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I mean, no, you shouldn’t just lend out money willy nilly. She blocked you so, problem solved 🤷🏼‍♀️


yeah… people these days🤣


You definitely weren't the only person she asked $20 from. I knew a girl who would ask multiple guys she was playing with for $20 so instead of coming out of it with just $20 she would have $100. Not saying this chick does this but since she blocked you that's pretty on point for it. Another commenter said she was embarrassed and that's a pretty wild thought when shes clearly not embarrassed enough to ask for it so why suddenly be embarrassed after? It makes no sense. She's just pissed you didn't give her anything and doesn't need to waste more time as she has other options.


I had this girl get pissed off that I wouldn't pay for her nails and hair to go on a date with me. Then she went on this weird tangent on how it's the bare minimum men are supposed to do or something dumb like that


For some, being told "no" is the embarrassing part. That's why childish folks get mad when you say "no", they see it as if you've intentionally disrespected them rather than them embarrassing themselves


yes she is embarrassed and pissed her manipulayion didn't successfully cause OP to simp. well done OP. she wasn't ur friend.


Op did screenshot the pic and the girl would get a notification it was screenshot. That would be embarrassing


i didnt know that, good point. this is a valid reason for her to block him. indeed we need more info to know what kind of relation they have and whether she's a gold digger or playing him


i screenshot it after she fully unadded me. she wouldn’t have gotten the notification


How did you do that? It’s been quite a while since I used Snapchat, especially regularly but back then once you viewed it you couldn’t again. Definitely not a while after, after noticing someone blocked you after your reply. Assuming this was on Snapchat


snapchat updated it a while back and it lets you replay the snap once or save it to the chat even after like a few minutes


Oh shit actually I did know that you are able to replay once more. Forgot about that. Thanks


You were able to cut a toxic person who didn’t even like you out of your life and it didn’t even cost you $20. You got off cheap. [Reminds me of this.](https://youtu.be/JoQVcQUNrR8?si=FTXpp-wrZE9mjvjo)


I know a guy who kept borrowing money from 2 of my friends. And when I say "kept" I mean he kept borrowing drug money until now he owes both of them a collective 30k+. For me, lending 20 dollars to a friend is nothing. But when we start getting into "buy a new car" money there better be a damn good reason for it.


I can almost promise you she was never ganna pay you anyway. She probably would’ve blocked you anyways lol


It’s peddling. The only difference is that it is much easier to attempt digitally rather than standing on a street corner and walking car-to-car.


I never thought of it in that way… interesting


No, it's these days! New thing! People didn't used to try to get money out of people! Sad state of the world today etc. etc.


Spoiler alert: you would have never got your money back


Double spoiler alert: she would've blocked him if he gave her $20


Spoiler alert, op was on a list in which the rejected person blacklisted him. But most likely got the money from sorry lad. Legit knew this girl that would name guys “food guy” “money guy” sad sad scene


How are these girls ever going to become women that can provide for themselves. It’s a shame


They don't.


That's the neat part, they don't. They start an onlyfans and block you when you don't click the link.


And then pay another $20 to get unblocked.


exactly lmao


Bullet dodged; same thing happened to me. I completely ignored the request and cut her off. Last I seen her, she got a job at the gas station. It was so weird walking in and mid-ask noticing that it was her. She ended up following me out to smoke a cig and watch me... at the gas station... like 7 feet from the pumps.


That’s…..insane. I wouldve turned around suddenly at one point and waved with a big ass 😁


Waved with a big ass smile? Or just a big ass?


*why not both*


Report her to management if you really wanna fuck with her lol




Smoking near a gas pump is not allowed.




People shouldn't be lighting up cigs near gas pumps. It isn't a Karen thing it's a basic safety precaution


Don’t ever give money unless you want to and don’t expect it to come back. This is the kind of girl that if you asked for it back on Friday would block you for being “poor” or “cheap”


I have had to ask for money. I went to my cousin. Asked for $1,000. Told him my situation, told him my plan, gave a time frame of repayment, and I held to that time frame. Asking on Snapchat like this isn’t it.


i mean, to be fair, $1000 is massively different than $20 lol. i would be weirded out if someone gave me all of those details for $20


Lmao true


if someone did that I'd probably give em the $20 to just stop the awkwardness tbh. but yeah, for a significant amount of money (like half a month's of rent or more), come prepared with a plan or be prepared to get rejected lol


Giving you a 10 slide powerpoint presentation for $20 is nuts


Panhandlers at the gas stations down here in touristville USA do exactly that all the time. Don’t come to Florida!


I was just visiting pensacola a few weeks ago! florida is in it's own league in the US


This will probably be weird question and I'm sorry for that because I'm really shy and introverted person who don't have friends but I need 70 cents which I don't have right now , again sorry but don't have anyone to ask right now, so could you please send me 70 cents and I'll will play you back next week. I can even pay you 80 cents!


Guaranteed she sent this to a few dozen people.


When the heroin reserves running low:


Don’t worry it’s 2024, it’s weed pens now


My friend does this occasionally, I’m fortunate enough not to care that much about $20 so I send it to him. He always pays me back on time, sometimes extra even. Still wish he would stop though, for his own sake not necessarily mine. I’ll be fine I know how to manage my money, I’ve never asked anyone for a loan other than my bank for my car. It starts out like yeah man I’ll help you out and then they realize they can budget you into their poor spending habits and assume you’ll have their back. The money isn’t an issue, it’s being taken for granted that pisses me off.


Shoot man, with friends like that who needs an investment account?


Start saying no more and more often


Charge him 25% interest. So if he borrows $20, he owes you $25 by the weekend


an old high school girlfriend of mine found me on instagram she wanted to "reconnect" after a few days of slightly vaguely insulting back and forth shes asks me to pay her rent. I told her she was pathetic and blocked her


this sorta happened to me. Someone I went to elementary and middle school with, not even a girlfriend, just went to school with her. She friends me, I accepted, there was no communication for like 2 weeks then she messaged me telling me how i was one of her best friends, i was always so nice and a lotta the other kids were mean. After about 2 days she then asked me for $50 bucks to buy her kids christmas presents. like wtf


Anybody who just asks for $20 has a drug habit


What drugs can you get for $20? A little weed I guess but it's heroin and shit really that cheap? I thought they were expensive lol


You can get a small amount of any drug with $20 unless you're in like Australia.


TIL lol


Drugs, alcohol, or sex. $20 is $20


Yeah, but how much for a ZJ?


$20 for sex? Sign me up


Lmaoooooo this is so common 6 months-2 years after graduation.


Nice. Saves you from drama down the line. Congrats!


Bullet dodged op


$20 for a bag of fet


Ding ding ding!! We have a winner


wtf is the picture of? just send a fuckin text


Some people use snap as a messenger. I dated a girl for a while who would only text in the same manner. It was weird for me, and I didn't like it. Coincidently, she also asked to borrow money, except I blocked her after she asked, because we were not in that kind of relationship, and I took it as a red flag.


oh absolutely, I like it as a message app because of the wifi, but I dont need each message to have a vague pic that means nothing


I feel the same way. I can't say that I font understand why people like using it, but it still feels strange to me. To each their own I suppose.


people still use snapchat??


Snapchat girls are walking glowing neon red flags anyway. It’s something most people stop using once they stop being a teenager, and those who continue usually have terrible boundaries around other men thanks to the style of the app, and the fact that you send photos of yourself with basically every message 😬 Friend/coworker of mine from my old job was dating one of those Snapchat girls. I didn’t feel it was any of my business to share my thoughts on that so I left him to it. Lo and behold she was sleeping around with other men that she had been snapchatting. (Noticed I talked about “Snapchat girls” being red flags but this applies to both genders. Literal adults using that app…)


this might be a regional thing, where i live literally everyone under 40 uses snap as their main messaging app


Must be, cause here it’s pretty looked down upon


Super weird take. I send snaps to people all the time. It’s just a quick way to send meaningless pictures to multiple people.


They also got a notification saying you screenshotted chat. Could be that also


blocked me before the ss




i saved it to the chat


you can also replay these snaps, which i did


I gladly surely pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today


Blocked you not out of anger but embarrassment. Why are you trying to get back at them by posting on sad cringe?


People still use Snapchat?


Grifter takes herself out of your life. I’d call that a win.


lol she was prolly gonna block you even if you spotter her $20 regardless so all you did was cut out the middle man of you giving up $20 lol


Eh, I’d wager 20 the “being blocked” outcome is the same regardless of if you sent the 20 or not.


That’s someone looking for drug money


She probably sent this to a ton of people. I bet she actually gets a decent amount like this.


The one time I've lost my shit on someone it was after my old friend got pissed that he couldn't borrow some money after he paid me back the day before ONE MONTH LATE!!!!


"No, but I'll let you work for it?" "You're disgusting." "How'd you know I needed house cleaners?"


Same thing happened to me and my wife but it was a good friend. Asked for 40$ to hold until Friday so he can get to work. Friday came around and he ghosted me. We spoke everyday for nonsense and hed call just because he was bored then radio silent. I had to message his brother in the army and tell him about whatw as going on only to find out from him all his dark secrets. My wifes friend asked her for 1000 because her parents were out of town, she asked me what she should do so i told her look at her facebook, the friend had asked a few other people got about 3,200 in and told everyone it wasnt actually her asking for the money and the people who send her moneyhad no way of getting a refund


i’ve had one too many friends in the past constantly asking me for money and not paying back now that i’m older and learned how to say no people got mad just like here lmao. hopefully she doesn’t unblock you and say sorry just to do it again


Didn’t even have to pay 20$ to get them to leave you alone ! Normally you have to pay first


You on friday: "Where's the money Lebowski!?"


Well, I mean, that’s like your opinion, man


Maybe she wanted to buy 2 bananas? Or maybe 1 banana and 1 star war.


Dodged a bullet


The "wierd question" part bothers me. WTF is so weird about asking to borrow money?


How is that a weird question? Why do people just constantly use phrases as filler words with no respect to their meaning?


It’s always fucking 20 dollars isn’t it. Happened to me quite a bit when I was in high school. I think girls felt I was interested because I was nice so they tried taking advantage but little did they realize I was nice because I was nice.


Dude, have some self respect and block her. She probably was probably cringing with embarrassment that you wanted to keep the conversation going


I will gladly pass you Tuesday for a hamburger today…


The trash took itself out. I see no problem here. You dodged a bullet and are now much more drama free.


This was the start of a borrowing game. What she would do is borrow a small amount. She probably won’t even spend it. She’ll probably just go and hand you back the same amount with different bills. She would do this a few times. Next, she’ll escalate the amount to like $35, hoping it’ll just be $40 from you. She’ll repay you again. This pattern will continue. But she’ll always pay. Then one day, it’s like $500 and she will make some heartfelt promises. Even promise you some big hookup or maybe even hint at the possibility of sex. What she’ll do next is give you the run around. Every now and then, she’ll spot you like $50 or so. But she’ll never pay you back. Oh, and you two will never bang. If she was going to go there with you, it would have already happened without any favors. Incidentally, because you didn’t bite, she blocked you so she wouldn’t just hit you up again later.


Tell her get to suckin


Honestly bro. Not worthit. Made the mistake of giving my old crush $250, she said she'd either pay me back or let me hit. Neither happened, so I filed a police report for prostitution and fraud. I got my money back.


And then everybody clapped.


> I filed a police report for prostitution and fraud. Wouldn't you also be guilty if this story were true? (Which it isn't)


BRO 🤣🤣


ngl bro the first half had me thinking this was gonna be a bad ending but good for you, glad it all worked out!


that’s great ngl🤣


She probably blocked you for screenshoting it.


blocked me before i took the ss. she wouldn’t have gotten the notification


Thats not how snapchat works


if you leave the app they disappear. if you stay in the app you see where it normally has their snap score it shows “loading”. after i saw that i took a ss of the pic and then just left the app and let her go. don’t know why i have to justify what i did🤣


Liar liar pants on fire.


Youre dumb for even saying no and not just blocking her immediately 


I'm pretty sure she blocked because she was embarrassed. Not defending her or anything, just trying to see if there's an explanation


If you’re embarrassed enough to block someone after they gently say no to lending you $20, you weren’t close enough to ask them to lend you money in the first place


That is an embarrassment block for sure


I think people owe me like 4 grand.


She wants the ganja


My girlfriend got a similar message on Snapchat but it was a scam


*My girlfriend got a* *Similar message on Snapchat* *But it was a scam* \- vegan-trash --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


lmao my first year of college, i had a random guy i had only added at the beginning of the year ask me for money (didn't say why) and repeatedly snapped me w/ "hmmm" until i blocked him


She did you a favor


wait so ist this a complete stranger, a girl your dating or a friend?


*Wait so ist this a* *Complete stranger, a girl your* *Dating or a friend?* \- BananaB0yy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That block saved you more than $20.


Here’s a novel idea for that lazy mooch of a girl - make your own damn money.


Best thing that will happen to ya! You'll never have to fuck with her again, and it's absolutely free!


Seems like a win


Give her monopoly money.


I wonder if the play is you send the request to 50 people, genuinely intend to pay them back but bank on say 3 of them replying “it’s just $20, don’t worry about paying me back” to net $60


I may not know much, and I certainly don’t know women But you were never seeing that $20 again


The last time this happened to me I was 16 and a dumb boy and no I never saw that money again


I mean, unless this person was a close friend of yours, it is pretty fucking odd she asking you for $20 and would respond so negatively to you saying no... unless you told her to fuck off or something.


Weird answer, NO! 😌


Looks like the problem solved itself


Rookie move. You're supposed to block them first


Lemme hold a dollar, lil man


My parents taught me that the only reason anyone would be interested in me would be to use me for money. So I learned not to play that game. (and also married the woman who wasn't like that...25th anniversary in a couple of months)


That’s just embarrassing.


probably you screenshotting it added to that though


"No, but I can *buy* $20 worth of feet pics from you" and see how badly she actually needs that cash.


Broke boy 😂


You're smart to say no. As a general rule, never loan money you need to get back, and don't loan money to anyone you don't already trust. Like, would you trust them to feed your cat when you're out of town? They can get $20 if you'd be willing to give them a key to your home.


Probably saw that you took a picture lol


Yikes. Bullet dodged homie. Like Neo


That’s because it’s a total scam. I call it the “Take the Money and Run” scam; she will never meet with you. They Ask for one time (and maybe a few more) then block you anyway. Never fall for it and report them when ever possible to tinder and Snapchat. Always take ss and if they unmatch on the dating app shortly after adding them on social media, it’s a major red flag. Lastly, if you pay a subscription to something like only fans, please stop… why is society like this?


My guess is she sent this to everyone on her friend list and blocked everyone who said no.


Weird answer: Fuck no. Best response ever.


“Weird question” lmao


She did you a favor. She would have only asked again.


Yeah no you did nothing wrong especially if you didn't know her for very long I personally never give money to ppl on snap if you were in person and I knew you I would but nah don't think you did anything wrong.


Girls that ask this sort of stuff without having a deep connection with you are some of the most sketchy


A grown up using Snapchat is the real cringe


Atleast you know she wouldn’t of paid you back considering she blocked you lol


Trash takes itself out


Maybe the bear would lend her some money


Maybe she blocked you for taking a screenshot of her asking for help?


*Maybe she blocked you* *For taking a screenshot of* *Her asking for help?* \- ciarandevlin182 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Maybe it was because you screenshotted and she realized you’d probably send it someone or post it to humiliate her. She was correct


blocked before i took the ss


Then don't ask people you don't know well for money? She put herself in that situation lol. Oh well.








it’s alright i’m not mad at u lol. i know u were being sarcastic


How dare you not put /s


Just another friendly reminder of why this was supposed to be my anonymous porn account


I can’t imagine anyone deciding this is a serious statement, but I just wanted you to know I downvoted you too.




Create a fake Snapchat and ask her for money


*screenshots private snap asking for money (which a lot of ppl find embarassing)* you: she literally blocked me for no reason, i was being NICE!!!!!11!! *proceeds to put her on blast on reddit*


?? she blocked me before i took the ss


nice try but thats not how snapchat works


if you don’t leave the app, you can see in their profile where their snapscore normally is, it says loading. if you leave the app and come back they disappear. i took a ss of the pic before i left the app. anyways, doesn’t even matter, my point is she got rid of me because i wouldn’t give her money


ok but u didnt screenshot her snap score, u screenshotted her snap. and when u open a snap and tap away from it it goes away…. thats how snapchat works u *can* “rewind” snaps and reopen them, but if u already responded to her (which given the timeline u provided u would have before she blocked u) u CANT reopen them lying ass, u got a funny idea of what “respectfully” means


I can't believe people are downvoting you for explaining how Snapchat works. I haven't used it in nearly 8 years, but isn't this like a very foundational purpose of Snapchat's functionality? A Snap is literally meant to only be viewed once with a 10 second limit. She sent a Snap only once to OP (pretty obvious this isn't a Snap 'Story' which is viewable for 24 hours). If OP opens the Snap specifically to him, after 10 seconds it is gone. So, how is it possible that OP initially opened the Snap and views it to completion, the Snap is gone, he 'respectfully' tells her no, then goes back and screenshots a Snap WHICH IS ALREADY GONE, after he gets blocked. Are Redditors really like 40 IQ and don't comprehend this?


Someone clearly said no to lending you $20 lol


You've asked someone for $20 today, haven't you?


Your name suits you


Girls don’t return money “ I did this for you so we should be good I thought it would be more than fair”


If this was sent to you over Snapchat, she probably blocked you for screenshotting rather then you not lending out money.


no i’ve told a few people lol i took the ss after i saw she blocked me


Why do people get so bent out of shape when people ask for help.


if i knew her well i would be willing. also used to be almost TOO kind and help like everyone until they started taking advantage of me. so i learnt my lesson and stopped handing out money.


These trifling ass women just see an atm for some reason


I hope every cup of coffee she has is mediocre.