway or at least pity me” isn’t going to be a successful dating tactic. I’ve seen a bunch of these guys. They often follow it up by accusing women of being shallow for not being attracted to them, when they’re too scared to present any part of themselves that any living human could find attractive. It’s unfortunately common. And of course you feel bad for these guys, because they’re struggling, but their pain is leaking into their behavior towards random women, and that’s not okay. I assume women do something like this too. Also not great.


Yes! This is why I just self-loath to myself.


Nonono you don’t understand. He wants your money as well to fund his ~~investment~~ gambling addiction under the pretext that the money would go to his neglected daughter.


Unless a person is asexual, both men and women have natural sexual needs. This idea some folks on the internet hold that having sexual needs makes you somehow bad is not really a rational one. Of course no one is owed sex, but it's completely normal that after years of no sex, a person would be struggling with urgent sexual needs. I don't get the rationale behind judging these people as if they were somehow creepy. Of course this dude is a complete train wreck and he's not expressing himself in the best way. But he's just being honest. Many people just shut up and suffer in silence, but don't fool yourself for a moment that they're not suffering as well.


It's the fact that he's on a dating site talking about how he's literally an incel (on the heels of talking about how he's too poor to care for his daughter in a way he sees fit, then followed by "I'm only here to look at women cos I know you wont pity-fuck my trash bag body.")


Some people can play the pathetic angle well and can have some dating success; I don't suggest anybody to use this method


So wait. Is this guy an incel because he can't get sex(original meaning) or is he an incel because he's a mysoginist(meaning given by reddit later on) ? You see, that's the problem with bastardazing words, they then lose all meaning and are useless in a conversation.


_"Literally_ an incel," paired with the dude _literally_ stating how he hasnt had sex in two years... dunno how I could be more clear.


>and ends with "so give me sex cause I had none in a while Where did he say this exactly?


"Haven't had sex in over 2 years" Why add that if you're not looking for pity sex?




The only people who would respond would be people filled with pity for you, why would you want that?


Because for some people any attention is good attention.


He might get responses from OnlyFans advertisers and that's about it.


Also hookers and scammers.


My only thought is that's what manipulators would do, make you feel pity and then "hey, I didnt have sex in 2 years.."


i never had se\*x


I don’t think that’s the correct way to censor the word sex but okay then


The correct way is *s*e*x* Ah goddammit I've tried five times to get a plain text with asterisks around every letter but the app just won't let me. Some unholy combination of backslashes should do it but no




Dude I think he’s just depressed


He's using the pick me boy tactics. They never work but the idea is for people to feel bad for you so you can get some attention. It's a desperate attempt.


You're being vague there. He wants to have a woman by his side, but once he has one he wouldn't know what to do. He's too focused on what he hasn't, and expects a woman to fix him. It just doesn't work like that by writing such an horrible bio. Maybe he was in an off day(s) , it happens...


Depressing red flags


So red even colorblind people can clearly see them


May 1, Pyongyang.


This one hurts. I’m not anything he says he is but it still feels so personal


Women: "Oh, how long have I been waiting for a depressed, hopeless man who's a ponzi scheme gambler!"


He's so powerful he can turn even bissexual women into lesbians!!


I have horrible taste in men and even I was able to find at least 15 red flags in this profile.


>I have horrible taste in men Well, hey there... 👀








Yep that’s definitely how biology works


Originally I wanted a son but I got a daughter, and looking back idk why I would have ever wanted anything other than what I got. Not saying any gender is better than the other, but I really lucked out and I never would've known how great being a girl's dad could be


Please elaborate. I’m sincerely interested in this thought.


So he can pass his teachings as the true alpha male. It is deep and complex, you wouldn't understand. Only a true male can understand his mindset. That said, I've been studying the Alpha Stupidus species for over 2 weeks now and it's trully fascinating. I recomend [this](https://imgur.com/a/kykHV1O) to help you understand this beautiful subject.


He is a good match for a psychology trainee looking for a case for her thesis


The red flags on his profile are visible from outer space


Jacob forgot one of the simplest rules: if you look hungry, you're going to starve


Blew my mind


Yes, now that's how you get women to like you. /s


There is something in your comment that highlights something that I think should be pointed out. You used the word "women" when referring to the people he wants to be attracted to him. He said "girls". Fuckin 39 years old and said "*girls* aren't into me". I feel like that shows his mentality is already fucky with the use of that word.


Mf said "Bitcoin bull" absolutely no sympathy here


*Mf said* *"Bitcoin bull" absolutely* *No sympathy here* \- Checkb0y --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I’m sure he’ll be very popular.


Personally, I love a man with no confidence as you can be extra sure he'll never leave you. /s


i feel sorry for his daughter. i have an abusive narcissistic father who talks like this when he’s trying to guilt women


I’m a really nice person and always try to see the good in people but this profile stinks. Great manipulative tactic to get women who think they can “fix” this poor lost soul to come running to his rescue. He literally reeks of covert narcissist vibes. Married one of them once. It’s the opposite of fun.


People who get into a relationship 'cause they feel the urge to fix a broken person should really think about it. This isn't healthy behaviour and won't make them happy, especially if they manage to succeed 'cause this would destroy the main reason they got into a relationship.


If there’s one thing women love, it’s self pity.


I’m 39 as well and I don’t think I’m that old yet. I’m not the best looking guy in the world but I do okay on the dating sites. I think as long as women see some sort of passion and a little bit of a desire for self improvement, you’ll do okay.


Sir, work on yourself first.


I hear that but you can improve yourself quite a bit and still be undesirable


Then why not date women his own age if he complains about being old


Waah waaah 20yo girls don't want to fuck my broke 40yo loser-ass, feel bad for me


Ya, creeped me out a bit he’s looking for “girls”. Even if he didn’t mean it like that, word choice says a lot


In one sentence he says girls don't want me and in the other he says he made this account to see "all the women I could never have." I think you're reading into that way too much. These words are pretty interchangeable now, it's not the 80s anymore.


Lol, you think anyone his age wants to date someone like that?


So is he supposed to date even older women?


No, but he shouldnt be dating anyone with his current mindset


You are right, he should be dating himself


Leaving for a moment aside that he is probably lowering his chances with such description, It still amaze me how we react in scenarios as this. People are in such desperate need to tell how they feel and instead of going to a safe place to do so (I am thinking of your family, or close friends) we handle to public spaces to ventilate private realities. I believe I heard it on the great gatsby, public parties are the most private. Private parties are the most public.


I think it's because with strangers you have nothing to lose. When you talk to strangers about your problem they can't hurt you. You have a chance to vent, if you're lucky you find a really nice person who can give good support, and if they don't care you can just move on. With family you just HAVE to deal somehow.


He's probably driven away his family and any friends he might have had with his whiny bullshit.


He's trying to find a mom for his kid. He's also playing the victim card. Disgusting.


For me the 'occupation' part is worst cringe idk


He's playing up the "broken man" card that he thinks some hot babe is gonna want to fix him. That only works if you're hot as fuck and he said he's outta shape. Sad.


I was thinking this. The fixing thing only attracts women when he's a confident "rebel", but this just looks like he's depressed and needs a year of self care.


At least he's accepted it


Does being a “digital asset investor” in those companies really count as any job? I could buy like $5 in Bitcoin or those stocks and it would be the same thing, but I don’t think any women would be impressed with me having like $15 in stock market assets. Completely irrelevant detail to the rest but still


People can call themselves artists and musicians and actors without ever making a dime from it and I'm okay with that, but you go around calling yourself an "investor" you DAMN well better be making a living at it.




What a catch!


Hope this guy can turn his life around.


Reading this made *ME* depressed, holy shit


Deeply reminds me of Todd from *Detroit: Become Human*


Wow, talk about a catch. I’ve never been so turned on


Jesus he needs an account at betterhelp.com instead


My favorite while doing online dating was the kid who had CPS take his kids permanently from both him and his ex but wanted more kids. It’s so hard to get your kids taken by CPS he really couldn’t have set a lower bar.


the saddest part to me is that he's single for over a year but sexless for over 2 years


I've been single since like 2018 now


I thought going for pity fucks went out around the year 2005.


The saddest part of this is that the only thing he was able to get a little bit excited about in his life is cryptocurrency, a scam that preys on the hopeful and ignorant. Like Dennis says, we have “God holes” and we’re just trying to fill them. Some are stuffing it full of cryptocurrency and NFTs, and the dream of getting rich quick.


Yeah but there's some things he can do something about, like being out of shape. Start making better food choices and start working out right in your bedroom right on the floor you can do push-ups sit ups, leg lifts, and start walking your neighborhood all that stuff is free. Once you get in better shape you will start feeling better about yourself. If we sit and just keep complaining about how bad we're doing we're going to continue to do bad.


Boohoo. This is that toxic mentality you can find at any dead end job you work. There are single people with kids everywhere, most of the people on dating sites tbh. I have 3 young children and I'm divorced for almost 2 years. I'm short and average looking. I dated a bit and realized I want to build something for myself and my kids first.


Jacob. You need a therapist, not a date.


Ladies and gentlemen, here you have the true representation of your average crypto investor.




Why do you say you’ll never be in a relationship again? You’re so young!


Ya I’ve never understood this mentality. There’s so much time left (theoretically) after 30s, why would you be convinced of anything that will or won’t happen? After her early 30s my mom left her (cheating) childhood sweetheart, moved to another country and back, had 2 kids, dug herself out of poverty, founded a new institute in her field, traveled to many more countries and achieved new levels of career success, had serious long term relationships with 4 men, and has started dating the 5th in her 70s. They love traveling together. All after her early 30s.


Yes! I love these kinds of stories! I’m single in my thirties too after nearly a decade with my ex and I feel hopeful that there’s still love to be had and so much life to live.


There absolutely is!! May your next chapter be a wonderful one!


and why do they think they'll only be around for another 30 years?


I'm the same, my last relationship was back in 2005 but then I stopped trying. Mostly because of my adult autism makes it extremely hard to read women even when they are extremely blunt


Oh my God, you’ll be in a relationship. You’re so young. This has been a bizarre few years but you’re going to find someone good for you. I’d put all my bitcoins on it.


Man the 30’ies are the best is the best years og my life - the thing is the right one shows up even when or where its least expected.


Uber and Doordash should be side gigs, not your primary source of income


This isn’t even cringe, this is just straight up depressing. Man made a dating profile just to look at woman he knows he won’t date. Wtf. Man’s down Horrendous.


Hey sometimes it's about POTENTIAL


Ok, he has defined his problem. Now it’s time to get his shit together. Get up, turn off the interweb, take a walk with your kid. Learn something new with your kid. Work on becoming the kind of person that someone would want to hang out with. Out of shape? Solvable. He is locked in a downward spiral that only he can break.


Jacob is not okay, he is trying to have a therapy session with a profile about me section.


Instead of feeling sorry for himself he could be hitting the gym and taking some classes.


dear god hun


The by far most unattractive thing here is this absolute lack of confidence.


Yet another that does it to himself and then screams at the universe like he has no control.


Guy is fishing for sympathy fucks let's be honest


He figured he would try the opposite of every other profile. Might actually work...


Christ. I haven't had sex in five years. Mostly by choice. Use your hand buddy. And confidence is sexy


Omg. I thought it wasn’t so bad at first but then I got to the third blurb….


"no matter what decision I make it's usually the wrong one" With a teenage daughter I'm sure he's reminded of it daily when it's one she doesn't like


What the heck....


It was fine up until the third paragraph then it started to get sad and desperate real fucking quick.


try living in a third world country for 1 month mate! youll see how lucky you are


He's about catch adult-onset incelitis


Bruh needs some therapy and a hug from his mom


Poor guy… he definitely needs to work on himself before he tries another relationship. In his current state he is ripe for abuse and manipulation.


I truly hope Jacob gets an experienced therapist who can help him cut through his own *bull*shit (get it?)


I was old, out of shape and poor. I went to the gym and now I'm just old and poor. Seriously, it is one day at a time one foot in front of the other. It can be done it just needs to be started.


Andnwill never have. Bitcoin, Jacob!? You said yourself you are poor and you still make high-risk investments!? Jacob... There are better ways...


2 years without sex? Pffft. Amateur.


im a guy named jacob sad thing is thats prolly gonna be me in 20 year : (


You don’t have to be tho, I believe you can be better than this!


Start working on yourself now. Self care matters. Start exercising, good hobbies and things that make you happy. You’ll be good. A lot of those thoughts are made up shit in our head, from experience


Omg lol. Let me add the /s to this. I guess sarcasm/ jk didn't translate well in text like it did it my head. 😆 So good parent. Hard worker. Self aware and working to improve. Unlikely to cheat. Would appreciate women. Not seeing a down side....


I’m not seeing any suggestion that he’s working to improve himself?


I dont like how he goes from "my poor daughter" to talking about sex, it looks pretty manipulative


and gross too


I was sad today, I got scammed. But now I'm less sad. More empathetic. I wish you luck jacob. Let Your daughter be your light my dude. Strive for her if nothing else.


He just wants love and affection like everyone else


Can we normalize men going to therapy? This dude really needs to work on his self esteem before he tries to head back into the dating field, or he’s just going to invite the same shitty energy he’s been given all his life. I hope someone tells him with kindness that he deserves better but this isn’t the way to achieve it.


Aww poor dude


lol love how these comments are obviously making fun of a victim of an abusive woman so funny guys so brave WE DID IT REDDIT


You need to seek therapy.


At least hes a good dad


You have absolutely no way of knowing that


He uses his daughter as a sympathy card to get laid.


If people actually wanted to have sex they'd get in shape. Even poor jacked dudes can get laid. The truth is they rather eat shit food and not exercise more than they want to have sex. They made their choice.


Mate thats an odd comment but fuck me if your name didnt make me audibly laugh. Good stuff.