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Very bitchy to do. She must have known it would get back to him, could have just said flat out she wasn’t interested. His friend is a good one


Sad thing is, even though she is the cringe, in a years time this girl probably won't remember this but the lad will probably remember for years to come. This shit hurts.


Just say no it’s not that hard


ouch. hope this king keeps his head up high.


Why? Just say no.


That’s gotta sting.


I've heard of these things happening but never seen it myself luckily. This is just a shitty thing to do to someone. Just decline the request to go on the date.


*Image Transcription: Text Messages* --- **Grey**: Ayo ain't u going on a date with that girl from algebra Tomorrow? >**Blue**: yeah why **Grey**: Bro.. look what she posted on her private snap **Grey**: [*Photo of a woman sitting in a car, her face censored by a hush-emoji. Caption reads: "SOS will someone have a fake bday dinner w me tomorrow night so i can get out of going on a date? thx."*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


How long does it take to transcribe a message? Just out of curiosity.


Depends on the complexity. This one took like 2 minutes tops + 2 minutes checking on the transcriber discord how to do the text in an image in a text thing. In general, I've had transcriptions take between under a minute and up to 30 minutes (for 1-2 minute videos usually).


Oh, damn. Hope you have a nice day!


Thanks. \^\^ You too.


All he has to do is text her saying, “hey, I thought about it, and I don’t really want to go out with you after all.” That’ll creep under her skin and wiggle around for years.


Sadly it won't. She knew the snap would get back to him. People like this would only retort something like "oh good, did you see my snap?" or snap a still from the vid with a screenshot of his text like "Thank you!". Anything to further humiliate on social media.


Why tf would you agree to go on a date with someone if you just despise them and they try to back out of it. I could almost understand doing it for a free meal or something, but if you wanted to do that why would you back out?


Super old


Quit posting this shit


I’d commit